Indy 4 Crystal Skull revealed - SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I never thought this movie would be made.

And I still don't think they should have ever made it. Maybe 10 years ago they could have started a new trilogy, but it's too late now.

And that looks like shit.
i also heard that
optimus prime would appear of out nowhere and step on a nazi and say "oops my bad".
i cant get into this film for a number of reasons one ford is too old and he will never be able to pull off the kind of action scenes he used to and my biggest problem with the film is shia leboeuf. bastard is the next jude law with allthe films hes showing up in and i dont mean that in a positive way. it annoys me that hollywood is trying to make him into the next bgi thing when hes not that great of an actor.

but on a positive note op i like your avatar deadwood was an awesome show and was cancelled way before its time. same for carneival.
fuck you george Lucas, you had your way when you anally raped the star wars franchise. but this is taking it too far, burn in hell Lucas.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']What the hell am I looking at?[/QUOTE]

Some stupid skull that is suppose to hype a movie that should have came out 10 years ago.
If this turns into Indiana Jones meets E.T. I'm going to be extremely pissed off. Although now it makes sense that they were filming in New Mexico.
[quote name='TARDIS']If this turns into Indiana Jones meets E.T. I'm going to be extremely pissed off. Although now it makes sense that they were filming in New Mexico.[/quote]

ah but what if et was a baby alien and when he grew up he became this badass planet conquering alien that can do all sorts of martial arts and carries big guns and shit and he gets all kind of space tang? then out of the blue you see this badass alien swoop down on indiana and his family beats the crap out of them kills his son and then beats indiana down with his own whip and takes that chick as his concubine. then with his last breath indiana asks him who he is and he says "E.T" and dissappears. yeah that would be so damn sweet.

but seriously what previous movie that speilberg did is this movie supposed to be connected to ? i hope its not schindlers list because that would kind of bring the movie down a bit. or is it close encounters of a 3rd kind?
bread's done