Indigo Prophecy


Has anyone heard about this new adventure game? It looks very interesting to me. You play the role of a man who was possessed randomly and killed someone, and he doesn't know why. You have to try and evade the cops and find out why you killed somebody, but the flipside is you can play as the detective too. So you're kind of playing against yourself. Anyway, it's already being called a probable sleeper hit. They have a hands-on preview and screens/movies at today. Does anyone have any thoughts on this game?
[quote name='thegame2k3']Has anyone heard about this new adventure game? It looks very interesting to me. You play the role of a man who was possessed randomly and killed someone, and he doesn't know why. You have to try and evade the cops and find out why you killed somebody, but the flipside is you can play as the detective too. So you're kind of playing against yourself. Anyway, it's already being called a probable sleeper hit. They have a hands-on preview and screens/movies at today. Does anyone have any thoughts on this game?[/QUOTE]

It looks to be one of the deeper, psychological adventure games this year. I'm a huge fan of the genre and I plan on buying it when the price is right.
yea. actually just heard about it in the past game informer. It does look like it has potential. Unfortunately, I see this as being another great sleeper.
I am bumping this cause this game comes out tuesday, and I can't wait to play it. I was wondering does anyone else have thoughts. I sadly see this game becoming another shenmue a great game that no one buys. Really sad considering that nascar will probably sell a million yea driving in circles so much fun. But a awesome story and great gameplay IMO gets no love.
I played the demo and was really interested.

Too bad our American version is censored.

I'm not that mad about missing a sex scene or two and some nudity, but just the fact that we are getting a cut version of the game is rather aggravating. I might be importing this, or waiting a long time for the price to go down.
I saw a trailer near e3 time, but really didn't give it a thought. It was only until I read a Penny Arcade article speaking about it when I decided to give the demo a try. It was pleasantly creative and tense, which is right up my alley. If reviews confirm the excellent story pacing and continuing creative ideas throughout the entire length of the game, I'll definitely snatch this one up.
I thought the game had 44 chapters, unless they are cutting down on them for the censored version. Either way the game is completely unique and a must buy, but I have a feeling the price could drop rather quickly so I'm going to hold off for at least a month.
I really would like to get this game but if it is censored, I may pass for now and get the import PC version when I can find it
Got an 8.4 from IGN.

As much as I want this I'm not going to buy it like I did with Killer 7 and then have it drop to $30 in no time.
I'm very interested in it, but I'm going to wait for a good price on it. I played the demo, and what was there was interesting, but it made me want to see more to really get a feel for it.
[quote name='whoknows']Got an 8.4 from IGN.

As much as I want this I'm not going to buy it like I did with Killer 7 and then have it drop to $30 in no time.[/QUOTE]

Ditto! This is one of my most anticipated games, but I am waiting for this. At least for $30 (down to $25 after $5 off).
WTF? When I picked up the OPM demo disk with Shadow of the Colossus in it, I watched a trailor for this and laughed at it's PS1-era graphics, instantly forgetting about it. And now it's supposed to be good?
[quote name='Blind the Thief']WTF? When I picked up the OPM demo disk with Shadow of the Colossus in it, I watched a trailor for this and laughed at it's PS1-era graphics, instantly forgetting about it. And now it's supposed to be good?[/QUOTE]

You are asinine if you think that just cause the graphics are bad it makes this a bad game. BTW I can't find this game anywhere around me on the pc. I am going to have to get it online.
[quote name='B:L']
And WHAT a bump...this is a 2005 topic :cold:

I figured it was someone bumping because of the CC sale.

Anyway, I picked up a copy at the sale, hopefully its only 40% stupid...
[quote name='chargeup45']I figured it was someone bumping because of the CC sale.

Anyway, I picked up a copy at the sale, hopefully its only 40% stupid...[/QUOTE]

I bumped it because there wasn't a recent on-going topic on it (minus all the price drop threads). Also other than the CC sale, the game has gone to $19.99 at most or all retailers.

I am about 1/3 of the way through the game, still really enjoyable. The only problem I have with it so far are the clunky controls.
I picked it up (Xbox) Friday at CC since it dropped to 20 bucks. I played the PC demo and liked what I played. Hopefully I'll get into it soon.
Went from one of my most anticipated gaming releases to my most disappointing gaming experiences. Worth a try, worth a rental, maybe worth a purchase if the price is right... but the ending is pretty damn stupid. Oh well.. :)
[quote name='dcfox'] + + = [/QUOTE]

I got to the part everyone described as "The Matrix" last night (or an early part of it). It made me laugh a little bit, but I didn't think it was that bad. :)

What is really bad is the voice acting for the young Lucas Kane.
I hope everyone who called Indigo Prophecy an "adventure" game has done that out of sheer ignorance of the game. This is the worst piece of shit being sold off as an "adventure" title, and was also the biggest dissapointment of last year in terms of "promising adventure titles that turned out to not only not be an adventure title, but also sucked dick."

If you play this game, and still feel like calling it "an adventure title," you can do us all a favor, and remove your eyeballs from your socket and shove them up your ass. This only SOUNDS violent, because if you like Indigo Prophecy, I would assume that seeing the inner depths of your large intenstine would be comparable to the most amazing psychidelic kaleidoscope experience of your entire life. That and people like yourself would be easier to identify.

P.S. Anyone wishing to say "IN YOUR OPINION" gets a congratualtions for pointing out the most obvious, as well as pointing out their own insecurity in their shitty taste.
[quote name='MarioColbert']I do not wish to engage in debate about this, as I feel quite adamant in disliking this game. While you have your right to your own opinion, I simply can not condone this choice of entertainment sources. [/QUOTE]

Really, tell everyone how you feel, man. :)

Anyway, I really liked this game. While it does fall apart near the end, the earlier scenes really made you feel in control of the storyline. I'd really like to see this concept played out further, just hopefully they wont run out of time and money near the end next time.
[quote name='trunks982']what did it cut out? is there videos on the internet that i can see the cut out scenes?[/QUOTE]

I don't know exactly what they cut out, but it was obviously the sex scenes. Near the end of the game, there was a certain scene that was censored. It also seemed like it was cut short, so that might be the interactive sex scene I keep hearing about in the European version. It was odd for the US version to keep a part of that sex scene, but just choose to remove the woman's nipples :)

I just finished the game tonight, and yes I liked it. I do agree with all of you who said the game fell apart near the end. It definitely wasn't strong story-wise near the end. Seemed really random and tacked on. Which is a shame because the first 60-70% of the game was solid. I wasn't annoyed so much with the "Matrix" stuff as with all the storylines/plot devices that seemed like they were just thrown in there. Overall, it was a great experience. I'll probably play the game again sometime in the future.
[quote name='whoknows']Got an 8.4 from IGN.

As much as I want this I'm not going to buy it like I did with Killer 7 and then have it drop to $30 in no time.[/QUOTE]

Let's see, just from Sept 2005 (when you posted) to June 2006 it dropped dramatically - good call there whoknows. I hope you waited until this week to get it for $8.96 at CC :D. It will probably be $5.96 in a few more weeks. I picked it up - I have never played anything that sounds like this before. You all have my curiosity piqued. Maybe I'll get to it some time in 2007.
[quote name='Logain8955']Anyway, I really liked this game. While it does fall apart near the end, the earlier scenes really made you feel in control of the storyline. I'd really like to see this concept played out further, just hopefully they wont run out of time and money near the end next time.[/quote]

I think the only reason it pissed me off so much is because of how great the beginning was. After the opening, I was "sold" on the game, but starting from the police investigation, there was a gameplay gap that to me felt like Grand Canyon at the end.

I felt a similar sense of betrayal when playing Police Quest IV: Open Season. Since I don't want to spoil it for anyone, I'm not going to give away the ending, but it was no Agatha Cristie, to say the least. :)

I'd give props to Logain for being such a classy guy, but that will blow my cover.
I played the Euro version Fahrenheit, and yea there was a pretty long sex scene not interactive though and...

That had to be the strangest sex scene ever, the guy was cold as ice and the chick still wanted to bang him? WTF!
[quote name='doomlv20']I played the Euro version Fahrenheit, and yea there was a pretty long sex scene not interactive though and...

That had to be the strangest sex scene ever, the guy was cold as ice and the chick still wanted to bang him? WTF!
[/quote]You missed it.

[quote name='MarioColbert']I think the only reason it pissed me off so much is because of how great the beginning was. After the opening, I was "sold" on the game, but starting from the police investigation, there was a gameplay gap that to me felt like Grand Canyon at the end.

I felt a similar sense of betrayal when playing Police Quest IV: Open Season. Since I don't want to spoil it for anyone, I'm not going to give away the ending, but it was no Agatha Cristie, to say the least. :)

I'd give props to Logain for being such a classy guy, but that will blow my cover.[/QUOTE]

I will agree that the opener was the best part of the game. I didn't feel as much of a disconnect as you did, apparently, as I still loved the game up until The Point.

And don't worry, your secret is safe with me. Mostly cause I'm not catching on. It's wonderous how much "not paying attention to your surroundings" affects you. :)
bread's done