Is anyone else going to buy a PSP, and not really take it anywhere?*rant inside*

I love portable systems, always have. I'm just one of those technology freaks who likes stuff either very small (like cell phones) or huge (like tvs).

My portables have been...GameBoy, GameBoy Pocket (still have one), GameBoy Color (still have one), GameBoy Advance, SP, Atari Lynx (still got two), Game Gear, Neo Geo Pocket Color, Virtual Boy (kinda portable), get the idea.


Problem is, I'm old(er) now.

Portables are good for flights and bathroom visits, but now seem unnecessary. I am no longer one of those little kids being dragged around Macy's by their mom, with my head down, focused on my Game Boy, bumping into clothing racks. Where and when am I supposed to play portable games? Maybe breaks between classes or at work, but it doesn't seem worth bringing a large pieces of $150-$200 somewhat fragile hardware around. I don't need to be entertained by video games ALL the time. If I feel the need, I can just play some games on my phone (all a man needs is Tetris anyway).

Point is, I love portable systems. I just think they are damn cool pieces of technology, and will be buying a PSP. The thing is, from my experience with my GBA, then my SP, I don't really have any reason to own a portable system. I can see myself loving my PSP, sitting on my bed playing it, less than 20 feet from my gaming consoles. Sure, it will be used on the occasional flight once or twice a year, but I'm no ADD 12 year old, so do I really need it?

Anyway, thats my rant, post replys below. Thank you for your support! *shakes your hand*
BTW, if I don't remember my old screen names password, and I no longer have the web based email address I signed up I screwed? I had to create this new one (thus, the "returns" part)
bathrooom and friends house. anyone know where i can buy protective screen covers. i want to buy 2 cover both the ds screens and psp and gba and stuff. if i put a proctive cover for the touch screen will it still work if i touch it
I wouldn't be embarased to whip out a PSP in most settings, but for some reason would feel a little funny if people see me blowing into a DS untill I turn blue, to blow out a video game version of a candle.
Yes the bathroom is the perfect place for it, but I also take my GBA or (rarely) my Nomad on long rides in cars or Trains becase i know it will get boring.
I haven't had a desire to own a portale system since the original gameboy. Even though the Minish Cap looks tempting, I'll probably wait till I can find a cheap Gamecube GBA player if I decide to get it.
Doctor's office, dentist's office, airports, car trips. I usually play the gameboy the most while the wife shops and I've got nothing to do but sit and wait. I very rarely play it at home but I never take it out of the home unless I know I'm going somewhere where I'll be waiting a long period of time.
bathrooom and friends house. anyone know where i can buy protective screen covers. i want to buy 2 cover both the ds screens and psp and gba and stuff. if i put a proctive cover for the touch screen will it still work if i touch it
The thing that bugs me is that they release games on these things that they don't on a console, games that I really want to play. But I'm like you, I'm never really in a situation to play a portable. Either I'm at work, or driving, or at home. If I'm home, it comes down to a choice between playing on a 3" screen or a 55" one.

Here's hoping Sony comes out w/ some add-on or something that lets you play PSP games on your Tv.
One thing that might win me over is the wireless multiplayer. If there is a TRUE killer app (preferably a FPS) that 80% of the people will be playing, then it would be cool to plan a get together with other PSP owners. That is a planned metting though, not just carrying it around all the time, looking for a multiplayer match. Being in my 20's, I'm not gonna go up to some 12 year old boy in the mall holding a PSP and ask if he wants to play with me...
[quote name='argyle']Here's hoping Sony comes out w/ some add-on or something that lets you play PSP games on your Tv.[/quote]

But really, the hardware is already there. All they need is something that will read the UMD.
[quote name='evilmax17'][quote name='argyle']Here's hoping Sony comes out w/ some add-on or something that lets you play PSP games on your Tv.[/quote]

Bravo! :rofl:
bathrooom and friends house. anyone know where i can buy protective screen covers. i want to buy 2 cover both the ds screens and psp and gba and stuff. if i put a proctive cover for the touch screen will it still work if i touch it
proctective screen covers anyone???
I'm aware that the PSP is basically a mini PS2 - but it isn't the exact same technology. I mean, it would take more than just getting the PS2 to read the disk. :p

I expect something next gen w/ the PS3 as well, some kind of Gameboy Player equivilant (and that goes for the next Nintendo system as well, w/ the DS).
[quote name='xenoman80']bathrooom and friends house. anyone know where i can buy protective screen covers. i want to buy 2 cover both the ds screens and psp and gba and stuff. if i put a proctive cover for the touch screen will it still work if i touch it
proctective screen covers anyone???[/quote]

Hey, would anyone here like some screen covers?
I play my GBA mostli at home, but bought it to play on holidays.

I do like going in the real world and seeing the real world through. :)
I haven't touched my home consoles for the past two months, I'm handheld crazy right now. I just love playing in my bed, without having the T.V. being twenty feet away, not to mention the cords. I play ....

In bed, on the couch, long trips, doctors office, and Starbucks every Tuesday with three of my buddies. We play multi-player Mario 64 DS, and drink Mocha frappacinos because we're that damn cool.
[quote name='Chris in Cali']I haven't touched my home consoles for the past two months, I'm handheld crazy right now. I just love playing in my bed, without having the T.V. being twenty feet away, not to mention the cords. I play ....

In bed, on the couch, long trips, doctors office, and Starbucks every Tuesday with three of my buddies. We play multi-player Mario 64 DS, and drink Mocha frappacinos because we're that damn cool.[/quote]

I wish I had some people to hook up with and play Wario Ware or Four Swords. :(
[quote name='argyle'] Here's hoping Sony comes out w/ some add-on or something that lets you play PSP games on your Tv.[/quote]

Now, what would be really, really cool would be if the PSP could wirelessly stream the video through your PS3 to your TV. Might as well dream big!
I'm a lot like the OP. People bitch and bitch about batteries and stuff, but I honestly never ever am in a situation where I am going to play my DS or (future) PSP without being near an outlet for more than an hour.
i have like 3-4 games for my gba (non sp) i play it mainly in the can or between classes if therse nowhere 2 drive and my friends are busy (sumtimes i have 4 hour breaks) i also played my gba in the back of my history class since..well..bored, i mean, i was the cool kid playing a hand me down pokemon sapphire..lets see..but yea, mainly used for trips, bathroom and just extreme boredom
i wanna get the psp and/or ds since they look really cool and have alot more feature and games seem to be more in depth than the gba (cant say much about psp other than the games look damn cool (metal gear ad!c comes to mind))
One thing that might win me over is the wireless multiplayer. If there is a TRUE killer app (preferably a FPS) that 80% of the people will be playing, then it would be cool to plan a get together with other PSP owners. That is a planned metting though, not just carrying it around all the time, looking for a multiplayer match. Being in my 20's, I'm not gonna go up to some 12 year old boy in the mall holding a PSP and ask if he wants to play with me...

That's what I was going to point out as well!

A lot of the DS/PSP portable games have wireless-multiplayer, which is a big plus for... well, anyone who has the game & system! It's just very cool that you can play wirelessly without any added equipment. Plus, you can trade stuff from your games. (a big reason I'm looking forward to Animal Crossing DS!)
bread's done