Infernal Affairs Review at IGN


WOW IGN really fucked up the review for Infernal Affairs. I can't believe they gave the movie a 6. The review was half assed. He really didn't go into the strengths and weakness of the flick. Just plain out bad review. On top of everything the reviewer got the names of the characters mixed up !. Did he even watch the movie? IGN is the first place I go for dvd reviews... This review was a let down. I think the movie deserved a 9/10. It had everything iam looking for in a Cop Drama. I even jumped in a few of the scenes. It had top notch acting by all the biggest asain stars. It keep me on my toes for the entire movie. Just plain out great. What do you guys think ?
Movie ratings are retarded and so is anyone who really bases decisions on them. They are opinion, how can one person's opinion totally apply to you? You have to take everything with a grain of salt.
Yep, I saw the movie on 23rd street I think. And I have all the sequels. I like the series since it's not the typical cop film. I didn't bother reading the review but 6 is very low for the movie.
I think that just because they reviewed a movie lower than what you'd personally review it doesn't mean that the review is bad.
I think generally people hold critics on too high of a pedestal. They are like any other person who watches a lot of movies, they have their own opinions and own biases.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Movie ratings are retarded and so is anyone who really bases decisions on them. They are opinion, how can one person's opinion totally apply to you? You have to take everything with a grain of salt.[/quote]

That statment you just made is retarded. You dont think reviews have big influnces in peoples decisions on if they want to rent or buy the movie. We might aswell fire all critics and watch every peice of crap that comes out of hollywood. The same can be said of video games. ohh and his opinion doesn't apply to me ..... why else would i have said the thing i had said.
[quote name='coolieman2001'][quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Movie ratings are retarded and so is anyone who really bases decisions on them. They are opinion, how can one person's opinion totally apply to you? You have to take everything with a grain of salt.[/quote]

That statment you just made is retarded. You dont think reviews have big influnces in peoples decisions on if they want to rent or buy the movie. We might aswell fire all critics and watch every peice of crap that comes out of hollywood. The same can be said of video games. ohh and his opinion doesn't apply to me ..... why else would i have said the thing i had said.[/quote]

I didn't say reviews didn't have big effects on people, I said those people that they have a big effect on have an extra chromosome. Nor did I say we should fire all critics, a person should be able to make a well educated decision about what they want to watch (or play) without getting all worked up becasue a faceless name disagreed with them.
Here's a good tip for you: never go to IGN for reviews when it comes to Asian DVDs. The damn reviewer always stereotypes everything, like "This is your typical chop-socky flick" or "Ichi the Killer is your typical 'sick Japanese' gore flick."

Makes me sick. I wish they would actually do research on the actors and director's other films before they write everything off as "typical" fare.
[quote name='alongx']I think that just because they reviewed a movie lower than what you'd personally review it doesn't mean that the review is bad.[/quote]

He really didn't review the movie, he dind't state any real strengths or weakness of the movie. He gave a basic summary of the movie. Thats why i said the review was bad.
[quote name='Saucy Jack']Here's a good tip for you: never go to IGN for reviews when it comes to Asian DVDs. The damn reviewer always stereotypes everything, like "This is your typical chop-socky flick" or "Ichi the Killer is your typical 'sick Japanese' gore flick."

Makes me sick. I wish they would actually do research on the actors and director's other films before they write everything off as "typical" fare.[/quote]

This is your typical "Asian flick fanboy" post.

IKIK :wink:
The reviewer did give Girls Gone Wild 15 "Booty on Burbon St." exceptionally high reviews, so he must watch some of his pre-selected titles. IKIK
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