Indie/Limited/Obscure Physical Release Deals and Discussion Thread


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The Indie/Limited/Obscure Physical Release Thread
Physical media may not be as popular as it was in years past, but that has not stopped it from finding success in more niche areas of the market. In fact, we're seeing so many physical releases, these days, that it has become difficult for even dedicated collectors to keep up with all of them. Many games, usually indie titles, are seeing releases with highly limited prints, regional exclusivity, retailer exclusivity or are simply appearing with little notification. The purpose of this thread is to identify, catalogue, discuss and post deals for these releases, in hopes of making information more accessible and supporting the medium.​


Q: tl;dr

A: There are probably games that were released physically that you don't know about. Find them here.

Q: What is the "master list"?

A: The master list is a catalogue of all the games that have been identified here that meet certain criteria that differentiates them from standard, mainstream releases. It offers information regarding regional exclusivity, retailer exclusivity, print quantities and more.

Q: What are the criteria? How do you decide which games make the list?

A: For the most part, these will be "smaller" titles that were originally released as digital-only but have been given a physical release. Some exceptions may apply, like if an indie game launches with a physical release, it will likely be listed. Another exception would see a larger title that was only released digitally, for whatever reason, get a limited physical release (example: if Limited Run Games did a print of Fatal Frame V.)

Generally if a game is, as the title says, indie, limited or obscure and has a physical release, you'll see in on the "master list."

Also, the game must be region-free or NTSC-U and in English (subtitles are valid).

Q: Region free or NTSC-U? Doesn't that mean the list is only valid for North American users?

A: This means that every game on the list will be playable on North American consoles, though a few games may have versions that are region-locked on a certain console (this will be noted). Most games are now region free, so if you aren't from the NTSC-U region, it's very likely that the game will work for you. Knowledge of which systems do and don't have region-locking should allow anyone to make use of this list.

Q: What about games for collectors who aren't in the NTSC-U (North American) region or own consoles that can play region-locked games?

A: There may be a separate tab for you guys down the line. One step at a time.

Pre-Orders/Upcoming Releases

Notable Publishers/Distributors


A retailer, located in California, that sells all sorts of limited edition video game merchandise. They occasionally publish physical, indie titles for the PS4.

Limited Run Games

Based in California, Limited Run Games is generally accepted as the company that started the modern trend of releasing physical games in limited quantities. Currently, they publish several games a month but have stated they intend to ramp down. Their games come with collectible, trading cards and are sometimes offered alongside soundtracks, collector's editions and other related merchandise. The two heads of the company are very active on different forums and regularly engage with the community. They currently publish games for the PS4, PS Vita, Nintendo Switch and occasionally the PC.


Play-Asia is an established retailer located in Hong Kong. They are well known for offering a large variety of imported merchandise, including many games that have not seen western releases but have English subtitles. They've recently partnered with eastasiasoft to distribute exclusive and limited, physical releases. These games are often offered with collector's editions which are highly praised for their presentation, content and low prices.

Special Reserve Games

A company based in Texas, Special Reserve Games currently publishes games in limited quantities with no discernible schedule. Their games are frequently offered alongside collector's editions. They also collaborate with Limited Run Games to create variant covers for some of their titles, which are then sold via Limited Run Games' website. They currently publish for the PS4, PS Vita and PC.

Strictly Limited Games

Based in Germany, Strictly Limited Games seems to publish one title a month with varied but highly limited quantities. Collector's editions and soundtracks are sometimes offered alongside game releases. They've published games for the PS4 and PS Vita.

Super Rare Games

Located in London, these guys are relatively new to the limited game market. Similar to Limited Run Games, they include trading cards and stickers with their games. They publish only for the Nintendo Switch and intend to release one game a month.

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They've been around for a few months. But this is their first release. Two of their upcoming releases are 99Vidas and Sayanara Umihara Kawase.

Game looks subpar especially for its price point.
Yeah, with shipping a US customer is essentially paying around $44 for the release. A new AAA release here is $47.99 with GCU or Prime. These are also technically EU releases despite being able to be played worldwide and I already passed on dozens of EU only releases. For me personally its just not worth the money.

Ittle Dew 2 arrived via Amazon yesterday. I decided to buy Tiny Barbarian as well. I really love these Nicalis releases!

Edit : I don't know why my pictures continue to post sideways. Sorry.

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​What the heck are these Retro-Bit cartridges I'm seeing? And did Retro-Bit buy the rights to Data East and Jaleco's back-catalogs at some point? Both companies are essentially defunct, and have been for quite some time. But I imagine this is just a means for Retro-Bit to get in on some of that collector market, with custom cartridges of bundled games.

I'm mildly disappointed by their efforts. On the one hand, I do like the proposed custom cartridges. But I would like them a lot better if they had been customized on a per-game basis. (instead of just a standard style for all games on a particular platform) I'm also not entirely keen on the bundling of several games per cartridge. While viable, it does make it seem a bit more like the kind of cheapo compilation that you might expect to see being sold at a mall kiosk.

I might still get them. While Retro-Bit is not my favorite purveyor of legacy retro merchandise, I do like the idea of new boxed cartridges being sold in this day and age. And I do actually like some of the games they're bundling. Joe and Mac has always been a personal favorite for me on the Super NES. And it could be a nice experiment to try these on the Analogue system that I pre-ordered.

​What the heck are these Retro-Bit cartridges I'm seeing? And did Retro-Bit buy the rights to Data East and Jaleco's back-catalogs at some point? Both companies are essentially defunct, and have been for quite some time. But I imagine this is just a means for Retro-Bit to get in on some of that collector market, with custom cartridges of bundled games.

I'm mildly disappointed by their efforts. On the one hand, I do like the proposed custom cartridges. But I would like them a lot better if they had been customized on a per-game basis. (instead of just a standard style for all games on a particular platform) I'm also not entirely keen on the bundling of several games per cartridge. While viable, it does make it seem a bit more like the kind of cheapo compilation that you might expect to see being sold at a mall kiosk.

I might still get them. While Retro-Bit is not my favorite purveyor of legacy retro merchandise, I do like the idea of new boxed cartridges being sold in this day and age. And I do actually like some of the games they're bundling. Joe and Mac has always been a personal favorite for me on the Super NES. And it could be a nice experiment to try these on the Analogue system that I pre-ordered.
From what other people have said, Retrobit can't produce them with legitimate SNES style carts due to copyrights that nintendo holds on the designs. I'm probably gonna get the Joe and Mac since I loved that series

Just received an e-mail from Vblank stating that they're going to do a second chance sale of the Retro City Rampage DX Collector's Edition for Switch. Only about 200 copies. If you didn't get one before, and you're interested. November 20th at 9 am PT / 12 PM ET may be your chance.
Woof. The devs aren't going to make much money, if any, off of games sold at this deep of a discount.
This actually occurred to me after I bought their two Vita exclusives. Don't get me wrong, as a CAG I'll happily take deals like this. But with a Vita game, soundtrack and outer box together for $15, there can't be much money there for anybody, even Play-Asia. Maybe they just really need to move inventory or something.
Been waiting to buy the playasia exclusives until I found a good weekly deal to toss in but there’s been nothing for weeks. Bought both tachyon projects, alchemic jousts and AereA. Dumb I can’t combine them all in to one order (discount only applies once) and even more annoying that the shipping went up on my second order. I’m down to both versions of Semispheres PS4 and Rive blue box.

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This actually occurred to me after I bought their two Vita exclusives. Don't get me wrong, as a CAG I'll happily take deals like this. But with a Vita game, soundtrack and outer box together for $15, there can't be much money there for anybody, even Play-Asia. Maybe they just really need to move inventory or something.
I'm sure slow sales is all it is. As those titles aren't really all that popular, as I didn't know several of them, until I first saw them posted here. I love the physical offerings they are doing, but I can also see how most are just not going to move all that fast. Soldner X 2 which was probably their best title before Cursed Castilla and it just finally sold out. That was a very long time, and that was a pretty well known title.

I bought all the games they now have on sale for full price not long ago, and that's going to effect my purchases moving forward. Why buy full price for these lesser known titles, when a discount will come at some point? Maybe this will mean they become more selective like LRG has done. But even LRG lesser titles still moved due to the customer base, and lower qty's. They mostly got more selective to keep a level of quality to the overall business, and I don't think Play-Asia will care that much.

The US version of AereA is $20 on Amazon if you don't care about the cards and have nothing to pair it with on PA.

I don't think EAS can really be less selective. With the razor thin margins for devs and the fact that they publish all their physical games digitally in Asia, they aren't going to be able to sign games from bigger companies. The margins are the biggest issue by far and as long as they keep stuffing their games with extras, the margins are going to continue to be slim for devs.

If you guys didn't pick up any of the Play Asia Exclusives, right now they are on sale for 2 for 29.99 (the ones that have Black Friday icon).

Personally picked up Semispheres and Tachyon Project for 36 after using the GEMATSU $3 off coupon. Heck of a deal.
Thanks I also picked up Tachyon Project and Semispheres for Vita. Was this deal from the 7th or added recently? If it was from the 7th did any of them sell out?

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AFAIK, it was just added last night. When the sale started, I don't remember seeing the 2 for 29.99 Play-Asia Exclusives banner. 

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Just a heads up that Wuppo has been released on PS4 disc by Soedesco and for now it appears to be Gamestop exclusive in the United States.

Also, more UIG games for PS4 are starting to pop up on Ebay from mostly Canadian sellers including ESRB rated copies of Forestry 2017, Firefighters Airport Fire Department, Realms of Arkania and Pineview Drive.  I still have been unable to find any retailer selling any of the UIG games in the US.  Amazon has listings for a few like Realms of Arkania, but they say temporarily out of stock with no anticipated receipt date.   

Just received an e-mail from Vblank stating that they're going to do a second chance sale of the Retro City Rampage DX Collector's Edition for Switch. Only about 200 copies. If you didn't get one before, and you're interested. November 20th at 9 am PT / 12 PM ET may be your chance.
Thank you for posting this. I was able to grab a copy today.

Rime and Axiom Verge Multiverse Edition arrived yesterday for Switch. I'd post pictures, but they'd probably show up sideways again.

Rime comes with a little booklet and a code for the deluxe edition of the soundtrack. You may already know, but Rime for Switch is a pretty bad port. Lots of lah hitches and the game is really blurry on portable mode. I really enjoyed it on the PS4 and I'm hoping it will continue to be fixed via patches. It really is a special game. If this is your first time playing Rime, I'd suggest you play it on PS4 or Xbox One. However, even those versions have some problems, but at least they're playable.

Axiom Verge comes in a nice little box with the game in its own case, a poster, artbook, blu-ray documentary, and soundtrack.
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Yeah, Best Buy sent my Switch version of the Axiom Verge Multiverse Edition but the Vita version is on backorder until December sometime.  Sounds like they oversold it.

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Rime and Axiom Verge Multiverse Edition arrived yesterday for Switch. I'd post pictures, but they'd probably show up sideways again.

Rime comes with a little booklet and a code for the deluxe edition of the soundtrack. You may already know, but Rime for Switch is a pretty bad port. Lots of lah hitches and the game is really blurry on portable mode. I really enjoyed it on the PS4 and I'm hoping it will continue to be fixed via patches. It really is a special game. If this is your first time playing Rime, I'd suggest you play it on PS4 or Xbox One. However, even those versions have some problems, but at least they're playable.

Axiom Verge comes in a nice little box with the game in its own case, a poster, artbook, blu-ray documentary, and soundtrack.
If you bought Rime from Gamestop, it comes with a cloth map as well.

As much as it's annoying to buy Azure Striker again, the 60 FPS upgrade definitely makes this definitive version. I will actually have to go through these games now, after waiting for ages to do so haha.
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Azure Striker Gunvolt Striker Pack came out yesterday. Seems to be sold out at most retailers.
I really didn't want to miss out on this one so I picked up a copy at an out-of-the-way Best Buy on my way home from work today. :)

Also found/picked up their only copy of Yomawari: Midnight Shadows for Vita! :D

Has there been any word on Axiom Verge Wii U? I thought I read it was still coming but that was a while back, I think.
The last I heard, was something like the EU version was going to happen, but not the US for some reason. I can't remember the details, as that was awhile ago.

The last I heard, was something like the EU version was going to happen, but not the US for some reason. I can't remember the details, as that was awhile ago.
The last I heard they were still going to sell the North American version but were looking for a place to put it up since not many, if any, retailers were interested in stocking it. Wouldn't be surprised if they shelved it though.

The last I heard they were still going to sell the North American version but were looking for a place to put it up since not many, if any, retailers were interested in stocking it. Wouldn't be surprised if they shelved it though.
Honestly, I just don't see the point. I know there are a few who where looking forward to it, but it can't be a money making endeavor at this point can it? I just recently sold my son's Wii U collection of games to help buy his NS, and the prices where way down from what they had been, as all his games where in perfect condition.

The market just seems "gone", as the NS will be passing Wii U's lifetime sales rather soon, as fans seem to have moved on. And since the NS has a retail version as well, I would be very shocked to see this released any where. But as stated, they have said time and time again, they still plan to offer it, so who knows?

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My Axiom Verge on Switch came completely crushed :( Amazon sent a replacement though. Props to their customer support as always.

Honestly, I just don't see the point. I know there are a few who where looking forward to it, but it can't be a money making endeavor at this point can it? I just recently sold my son's Wii U collection of games to help buy his NS, and the prices where way down from what they had been, as all his games where in perfect condition.

The market just seems "gone", as the NS will be passing Wii U's lifetime sales rather soon, as fans seem to have moved on. And since the NS has a retail version as well, I would be very shocked to see this released any where. But as stated, they have said time and time again, they still plan to offer it, so who knows?
It almost feels like they just want to honor their word to the diehards who are maintaining a complete Wii U collection and want to keep it going that much longer. But I do agree with you that the majority of Wii U people probably own or at least plan to own a Switch.

I'm personally holding out for the Wii U version, mostly since I'd prefer having a second screen available. But I also want to fill out my Wii/Wii U shelf and the Wii U isn't pulling it's weight. That and the NS doesn't have a decent D-pad at all.

I sent BadLand an email, maybe they'll say something.

I'm personally holding out for the Wii U version, mostly since I'd prefer having a second screen available. But I also want to fill out my Wii/Wii U shelf and the Wii U isn't pulling it's weight. That and the NS doesn't have a decent D-pad at all.

I sent BadLand an email, maybe they'll say something.
FWIW, Axiom Verge actually plays really well with a stick. Even so, the Switch's lack of a real D-pad is easily my biggest gripe with the system. The Pro controller is amazing and all, but it doesn't help when you're playing in handheld mode. Nintendo has to have an alternate left Joy Con in the works, right? I want to believe!

Also, after opening up my Axiom Verge CE for Switch, I immediately double-dipped and ordered a Vita one, too. It's a thing of beauty.
It almost feels like they just want to honor their word to the diehards who are maintaining a complete Wii U collection and want to keep it going that much longer. But I do agree with you that the majority of Wii U people probably own or at least plan to own a Switch.
Well, if they don't make it then those wanting a complete collection wouldn't be effected so I guess that begs the question- did they already make Wii U copies of the game? If yes, then I assume there's gotta be some smaller retailer that'll sell their game (I know LRG won't happen, but maybe Fangamer or iam8bit).

And I know I'm in the minority (or maybe, only person) but I'm holding off the Switch. I played Zelda on the Wii U and will play Odyssey on my brother's system- outside of that, a majority of its games just don't interest me or are updated versions of games I already played on the Wii U.

bread's done