Is $29.99 a good price for Contra: Shattered Soldier?

Eons ago, CC had it for... 10? I think.
But now it's getting increasingly difficult to find. I personally would probably pay that much just cuz it's a fun (albiet PS2-Throwing hard) game to play with some friends and a good sound system. =)
I don't think it's a deal. It seems those retailers that do have it are selling it for that price. the above poster says, it's becoming harder to find so I'd pay that if I didn't already have it.
[quote name='nikkai']Eons ago, CC had it for... 10? I think.
But now it's getting increasingly difficult to find. I personally would probably pay that much just cuz it's a fun (albiet PS2-Throwing hard) game to play with some friends and a good sound system. =)[/quote]

actaully it was $25, so $30 isn't too bad a price. Rare game that is far harder than "shit" :)
Contra SS is a good game, but it's kind of difficult. $30 is not that bad, but I'm sure you can get it for cheaper.
Actually fellas i'm not pumped for NEO Contra once I saw that it was top down. The graphics look nice but I just can't forget the PS1 Contra games. Will have to wait for the reviews to be in before I get it. Just an FYI, I beat all the contra games for NES and SNES (without codes or cheats) and am working on the PS2 version now in case anyone thinks i'm talking out of my ass.
Shattered Soldier was a breath of fresh air for me, let you get back to the old NES days when beating a game was actually a CHALLENGE.

Anyway $30 sounds a bit steep to me but it is a good game.
Contra Shattered Soldier.....will make you cry in anger. It is a royal pain in the ass at times even in 2 player.

A game at E3 that was surprisingly playable and will be worth a cheap price that has aspects of FINAL FIGHT Beat-em-up with CONTRA shooting is RED STAR from Acclaim. I liked it from what I played...and its supposed to ship soon.
This game is definately one of the harder games I've played.

This game, Maximo Zen whatever, and Shinobi are the only games that made me want to rip my innocent lil doggy in half just cuz she walked by me and made me look down and die.

Trust me, wrap your PS2 in foam padding when you get this game and stock up on controllers, cuz you'll be going ninja on your TV soon after playing... :D
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