Is anyone wierded out or scared by the six flags guy


203 (99%)
Whenever I see a six flag commercial I am almost compelled to shoot a hole through my television. I don't know what it is but he really gets under my skin. As far as advertising goes, I am a biology major, and I could create a more creative and softer character to advertise my product. I don't know why I brought this up but I really hope you guys feel the same. If you don't know what he looks like just go to
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I find it strange that an amusement park company chose a dancing old guy for its mascot.[/QUOTE]

I think it is supposed to show that Six Flags brings out the kid in you...

Do we need instruction manuals to our commercials?
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']I think it is supposed to show that Six Flags brings out the kid in you...

Do we need instruction manuals to our commercials?[/QUOTE]
Show him turning into a kid and having fun, not dancing around and forcing people to come to the park.
I've never seen it before. But that guy is now my idol. Wait, that kid in white from that Halftime Show video someone posted a while back is my idol. But this guy is a close second.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Show him turning into a kid and having fun, not dancing around and forcing people to come to the park.[/QUOTE]

Yes they should use the morphing tecnology from the groundbreaking Michael Jackson music video, Black or White.
Holy crap! I was thinking the same thing whenever I see him. He's that creepy bald dude that dances. I told my co-worker the other day I found him disturbing.

How did the ad agency get the green light to put that guy on TV? They could have invented countless better mascots than that guy!
[quote name='modium'] Wait, that kid in white from that Halftime Show video someone posted a while back is my idol. But this guy is a close second.[/QUOTE]

dude, that kid was the best thing ever!
You know that's just a young guy in old man makeup, right? Right?

The one that creeps me out is the Burger King guy. Somebody wakes up in the morning and sees that freaky king staring in his window!
[quote name='neocisco']You know that's just a young guy in old man makeup, right? Right?

The one that creeps me out is the Burger King guy. Somebody wakes up in the morning and sees that freaky king staring in his window![/QUOTE]
He's not creepy, he's just enthusiastic to make new friends wherever he finds them.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']He's not creepy, he's just enthusiastic to make new friends wherever he finds them.[/QUOTE]
You mean like in the beds of other men?
[quote name='Zman310']Could someone please enlighten me as to why Junior Soprano is advertising Six Flags theme park?[/QUOTE] all I'll ever think of is Uncle June when I see that ad
[quote name='dcfox']You mean like in the beds of other men?[/QUOTE]

That and in cars, front doors, bedroom windows, rolling with dogs, Darth Vader, and many other places.
Not only is that guy in Six Flags commericals but he has his own ride at Six Flag's New England,
Mr. Six's Pandemonium,

Knowing Six Flags and how they love clones of rides at their parks (how many of their parks have a Batman the ride inverted coaster that has the same track layout), more of these rides will probably show up at other Six Flags parks as well.
Yeah he's almost as amusing as Quizno's old mascot. Not the baby thing, the spongemonkey thing. Long live the spongemonkey.
I never liked that commercial or that choice of mascot. There are just people out there I guess who think that stuff is funny. You know, some of the best advertising historically has been the most annoying. The key is to get people to remember and think about whatever it is you're advertising. If you can get people talking about it, all the better ("Any publicity is good publicity").

Think about it, Six Flags just got a bunch of people talking about them and visiting their website because of this idiotic commercial. Most people would be honest enough to admit that this guy being their mascot isn't going to affect their decision to go or not go to Six Flags. So having us all talking about it and putting the thought in everyone's head is what they want and what they're getting.
[quote name='chosen1s']I never liked that commercial or that choice of mascot. There are just people out there I guess who think that stuff is funny. You know, some of the best advertising historically has been the most annoying. The key is to get people to remember and think about whatever it is you're advertising. If you can get people talking about it, all the better ("Any publicity is good publicity").

Think about it, Six Flags just got a bunch of people talking about them and visiting their website because of this idiotic commercial. Most people would be honest enough to admit that this guy being their mascot isn't going to affect their decision to go or not go to Six Flags. So having us all talking about it and putting the thought in everyone's head is what they want and what they're getting.[/QUOTE]
Not me, I'm done with Six Flags as of today
[quote name='chosen1s']I never liked that commercial or that choice of mascot. There are just people out there I guess who think that stuff is funny. You know, some of the best advertising historically has been the most annoying. The key is to get people to remember and think about whatever it is you're advertising. If you can get people talking about it, all the better ("Any publicity is good publicity").

Think about it, Six Flags just got a bunch of people talking about them and visiting their website because of this idiotic commercial. Most people would be honest enough to admit that this guy being their mascot isn't going to affect their decision to go or not go to Six Flags. So having us all talking about it and putting the thought in everyone's head is what they want and what they're getting.[/QUOTE]
No. It just gives me a boner.

i don't think he's alive. i think they stuffed his mouth open, tied strings like pinochio on him, and shook the strings around.

and that stoopid quiznos commercial w/the freakin rodents, iugh!
[quote name='Saucy Jack']I'm surprised that no one has started the "the Six Flags guy is Urkel in makeup" argument yet. :)[/QUOTE]

hes not tall enough, urkel was like 6 10 by the end of family matters
Yeah he's totally creepy. But also right about the BK mascot to, Hmm 3 am whats that noise outside my window better take a look... see that fucked up fucker out there tell me it wouldn't creep you out.

That old guys a pimp! I hope after all my BMX and motocross wrecks I've had I'll still be that energetic and mobile when I look that old.
[quote name='Xevious']I like to see the BK King and the Six Flags guy fight to the death! That would be so cool![/QUOTE]

Yeah, but if the Taco Bell dog would still be around...there would be no competition. :)

But in all honesty, yeah, that guy creeps the hell out of me.
Everytime I close my eyes, I see him. Everytime I walk down a dark hallway, I see him. Everytime I'm alone, I feel he's watching me. Breathing down my neck. Whispering in my ear "Time to die." But besides that, my life is pretty sweet.:booty:
My dad hates this guy with a passion. Like, he wants to strangle our cat whenever he sees the commercial. Whilst the old fellow doesn't really get to me, I like the song they play, "We Like to Party". I think that's what it's called...

Anyway, I detest the burger king commercials. I mean, DAMN, I want to beat the living shit out of whomever though "Gosh, let's take some poor fellow off the street, stick him in the ugliest, stupidest sodding king suit with a deranged grin of DOOM we can find, and call it a commercial! Golly, think of the laughs when we HAVE HIM WAKE UP IN BED WITH SOME NUTTER, TO SIGNIFY "WAKING UP WITH THE KING! L0Lz0Rz!" :applause:

Mmkay, I'm done.
bread's done