Iran President coming to NYC


122 (99%)
I have officially given up on our country. I don't have a link at the moment but this is absurd. Why are we letting our enemies come into our country to spew their propaganda? Would we have let Hitler in our country during war time. No way in hell. Not to mention Khatami speaking at Harvard.

"FLASH: Islamic Republic News Agency reports that Ahmadinejad intends to travel to NYC, speak at UN on Sept. 19; same day as Bush and day before Hugo Chavez... both Ahmadinejad and Chavez will fly from Havana where they will see Castro... Developing..."
[quote name='schuerm26']I have officially given up on our country. I don't have a link at the moment but this is absurd. Why are we letting our enemies come into our country to spew their propaganda? Would we have let Hitler in our country during war time. No way in hell. Not to mention Khatami speaking at Harvard.

"FLASH: Islamic Republic News Agency reports that Ahmadinejad intends to travel to NYC, speak at UN on Sept. 19; same day as Bush and day before Hugo Chavez... both Ahmadinejad and Chavez will fly from Havana where they will see Castro... Developing..."[/QUOTE]

comparing Hitler to Khatami only points out your utter and complete lack of geopolitical knowledge

turn off FNC and go outside

you'll have a more rewarding life

(and you won't be so prone to online self-ownage)
Hmmm let's compare

Iran President wants isreal blown off the map.

Hitler wanted the jew wiped off the map.

That's enough of a comparison for me.

Get a grip and quit sympathizing with the enemy.

Have you ever heard the Iranian president speak or are you to enthralled with the propaganda?
[quote name='PKRipp3r']comparing Hitler to Khatami only points out your utter and complete lack of geopolitical knowledge

turn off FNC and go outside

you'll have a more rewarding life

(and you won't be so prone to online self-ownage)[/QUOTE]

The Iranian President is right now the most dangerous political figure in the world. I don't take him lightly.
[quote name='schuerm26']I have officially given up on our country.[/QUOTE]

Then move to Iran, I'm sure they would love you there.

And are we forgeting about North Korea who most likely already has a nuke that can hit Japan, and maybe part of the USA?
He's got more personality than Kim Jon Ill (However you spell his name)- I'll give him that. I dont agree with his ideology but the fact that he is talking is a positive thing.
[quote name='schuerm26']I have officially given up on our country. I don't have a link at the moment but this is absurd. Why are we letting our enemies come into our country to spew their propaganda? Would we have let Hitler in our country during war time. No way in hell. Not to mention Khatami speaking at Harvard. [/quote]

Yes, lets wall ourselves up and not attempt dialogue with any people or countries that have different views, values, and agendas then us. That will surely help diffuse any tensions and bring us to immediate global peace.
[quote name='David85']Then most to Iran, I'm sure they would love you there.

And are we forgeting about North Korea who most likely already has a nuke that can hit Japan, and maybe part of the USA?[/quote]

Not quite. Im not muslim and i am American. Don't think i would last long if i moved to Iran.
[quote name='schuerm26']Hmmm let's compare

Iran President wants isreal blown off the map.

Hitler wanted the jew wiped off the map.

That's enough of a comparison for me.

Get a grip and quit sympathizing with the enemy.

Have you ever heard the Iranian president speak or are you to enthralled with the propaganda?[/quote]

Is that the limit of your thinking on the subject?
Not sure if there needs to be more. It is a very insightful thing to see all you liberals post about subjects. I guess scary is a better word than insightful. If you can't see that this guy is the second coming of hitler but with the potential of being a nuclear power then we are in a huge amount of trouble if libs win the coming elections.
[quote name='schuerm26']Not quite. Im not muslim and i am American. Don't think i would last long if i moved to Iran.[/QUOTE]

Well you gave up on this country so get the fuck out or start a rebellion.
[quote name='schuerm26']I have officially given up on our country. I don't have a link at the moment but this is absurd. Why are we letting our enemies come into our country to spew their propaganda? Would we have let Hitler in our country during war time. No way in hell. Not to mention Khatami speaking at Harvard.

"FLASH: Islamic Republic News Agency reports that Ahmadinejad intends to travel to NYC, speak at UN on Sept. 19; same day as Bush and day before Hugo Chavez... both Ahmadinejad and Chavez will fly from Havana where they will see Castro... Developing..."[/QUOTE]
The United Nations sits on international territory.
You lose.

Another thing, can some please explain the bureaucracy of the communications process with Iran? Realistically, Ahmadinejad is basically a rubber-stamp authority while Ayatollah Ali Khamenei holds the real power and decision making. Granted, Ahmadinejad would certainly act in the same fashion if he actually had power but I just don't see the focus on him as being a good thing. Sure, he's a primary figurehead, but no one in the news bothers to explain his true position. They simply label him as president and people instinctively connect "president" with "supreme authority." I'm just saying why don't talks occur between the USA and the Ayatollah? Or do they and I'm just oblivious to hearing any news about it?
I would like to say first that I am Half-Iranian and actually went to Iran for a month and a half a few years back. Hence, I had to comment on the following things:

[quote name='schuerm26']Not quite. Im not muslim and i am American. Don't think i would last long if i moved to Iran.[/QUOTE]
Wow, way to pull knowledge of a culture out of your ass! Majority of Iran may dislike America, but they have no problem with the average American. I had no problems going around and interacting with the average Iranian. Now, you may say 'but omg the times have changed'. I still have many, many family memebers in Iran, and at any given time, there's at least ONE family member of mine over here. Anyways, I always talk to them about this kind of thing, and they always reply that sure, Iranians don't like the American government at all, but they don't have any beef with average American civilians, who they don't think have done anything wrong. The media just gives a lot more coverage to radicals than to reasonable people.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, also, that though they are the vast majority, there are Iranian Christians and Iranian Jews. And noone hates them. Noone has any problems with them. In fact, I visited the church - it was pretty nice.

[quote name='CocheseUGA']The Iranian President is right now the most dangerous political figure in the world. I don't take him lightly.[/QUOTE]
Yes, he's a radical. But (again, this is according to family members), the Iraninan population is becoming less and less content with him. He's crossed a lot of lines with his comments, and has fulfilled none of the promises of a stronger economy, less poverty (which is a HUGE problem in Iran), he made.

[quote name='schuerm26']Hmmm let's compare

Iran President wants isreal blown off the map.

Hitler wanted the jew wiped off the map.[/QUOTE]

The difference? Hitler's country was rich, powerful, and he had a HUGE and advanced army behind him. Iran is relatively poor - a huge amount of the population lives in poverty, and the middle class is very small. Their army is all drafted men who, for the most part, don't want to be their, and their military technology isn't so hot. If Iran attacked Isreal, the combined forces of America/Europe and surely many other countries (while we may not agree on the politics, most countries would jump up to defend a country getting attacked for no reason) could STEAMROLL their military.

[quote name='schuerm26']
That's enough of a comparison for me.

Get a grip and quit sympathizing with the enemy.[/QUOTE]

Wow, I haven't yet been offended by a post on CAG, but this really takes the cake. You compared ONE POINT. I could also say:

Hitler had a really powerful military

The United States has a really powerful military


See above segment for more reasoning.

And how dare you call a country you know next to nothing about the enemy? I agree, that the president is a terrible person, and, in my honest opinion, is one of the most BS filled people on this planet. He has no decency, and is truly just a fucking awful person. Ugh! But the country on a whole isn't so bad.

[quote name='Ugamer_X']The United Nations sits on international territory.
You lose.

Another thing, can some please explain the bureaucracy of the communications process with Iran? Realistically, Ahmadinejad is basically a rubber-stamp authority while Ayatollah Ali Khamenei holds the real power and decision making. Granted, Ahmadinejad would certainly act in the same fashion if he actually had power but I just don't see the focus on him as being a good thing. Sure, he's a primary figurehead, but no one in the news bothers to explain his true position. They simply label him as president and people instinctively connect "president" with "supreme authority." I'm just saying why don't talks occur between the USA and the Ayatollah?[/QUOTE]

Well, if you want to go on a technicality, he does have to get to the building...
[quote name='SilverPaw750']I would like to say first that I am Half-Iranian and actually went to Iran for a month and a half a few years back. Hence, I had to comment on the following things:

Wow, way to pull knowledge of a culture out of your ass! Majority of Iran may dislike America, but they have no problem with the average American. I had no problems going around and interacting with the average Iranian. Now, you may say 'but omg the times have changed'. I still have many, many family memebers in Iran, and at any given time, there's at least ONE family member of mine over here. Anyways, I always talk to them about this kind of thing, and they always reply that sure, Iranians don't like the American government at all, but they don't have any beef with average American civilians, who they don't think have done anything wrong. The media just gives a lot more coverage to radicals than to reasonable people.

Yes, he's a radical. But (again, this is according to family members), the Iraninan population is becoming less and less content with him. He's crossed a lot of lines with his comments, and has fulfilled none of the promises of a stronger economy, less poverty (which is a HUGE problem in Iran), he made.

The difference? Hitler's country was rich, powerful, and he had a HUGE and advanced army behind him. Iran is relatively poor - a huge amount of the population lives in poverty, and the middle class is very small. Their army is all drafted men who, for the most part, don't want to be their, and their military technology isn't so hot. If Iran attacked Isreal, the combined forces of America/Europe and surely many other countries (while we may not agree on the politics, most countries would jump up to defend a country getting attacked for no reason) could STEAMROLL their military.

Wow, I haven't yet been offended by a post on CAG, but this really takes the cake. You compared ONE POINT. I could also say:

Hitler had a really powerful military

The United States has a really powerful military


See above segment for more reasoning.

And how dare you call a country you know next to nothing about the enemy? I agree, that the president is a terrible person, and, in my honest opinion, is one of the most BS filled people on this planet. He has no decency, and is truly just a fucking awful person. Ugh! But the country on a whole isn't so bad.


Huge difference between the United States having a powerful military and Hitler having a powerful military. One of them wanted (Now another) to wipe out people based on their religion. As you say that most of the country doesn't agree with the president, well unfortunately he is the one with the power. That's just like saying most of Iraq is happy we are there. Unfortunately the ones that aren't happy we are there are the ones inflicting the damage. You say i only am comparing 1 point, well it's a pretty big point, don't you think?

If i offended you personally i am sorry but the fact is Iran is currently our enemy. There is really no other way to put it.
[quote name='schuerm26']the fact is Iran is currently our enemy. There is really no other way to put it.[/QUOTE]

Really, given all that silverpaw said, you're still oblivious to the nuances of the world? You can't grasp that Ahmedinejad is our enemy, not the nation of Iran? That sort of reasoning creates artificial dichotomies (that kind of "you are with us or against us" garbage) that is the calling card of the intellectually miniscule, or the intellectually lazy. Which of the two are you?

Silverpaw made a one-sentence comparison, just like you, to point out how absurd your one-statement analysis of world affairs was. Why would you try to defend something so shallow? Can't you truly come up with more reasons, or better reasons? Or are you so devoid of a genuine understanding of foreign relations between the United States and Iran that you're capable of having an opinon and identifying Ahmedinejad, but nothing else?
[quote name='Maklershed']I'm so very, very afraid of the neo-con movement in this country. I blame Fox News and Larry the Cable Guy.[/quote]

Yea, but this person has just been scare mongered into a foxhole of his own imagination conjured up via fox news or right wing blog-news, but he does have one point, "our" current administration is completely defunct on national security so if there was ever a time to fear Iran, north korea, or anyone, its now because we've squandered our capacity for nothing.
[quote name='schuerm26']I have officially given up on our country. I don't have a link at the moment but this is absurd. Why are we letting our enemies come into our country to spew their propaganda? Would we have let Hitler in our country during war time. No way in hell. Not to mention Khatami speaking at Harvard.

"FLASH: Islamic Republic News Agency reports that Ahmadinejad intends to travel to NYC, speak at UN on Sept. 19; same day as Bush and day before Hugo Chavez... both Ahmadinejad and Chavez will fly from Havana where they will see Castro... Developing..."[/QUOTE]

you guys need to fukcing stop with the Hilter/Nazi/Facism routine. There has only one Hitler, only one real Nazi party, and the use of the term Facism is just a tool to bring about emotions relating to Hitler and Nazis.

This is just a bullshit political move from people who lack a real spine. Comparing what happened then to now degrades the tragedy and horror of the past and you and all your little brainwashed neo-cons. Should try to think of fixing the future without trying to use the horrors of the past a crutch for the present.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Well, if you want to go on a technicality, he does have to get to the building...[/QUOTE]
Don't confuse me with your "logic," I'm not a fan of such tomfoolery.

[quote name='Ugamer_X']Don't confuse me with your "logic," I'm not a fan of such tomfoolery.


Most liberals aren't fans of logic. It crumbles there arguments.
[quote name='schuerm26']Most liberals aren't fans of logic. It crumbles there arguments.[/QUOTE]

Dude, I have a spare logic textbook if you want to PM me your address; if you can't get past straw men, ad hominems, and other forms of logical fallacies (as in your incorrect conclusion, from your posts in this thread, that all Iranians are worthless and the enemy), then seriously. PM me your address, you can get a free logic book.

And it's THEIR logic. For fuck's sake, if you want to be Mister Snarky Genius Pants, use some proper fucking grammar.
[quote name='mykevermin'] You can't grasp that Ahmedinejad is our enemy, not the nation of Iran? That sort of reasoning creates artificial dichotomies (that kind of "you are with us or against us" garbage) that is the calling card of the intellectually miniscule, or the intellectually lazy. Which of the two are you?[/QUOTE]

That seems to be the issue with today's world. It's not just Americans who do it. The whole world is in a perpetual state of ignorance when it comes to world affairs. Citizens of a country have been lumped into the same group as their leader, and I really can't think of a nation-state leader I'd want to be compared to.

Americans = Bush
British = Blair
Russians = Putin
Koreans (North and South, unfortunately) = Il

Sometimes when you realize the majority of the world is ignorant, you start to wonder if that's a good thing to realize...:(
[quote name='schuerm26']Hmmm let's compare

Iran President wants isreal blown off the map.

Hitler wanted the jew wiped off the map.

That's enough of a comparison for me.

Get a grip and quit sympathizing with the enemy.

Have you ever heard the Iranian president speak or are you to enthralled with the propaganda?[/QUOTE]

wow, you are a real intellectual. lmfao

rock on with your ig'nant self and feel good about it

and ANYtime you need to call someone who disagrees with you an 'enemy sympathizer' you only prove the point of the person who called you out in the first place

keep taking your cues from Bush... they're working out so well for him right now. hahahahaha....
[quote name='Metal Boss']Is that the limit of your thinking on the subject?[/QUOTE]

scary... isn't it?

"iran guy hates jews! hitler hated jews!!! they r da samez!!! oh noes!!!"


[quote name='CocheseUGA']That seems to be the issue with today's world. It's not just Americans who do it.[/QUOTE]

I hope I didn't imply that willful ignorance or intellectual laziness is strictly the domain of US citizens. I'd agree with your assessment, though I have a friend who claims that the Irish are fuckin' on top of EVERYTHING (and she's Welsh, so it's not as if she gets a cultural boost-by-association...but I digress).

It was either Noam Chomsky or Ralph Nader (both of whom I'm sure you don't care for, but bear with me) who claimed that Americans, on the whole, are very, very, very intelligent. However, we have become such a leisure-based society that our intellect is aimed elsewhere. Sports statistics, trivia, and other knowledge is often cited as a source of "misplaced" American intelligence.

Also, there are frequent polls that show the average American can name more of the Seven Dwarves than they can Supreme Court justices, or that less than 40% know who the secretary of defense is. Does it mean that Americans are stupid? Well, no; the stupid wouldn't answer the question properly at all, or they wouldn't know either the three stooges or the three divisions of federal government. It's the *misplaced opportunity for knowledge and doing something with it* that depresses me. I don't mind if people fanaticize over celebrities, like knowing every bit of gossip about Britney Spear's life, or Tom Cruise's child. I don't care if people know that Sony will only ship 400,000 PS3s in November because of manufacturing difficulties with the blu-rau diode. But if that becomes the knowledge that replaces what should be considered mandatory knowledge and part of your civic duty (that is, the very least one can do to appreciate the freedoms they have to read about Tom Cruise in the United States), that's frustrating.

I have the same feeling on "MySpace," by comparison; it's well-suited as a supplement to one's social life, as many of my friends do. I have a lot of travelling friends, and it's nice to have them so accessible when I know I'm never fucking going to Anchorage, AK. OTOH, when it *becomes* your social life, and is no longer the supplement, then it's time for an intervention.
[quote name='mykevermin']I hope I didn't imply that willful ignorance or intellectual laziness is strictly the domain of US citizens. I'd agree with your assessment, though I have a friend who claims that the Irish are fuckin' on top of EVERYTHING (and she's Welsh, so it's not as if she gets a cultural boost-by-association...but I digress).

It was either Noam Chomsky or Ralph Nader (both of whom I'm sure you don't care for, but bear with me) who claimed that Americans, on the whole, are very, very, very intelligent. However, we have become such a leisure-based society that our intellect is aimed elsewhere. Sports statistics, trivia, and other knowledge is often cited as a source of "misplaced" American intelligence.

Also, there are frequent polls that show the average American can name more of the Seven Dwarves than they can Supreme Court justices, or that less than 40% know who the secretary of defense is. Does it mean that Americans are stupid? Well, no; the stupid wouldn't answer the question properly at all, or they wouldn't know either the three stooges or the three divisions of federal government. It's the *misplaced opportunity for knowledge and doing something with it* that depresses me. I don't mind if people fanaticize over celebrities, like knowing every bit of gossip about Britney Spear's life, or Tom Cruise's child. I don't care if people know that Sony will only ship 400,000 PS3s in November because of manufacturing difficulties with the blu-rau diode. But if that becomes the knowledge that replaces what should be considered mandatory knowledge and part of your civic duty (that is, the very least one can do to appreciate the freedoms they have to read about Tom Cruise in the United States), that's frustrating.

I have the same feeling on "MySpace," by comparison; it's well-suited as a supplement to one's social life, as many of my friends do. I have a lot of travelling friends, and it's nice to have them so accessible when I know I'm never fucking going to Anchorage, AK. OTOH, when it *becomes* your social life, and is no longer the supplement, then it's time for an intervention.[/QUOTE]

Great post. I also have heard the Irish are spot on. Weird.

The more things we try to know, the less we remember the important things.
[quote name='mykevermin']
Also, there are frequent polls that show the average American can name more of the Seven Dwarves than they can Supreme Court justices, or that less than 40% know who the secretary of defense is.[/quote]

I just wanted to say something about those polls. I saw them mentioned on the news a few weeks ago. It basically wanted to show Americans as lazy idiots who are more focused on pop culture than politics and issues that directly affect their life. But I just wanted to point out the fact what a ridiculous poll that is for one basic reason ... The Three Stooges and the seven dwarves have been in existance since the 30s/40s and have never changed. Perhaps this is why people had an easier time naming them than Supreme Court justices and elected officials. I get what the poll was trying to do and it's basic premise is correct but it just went about proving it's point in an unfair manner (IMO).

/threadjack and rant over
[quote name='Ugamer_X']The United Nations sits on international territory.
You lose.

Another thing, can some please explain the bureaucracy of the communications process with Iran? Realistically, Ahmadinejad is basically a rubber-stamp authority while Ayatollah Ali Khamenei holds the real power and decision making. Granted, Ahmadinejad would certainly act in the same fashion if he actually had power but I just don't see the focus on him as being a good thing. Sure, he's a primary figurehead, but no one in the news bothers to explain his true position. They simply label him as president and people instinctively connect "president" with "supreme authority." I'm just saying why don't talks occur between the USA and the Ayatollah? Or do they and I'm just oblivious to hearing any news about it?[/quote]

true power in Iran belongs to akbar hashemi rafsanjani. Its my personal opinion that this guy is truly the worlds richest man, but no one has records of all of his dealings. this guy has been making billions ever since the Iran Iraq (or Iran US war in the eyes of many iranians).

oh and silverpaw as a full blooded iranian and someone that has family there as well, has visited, and speaks the language we have very different views on Iran. not to say either of us are right or wrong but they are different none the less. Yes I am too lazy to go into it now but maybe later.
[quote name='AYATOLA']true power in Iran belongs to akbar hashemi rafsanjani. Its my personal opinion that this guy is truly the worlds richest man, but no one has records of all of his dealings. this guy has been making billions ever since the Iran Iraq (or Iran US war in the eyes of many iranians).

oh and silverpaw as a full blooded iranian and someone that has family there as well, has visited, and speaks the language we have very different views on Iran. not to say either of us are right or wrong but they are different none the less. Yes I am too lazy to go into it now but maybe later.[/QUOTE]
Oh shit, I'm not the only person on CAG that speaks Farsi?! Are you kidding me? Kick ASS!
[quote name='SilverPaw750']Oh shit, I'm not the only person on CAG that speaks Farsi?! Are you kidding me? Kick ASS![/QUOTE]

Ever been visited by the FBI? I have an Iranian colleage who seems to have them bi-monthy at this point.
[quote name='mykevermin']Ever been visited by the FBI? I have an Iranian colleage who seems to have them bi-monthy at this point.[/QUOTE]

Nope. I've probably garnered their trust by now - I'm an American Citizen (born in the US), and my Iranian mom works with the government (FL department of health). Or maybe we're all just spies :whistle2:\"
[quote name='AYATOLA']true power in Iran belongs to akbar hashemi rafsanjani. Its my personal opinion that this guy is truly the worlds richest man, but no one has records of all of his dealings. this guy has been making billions ever since the Iran Iraq (or Iran US war in the eyes of many iranians).

oh and silverpaw as a full blooded iranian and someone that has family there as well, has visited, and speaks the language we have very different views on Iran. not to say either of us are right or wrong but they are different none the less. Yes I am too lazy to go into it now but maybe later.[/QUOTE]

rafsanjani is a fag
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']you guys need to fukcing stop with the Hilter/Nazi/Facism routine. There has only one Hitler, only one real Nazi party, and the use of the term Facism is just a tool to bring about emotions relating to Hitler and Nazis.

This is just a bullshit political move from people who lack a real spine. Comparing what happened then to now degrades the tragedy and horror of the past and you and all your little brainwashed neo-cons. Should try to think of fixing the future without trying to use the horrors of the past a crutch for the present.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='SilverPaw750']Nope. I've probably garnered their trust by now - I'm an American Citizen (born in the US), and my Iranian mom works with the government (FL department of health). Or maybe we're all just spies :whistle2:\"[/quote]

Carnivore has just been activated.
bread's done