iPod Touch games?


I didn't know where to post this for sure. Today I went in for a meeting with my adviser at school (I start nursing school next Monday) and he asked me if I'd picked up my iPod yet. I said... 'no, wha?' so he sent me down to this office where they were giving free 8gb iPod touches loaded with text books to all of the new nursing students... score!

Anyway, I'm at a loss, should I jailbreak it? What does that do exactly? If I do jailbreak it, will I lose all of the preloaded apps that I need for school? Also, can anyone recommend any good free games for it? Thanks in advance!
Hmmm....well, I suppose the iPod touch does qualify as an "other" gaming system. So I suppose this is the correct forum for this sort of question.

Personally, I would advise that you NOT jailbreak it. Jailbreaking is primarily used to load apps on your iPhone that are not officially supported by Apple, or distributed over the App Store. If there is some specific app you want that Apple will not approve for the App Store, then that is a reason to jailbreak.

For me, that app would probably be ScummVM. I love ScummVM, but Apple will probably never approve it for release on the App Store. So I would have to jailbreak an iPhone or iPod touch in order to get it on those devices.

The reason why I would advise against jailbreaking your iPhone is that for most apps, its really not necessary. The App Store is brimming with almost every piece of software you could possibly want. A lot of it is already free, and what isn't generally isn't very expensive anyway. Jailbreaking does not give you access to paid apps, it just opens up the possibility of using non-approved apps.

I would use the regular apps for now, there are plenty to choose from. You can always jailbreak it later after you are done with nursing school.
Thank you both very much! I'm staying away from the jailbreak for now, unless I see something that I just have to have. I appreciate the advice.
bread's done