Is it weird to just walk around your dorm and go into other people's dorms and talk?

Egad, what school are you at where you have a boys' dorm and a girls' dorm? if you see people moving in then go and introduce yourself, whether it is a boy or girl.

I remember the first weekend of my college dorm was hook up city. a LOT of people were hooking up, just be sure to wear a condom.

If everyone is already moved in, then yeah go try to meet some people, when you see people at the cafeteria ask if you can join them. That would make much more sense than going to an all girls dorm. Then again, if there was ever a good time to get away with going to a separate girls dorm, this is the week to do it. If you are hanging out like a sore thumb in the girls hallway next month or whatnot, then THAT would be a bit odd. But for the first week hanging out in the hallway is totally fine.

BUt there are probably better ways to meet people, if your school has clubs you are interested in, maybe anime club would be agreat way to hook up with some asian chicks(i have an asian fettish) or whatever your interest is, maybe salsa dancing club, there is always ALWAYS a shortage of guys at salsa dancing and it is ALWAYS wall to wall hot chick.

but to answer you original question, sure go hit the girls dorm for a panty raid
theres always people hanging outside of dorms go up and just join in on a convo. and dont be afraid to go up to a group of girls and talk just be sure to talk to all of them and pay attention they will respect your balls for coming over. and dracula is right about salsa dancing i dont do it but ive heard from reliable sources that you get to put your hands in all kinds of interesting places on women while doing it. and very few guys do it but chicks go crazy for it.
At my school, it was kinda impossible to go into other dorms unless you follow someone in (key cards and whatnot), but beyond that... no, not weird at all. It was much easier to do so before classes started, given that everyone was basically wandering around and socializing, and once classes started, you started to meet people hat way.
[quote name='dracula']\
BUt there are probably better ways to meet people, if your school has clubs you are interested in, maybe anime club would be agreat way to hook up with some asian chicks(i have an asian fettish) [/QUOTE]

I hear asian girls love guys with asian fetishes. :p
Yeah, i forgot to add

decent things to talk about with fellow co eds

what type of music do you like

what are you studying

what sort of school clubs are you thinking of trying etc

best thing to say is

" have a gram of tiajuana green in my room, you want to smoke a bowl?"
"do you know about any parties going on later this evening(if it is a thurs, fri or sat")

even better is if you "know about 1 or more parties, but cant decide which to go to, what do you think. Would any of you be up for going" etc

worst things to say

i have half an ounce of coke in my room, do you want to do a line?"
ask if you can have a pair of their underwear
probably other things if i thought about it.
this happened in the dorms at my college... some people just left there door opened and bam! next thing you know people are just coming by and chatting.

I didn't mind this until my roommates friends started coming over often and started eating whatever they saw in the kitchen, including my own food...without permission. I've heard horror stories about roomies letting there friends borrow their roomies shit without permission. Glad I moved out to my own place! I have also heard stories of people leaving their door opened when bf and gf where fucking each other.
[quote name='Apossum']I hear asian girls love guys with asian fetishes. :p[/quote]

Unless that asian girl is completely 'white-washed'...good luck with that.
[quote name='ITDEFX']this happened in the dorms at my college... some people just left there door opened and bam! next thing you know people are just coming by and chatting.

I didn't mind this until my roommates friends started coming over often and started eating whatever they saw in the kitchen, including my own food...without permission. I've heard horror stories about roomies letting there friends borrow their roomies shit without permission. Glad I moved out to my own place! I have also heard stories of people leaving their door opened when bf and gf where fucking each other.[/QUOTE]

that is not a horror story.

if you want a horror story, read below. ***WARNING THIS IS fuckING SICK***

one saturday morning, some guys down the hall woke up to find some random dude in their suite on the couch and didnt know who he was. The worst part was that he had his pants down around his ankles and had a diarrhea on the couch. Yes, you read that correctly. This was at UC santa barbara, where everyone drinks on the weekends, and the freshmen have no tolerance and do some stupid shit. I could write about 10 pages of nonsense i have seen, and that would just me my freshman year..

So dont leave your door open too much. Randoms will drink your beers and eat your food and smoke your dope.

edit and take a shit on your couch
No, it's not weird at all - that's just what people do in college, and it's about the only time in life where it works that well. It took some getting used to for me, who was used to having lots of personal space, but it's a good growing experience.
[quote name='Greetard']Cliques will eventually start to form over time, so meet as many people as you can now.[/QUOTE]

definitely true. I would not only say that, but try out as many different clubs as you can, find out where all the hot chicks on campus are, and get in early, when no one knows anyone, and everyone wants to meet people.

I can post up some equally bizairre storys that can top the random dude walking into an open dorm door and taking a shit on the couch, but if talking about that sort of thing on these boards in not cool, i will stop
I'm really glad I moved out of that place a month after I got there. I didn't like it how I was stuck with 4 other roommates and their friends coming and going everyday. With me being out of the dorms for like 12 some hours because I had 3 or 4 classes every monday and my computer near the door, who knew what would have happened if I came in and saw the computer gone. Bet you my roomates would have said "I dunno what happened to your computer.." I know two of my roomates got into an argument because he was getting tired of his friends drinking his orange juice.
well leave your door open if you want people to walk in and talk, and I would knock first or just go to talk to girls who have an open door, dont just walk in
[quote name='ITDEFX']I'm really glad I moved out of that place a month after I got there. I didn't like it how I was stuck with 4 other roommates and their friends coming and going everyday. With me being out of the dorms for like 12 some hours because I had 3 or 4 classes every monday and my computer near the door, who knew what would have happened if I came in and saw the computer gone. Bet you my roomates would have said "I dunno what happened to your computer.." I know two of my roomates got into an argument because he was getting tired of his friends drinking his orange juice.[/QUOTE]

for folks who have already paid up for the semester and cant get out of the contract, and have this problem of sketchy roommates and randoms coming over, i would suggest getting a lock box(like a small trunk) to quickly stash your valuables(laptop, cellphone, gameboy, cash, etc) and then lock it before you head out. I guess people could still steal the trunk and then get the lock off with a hacksaw, but most crooks are too lazy to bother with that.

edit, i guess there really wouldnt be much of a reason to leave your cellphone or cash, but other valuables, blue ray dvds, videogames etc would go into the lock box.
[quote name='dracula']that is not a horror story.

if you want a horror story, read below. ***WARNING THIS IS fuckING SICK***

one saturday morning, some guys down the hall woke up to find some random dude in their suite on the couch and didnt know who he was. The worst part was that he had his pants down around his ankles and had a diarrhea on the couch. Yes, you read that correctly. This was at UC santa barbara, where everyone drinks on the weekends, and the freshmen have no tolerance and do some stupid shit. I could write about 10 pages of nonsense i have seen, and that would just me my freshman year..

So dont leave your door open too much. Randoms will drink your beers and eat your food and smoke your dope.

edit and take a shit on your couch[/QUOTE]

That is fuckin hilrious! thansks for sharing that hilarous story, here is one of my own.
One year, some freshman was at a party and actually laughed so hard she pissed herself. Well this wasnt so bad but it was still pretty embarassing, so to play it off like she didnt even care she purposefully SHIT herself, well kind of purposefully as she was completely and totally wasted to hell. Anyway she kept on just hanging out with shitpants and all and didnt even go home. i didnt see this but heard she actually stopped by a different party on her way home.

The rest of her time at college she was known as SHitty.
my freshman dorm was the shit. everyone on the floor left their doors open and youd just go into anyones room and chill not to mention our ra was the best in the dorm. funny enough even with our doors open we never once had a problem with theft on our floor. my roommate did have annoy habit of jacking my juices but id do the same to his soda so it was a kind of funny joke between us.

and you cant go wrong with the smurf discussion when looking for somethign to discuss. man we spent hours tryign to figure out wtf was up with smurfs and other cartoons. fuck man that dorm was the shit we had a guy that worked at wendys whod bring in big ass bags of the leftovers for everyone to eat, got free pizza from a chick i knew who delivered pizza, knew a few hott sorrority girls........damn whered it all go.
Haha, I found a random dude on my apartment couch once. The funny thing is, each of us roommates just assumed that the guy was friends with one of the others, so we thought nothing of it. Only later in the evening, after a few of us were done with classes and back in the apartment, did we realize "wait a minute, none of us have any idea who this guy is." I think he just ended up being friends with the room next door and he had stumbled into our room by mistake. Thankfully no undesirable substances were left on the couch.
[quote name='pittpizza']That is fuckin hilrious! thansks for sharing that hilarous story, here is one of my own.
One year, some freshman was at a party and actually laughed so hard she pissed herself. Well this wasnt so bad but it was still pretty embarassing, so to play it off like she didnt even care she purposefully SHIT herself, well kind of purposefully as she was completely and totally wasted to hell. Anyway she kept on just hanging out with shitpants and all and didnt even go home. i didnt see this but heard she actually stopped by a different party on her way home.

The rest of her time at college she was known as SHitty.[/QUOTE]

i can top that pretty easily.

On the houses by the beach, many garage bands are performing on the eriday and saturday nights. Many many randoms show up. at one such party, by the keg, i see one dude talking to a skank. after a few minutes she pulls up her skirt and they start fucking, and the funniest part is that the band played on. Ive seen all sorts of weird shit at parties.
Just do it.

Unfortunately for me, my University screwed me my first year and I didn't get to move into the dorms until about a month and a half into the first semester so I missed a lot of the fun. Dammit.

As for a funny/weird story, I had an apartment with 2 friends my last two years of college and we used to have parties about once a month. We had a huge roof deck so we'd usually put the kegs out there before crashing after a party. One time, my roommate who's bedroom was closest to the roof was woken up by a noise on the deck. He went to the window and saw a homeless dude pumping the practically empty keg with the hose in his mouth.
My roommate opened the door:

Roommate: "Wtf are you doing?"
Homeless dude: "Hey man, you mind if I drink dis beer?" *still pumping*
Roommate: ".......its empty"
Homeless dude: "Naw man! Dere's still lots of beer left!" *foam splatters all over the dude's face*

Just don't do it drunk,and in your underwear.

A friend did that once, and he was so shitfaced he didn't know his penis had fallen out of his fly. Man, everybody told that story for the rest of the school year.

Another funny college story, as told by the former VP of student affairs at CSUSB. He had to fill out a complaint that one frathouse had people "humping" like animals on a neighbors lawn. The neighbors had to cool the lovers off with a garden hose.

Supposed, one fraternity brother had sex in a dog house. It was before I pledged, though...

And we did have a female roommate who would piss herself at least once a month. Nothing pretty or sexy in the least.
I had a pretty good dorm experience, people were all pretty cool. We had just enough of a football jock asshole element to keep things interesting. Dorm pranks are a highlight of the college experience.

1 million scoville hot sauce brushed onto the bottom of chocolate chip cookies and left on another floor's entry table was a good one. It turned out that after a few people were made sick by them, they took them to another floor, which in turn did the same, and it spread all around the building. We heard about it for weeks from other people and had a hard time not laughing.

A friend of mine did what he called operation dixieland, got entrance to the room of some girls that we knew, and while they were out for the night, covered every free spot of floor space with individual dixie cups filled with water. It took them quite a while to drink their way back in after drinking all night. Good shit.
hmm i wonder if I stayed in that place for the entire 3 years instead of moving out.. would I catch someone jacking to some porn on tv?
The OP title doesn't make sense.

Anyway, I was in a co-ed dorm in college. Each floor had a female wing and a male wing. It was no big deal to go socialize, but there was curfew, so I imagine you just need to be aware of when you're hanging out.

That reminds senior year, I had the hottest female RA. She was cool, too. I still remember she wore this tank top with no bra during one of our movie nights and my eyeballs almost exploded out of my head.
If I learned one thing from college.......just be assertive right away and ask people questions......especially if they are hot ladies. Also, beer is your friend.

(Shhhh....also your enemy......but mostly your friend.)

Go Valpo!
[quote name='gunm']The OP title doesn't make sense.

Anyway, I was in a co-ed dorm in college. Each floor had a female wing and a male wing. It was no big deal to go socialize, but there was curfew, so I imagine you just need to be aware of when you're hanging out.

That reminds senior year, I had the hottest female RA. She was cool, too. I still remember she wore this tank top with no bra during one of our movie nights and my eyeballs almost exploded out of my head.[/QUOTE]

pics or it didn't happen lol. My RA was a real asshole and a fucking loser... For some reason he kept on telling people that the reason why transformers got canceled was because the creators got sued for copying Robotec.......... what the fuck?!?!
As an RA, I pretty much have to walk around and talk to people. But I never just walk into someone's room without asking permission.
[quote name='ITDEFX']pics or it didn't happen lol. My RA was a real asshole and a fucking loser... For some reason he kept on telling people that the reason why transformers got canceled was because the creators got sued for copying Robotec.......... what the fuck?!?![/quote]

he might be talking about jetifre. he was a transformer in the series that looked exactly like a valkryie jet. he was a friend of starscreams as i recall but wasnt in too many episodes. but i think that character was ok for them to use as they i believe got the rights to use the valkryie jet in their toyline and added him in the storyline later. dont quote me on that though.
[quote name='lokizz']he might be talking about jetifre. he was a transformer in the series that looked exactly like a valkryie jet. he was a friend of starscreams as i recall but wasnt in too many episodes. but i think that character was ok for them to use as they i believe got the rights to use the valkryie jet in their toyline and added him in the storyline later. dont quote me on that though.[/QUOTE]

i used to have that toy, about 22(circa) years ago. I really never got into the show, but the toys were awesome. The would shoot missiles, hold guns and other weapons, and were pretty well made. The GI joes were pretty cool too.

I gave away most of those toys long ago to charity, but apparently the GI Joe toys are collectors items now? go figure.

on topic, when i was at ucsb, they had porn parties, the locals hated it, the school officials hated it, but there it was:
[quote name='lokizz']he might be talking about jetifre. he was a transformer in the series that looked exactly like a valkryie jet. he was a friend of starscreams as i recall but wasnt in too many episodes. but i think that character was ok for them to use as they i believe got the rights to use the valkryie jet in their toyline and added him in the storyline later. dont quote me on that though.[/QUOTE]

From wiki....
Jetfire is created from the same mold as Macross's VF-1S Valkyrie, with "Super Valkyrie" armor.

now I remember, he DID mention Jetfire and robotech. I think I had him.
[quote name='Ranger Rick']Is it weird to leave your alarm clock on for 7 a.m. when you go away for labor day weekend?[/QUOTE]

if you want to piss off your roomates who stay in the dorms that weekend, then YES!!
[quote name='Ranger Rick']Is it weird to leave your alarm clock on for 7 a.m. when you go away for labor day weekend?[/QUOTE]

This will happen almost any given weekend.
[quote name='lordwow']This will happen almost any given weekend.[/QUOTE]

yep, that happened to me on so many occasions.
bread's done