Indie/Limited/Obscure Physical Release Deals and Discussion Thread


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The Indie/Limited/Obscure Physical Release Thread
Physical media may not be as popular as it was in years past, but that has not stopped it from finding success in more niche areas of the market. In fact, we're seeing so many physical releases, these days, that it has become difficult for even dedicated collectors to keep up with all of them. Many games, usually indie titles, are seeing releases with highly limited prints, regional exclusivity, retailer exclusivity or are simply appearing with little notification. The purpose of this thread is to identify, catalogue, discuss and post deals for these releases, in hopes of making information more accessible and supporting the medium.​


Q: tl;dr

A: There are probably games that were released physically that you don't know about. Find them here.

Q: What is the "master list"?

A: The master list is a catalogue of all the games that have been identified here that meet certain criteria that differentiates them from standard, mainstream releases. It offers information regarding regional exclusivity, retailer exclusivity, print quantities and more.

Q: What are the criteria? How do you decide which games make the list?

A: For the most part, these will be "smaller" titles that were originally released as digital-only but have been given a physical release. Some exceptions may apply, like if an indie game launches with a physical release, it will likely be listed. Another exception would see a larger title that was only released digitally, for whatever reason, get a limited physical release (example: if Limited Run Games did a print of Fatal Frame V.)

Generally if a game is, as the title says, indie, limited or obscure and has a physical release, you'll see in on the "master list."

Also, the game must be region-free or NTSC-U and in English (subtitles are valid).

Q: Region free or NTSC-U? Doesn't that mean the list is only valid for North American users?

A: This means that every game on the list will be playable on North American consoles, though a few games may have versions that are region-locked on a certain console (this will be noted). Most games are now region free, so if you aren't from the NTSC-U region, it's very likely that the game will work for you. Knowledge of which systems do and don't have region-locking should allow anyone to make use of this list.

Q: What about games for collectors who aren't in the NTSC-U (North American) region or own consoles that can play region-locked games?

A: There may be a separate tab for you guys down the line. One step at a time.

Pre-Orders/Upcoming Releases

Notable Publishers/Distributors


A retailer, located in California, that sells all sorts of limited edition video game merchandise. They occasionally publish physical, indie titles for the PS4.

Limited Run Games

Based in California, Limited Run Games is generally accepted as the company that started the modern trend of releasing physical games in limited quantities. Currently, they publish several games a month but have stated they intend to ramp down. Their games come with collectible, trading cards and are sometimes offered alongside soundtracks, collector's editions and other related merchandise. The two heads of the company are very active on different forums and regularly engage with the community. They currently publish games for the PS4, PS Vita, Nintendo Switch and occasionally the PC.


Play-Asia is an established retailer located in Hong Kong. They are well known for offering a large variety of imported merchandise, including many games that have not seen western releases but have English subtitles. They've recently partnered with eastasiasoft to distribute exclusive and limited, physical releases. These games are often offered with collector's editions which are highly praised for their presentation, content and low prices.

Special Reserve Games

A company based in Texas, Special Reserve Games currently publishes games in limited quantities with no discernible schedule. Their games are frequently offered alongside collector's editions. They also collaborate with Limited Run Games to create variant covers for some of their titles, which are then sold via Limited Run Games' website. They currently publish for the PS4, PS Vita and PC.

Strictly Limited Games

Based in Germany, Strictly Limited Games seems to publish one title a month with varied but highly limited quantities. Collector's editions and soundtracks are sometimes offered alongside game releases. They've published games for the PS4 and PS Vita.

Super Rare Games

Located in London, these guys are relatively new to the limited game market. Similar to Limited Run Games, they include trading cards and stickers with their games. They publish only for the Nintendo Switch and intend to release one game a month.

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Does anyone actually play any of these games?
I bought Earth's Dawn but haven't gotten to it yet. I will play it and yes I do play these games. I'm not sure how many people actually open and play their LRG games, but I've recently finished Saturday Morning RPG, Oxenfree, and Firewatch. As far as Rising Star stuff goes, I played Assault suit Leynos in small doses a few times so far and once I'm done with RE7 I'll probably crack open either Earth's Dawn or Kromaia Omega.

I bought Earth's Dawn but haven't gotten to it yet. I will play it and yes I do play these games. I'm not sure how many people actually open and play their LRG games, but I've recently finished Saturday Morning RPG, Oxenfree, and Firewatch. As far as Rising Star stuff goes, I played Assault suit Leynos in small doses a few times so far and once I'm done with RE7 I'll probably crack open either Earth's Dawn or Kromaia Omega.
I'm too broke to afford the LRG releases, so that's never a problem for me! But I also own Assault Suit Leynos and enjoyed it although it was a bit difficult to me. My reflexes aren't what they used to be when it comes to platformers. I bought Lumo too. It looked neat on the box, and I like puzzle games. But there are others that I've seen for sale that I would probably buy if I knew if they were good like Carmageddon or Industry Giant. I've only gotten some of these because they were new copies marked down at GameStop or preowned copies that somebody traded in. The last time I bought one of the lesser known games, the GameStop associate asked me why I bought a PS4 if I was only going to play games with simple graphics on it and then she went on about how great Horizon Dawn was. Sheesh.
I know this is mainly a collector's thread, but has anyone discovered a favorite hidden gem from the obscure or lesser-printed games of the current PS4/Xbox 1 generation? My favorite hidden gem so far this gen is a Rising Star Games release, Earth's Dawn on PS4. It's basically an Odin's Sphere clone with Gears of War aesthetics - a 2D side-scroller where you battle enemies with guns and swords and upgrade your skills as you progress. I realize that nearly every physical release is available via download too these days, but some of my favorite games of the PS1 era were those titles that you found in a store for $10 or less that no one else had heard of such as Crossroad Crisis and Tall Infinity. Does anyone actually play any of these games?
Odin sphere? Nuff said, purchased. I appreciate the info.

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Got my Hyper Light Drifter in the mail today. Came in a bubble mailer and was a little worried but inside the mailer was the game wrapped in cardboard and taped shut. Worked like a charm and game looks great. 

Got my Hyper Light Drifter in the mail today. Came in a bubble mailer and was a little worried but inside the mailer was the game wrapped in cardboard and taped shut. Worked like a charm and game looks great.
If you get around to opening/playing it could you let me know if the disc has the latest patch that has the 60 fps option on it.

How would I tell on ps4? I have it on Steam already but finished the game before the coop patch came out.
I guess the easiest way to tell would be to install the disc on your PS4 and check if it downloads an update. If not then I would assume that the disc comes with the patch. Also, how's the foil lettering? Looks good?

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Odin sphere? Nuff said, purchased. I appreciate the info.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
Yup. Very similar in gameplay although not as beautiful. Odin's Sphere has characters and scenery with clean lines. Earth's Dawn is very brown and somewhat washed out, but it is set after an apocalypse, so it makes sense.
Yup. Very similar in gameplay although not as beautiful. Odin's Sphere has characters and scenery with clean lines. Earth's Dawn is very brown and somewhat washed out, but it is set after an apocalypse, so it makes sense.
Didn't realize it's on steam, so I added it to my wishlist. Gameplay and art look interesting.. but the animation looks god awful, like something you'd see in an extremely low budget indie game. Wasn't expecting that kind of animation in a $30 game. Unfortunate cuz the rest of what I'm seeing looks decent

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Yeah i saw Earth's Dawn at the store a couple weeks ago but was pretty on the fence on whether it was worthwhile

I guess the easiest way to tell would be to install the disc on your PS4 and check if it downloads an update. If not then I would assume that the disc comes with the patch. Also, how's the foil lettering? Looks good?
Foil looks good. The reverse art is a lot shinier but I do like the front artwork more. 3 more hours at work so I cannot check until later tonight if there is an update or not.

Foil looks good. The reverse art is a lot shinier but I do like the front artwork more. 3 more hours at work so I cannot check until later tonight if there is an update or not.
Sounds goods. Can't wait to get my copy. I was just curious about the patch. I really don't like it when developers leave them out especially when the physical version of a game comes out AFTER a major patch or there's a GOTY/Complete version and DLC and patches are not on the disc. Thanks for the info so far!
My copy came in the mail today. I wanted to post some images of it here, but the image upload feature does not seem to want to play nice. It looks pretty good. The foil is snazzy, but understated. The art choice for the cover is very good, and the overall look of the case is quite tasteful. I always crack my games open, so I will try installing it a little later.

Yeah i saw Earth's Dawn at the store a couple weeks ago but was pretty on the fence on whether it was worthwhile
I used GameStop flips to pay for my copy of Earth's Dawn, and it was a preowned copy. Unless you're a collector, I'd advise buying it used from GameStop since you can return it within 7 days if you don't like it. But I think it's pretty fun. The production values aren't spectacular, but you can definitely see the similarities to Odin Sphere.
I've started to notice several Soedesco titles have started to go out of stock on Amazon.  I've known about N.E.R.O for a while but I just noticed Ether One and Toki Tori 2 Plus have been starting to get scarce.  Ziggurat also seems to be headed in that direction.

Not a Soedesco title, but you may want to order Infinifactory (PS4) soon:

I can see this title getting hard to find in a few months.  Prime members still get the 20% off for a few more days.

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I failed and played Persona 5 all night instead of checking whether or not the latest patch for HLD was on the disk or not. 

Walked out my front door today to a delivery of my HLD from iam8bit. Never received an e-mail notification. Well packaged. Used both a fitted cardboard box and padded envelope. Game packaging looks great. Very pleased.

I did get around to installing Hyper Light Drifter last night. It is possible that the patch is not on the disc, but if it isn't then it was downloaded as part of the installation process. I was never prompted to download the latest patch, and I even checked after the game was installed to see if there were any updates, and there weren't. The game looks and plays great, but that is hardly any surprise. I had never gotten a digital version of this particular game, so it was a new experience for me.

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Y'all really shouldn't support such a terrible company as iam8 bit
Y'all should say why when you post stuff like this. I did almost order this today but was so offended when buying 2 separately would be cheaper than 2 together I didn't order it.

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Y'all should say why when you post stuff like this. I did almost order this today but was so offended when buying 2 separately would be cheaper than 2 together I didn't order it.
NMS CE: a number of delays even though they kept saying it's coming soon.

Rez: showed foil cover, shipped plain cover, claimed they didn't mislead anyone... actually prints 2nd run with foil cover and sends foil cover to everyone from the first run, foil cover is actually fucked up but they claim it's manga style.

With that said... I took a risk on HLD. My copy arrived today and I'll give them props where props are due. It looks fantastic and they packed it like a collector would want it packed.

NMS CE: a number of delays even though they kept saying it's coming soon.
Rez: showed foil cover, shipped plain cover, claimed they didn't mislead anyone... actually prints 2nd run with foil cover and sends foil cover to everyone from the first run, foil cover is actually fucked up but they claim it's manga style.

With that said... I took a risk on HLD. My copy arrived today and I'll give them props where props are due. It looks fantastic and they packed it like a collector would want it packed.
I feel bad for anyone who was in on the nms ce, seeing how bad the game turned out and being stuck with that waiting to one day ship would've been harrowing
Just got a shipping notice from Play-Asia for my Blue Rider LE preorder.  I wonder how long it will take to get to the states?

Got Hyper Light Drifter today in the mail. Packaging was superb. Game came in a cardboard box, placed in a bubble mailer. Game art and inserts are very high quality. Could not be happier with this experience with iam8bit. Great job!

Got Hyper Light Drifter today in the mail. Packaging was superb. Game came in a cardboard box, placed in a bubble mailer. Game art and inserts are very high quality. Could not be happier with this experience with iam8bit. Great job!
I never ordered any games from them iam8bit, but I have ordered tons of other things over the years, and there packaging and products where always top notch. Since I didn't order the Rez, I wasn't on the fence in regards to using them again, as any company can make a mistake from time to time, and I've had many great transactions over the years from them, so I'm glad to hear they corrected any game issues they may have had, and that those who game them a second chance are happy with HLD.

I was going to order Rez and HLD from iam8bit last night, but then I saw the $13.xx shipping charge and said fuck that...
I was going to order Rez and HLD from iam8bit last night, but then I saw the $13.xx shipping charge and said fuck that...
Shipping was $4.73 for my copy of HLD, which I think is very reasonable. Maybe you should order separately? Or just skip Rez, the cover artwork is terrible.
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Shipping was $4.73 for my copy of HLD, which I think is very reasonable. Maybe you should order separately? Or just skip Rez, the cover artwork is terrible.
Their standard shipping is more than fair, $5 for the item to be cardboard wrapped and then shipped a bubble mailer. But it's how, as soon as you add 2, shipping skyrockets... I wonder if they default to a box for 2 games or more.

i ordered 2 HLD plus the $40 "bootleg" zelda vinyl and the shipping is $5. they sent me a digital version of the zelda music and i didnt like it at all. i love zelda music but this particular album i dont like.

My local Gamestop had Earth's Dawn. Might as well pick it up when I have the chance
I got a preowned copy for $13.99. It's pretty good for the price. I really need to try Lumo this weekend. I bought it on the same day I found Earth's Dawn, and I forgot about it. But I'll definitely be buying fewer games for a while since I owe federal taxes. Should give me time to catch up on my backlog!
Earth's Dawn is certainly a budget title, but because it was for sale at so many retailers won't it always be readily available at these prices, not unlike Unwritten Tales 2 or Awesomenauts?

Is it an exceptional game that simply needs to be played at this price-point? Will it have some sort of relevance or unseen rarity in the years ahead? I'm honestly curious, being both a collector and a gamer.

Earth's Dawn is certainly a budget title, but because it was for sale at so many retailers won't it always be readily available at these prices, not unlike Unwritten Tales 2 or Awesomenauts?

Is it an exceptional game that simply needs to be played at this price-point? Will it have some sort of relevance or unseen rarity in the years ahead? I'm honestly curious, being both a collector and a gamer.
I'm the person who originally posted that Earth's Dawn was a good game because I owned it, and that came out of me asking other people to post about whether or not they had played any of their short-printed games because I'm looking for current generation hidden gems to play on PS4 and Xbox One. So, in reference to your question, I wouldn't have any idea about it being rare or more desirable in the future although it likely won't be as desired as these games with a 5,000 copy print run.
Earth's Dawn may have been converted new to used at Gamestop.  Nearly every Gamestop location near me has it in stock used, but none have it new and I seriously doubt all the used copies are trade ins since the game just wasn't that popular.

FYI in case no one has seen this yet, Play-Asia is doing another preorder thing (like with Blue Rider) for Cursed Castilla, which seems to be a Ghosts n Goblins clone.
Here's hoping they don't screw up the paypal checkout again. I'm still trying to get them to recognize my payment for Blue Rider (I'm now on e-mail number 5 to their inept accounting department). They just cancelled my order last night despite the fact that it's been paid in full for a month. Ugh.

Here's hoping they don't screw up the paypal checkout again. I'm still trying to get them to recognize my payment for Blue Rider (I'm now on e-mail number 5 to their inept accounting department). They just cancelled my order last night despite the fact that it's been paid in full for a month. Ugh.
They're processing division is complete garbage. I returned something to Play Asia once and I had forgotten about it because so much time went by. When I remembered it a year later I contacted them to see if they ever received it. They said yea it was received a year ago. It's like ok thanks for letting me know. Then they had the balls to ask if I wanted the money sent back to my PayPal or or given as P.A. credit... seriously, what do you think?
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They're processing division is complete garbage. I returned something to Play Asia once and I had forgotten about it because so much time went by. When I remembered it a year later I contacted them to see if they ever received it. They said yea it was received a year ago. It's like ok thanks for letting me know. Then they had the balls to ask if I wanted the money sent back to my PayPal or or given as P.A. credit... seriously, what do you think?
I'm surprised they just didn't give you the credit to start. A few years back when they had that issue with FFX-2 for the Vita, where tons of orders went missing for months. I contacted them about my order not being delivered, and the CS rep tried to say they needed to give me a credit, as that is what they do in these types of situations. I told her, I didn't pay with a credit, so I don't want to be refunded that way. I paid with Paypal, and that is how I would like my refund. She did it, but I don't think she was happy about it.

bread's done