Is Brain Age worth 20 bucks?

Arkay Firestar

9 (100%)
I'm curious because I know I'm going to get NSMB, and I might eventually get Metroid when I finally unwrap my copy of Prime 2 for the GCN, but I kinda want something to play other than AC:WW and Tetris (although I'm finding im playing tetris a lot more than I thought).

Since I likely won't go back and buy older games, regardless of how popular (like Phoenix Wright or Castlevania: DoS), I'm wondering if you all feel that its worth the price, even though budget...does it get old fast or is it something you can pickup and play everyday and it still feels novel?

Just tappin ya for opinions :)
Well, clearly most of us have only had it for a week... but so far, I'm not tiring of it. It's definitely something I plan on keeping up with. You generally only play it about a half hour a day (if you do the brain age check and all the available training exercises) so it's not as if you will burn yourself out on it. I would advise trying out a demo in a store somewhere to see what you think of the games.
I'd say it's absolutely worth $20. I've only owned it for several days thus far, but I have yet to grow tired of it. Honestly, though, it's hard to get tired of a game that you only play for a few minutes each day (in my case, anyway), heh.

Brain Age is a nice diversion from all of the shooting, fighting, etc. that other games have in them. It's also got SuDoku in it, which I didn't care at all about before I got Brain Age; now, I'm rather addicted to it as everyday I engage myself in Brain Age I try some SuDoku puzzles.
If I'm not a big Sudoku fan, will this game still appeal to me? The rest of it seems interesting, but I am afraid that Sudoku might be a good percentage of the game.
[quote name='asianxcore']If I'm not a big Sudoku fan, will this game still appeal to me? The rest of it seems interesting, but I am afraid that Sudoku might be a good percentage of the game.[/QUOTE]
the sudoku isnt even in the japanese version, so it is not a good percentage of the game.
I say yes. But if you have to ask no. As many millions as this series of games has sold on top of a budget price and good reviews can't seal it for you nothing will.
[quote name='j.elles']I say yes. But if you have to ask no. As many millions as this series of games has sold on top of a budget price and good reviews can't seal it for you nothing will.[/QUOTE]

Yea, nice logic. I guess that means a game that sells a ton of copies and gets good reviews must be good, ESPECIALLY if it has a budget price. Thanks for that gem of reason.
[quote name='Arkay Firestar']You're right dude...forgot about the demo :) Too bad there are no best buys near me :(

Well, still, I'll wait till i can try it.[/quote]

I believe the DS Download kiosks are at Gamestop/EB/Gamecrazy as well.
I like it...helps me focus in the morning, as cheesy as that may sound. It's really not a game. you run through each exercise once a day, that's all.
I had it since Monday and have not tired of it. The Sudoku part is just and extra thrown into the game. But it is not really a game you play for long periods a time a day. Well it's not really a game at all.
Easily worth the $20. Every morning since I've had I do my training excercises then check my brain age. The addition of Sudoku makes the game that much more of a value since I would have paid an additional $20 for it.
I'm just saying with the good word of mouth and reviews, the budget price, and the genre of the game it shouldn't be hard to tell if you want it or not. I'm buying it for my mother in law for her upcoming birthday. And i'll probably use her copy a bit whenever i'm over there. Since i'm over there at least once or twice a week.
[quote name='Arkay Firestar']Yea, nice logic. I guess that means a game that sells a ton of copies and gets good reviews must be good, ESPECIALLY if it has a budget price. Thanks for that gem of reason.[/quote]I can't tell if this is sarcastic or not.
Does anyone know the percentage of gamestops with the game download thingy? Pretty sure mine doesnt have one, and I'd like to see where the nearest one is that does.
I got and I love it! I played Sudoku online a few times but never really liked it.. now I love it! It's not a big part of the game.. for me it is, because I love it.. but.. i only had it for 2 days and I DO feel myself a bit more focused.. in some aspects!

Go to Best Buy and use the gamer gift card! I got it for $15.89! I would of been happy had I spent $35 for it!

Great game.. well.. sorta.. :)
Haha, I guess it's worth $165 + Tax to my wife. She played my Brain Age game this morning (Ijust got it yesterday) and couldn't put it down. She liked it so much, we went to BestBUy today and she bought for herself:

Silver DS $130
Brain Age $15 after GGC
DS Starter Kit $20 after GGC

Hers is still charging, but she has played mine for a couple hours since we have been home. It's funny, but I may have to tell her to quit playing games and make me some dinner. :lol: The Tide has definately turned in this house. My son gets his DS next week for his Birthday, so we will be able to play eachother multiple games like Mario Kart, Brain Age etc.

What are some other games that are really fun in multiplayer?
Daigasso band brothers and Tetris are the best (single cart) multiplayer games in my opinion. Advance Wars, Bomberman, and Meteos are also worth getting for the multiplayer. Other games like Mario 64, Nanostray, Metroid Prime Pinball have token multiplayer elements that can be fun but aren't that great. Pokemon Trozei might be fun too, but I haven't played multiplayer enough to really give a good opinion.
Yup, it's worth the $20. I find myself looking forward to the next day to see if my brain is actually improving. It is too according to the graph. Only problem I have is it recognizing my writing in the word memory game. But then I have terrible handwriting, so that's all my fault.
I got sick of it within a week honestly. I had built it into my routine so that I play it every morning for 20-45 minutes after I eat breakfast. However on Friday, I forgot to play and now since my goal was to get a stamp per day, I have lost motivation to even play the game any more. It really doesn't help me any more then say reading the newspaper. Sudoku was the one thing I liked about Brain Age and I will probably have to play it the next time I am on a bus or plane.

Honestly though, wait for a price drop before you buy it.
I'm gonna say spend an extra $10 and get Tetris if you want a brain teasing game. This "game" sounds like a gimmick to appeal to the Japanese and I doubt it really "trains your brain". I know it's a gimmick that a lot of people are enjoying, but with Tetris you can play with other people and still get lots of mental excersize.
I think I'm gonna hold off, I can foresee *lots* of people trading it in after they get through a majority of the puzzles/get bored of it. I will probably be able to score a used copy for half the price down the road.

Yes, the true cheapass :)
Well i went to my starbucks today to sit and have a coffee...then remembered that my gamestop was next door and that they might have a DS download I turn my DS on and lo and behold, they have a download station...and not only that...I can use it sitting in my starbucks! Awesome!

I proceeded to sit there and play the Brain Age demo a bit, and while I'm sure it only has so many minigames to it, I found it to be a perfect demo for the system (uses the DS functionality better than any other game - i.e. dual screens, voice rec, handwriting rec, touch screen, etc...) and while I bought the game and have it shrinkwrapped and unopened (ill likely get though my entire work shift just playing the demo and decided if its worth it) I think ill open it and enjoy it. Its a good game to have to be able to hand to my mom or dad (who are getting up in their years and can only really play simple stuff) and let them have fun with it.

Anyways...based on the demo, and to answer my own seems like it is worth 20 bucks.

I find myself going back to my DS every day now to play brainage. This is the most I have ever played my DS. I also picked up Tony Hawk and MP Hunters in the past week, and they are very good games as well. It amazes me how many good/great games there are for this DS. I had a PSP before, and it was just boring to me.

If the DS had a built in movie player it would be perfect.
I've been playing just the DEMO for a week and I'm not bored of it yet, with a mere 2 exercises.

You've got to have a little bit of competitive spirit in order to get the point of the product, which is that you're trying to get better and stay good. You're not supposed to just do all the exercises a couple times and be done for good.
My wife and I have been playing it every day since we got it last Wednesday. It is the first DS game that she has played this much ever.

It is definitely worth $20 but I think it is actually more fun when you have more than one person playing since you can track each other's progress. Seeing the pictures my wife drew the day before and comparing them to mine is funny.
[quote name='ananag112']

Honestly though, wait for a price drop before you buy it.[/QUOTE]

With the budget price already, I doubt there will be a drop.
bread's done