Is it worth getting the Wii yet??


10 (100%)
My question is should I go get a Wii now/really soon. Or should I wait a while(a year or so).

I was looking at the games and nothing blow me away besides for Zelda.

When will all of the good games come out?

It depends entirely on whether the games that are available now are things that interest you.

In my opinion, the best launch games are:

Zelda: Twilight Princess
Rayman Raving Rabids
Super Monkey Ball
Trauma Center
(Apparently Madden is pretty good as well, but I don't like sports games)

These games are pretty good, but they exist in better forms on other systems:

Call of Duty 3
Marvel Ultimate Alliance

The other games include licensed crap (Cars, Happy Feet, etc) and mediocre original games (Red Steel, Excite Truck, etc).

Also don't forget about the Virtual Console, which is one of the big draws of the Wii, even though the games that most people are waiting for aren't available yet.

There are ALWAYS going to be more good games out 6 months to a year after a console launch. The question you should ask is, does the Wii have enough available now to justify the purchase? Remember that you can get Zelda for the Gamecube if you just want Zelda.
Obviously no.

It uses some kind of stupid atomic molecule based motion sensor to play games.
It's only got Zelda.

And if you get it, your girlfriend or your non-gaming family members or just people you live with will hog it all day, complain about their friggin "Wii elbow" and whine about how much they want to see the Mii parade...

Plus, it's like totally cheap.
(and totally sweeeeeet)

I've not had this much fun since the first time I laid my grubby hands on a video game system back when I was like 7 years old, that old Atari with the controller that looked like a burrito with a stick on top and two buttons on the side...
Excite Truck and Red Steel have actually turned into pretty solid titles, regardless of what reviewers are saying. Never take a reviewers word, take the people who actually recomend it
[quote name='icruise']Will you take my word then, that Red Steel is a steaming pile of crap? (Yes I actually bought it.)[/quote]

It's really not, once you get the controls down. It's actually somewhat (*gasp*) fun. Everyone seems to be a little too rough on it.

COD3 is awesome on the Wii. The graphics are shit but you forget about it once you start playing. Just to echo Shion's post, I haven't had this much fun with a game console in a long, long time.
I figured out the controls fairly well, but they're not in any way better than normal FPS controls, and in some ways they are worse. But my main gripes with the game were its lackluster graphics, terrible voice acting by the Asian actors (and terrible spoken Japanese as well), still-picture cut scenes, and the absurdity of being forced to put away your gun for no reason and fight someone with a sword. Oh, and those annoying things that the bad guys say over and over -- does it make much sense for a hardened member of the Yakuza (and, I might add, one who is currently trying to kill me) to call me a murderer?

I have a dozen shooters on last-gen systems that are *way* more fun than this. No, it's not completely without merit, but the good parts are few and far between and I'd rather spend my time with the genuinely good games out there than to try and enjoy something like Red Steel.
[quote name='Scorch']It's really not, once you get the controls down. It's actually somewhat (*gasp*) fun. Everyone seems to be a little too rough on it.

COD3 is awesome on the Wii. The graphics are shit but you forget about it once you start playing. Just to echo Shion's post, I haven't had this much fun with a game console in a long, long time.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, the whole console reminds me of the SNES gaming days.
I agree zelda is the best launch title, however, I've found after 18 hours of playing time that the Wii controls are clumsy, and the inability to control the camera is highly frustrating at times. I love zelda, and it is the best launch title, but it by no means shows of the "intuitive" controls of the wii.

I almost like wii sports better just b/c it's so different, and it truly is pick up and play. I cannot even count the number of non gaming people I've had try it out that love wii sports.
I'd say wait for other good games to come out. If you want Zelda, just grab the GC version, it's how the game was meant to be played. Trauma Center is great, but those two are pretty much it.
If you can stand to wait, definitely wait. Early February might be a good time: consoles should be in stock, there'll be more Wii games available, and the VC will hopefully have a few titles worth your Wii points.
If you are going to buy one eventually, there is no point in waiting, unless you could use that money to buy something else. In one year the Wii will still be $250, you just lose out on one year of enjoying the features of the Wii and Zelda.

EDIT: And WiiSports. That game rocks and the family/gf will love it. There also no guarantee if WiiSports will be packed in or not, or if the price will change if it isn't.
[quote name='OzCatter']Never take a reviewers word, take the people who actually recomend it[/quote]come again?
[quote name='varock']come again?[/QUOTE]
I know, that post made no sense. So we're not supposed to believe the people who played it and didn't like it? We're only supposed to believe the people who recommend it?... Perfect logic I say.
Not really. I picked one up since I had enough store credit to pay for it and Zelda, and really wanted to play Zelda with the new controls.

But if I'd had to shell out actually cash, I'd have just picked up Zelda for the GC and waited until next summer/fall when there are a bunch more games to pick from and some of the launch titles are cheap.
I am loving excite truck personally... my wife likes Zelda and T Center

Red Steel I think will be ok once I get a hang of the controls... Madden was fun as well...
If you don't like the games, then don't get it, but if you haven't played the games then how do you know you don't like them?

I have Zelda, Excite Truck, and Super Monkey Ball, and all of them are fantastic (besides a few uncontrollable SMB minigames).

Wii Sports is tons of fun too. I have Tony Hawk and CoD3 coming soon and I'll pick up Red Steel when I get my BB GC. Out of those three Tony Hawk might not be that great, but I think me and my GF can have fun with it.
[quote name='valleyvampiress']I know, that post made no sense. So we're not supposed to believe the people who played it and didn't like it? We're only supposed to believe the people who recommend it?... Perfect logic I say.[/QUOTE]

There's been a real split between public opinions and reviewers pretty recently. The sum total of every Wii review reads: "Zelda *fapfap*. Wii Sports is fun but it looks like crap. I like making Miis. Nothing else exists on the system." Excite Truck takes a bit of time to get used to the controls, and they then have collective amnesia about Trauma Center/Super Monkey Ball/DBZ/Rayman.
[quote name='furyk'] Excite Truck takes a bit of time to get used to the controls, and they then have collective amnesia about Trauma Center/Super Monkey Ball/DBZ/Rayman.[/QUOTE]

It's not amnesia, it's just that those games are all fairly forgettable, mediocre launch titles.

Most of them are fun to pay, but not really worth $50 and aren't good enough to factor into the decision to pay $250 for the Wii.

And that's not a bash of the Wii, Launch lineups always suck. They're pretty much all like this. One killer app (though some launches like the GC and PS2 were missing that even) a couple ok games, and a bunch of crap games rushed for launch.

Early adopters like myself are just paying to get that one game and the future potential. At least this time I've learned to rent/borrow launch games aside from the killer app, rather than blowing a bunch of money on $50 medicore launch titles.
[quote name='dmaul1114']
Early adopters like myself are just paying to get that one game and the future potential. At least this time I've learned to rent/borrow launch games aside from the killer app, rather than blowing a bunch of money on $50 medicore launch titles.[/QUOTE]
Well said.
[quote name='dmaul1114'] One killer app (though some launches like the GC and PS2 were missing that even)...[/QUOTE]

I'd call SSX pretty killer for the PS2 launch.
The Wii has proven to be some really solid fun and is actually totally worth the $250. In fact, if you're a Zelda fan (and, really, who isn't?), it's not a bad idea to buy the Wii and LoZ: TP now just so you can focus on playing it till more AAA titles show up.
[quote name='keithp']I'd call SSX pretty killer for the PS2 launch.[/QUOTE]

Great game, but not a system seller that was worth shelling out the $300 for the PS2 just to play IMO.

Very few launch games are true system sellers, some notable ones for me were: Super Mario World, Super Mario 64, Halo and now Zelda.

And again, by true system seller I mean a game that MOST people are willing to shell out the price of the console just to play, and MOST of those end up satified for doing so.
bread's done