Is it Worth Selling off My Old PSP for Slim?


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I'm not actually looking to sell my PSP here or at the moment, but I just wanted someone's insight. I have a PSP with the older motherboard, since I got it closer to its initial release, and it currently has 3.40 firmware. I'm hoping to get the PSP slim eventually, so should I sell my old PSP now, or hold out longer, since I could sell it to someone who was interested in homebrew? Thanks.
I'll probably sell mine off when the new white Star Wars version comes out.

If you can wait for the redesign, sure sell it off now because of the incoming flood of old PSU's that are going to hit the market.
I look forward to that day.

Cheap PSPs for everyone!

Somehow I always end up with every version of handheld system since GB Pocket. I blame Nintendo for starting this.
I was just wondering, since the PSP is an older version, that it would retain it's value for it's homebrew potential. But from the sounds of it, all PSP fat prices are going to decline.
TV out is the only main feature. If you use custom firmware I'd say it's not worth sacrificing playing ISOs, for TV-out. ripping your UMDs and PSOne discs to the memory card will almost double the battery life vs playing off UMD, remove almost all loading delays, and the 333mHZ mode smooths out the framerate on lots of 3D games.

The new PSP will only do 333 on new games, not older games, and who knows if it'll have a new motherboard that can't be cracked for custom firmware for ages? Wait and see.
If you have money to burn, go for it. Otherwise, what's wrong with your current PSP? It worked the day before they announced the revised PSP, yes?
Actually, it's not really my PSP, but my friend's. He only bought it for the GTA games, and doesn't play it too often. He hasn't even attempted custom firmware. But when he heard of the TV out feature, he'd rather trade up for that.
Also, if the CAGwiki is up to date, you can get 100 bucks trade-in for a PSP+1 gig stick---meaning you could get the Daxter Bundle for 100 bucks.
[quote name='jer7583']TV out is the only main feature. If you use custom firmware I'd say it's not worth sacrificing playing ISOs, for TV-out. ripping your UMDs and PSOne discs to the memory card will almost double the battery life vs playing off UMD, remove almost all loading delays, and the 333mHZ mode smooths out the framerate on lots of 3D games.

The new PSP will only do 333 on new games, not older games, and who knows if it'll have a new motherboard that can't be cracked for custom firmware for ages? Wait and see.[/QUOTE]For people like me that feel custom firmware is wrong, I'm very glad the new PSP has double the ram, so games won't have to access the UMD much (to shorten load times). Also, I play a lot of fighters and the PSP D-pad is terrible for them. The redesigned PSP had a d-pad a lot like the PS3 one, which is excellent.
[quote name='zewone']I also can not wait to pick up a old PSP on the cheap. There's nothing in the new PSP that entices me.[/QUOTE]Take a look at the PSP list I created, which is in SL4IN's signature. It will make you want a PSP (even more so when I update it with games like Brave Story). ;) Seriously, I could not live without a PSP right now.

I might sell you mine cheap though. :p
That's up to you, I'm definitely selling my old PSP and using the money towards the new version. Having tv-out, while defeating the purpose of using a portable system allows me to play those games on my television that will never end up on a console... like the Metal Gear Acid games for example. Having to go through the hassle of selling my current PSP, and paying the difference is well worth it to me.
I'm selling my old, custom firmware loaded PSP for the new FF VII: Crisis Core PSP. Anyone know when a place like Play-Asia will start taking preorders?
bread's done