Impressions of Nintendogs (for those who got the freebie)


I just read the attached 2 links about Nintendo sending out free pre-release copies of Nintendogs to MyNintendo members.

Apparently, people who are qualified are getting emails. I guess you have to be a registered member and have registered your games (not sure how many). I have 17 games and 3 systems registered, but no email yet and the link said I was not qualified. I know MyNintendo has 3 levels of membership (Member, NSider and Sage). I am not sure if this is a factor on who may get an email. You can see if you qualify at this link:

Anyone get an email yet???
Pre-releasing 350 copies is going to generate "buzz"??? I doubt it.

Here, this will help:
Read me,

Marketing for Dummies (Paperback)
by Alexander Hiam "You already know that marketing presents some difficult and puzzling tasks..." (more)
[quote name='rabidmonkeys']Here, this will help:
Read me,

Marketing for Dummies (Paperback)
by Alexander Hiam "You already know that marketing presents some difficult and puzzling tasks..." (more)

My first thought was that this was more of a benefit for loyal Nintendo customers rather than a marketing campaign as the article that was linked suggested. Obviously, I realize what Nintendo is trying to do, but I think relying on a paultry 350 copies (if that is, in fact, the number of free copies) of the game to do this, will have minimal marketing effect.
I'll be recieving one, so they say. :D

There were e-mails sent out to members of My Nintendo, a set number of Sages, Nsiders, and Members were chosen based on certain criteria. It seems to do with how active you are and how many/certain games and systems you have registered.

Still may not go through for me, but from what I've been gathering so far, as long as the Kennel Club page says "Congratulations!", I'll be recieving a copy. Here's hoping.

Pictures of the e-mail and the site, just for the heck of it:
[quote name='Zingela']I'll be recieving one, so they say. :D[/QUOTE]
Congrats! :) I wish I could get one *jealous*

I would guess one requirement is to have a DS registered. I don't even have a DS yet, but hopefully by the time Nintendogs is released...
That frosts my ass because I have 35+ products registered including THREE gamecubes, two Nintendo DSs, and Four GBA SPs (and I had to call Nintendo's toll-free number to register the multiple systems).

Nope, I don't qualify. Then what f'n good is being a member that, by according to every Nintendo repersentitive I've talked to, has the most stuff registered? Ugh... but I'm not bitter.
wow... you certainly don't have the most stuff registered because other message boards have people with 40+ games bitching about not qualifying either.

i'm happy though... i did qualify! i suspect it has something to do with registered DS games. i knew purchasing pokemon dash would come in handy someday.
I got the email. I have 45 games, plus a Gamecube, a DS, and a GBA SP.
But 350 copies though really seems like a small amount, maybe this is just cause they haven't gave free stuff out in a while.
Counting all the machines and games, I have 48 products total, including every Nintendo-published DS game. Not that I think I have the most, but everytime I call for a repair (I'm always sending off for new batteries and blank cases) they always go 'woah.'

Then again, some people cheat to register products.

Horseshit. 20 years of loyalty gets nowhere with Nintendo. I wonder if this is because I once won a t-shirt off a Nintendo Power's player's poll?
[quote name='Survivor Charlie']Counting all the machines and games, I have 48 products total, including every Nintendo-published DS game. Not that I think I have the most, but everytime I call for a repair (I'm always sending off for new batteries and blank cases) they always go 'woah.'

Then again, some people cheat to register products.

Horseshit. 20 years of loyalty gets nowhere with Nintendo. I wonder if this is because I once won a t-shirt off a Nintendo Power's player's poll?[/QUOTE]
I don't get why you're so bitter. They could just as easily give nobody free stuff ever, like Sony and Microsoft. I think it's nice they even have a registration program and that people can occasionally get freebies.
Seems like there might have been minimum requirements, and sort of a hat-draw from there.

There's a post from one of the NOA people on the forums there, I think the number he threw out was 350.
they probably require you to at least own a DS. It wont make sense for them to give people a ds game if they dont have a system.
aw man... i really want nintendogs too... i dont think i got the email so i dont think ill be finding the game in my mailbox for free in the near future =( oh well.
Sent an e-mail to nintendo asking for a confirmation, and recieved this:
Hello and thank you for contacting Nintendo,

If the message you received said, "Congratulations. You should receive a copy
of Nintendogs around August 1st.", then you will be receiving a copy of the


Nintendo of America Inc.
Dervin Camden

I can't wait. Yay puppies. :D
[quote name='Survivor Charlie']Counting all the machines and games, I have 48 products total, including every Nintendo-published DS game. Not that I think I have the most, but everytime I call for a repair (I'm always sending off for new batteries and blank cases) they always go 'woah.'

Then again, some people cheat to register products.

Horseshit. 20 years of loyalty gets nowhere with Nintendo. I wonder if this is because I once won a t-shirt off a Nintendo Power's player's poll?[/QUOTE]

Maybe you haven't read the FAQ where it says registering multiple systems doesn't matter. I'm surprised that they were even able/ let you do it, call or not.

Out of the three compaines, Nintendo by far has the best community, support, and offers. You have any idea what type of crap it takes to get a beta from Sony? Be an Underground member. Then by chance be invited to the GAP (Gamer Advisory Panel). Then be one of the first randomly selected GAP members to to respond to the beta e-mail. And that's just for a beta. Never a pre-release retail copy.
I'm pretty sure people were picked almost at random...there not just gonna give free copies gto the people with the highest amount of registered games...It does suck, and I wish NOA did something like the do in the UK with points for each game registered
... i do not mind, though I can't wauit for this game... been on my radar for the past year already. Finally something to balance out my evil enjoyment of Killer 7.
[quote name='Survivor Charlie']That frosts my ass because I have 35+ products registered including THREE gamecubes, two Nintendo DSs, and Four GBA SPs (and I had to call Nintendo's toll-free number to register the multiple systems).

Nope, I don't qualify. Then what f'n good is being a member that, by according to every Nintendo repersentitive I've talked to, has the most stuff registered? Ugh... but I'm not bitter.[/QUOTE]

Oh no!!! You aren't one of the 350 out of 10s of millions that have Nintendo products! Let's bitch and moan about it!!!

Grow up.
[quote name='NOA Mac on the Nintendo DS message board:']
The Nintendo Kennel Club is a beta-testing program that uses approximately 350 Sages, My Nintendo members, celebrities and members of the media to provide feedback on the upcoming Nintendogs game.[/quote]

350 including celebs, members of the press, and the like. Also heard something somewhere about trying to keep a 50/50 male/female ratio, so that may have increased my chances a lot.
Game arrived early this morning. Cart-only copy of Lab & Friends, a blank adoption certificate, a letter, and some pawprint tissue paper.

Here's my puppy. Meet Watson:

[quote name='Zingela']Game arrived early this morning. Cart-only copy of Lab & Friends, a blank adoption certificate, a letter, and some pawprint tissue paper.[/QUOTE]
You have to tell us if it's everything the hype said it was going to be :)
Congrats on your new puppy! It looks like you are the only CAGer to get an advanced copy. Enjoy.
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']You have to tell us if it's everything the hype said it was going to be :)[/QUOTE]

really you have to tell us it lives up to even 1/2 of the hype it's gotten.
I'm loving it, so far. I can't put it down, and even as I post here, I have the game on my desk, my nintendog distracted by a soccerball we found on one of our walks yesterday.
The voice recognition is surprisingly good, and watching your dog do tricks that you are actually *telling* him to do is quite awesome.
So far, Watson knows how to sit down, lie down, shake his paw, wiggle his butt, jump, and sneeze on command, as well as recognizing his name. As long as you say it clearly, and didn't mess around too much while the dog was in the process of learning the trick (like changing the word for it mid-training or something along those lines), you'll be fine.
Right now, I'm training him for an agility competition, in hopes to win some supply money.
If anyone has any questions about the game, I'd be glad to answer them to the best of my knowledge.
wow what an update. I am happy you got a copy... You should make a new thread about it or have the OP change the title.

My question is how did you like the Sims games? And would you say these two games are similar?
the mutt... a corshiba...

i don't own the game, but IMO the game/puppies are going to be the killer app for the system. It's the onyl game that usues the DS's abilitys to the fullest and most usefull ways (other than not being online).
[quote name='Snake2715']My question is how did you like the Sims games? And would you say these two games are similar?[/QUOTE]
I liked the Sims games, and they are similar in the fact that they are simulations, perhaps. This is more in the line of the older PC games Dogz/Catz, only with more focus on realism (you can train your dog, have spendable currency, etc).

[quote name='"ryanbph"']what kind of dog did you buy...corgi or shiba?[/QUOTE]
Watson is a corgi.

Just taught him to roll over. Won an agility competition earlier, in the Beginner Class.

The game does limit you, though. You can only do three competitions a day, and teach so many tricks. The dog will get tired of learning if you try to teach them too much at once, but you can just continue on the next day.
[quote name='Vinny']Is your copy of the game exactly like the full version that'll be released or limited in some ways?[/QUOTE]
Full version. Or at least I haven't seen any limitations at all yet.
[quote name='Zingela']The game does limit you, though. You can only do three competitions a day, and teach so many tricks. The dog will get tired of learning if you try to teach them too much at once, but you can just continue on the next day.[/QUOTE]

Does this mean that after an hour or two of doing such, there's about nothing left to do in the game until the next day?
[quote name='sixersballernum3']Does this mean that after an hour or two of doing such, there's about nothing left to do in the game until the next day?[/QUOTE]
Completely depends on what you want to do. You can still play with your dog, reinforce it's current training, and take it for walks (every half hour). Walking it increases the dog's stamina (and with each trip out, can go farther and farther), and you can visit places like shops, parks, and the gym.
There is a discount shop that generally has lower prices than the normal shop you get to through the menus, the parks allow your dog to interact with other puppies or practice catching the frisbee, and the gym is used to train for the agility competitions. Even when "done" for the day, and so far, it seems like going to the gym and the park helps a ton with the next day's competitions. Practice makes perfect.

There are a lot of neat objects to be found while out walking, as well, like these 3-D Glasses:
Oh, alright. So teaching tricks and doing competitions are limited to 3 a day, and walks are limited to 1 every 30 minutes?

I was under the impression that your dog crapped out ofter 2 hours.

It'll still be fun to train, play and walk.

Can't wait for the 22nd! I'll be at EBGames that night...after school. -_-;;

Those 3-D glasses are totally awesome!
[quote name='sixersballernum3']Oh, alright. So teaching tricks and doing competitions are limited to 3 a day, and walks are limited to 1 every 30 minutes?[/QUOTE]
Competitions are a definate 3-times-a-day thing. Tricks will vary, as I've heard some dogs are willing to learn more at once than others. Walks are indeed once every 30 minutes.
got my copy yesterday...

it doesn't live up to all the hype, but it's still a fun little game. a lot like electroplankton, i think. i'll never sit down with it for hours at a time, but it'll be fun to goof around with for a few minutes on occasion, and it's a great way to show off the DS capabilities.
[quote name='DocRamon']got my copy yesterday...

it doesn't live up to all the hype, but it's still a fun little game. a lot like electroplankton, i think. i'll never sit down with it for hours at a time, but it'll be fun to goof around with for a few minutes on occasion, and it's a great way to show off the DS capabilities.[/QUOTE]

hey what happens if you dont play a while? like say if you turned the date on your DS a year a head will the dog be dead when you turn on the game again?
[quote name='DocRamon']got my copy yesterday...

it doesn't live up to all the hype, but it's still a fun little game. a lot like electroplankton, i think. i'll never sit down with it for hours at a time, but it'll be fun to goof around with for a few minutes on occasion, and it's a great way to show off the DS capabilities.[/QUOTE]

It's like Electroplankton!?!!? NOOOO!!! I hated that game.
[quote name='Milkyman']hey what happens if you dont play a while? like say if you turned the date on your DS a year a head will the dog be dead when you turn on the game again?[/QUOTE]

No idea, but I know the dog's don't die. They might be angry at you, or run away for a while, though.

And I haven't put the game down much since I got it. I guess it might be a love/hate kinda thing.
[quote name='Chris in Cali']It's like Electroplankton!?!!? NOOOO!!! I hated that game.[/QUOTE]

only because it's best played in short spurts. to be honest, it's much more like animal crossing.
[quote name='DocRamon']only because it's best played in short spurts. to be honest, it's much more like animal crossing.[/QUOTE]

Oh, well, in that case.... Yay!
The dog will not die. It may run away or something. If you do not clean your dog for awhile, it starts to attract files and dirt and stuff.

BTW, while I like the idea of Nintendogs, I think it is a dumb idea for a full game. I have no clue why Famitsu gave it a 40/40.
bread's done