Is anyone else a good samaritan when it comes to people buying Wii games?


What I mean is when you are at the store and you see someone looking at games or about to buy crap or crappy accessories do you step in and let them know that they are buying junk?

I know I do, because I really would feel bad if someone gets that junk goes home and experiences a lot of buyers remorse. Though at the same time I feel like I am being a bit of a busybody giving people my 2 cents when they don't always ask for it.
Yeah sometimes if I see a parent with a kid trying to pick out a Wii game I point them towards something cool that isn't crap shovelware.
When Zack and Wiki was $5 at TRU a few months ago I pointed a couple towards it highlighting the amazing price and that it was actually a very good game. They were previously looking at $30 shovelware trash.
Saw an old couple in there 60's looking for a wii at a dept. store.. asking the employee.. Sold out

I told them where they could get 1 and still instock.


Same thing with mario kart wii, father & son, I checked online inventory on the iphone and told which BB still has some..
Only if they have a pleasant demeanor. And by pleasant demeanor, I mean not an asshole and definitely not stupid. And by not stupid, I mean they don't have a copy of NRA Varmint Hunter in their hands, mulling the possibility of killing small, palm-sized mammals with deer slugs.
i try to help, but i've realized watching my sisters kids that they'll play anything, and it doesn't matter if it's shovelware or not. Everything has it's place.

Not wii related, but most recently i had to step in and interupt a PS3 sale at TRU when i realized that the guy was only buying it because she said it would play PS2 games. Sure enough, he wasn't interested after I explained the whole BC situation. The sales clerk was humble about it though- she honestly didn't know she was wrong.
I once steered an older couple looking for some DS titles away from shovelware (Petz and Imagine) and towards Animal Crossing, Nintendogs, and Cooking Mama.
During Christmas, I was at KMart and some woman asked for Wii Fit. KMart didn't have one, so I told the lady to go to Blockbuster (which was in the same parking lot) because I had seen them there. At first she demanded to know where Blockbuster was because she had no idea (even though it was literally next door). After the employee told her where, she just stormed off without saying a "thank you" or anything to either of us.

When I drove out of the Kmart parking lot, I saw the lady in front of Blockbuster putting something big into her trunk. Sometimes it doesn't pay to be helpful. This was during Christmas, so most people who wanted them had to pay $200 on eBay for them.
[quote name='dragonjud']I try...especially if I see a gamestop employee giving completely erroneous information.[/QUOTE]

This is when I usually step in.
only when they ask, other wise i don't.

i find that it's not proper to impose an idea of what is good and what is bad or any ideology to someone. i know that many people like jeans as compared to khakis pants, but i particularly like khaki pants as they're more softer as compared to jeans or whatever other reasons there are. but having someone telling you that buying jeans is better then buying khaki pants is simply wrong, regardless even if the quality isn't there.

i do, however, inform them of their options though.

the people who own the wii are those who have little or no knowledge of video games. so initially they would buy the shovelware and low quality games. but over time, their experiences grow and they'll be making purchases of games that are more higher quality. like an amatuer painter, all he understands that a stroke of the brush is nothing more but a stroke, but to an expert it has many meanings and implications.
I steal the shovelware game they have and put it down my pants while also beating the person with a comically oversized rubber chicken.

Then I usually just follow them around for a few days. It's lots of fun.

Semi-joking aside, if I overhear an employee giving false information, I'll step in. Or, if the employee leaves and the customer still looks confused, I'll let them know I'm a gamer and would be happy to help out.

I haven't quite reached the "put down the ____z game and play this instead" level, but eh. Maybe someday. If someone looked totally clueless, I'll ask them if they'd like suggestions.
I don't have the heart to do it, but I feel the same way as pochacco. Everyone needs a frame of reference, so you can't just assume that they'll like whatever it is you're suggesting. You never know you suggest something that'll completely turn them off or worse yet curse that jerk-off at the store who recommended "xyz" game. However, I think that if they were being lied to by some dumbass sales person I'd try to set them straight.
So to those who would not say anything, it would not bother you at all to see someone buy a game that is so bad like just about anything Data Designs pus out (M&M racing), because they see it and Mario Kart and say, "well they are both racing games and look this one is only $20." Personally, I feel for whoever gets that crap and really, that is why there is so much shit on the Wii. People don't let those new to games know that there is a huge gulf in quality between Ninja Breadman and Mario: Galaxy.
[quote name='Strell']I steal the shovelware game they have and put it down my pants while also beating the person with a comically oversized rubber chicken.

Then I usually just follow them around for a few days. It's lots of fun.

Comic gold, as usual.:lol:
I've been in situations where I could have helped, to decided to pass. People on LI aren't really that nice, and like others have said, quality isn't one of the biggest issues fro your casual gamer.
I don't believe "causal" gamers want to buy crap. They just don't know how to distinguish between a good game and a bad one from the box art. Just like no one a car that is crap, a tv that is crap, an album that is crap, movie, etc. Now there are those that like bad stuff, but most people would prefer a game that gives them the most value for their dollar.
I don't give out unsolicited information. But it never fails that when browsing the Wii games in the Target game aisle, I will be asked by some scatterbrained mom if such-and-such a game is any good, or if it's what the kids are playing now. I'm always happy to oblige.
Generally speaking I do this, though it hasn't come up for the Wii yet.

I saw this older guy with a child who was in a Big Brother program or something, and the kid just got a PS2. He couldn't have been more than 8. They were digging through the large bins of $9.99 and under at Gamestop, and the kid said he was looking for Halo :wall:

I told the guy with him that Halo wasn't on PS2, and asked him if he'd seen the game ratings before. He'd practically never been inside a game store, so I showed him the ratings and the listing of content on the back (sexual themes, violence, whatever). I told him Halo was rated Mature, and he should look at it before he blindly purchases it (it was like a fucking after-school special, at this point I felt like a walking, talking cliche). He turns to the kid and tells him they don't make Halo for PS2, and asks if there's anything else he wants. The kid ignores us both and keeps digging.

I tried to ask the kid what kinds of games he likes, but when I spoke to him he got really shy and wouldn't talk. I'll always wonder how long they were in that store, looking for that PS2 copy of Halo.
I do this generally. The last time I remember doing this was when some guy was about to buy Rampage: Total Destruction for his kids. Instead I got him to buy Rayman Raving Rabbids and Zack & Wiki as it was the same price as just the Rampage game.
it depends on what they look like (i know profiling i'm terrible). If they look all stick up their ass pompous i won't say anything, but if the just look like a confused mom/dad i will pipe up... some lady was totally getting ripped off on launch wii games at circuity city thinking 10% off a marked up price was a good thing, but she had that stick up her ass i drive a BMW look so i didn't bother.

one thing i will always pipe up about is a mom buying GTA games for a child 7 or under, that's just wrong... and i think censorship is crap, and i don't care if their mom lets them play it i just want want mom to know what's in there before she buys it so later she's not trying to attack the video game industry because she didn't know because no one told her you could pick up a hooker ahhhh now mind that usually that same mom doesn't give a crap about the guns violence and death but oh no SEX surly the world will end because of sex.

Oh and anyone in a military uniform i will always give my 2 cents to because i know they dont have money to waste on crap and since hubby is in the service it kind of makes it ok to talk to anyone in a military uniform, at least that's mostly how i've seen it.
Before xmas I tried to help a nice lady with her DS game purchases when she was getting a pair of DS's for her (young) kids. She wanted games they could play together. So I suggested, for example, Mario Party DS because it had great multiplayer support with only one card and it's a good Mario Party game. I figured that would work for them. I also suggested New Super Mario Bros, if I recall correctly, as I think the multiplayer game in that is a hoot, not to mention the main game. She ended up instead getting a few cheap games. I can't remember what they were, but they were pretty crappy and I don't think either had multiplayer. Oh well. I understand - she didn't want to spend much, and I wasn't going to push the issue, but she'd already "spent much" buy buying the DS's even if they were used. Oh well. I hope the money spent didn't prove to be a waste.
The Wii is an exception when it comes to me giving advice. Personally I would much rather help someone who owned a PS3 pick out a game or accessories, and I'm not even parshel(not on this spelling) to that system nor do I own it. On the otherhand I would assist someone if they asked me, but I don't usually butt into their business unless in a Gamestop. That place is like that anti-christ of videogame advice.

On a regular basis though if I see some purchasing shovel-ware or crap like the Wii-fit fitness kit, I either laugh silently to myself or feel like a little piece of me died. Who knows it may be a combination of both. Anyway a lot of people in my opinion seem as though they know what they're getting into when they buy this crap, you know they bought the freakin' Wii for god's sakes it only has like 10 decent games and bajillion fuckin crap games.

I digress, really I just kind of hate the Wii for what it has done to gaming in general. Most people have already done damage by just purchasing the thing, but I will only help them with their purchase if they ask. I only own one because my wife wanted it, it is a fun console for parties however.
I don't help the people holding crappy games - in most cases they seem to have come in with that game in mind anyway.

I do help the people who look lost or overwhelmed though, and it always seems to be appreciated. Unlike the Best Buy employee, I can tell someone which of three racing games is the most fun, or best for kids, or has the most replay value, etc.
[quote name='pochaccoheaven']only when they ask, other wise i don't.

i find that it's not proper to impose an idea of what is good and what is bad or any ideology to someone. i know that many people like jeans as compared to khakis pants, but i particularly like khaki pants as they're more softer as compared to jeans or whatever other reasons there are. but having someone telling you that buying jeans is better then buying khaki pants is simply wrong, regardless even if the quality isn't there.

i do, however, inform them of their options though.

the people who own the wii are those who have little or no knowledge of video games. so initially they would buy the shovelware and low quality games. but over time, their experiences grow and they'll be making purchases of games that are more higher quality. like an amatuer painter, all he understands that a stroke of the brush is nothing more but a stroke, but to an expert it has many meanings and implications.[/QUOTE]

I agree with everything you said, but what if the sheer suckiness of one of these games turns them off the Wii, and in all likelihood, gaming in general for good? Video games are pretty expensive, especially to someone who doesn't do the research i.e. gaming is not their primary hobby.

As to the above poster who thinks the Wii has destroyed the industry, uh, right, ok. 2007 called, they want their meme back. Or is that the year the Wii collected dust? No wait, that was right out of the gate . . .

Furthermore, I didn't know that buggalo could fly.
I never offer unsolicited advise on gaming purchases. I will occasionally say something like "Wow, $5 for ______, not bad" and point them in the direction of it. But if see someone buying... I don't know... M&M Racer for the Wii, I let them buy it. When it sucks and their kid hates them and turns gay on them out of spite, they'll learn to more carefully screen their prospective game purchases.
I'll offer advice if the person looks confused or the sales person is wrong. Like when I was in HWV getting $3.99 games and some lady was asking about the ps3 and CB, and the sales person told her all modesl were BC.
[quote name='Sacsquash']bla bla bla[/QUOTE]

Hey alright - ANOTHER Wii thread with stupid trolling where it isn't required.

The Wii represents no threat to your big bad manly games, which is funny considering you are crying in a corner about it.

Thanks for the glorious "parshel" input.
[quote name='help1']I've been in situations where I could have helped, to decided to pass. People on LI aren't really that nice, and like others have said, quality isn't one of the biggest issues fro your casual gamer.[/quote]
Once you helped me in gamestop, and told me your cag name so i can leave feedback...
[quote name='Survivor Charlie']I never offer unsolicited advise on gaming purchases. I will occasionally say something like "Wow, $5 for ______, not bad" and point them in the direction of it. But if see someone buying... I don't know... M&M Racer for the Wii, I let them buy it. When it sucks and their kid hates them and turns gay on them out of spite, they'll learn to more carefully screen their prospective game purchases.[/quote]

[quote name='LilPaintballer']Once you helped me in gamestop, and told me your cag name so i can leave feedback...[/quote]

Uhh, what? You might be confusing me with someone else, ha.
I am glad that some people find it necessary to troll here. Bashing the Wii, what an original idea. That is just as original as the bashing the GC, N64, and the SNES. Same shit different generation.
[quote name='Strell']Hey alright - ANOTHER Wii thread with stupid trolling where it isn't required.

The Wii represents no threat to your big bad manly games, which is funny considering you are crying in a corner about it.

Thanks for the glorious "parshel" input.[/quote]

Never said the Wii wasn't for big bad manly men and I did admit that it is fun. Maybe you should read the whole post before you discredit it. The thread asks if any of us would be willing to help people who are purchasing crappy products and I said I would as long as they asked me. Personally I dislike the Wii compared to my 360 and perhaps I was a little harsh, but I shared my opinion anyway.

The reason I said I'd rather assist someone with the PS3 (I don't even like Sony) is because I understand that product a little more than the Wii. The PS3 is very similiar to the 360 so it's much easier for me to just jump in and help someone looking for that kind of product. Who am I to tell someone not to purchase shovel-ware maybe they like that kind of stuff, but with 360/PS3 there isn't a huge variation between the games, you got your shooters, RPGs, and racing games it's easy and they are mostly from fairly respectable developers.

With the Wii and it's shovel-ware it's ridiculous you have stuff like racing M&Ms and crap like Elevator: Mission which looks like a Sega Saturn port and just about a thousand different knock-off party games. Alot of It is garbage ,but just maybe someone gets a kick out of it. Most of these games are priced significantly lower than Nintendo's MSRP so who's gonna blame them if they want something cheaper most of these shovel-ware games are around $20, you get what you pay for in most cases.

I don't see any reason for the personal attack, but if I hurt you're feelings bad mouthing the Wii I guess I'm sorry. As for trolling I think I responded to the OP perfectly fine with my own opinion and again I did state that I would be willing to help someone from buying Wii-crap if they asked me.
[quote name='ProfWho']I am glad that some people find it necessary to troll here. Bashing the Wii, what an original idea. That is just as original as the bashing the GC, N64, and the SNES. Same shit different generation.[/quote]

Except the N64 and SNES were good.
[quote name='help1']Except the N64 and SNES were good.[/quote]

Revisionism is grand isn't it. At the time the SNES was teh kiddie system because Sonic was edger and you could get blood in Mortal Kombat with a code.

N64 had no games (and when you look at the # of decent titles and compare that to the Wii really the Wii has more at the same point in its life cycle). Only difference between now and then is that people have moved off of the playground and got on the internet.
[quote name='Sacsquash']

With the Wii and it's shovel-ware it's ridiculous you have stuff like racing M&Ms and crap like Elevator: Mission which looks like a Sega Saturn port and just about a thousand different knock-off party games...

Who do you think you are to start knocking the Sega Saturn? Damn you sir! Damn you to HELL !!!!!
[quote name='bmulligan']Who do you think you are to start knocking the Sega Saturn? Damn you sir! Damn you to HELL !!!!![/quote]

It's okay if it's on a sega saturn, just not okay if it's on a Wii. Have you seen any screen shots from Elevator: Mission, please tell me you wouldn't buy this game. For the record I didn't knock the Saturn, I actually chose the Saturn over the Playstation, I loved playing Virtua Cop w/ my bro.

edit: what is up with these personal attacks on this thread?
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Do I want to, fuck yes. Do I, well no because every time I look at people buying Wii games, well I don't want to start a fight because where I live most of the time they are trailer trash or look like they would start a fight.

What scares the fucking shit me is not that someone is buying a petz game, but that someone is actually (somehow, idk how) enjoying a petz game for them to make more. Where has society gone, lol :lol:.
[quote name='Sacsquash']
edit: what is up with these personal attacks on this thread?[/quote]Telling people that they're killing gaming is a pretty good way to attract a personal attack or two.

For my part?

fuck y'all, I'm buyin' Ultimate Duck Hunting for everyone!
[quote name='Sacsquash']It's okay if it's on a sega saturn, just not okay if it's on a Wii. Have you seen any screen shots from Elevator: Mission, please tell me you wouldn't buy this game. For the record I didn't knock the Saturn, I actually chose the Saturn over the Playstation, I loved playing Virtua Cop w/ my bro.

edit: what is up with these personal attacks on this thread?[/QUOTE]

It's a Wii forum. You aren't allowed to share your disinterest for the Wii, or some of the games. It's serious business and a touchy subject apparently. :shrug:


I never do this. I figure they go in looking for a Catz game or something along those lines, so I just let them. These crappy shovelware games exist, so changing one person's mind isn't going to alter anything.
[quote name='lilboo']It's a Wii forum. You aren't allowed to share your disinterest for the Wii, or some of the games. It's serious business and a touchy subject apparently. :shrug:

It's trolling. You know that it is. I have no clue why you're suddenly acting like this holier-than-thou attitude so recently.

There's no reason for the trolling in here - no one is asking for it, yet it goes on, and the clueless mods here do nothing about it.

An alternate opinion is "no," not "I hate the fucking system and it sucks and anyone who has it is an idiot." Pretty sad you can't tell the two apart, and are just hiding behind some stupid persona to try and get away with that inability to discern the difference.

There's no reason it should exist in this thread or in a bunch of other threads, but it does. Throwing it under some imaginary bus along with a lot of poor observations doesn't make you look more enlightened - it makes you look like a part of a bigger problem.

Edit 2: While we're at it, Sacsquash actually explained himself a little better, and seems more even key than that first post would have actually implied. So that's fine, and if he reads this, sorry for the initial retort. It wasn't exactly even-minded. I could say that I'm just really tired of the trolls around here, but that comes off as an excuse, and I'm not looking to make one.
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[quote name='Strell']
An alternate opinion is "no," not "I hate the fucking system and it sucks and anyone who has it is an idiot."
There have been some well-reasoned "no" responses even in this thread. Like you, I don't see the point of seeking out people to insult them (directly or indirectly).

Of course, I always like to play devil's adcovate and point out that those "z" games continue to sell well, so they may not be the worst thing to recommend to someone. Meanwhile the No More Heroes team scraps for sales. It's sad, but when you think of most of the Wii owners you see in stores how many can you reall recommend No More Heroes to? At least in Petz Crazyz Monkeyz everyone can enjoy poking a monkey.
Usually I help people out with that kind of stuff, and tell them to buy Mario Kart for their kids, since it's a lot better than Decca Sports or whatever shit.

Although before Christmas when I was on the bus on a field trip with my friend and his teacher, she was talking about getting her kids a Wii, and we both recommended Ninjabread Man telling her how awesome it was. :p
bread's done