's list of 25 classic sci-fi films (& 20 TV shows) that everyone should watch.

[quote name='shrike4242']Metropolis is coming out with a newly expanded and cleaned up version on BluRay and DVD, so you should wait for that one before trying to see it.

Inception should still be out, so you should luck out and still be able to see it in the theatres. District 9 is a great movie for surround sound, and it's making the rounds on Starz and Starz In-Demand right now.

You have some nice ones to go see, especially with Forbidden Planet and Day The Earth Stood Still (the remake is a mess compared to the original).[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the heads up about Starz. I'll just DVR that one. I will not make it to the theater to see Inception - I just don't go to the theater anymore (unless it is with the kids) because I get a much better experience in my house when the blu-ray comes out (and it's cheaper to buy it than it would be to go to the movies!).
[quote name='WeaponX2099']What about Book of Eli on Post-Apocalypse list?[/QUOTE]

Feel free to copy and paste and add anything you want. Or delete stuff. Anybody. Go for it. I figure that's the best way to make a kickass list.
The List of Top 20 Post-Apocalyse movies so far:

The Stand
The Omega Man (black albino vampires FTW)
Mad Max
The Road Warrior
The Road
Dawn of the Dead
Day of the Dead
12 Monkeys
Six String Samurai
Logan's Run
Children of Men
Book of Eli
A Boy And His Dog
Planet Of the Apes / Beneath The Planet of the Apes
Escape from New York
28 Days Later
Children of Men

I want to say Miracle Mile because it certainly has the feel of a post apocalyptic flick and it's one of my favorites.
I really don't agree with the original "top 25" list from the article. If I break it down: 10 I haven't even seen, 9 I like, and a few that don't even belong in a sci-fi list.

I think the titles people are mentioning in this thread do sci-fi alot more justice.
I watched The Day The Earth Stood Still last night. I really liked it, and I generally can't stand old movies. I liked how the movie was quiet, but the music was loud, so whenever the music flared up suddenly it would scare the bejeezus out of me.
[quote name='shrike4242']Found this in the discussion which was a list of 25 "supplemental" films to the list:

1. Flash Gordon/King of the Rocketmen ( all the Republic serials)
2. Earth vs. The Flying Saucers
3.The Time Machine (Geo Pal)
4. The Tenth Victim
5. Seconds
6. 'Fahrenheit' 451
7. Barbarella
8. Westworld
9. Fantastic Planet
10. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
11. Buckaroo Banzai
12. Tank Girl
13. The Rocketeer
14. eXistenZ
15. Minority Report
16. La Jette (better than 12 Monkeys)
17. Dark City
18. Men in Black
19. The Fifth Element
20. A Scanner Darkly
21. Serenity
22. Akira
23. Ghost in the Shell II
24. Independence Day
25. Avatar[/QUOTE]

I've [seen] all the original list and the above list (except for Primer) and there are some great things on there but contains some serious omissions and one glaring mistake:

For starters WTH is Tank Girl on there for (that's one of the worst sci-fi films I've ever seen)?
If Tank Girl is on there Space Hunter or Battle Beyond the Stars should rank as fantastic Sci-fi (kidding).

Where's Forbidden Planet (the film that allegedly inspired all of Star Trek)?

RE: the TV shows:
[quote name='shrike4242']
That list is 20 out of 20 for me, though I agree with a couple of the posters on that link that there are some missing shows, such as Space 1999, UFO, Space: Above And Beyond. Plus more, I'm sure.[/QUOTE]
The Stand
The Omega Man (black albino vampires FTW)
Mad Max
The Road Warrior
The Road
Dawn of the Dead
Day of the Dead
12 Monkeys
Six String Samurai
Logan's Run
Children of Men
Book of Eli
A Boy And His Dog
Planet Of the Apes / Beneath The Planet of the Apes
28 Days Later
28 Weeks Later

Added two that I'm embarrassed to have forgot.
bread's done