Is anyone planning on getting the Apple iPhone? Why or why not?


77 (100%)
I'm getting rid of my Verizon coverage in June and switching to Cingular and I just so happen to be on the hunt for a new video mp3 player. So naturally the iPhone has piqued my interest. But I was wondering what my fellow CAGs thoughts are on the matter and if anyone else is looking to get one this summer.

For those of you that have no idea what I'm talking about ....

[quote name='']iPhone combines three amazing products — a revolutionary mobile phone, a widescreen iPod with touch controls, and a breakthrough Internet communications device with desktop-class email, web browsing, maps, and searching — into one small and lightweight handheld device. iPhone also introduces an entirely new user interface based on a large multi-touch display and pioneering new software, letting you control everything with just your fingers. So it ushers in an era of software power and sophistication never before seen in a mobile device, completely redefining what you can do on a mobile phone. [/quote]
By the time it reaches market, I guarantee someone will have a better knock-off version of it out. And for not $600. This is one of Apple's stupidest moves, really.
no for a few reasons: first, its cingular only. 2nd its far too expensive. 3rd its a first gen electronic that will certainly have better versions down the road.
Too expensive, no cingular reception in my area, and it's almost guaranteed that there will be similar products on the market soon after that will be cheaper and better suited to my needs (like the Ipod and Zen Vision: M).
I ain't paying $500 for it when I can get so many other great phones cheaper then the iphone. This is coming from a fan of apple products btw.
Too expensive, and really all I want out of a cell phone is to make calls.

Plus, I'm not switching providers any time soon.
Absolutely on day one. Since I needed a PDA/Phone and I don't have an iPod (i have an iRiver POS) plus I'm already a Cingular customer, the timing couldn't be better for me. My Ericsson T616 is coming up on 4 years old now and I can't wait for June 11th.
Cingular/ATT or whatever they are calling themselves this month sucks here. I'd rather spend the cash on a PS3. $500+ for a phone is way too much. The tech in those things changes way fast.
No, because I'm not switching from Verizon. Now if apple makes one of these things without the phone parts, I'm all over it.
Yes I plan on picking it up on day 1. Dont really care about the price since I spent $400 on my sidekick 3 which I plan on selling to offset the Iphone.

Also works out pretty well seeing as I do not own an Ipod atm. So I figure after I sell my phone I will probably only have to pay somewhere around $300 out of pocket for the phone anyways.
I hate Cingular with a burning fire of a thousand flames. Their customer service sucks, and they are useless. Beyond that, I think it's too expensive. Maybe down the line sometime.
Too expensive and I don't have any desire to jump on with Cingular,their plans are just nothing special. Besides just about every phone i've owned in the last three and a half years has played mp3's
I'm changing my vote.

I'm going to wait until my contract w/ verizon runs out next year, then decide. Cause the thing looks friggin' sweet.
have a cell phone.. have XM no need for mp3s.. own a car, i do not use public transportation when it comes to having "down time" between work and home to "play games, call people on a cell phone, or play on the intranet"
1. WAY WAY too expensive.
2. I just got a phone from my parents.
3. My phone has a SD card slot so I dont need a iPhone for a MP3 player.
4. I dont call people much.
5. Screen may get all messed up from fingerprints or scratches.

I have to admit the iPhone is a good piece of hardware, but its not just worth it.
Not a chance.

1)Verizon is the best service I've found
2)iPhone is way overpriced
3)It's sure to be outdated 6 minutes after it's released
4)Too much of the All-in-One crap that I don't need, similar to the PSP
DEFINETLY i dont have a phone or a ipod so perfect combo it will be the first fone i buy and tha last one cuz ul nevr need another one
Have to see how this third party app stuff works out on it.
I need to open Office documents and it currently can't.
Were I come from if you walked around carrying something like that you'd get jacked. It's too expensive anyway.
It's not a 3G phone, so it'll be slow in surfing the Internet. There's already rumors about a 2nd gen iPhone that will be a 3G phone, which will make the web surfing worthwhile.
Way too expensive, and it strikes me the Iphone is a jack of all trades and master of none.

There's no way 8gb of storage is gonna replace my 60gb video Ipod, and the rest of the features seem rather gimicky.

So no, I'll not be getting one.
I already have a Pocket PC phone. It's essentially a iPhone that came out several years earlier. Already does all that crap plus more.
bread's done