[Impulse] Demigod - $4.99

Welp, I own WC3, HoN, LoL, Monday Night Combat on both platforms. If I buy this, I own all iterations of dota that currently exist.
well, if it helps, you can get it for $4.49 if you apply this coupon code: SURVEY2010
mnc is a iteration of dota? i had no idea. i thought it was a tf2 clone
Easily worth it. The game's a bit rough around the edges but if you like strategy games but hate macro management, this is for you.
This is the single slowest "DotA" game out there, if not one of the slowest strategy games in general. Every time I play it, it feels like the speed is going at an absolute crawl. I didn't care much for that. LoL and HoN are far superior.

I wouldn't say MNC is like DotA per say, but it def has the 3 lane, NPC minions, and an objective thing going for it. No items, no top down play, and you don't level up (you buy your skills). So to me, MNC is a bit of a stretch to call a DotA game.
this game is awesome, but matchmaking issues (they tried a new P2P model) made it pretty rough at launch. If they have resolved these problems, I would say $5 is a steal.
bread's done