In about a month, Im gonna need a new phone (verizon) any suggestions?


13 (100%)
no I don't want the razor.

my 2 year contract expires in oct, however I will be eligible for an early upgrade in august. The phone I bought two years ago was the Audiovox 9900. Great phone at the time with the largest screen i have ever seen (it dwarfed my LG 4400). About a month after the phone is released, it is discontinued and bam, gone from the stores. Several months later my phone takes a shit and drops calls at will even at 4 bars. Can't do shit about it because of my contract. Waited for the datacable but no go :( I really wanted a phone that I can customize it like add my own graphics and mp3s.

Im looking at these

Motorola E815

Samsung SCH-a930

LG The V

basically this is what i want in a phone

-Large screen
-A voice dialer that ACTUALLY works :(
-Multimedia (graphics,pictures, sound,music, FM radio?)
-Speakerphone, but not a must
-Camera, but not a must
-Tri Mode? (since my brother lives out in the boonies)
-An already avalible and affordible data cable to hook up to the pc to transfer data.

any suggestions on the above or any other ones?
Ever consider switching off of verizon? i know that they really cripple their phones in terms of customizability. I just switched from them to t-mobile, got moto phone tools, and i can put anything i want on my new phone. .....And i think the call sound quality is better.
heres the kicker,

i dont use my phone alot

i got the lowest plan
34.99 plus tax (so around 40 bucks a month)
unlimited N/W which i use to call my friend down in FL or other pees long distance
but since we got Vontage that doesn't matter anymore since long distance is free anytime.

does anyone outside of verizon have a lower plan (lower day time mins, say 150-200) and cheaper vs verizon's 35 bucks a month?
bread's done