Instead of a new PC, maybe a 360?


3 (100%)
At this moment I current own a low-end PC, a PS2, a DS, and a Wii. Honestly I haven't played the Wii in a while since I'm waiting for some nice single-player games. I own and have beaten both Zelda:TP and Super Paper Mario.

Towards the end of the summer I was thinking to buy/build a new gaming PC so that I'll be able to run all of the future PC games (mainly BioShock and Crysis). However, I realized there is the 360. The 360 is getting a ton of ex-exclusives that were only meant for the PS3 (Devil May Cry 3, GTA4) and also the 360 gets a nice amount of games that are on the PC that I otherwise cannot run, or I struggle running. A great example is ESIV: Oblivion.

I also realize that the 360 has the main genre I enjoy, action. Whether it be FPS, third-person shooter (Gears of War), beat-em-up, whatever...that's my favorite genre. Actually, I wanted a GC game for my Wii so I bought Skies of Arcadia Legends the other day for $20 used. And I simply cannot get into it. I've realized I have the attention span of a...rat? Basically I have a low attention span X_X

Anyway, would it make sense to pick up a 360 over a new PC? The only games I'm looking forward to the PC are the addition Half-Life 2 episodes and maybe Spore. I used to be big on MMOs but from what I understand Age of Conan will be coming out for the 360. Hell, the 360 has Gears of War, Shadowrun looks good, Halo 3, GTA4, DMCIII, BioShock (!), it looks great!

Should I go for the plunge and buy one? I most likely will during the summer, so maybe prices will drop around then? How does everyone enjoy their 360 and Xbox Live? Thanks :)

P.S. Going from keyboard/mouse to controller is going to be a pain in the ass
Of course everyone is going to tell you to go for a 360, being that this is the 360 forum and CAG in general has an anti PC bias.

This thread will turn into nothing but "360 is $400, a PC is $4,000 LOLZ PC R DUMB".

Your mind already seems made up, so just get a 360. Just make sure you've got an HDTV to run it all on.
[quote name='illway']

P.S. Going from keyboard/mouse to controller is going to be a pain in the ass[/quote]

thats what it comes down to...i figured the 360 would implement keyboard and mouse in time for the new Unreal but so far it dosent look that way so i am already in the process of building a new pc since i know i wont get into it using a controller on the 360...sigh
[quote name='Roufuss']Of course everyone is going to tell you to go for a 360, being that this is the 360 forum and CAG in general has an anti PC bias.

This thread will turn into nothing but "360 is $400, a PC is $4,000 LOLZ PC R DUMB".

Your mind already seems made up, so just get a 360. Just make sure you've got an HDTV to run it all on.[/quote]

Maybe I should have posted this in general? X_X
[quote name='illway']Maybe I should have posted this in general? X_X[/QUOTE]

Nah, you'll get the same response anywhere.

You already seem decided that you want a 360, so just go for it.
[quote name='illway']I also realize that the 360 has the main genre I enjoy, action. [/QUOTE]
I think this sums it up best. You're buying a device to play games on. You want the device that has the most games of the style you like.

There are other considerations, of course, but since you didn't list any other criteria I'm assuming they aren't an issue.
I honestly think you'd enjoy the 360 more than the PC....I used to only play multiplayer on the PC, but once I got my 360 and played multi it was almost just as good as on the PC even without the headset, and if you CAN use the headset its just as good in most cases. It is a little tough using a controller and trying to aim quickly, but its much nicer sitting down and relaxing with a controller and gaming instead. Plus, with a 360 you get RPG, Platformers, and a bunch of other genres which generally suck on the PC, and RTS games I find to be really good now for consoles too.
But honestly, if I could have the best computer around with the absolute most high end stuff that would last me for 4 years, I'd go for the ya...for me it comes down to how much you're willing to spend...
I own a decent gaming PC and a 360. If I had to choose between the two I'd probably keep the 360 (but only because I finally stopped playing WoW).
PC Games seem to mostly get the consoles' leftovers so, I'd suggest getting the 360. The controller is an issue, especially when games aren't fine tuned for the console controls. But by-and-large I think they work rather well.

If there are PC exclusives that you really want I would keep that in the back of your mind. I think bang-for-the-buck you do better with the 360 than a PC, but gotta make that choice for yourself :)
If you're into action, using Oblivion as an example of a game you can't play on your PC doesn't really make sense. I'm 25 hours into the game and I've killed like 5 people.

That said, if you're just wanting to play games, a console is definitely the more cost-effective way to go.
Of course in a perfect world you would be able to have both but as you know money ultimately becomes the deciding factor. For the most bang for your buck I think that you just can't go wrong with the 360. I was a pretty heavy PC gamer/sometimes console about 6 months ago.
That was until I got a 360. It really is an amazing investment, you get so much more than just a console machine. Its just so well thought out, amazing games, awesome live support, xbox arcade, demos, hd movies, and more on the way.
Of course we are all somewhat baised on this board, but then again there has to be a reason why we all are, right? :D
illway: xbox live is where it's at. you've got so much catching up to do. i just got my 360 in november and love it. if you're only looking for gaming, the 360 is where it's at. i bought a decent computer for $400 a couple years ago and it's still doing what i need, internet and pictures mostly. back to XBL, it's awesome to play free demos of upcoming games, SKATE looks sick, demos of all XBLA games, you can download tv episodes straight to your hard drive, rent movies, etc. i tell everyone that's not a 360 owner that it's like itunes. there's always new stuff to download and keep you interested. it's a true community. i can't wait for forza2, skate, spidey3, bioshock, halo3, etc. 360 IS getting all the great exclusives now, sony's losing a lot. get the 360 man, join the club...

p.s. don't sweat the HDTV thing, i run a 32" CRT and it looks sweet, but HD is definitely better, just not necessary...
I've got a high-end pc and a 360... since I bought the 360, the PC is used for little but surfing the net... it shocked me, too!

I paid the same thing for my 360 that I paid for the video card I bought to run Oblivion on the PC. Sure, there are advantages to both (mods, cheaper software on the PC), but the 360 experience is really wonderful (playing on my HDTV, no weird patches, Xbox Live).
i also had that initial thought of... using a controller vrs keyboard mouse... while the contorl is much tighter with the mouse/keyboard.. you gotta realize everybody you go against in multiplayer is also on a controller as well..... it didn't take me too long to get used to it.. but over all its not a big deal.

Also i was a pc gamer, but just got sick of upgrading every month... trying to find the right settings for the games.. installing.... Consoles just make it simple, and the machine is dedicated to gaming.
I have both a 360 and a brand spanking new PC. Since you are an action fan, I would advise going for the 360. If you were into strategy (real-time or turned based) I would say that the PC would be the wiser purchase. Both have their strengths, but your tastes would be better satiated by the 360, in my opinion.
I think it's a good investment. What drove me away from PC games is the cost of upgrading and the occasional compatability issue. It would drive me crazy trying to get some PC games to work or having to tweak settings. I just want to play the game! That's what I love about console games. They all work and you get the "best" experience since the hardware is constant.

As for the 360, if you like FPS and action games, I think you'll be more than happy with your purchase.
i am selling my 360 premium. i purchased an ELITE so let PM me if you want to know details. i have pics as well.
I'd take a badass PC over a 360 anyday. Bioshock and Crysis blow my mind.
Bioshock for 360 just doesn't appeal to me.
This being said from myself, who has both a kickass pc and a 360.
[quote name='Walt Jay']That's what I love about console games. They all work and you get the "best" experience since the hardware is constant.[/quote]

I hope that stays true... with the things Sony and MS have been doing recently we might soon be choosing between 8 different console versions on launch and seeing 5 revisions of those consoles per year.
[quote name='necrojustice']I'd take a badass PC over a 360 anyday. Bioshock and Crysis blow my mind.
Bioshock for 360 just doesn't appeal to me.
This being said from myself, who has both a kickass pc and a 360.[/quote]

How could the PC version of Bioshock appeal to you so much more than the 360 version? They are nearly identical.
If you're willing to spend the dough and time to run PC games, good for you. PC gaming is having a resurgance, and there are tons of titles that are simply fantastic.

However, alot of those titles are coming to the 360.

Personally I just preffer console gaming. It's not only the money issue, but it's that everything about console gaming sits with me right, and I can't say the same for PC gaming. I like to lie on the couch in front of a TV, with my game controller, and just play games. I spend so much time at the computer already I don't need to be there for playing games too. Plus there are so many titles on the consoles I can't play on the comp, that I'd rather play than just the plethora of RPG, RTS and FPS you get on the PC.

Personally I'd definitely recommend buying the 360, it's a fucking amazing console, and in the year and a half I've had it I've played some absolutely amazing games. I quite simply love my 360, and would not hesitate to strongly recommend it to anyone.

Also check out this thread if you haven't yet:

A lot of the comments apply to you too.
[quote name='captmurphy']How could the PC version of Bioshock appeal to you so much more than the 360 version? They are nearly identical.[/quote]

I'm going to assume that it's control related. Mouse/Keyboard > Gamepad for FPS games.
The biggest thing I like is being able to play as many games as I want. With the 360 you just drop in the disc and go. With the PC version you drop in the disc and ahh install and ahh prob patch now and fuck now the game crashes. Screw all that crap. Realy I used to love PCs and I play a lot of RTS games on my PC but this genre is starting to get light onto the 360 and in a good way. With BFME2, C&C3, and Halo Wars to come you'll have a few great RTS games playable on the machine you bought. I was like you when around Oct or Nov when I bought my 360, basically upgrading my machine would have cost more than my 360 and I've never bought a game for 60 bucks. Just wait and get them around 30 or so but 1/3 my collection is bought as being used and they work fine. You'll enjoy your 360, trust me, yea Crysis looks awesome, but so does Mercenaries 2. Whatever are you going to spend a lot of money to create a machine that can play 2 great games or a collection of good ones. You'll also love Gears and Live oh man I love live and esp live arcade and tv shows.
I have a pimping computer, and I never want to go through the process again. Get a 360, i play it more than my PC.
i'm a fan of sports games... and they just suck on the PC, plus fighting games and any two player games are a hassle on the computer.

Computer multiplayer for FPS is awesome though.. but its not bad on 360.

And mmporgs really are made for the PC as well.

So a lot depends on the games you like as well.
Posting this in the 360 community forum kind of defeats the purpose of this thread. You're going to get extremely skewed results :p
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