Is keeping games getting to be pointless?


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I like many CAGs have a decent amount of games spanning multiple generations of consoles. I've always thought it would be nice to be able to play any game that I want at any time because I own it. I'm starting to wonder though if it's worth keeping games at all anymore. I've always kind of wondered about the buy it, play it, and get rid of it crowd and if I should join it or not. Here are the things I've been thinking:

Legacy systems - Still have that Genesis in the closet? I'm starting to wonder if at some point these systems will be irrelevant by their own tech. I mean are TV's in 20 years going to have RCA connectors anymore? Am I going to want to look at things in 4:3 aspect ratio? Do I need the NES if I can play Super Mario Bros. on my toaster?

Remakes - It seems as though we are getting more and more remakes. Not necessarily always a bad thing and if it's worthwhile then why not? So if someone has never played Resident Evil you suggest the PS1 version or the Cube remake?

Downloadable Games - Highly Debatable but if I can download it on my new console why save it? Well why repay for the same game? Well it has been updated to look nicer and the $5 I pay today maybe less than the $20 I sold it for back in the day.

Time - Am I really going to go back and replay game X from 3 generations ago that I finished when the new hotness is staring at me?

Re-buying - If I really really want to play something I could probably just rebuy it. I know there are some titles that are near impossible to find...but that is probably only a handful of titles at this least that are worth playing.

If it's in the closet in a box I'm not playing it anyway. Why not get something for it?

So now keep in mind this is all coming from someone who has kept the games he likes but I'm really having trouble keeping that mentality...thoughts?
I still own a couple of SD tube TV's just to hook up PS2 and below consoles. It makes me sad that even PS2 games are unplayable on HDTV's.
Growing older has made me not hold on to things anymore. I used to keep mostly all my games as a nice collection, but I soon realized that I would never play most of them again. Once I got married and moved into a house, the games just become more crap that takes up space. Now I limit myself to one small bookcase that holds about 200 games (it sounds big but it's not) and I get rid of mostly everything after I have beaten it. Feel much better to not be tied down to a collection that is just collecting dust.
If you're a collector it's not pointless. However, if you are thinking you will go back and play some of these games I think you're kidding yourself.
[quote name='Puffa469']I still own a couple of SD tube TV's just to hook up PS2 and below consoles. It makes me sad that even PS2 games are unplayable on HDTV's.[/QUOTE]

I beg to differ. Guilty Gear uses some ridiculously detailed sprites that look quite good in 760p.
As I've gotten older, I've stopped holding onto my gaming collection - simply because I know I won't have time to come back and play. My videogame time is very limited, with two jobs and a marriage. I still get time to play, but I'm usually playing one of my newer or favorite games. Like Mr. Unoriginal said, a large collection just becomes dusty on a shelf. I only keep the games I know I will want to revisit in the future.
[quote name='evildeadjedi']If you're a collector it's not pointless. However, if you are thinking you will go back and play some of these games I think you're kidding yourself.[/QUOTE]

This. Though I'm sure I will get to some of the backlog, since my collection is nearly all RPGs, and this generation is lacking in them.

I don't bother with most non-RPG games, because I'm sure I won't want to play, say, Onimusha or The Bouncer again.

The fact that I still play Lufia 1&2, Secret of Mana, and Doom means I will play some older titles though.

But no way in hell could I convince myself that I will play even 20% of what I have. Each RPG takes what, 40-60 hours, and if I have 300 of them... Yea, it takes me a month or two to play a single 40-50 hour games nowadays, if I'm lucky.
I've come to the conclusion that for me it's pointless. Sold my PS2 and what is left of my PS2 library for some chump change on Amazon. Not looking back.

Got rid of my PS1 collection awhile ago because the few titles I wanted to keep are available or will probably soon be available on PSN. That reminds me I still need to buy FFIX....

PC games I sold too because the few I wanted to keep were available digitally on Steam or GoG. Less clutter for me.
Honestly, just keep the ones you love unless you're going to collect.

I used to keep everything, and then I made a huge trade in during the 50%. Most of the games I still have are either games I plan to platinum or games I just enjoy playing.

I still have some I need to rid myself of.
[quote name='Rasen']I beg to differ. Guilty Gear uses some ridiculously detailed sprites that look quite good in 760p.[/QUOTE]

Input lag on my HDtv makes Fire Prowrestling unplayable, and thats the main PS2 game that I would still play regularly.

I've noticed input lag on several 2D fighters I've tried to play as well, but I can't recall if any Guilty Gear games were among them.

Do you not have lag with GG? Pixelly graphics I can deal with, but the input lag kills it for me.

For reference, my TV is a 1080p Samsung 48" 120 hz LCD and my PS2 was hooked up with the official Sony component cables.
I was planning on offloading most of my older stuff recently.. then I decided that I would hang onto it until my Son is old enough to try some of it out. *I* may not have the time to play games as much anymore, but my kid sure will when Mommy and Daddy need a break. I'd rather have him playing a game than watching TV when he can't be outside or something.

I figure I'll start him on the older stuff, and move him up to the current gen gradually. Then again, BattleChicken Jr. may decide he doesn't like games and I'll get rid of it anyway.
Always has for me as there's very few games I've ever replayed. And pretty much all of those were replayed on emulators years later anyway.

So I beat games, and they go on Goozex unless it's something I know DLC is coming for, or want to play online etc.

I don't have any past gen games anymore, and just have a handful of 360 and DS games sitting around currently.
I keep games that mean a lot to me. Other good games I lend to my friends, or I just trade them in.I understand people like having collections and it's cool to see them grow and show it off, but when it comes to buying shitty games just to collect them -- well I just don't see any enjoyment in that. Personally I'd rather have a little spot on the shelf showing off Shadow of the Colossus, rather than a row of shovel ware.

I guess people collect for different reasons. If you collect for value, then perhaps now it's becoming less meaningful.
In gens past I've used my collection of games and my system to help me 'upgrade' to the newer system I wanted. This is and was a major mistake on my part, in that I've found that I wanted to go back and rebuy some of those same games/systems, only to find that a majority of the stock out there now is 'Gamestop quality'(shit stained/cart only/disc only/disgusting) and not of the same caliber that I traded/sold back in the day.

But as far as keeping games, I only keep them when I haven't played them as of yet and I really do try to finish all of my games before I get rid of them. That is, unless they're worth better money at someplace like Gamestop than I paid, since then I'll just wait and grab a used copy much later on for $3-5.

But even then I'm nitpicky and I've gone through half a drawer full of ONE game in prior gens at places like Gamestop before finding the one copy I would want to play and own.
Most games today aren't memorable enough to keep in the long run. There's only a handful of games this gen that I will likely play again in 5 or 10 years.
You made a lot of good points but i still am gonna save my games and not sell them they just have a special meaning and memory's to me that i wanna keep.... and besides i like collecting video games anyways.
I am beginning to think I will go on to the route of getting rid of games that aren't all time favorites of mine at some point and only hanging on to the true classics. I currently have 24 PS3 games, 80% I'm sure I'll never play after beating them. I own about 10 or so games for PS1, which is the only console I have wittled down to all great games.

I sold my SNES and N64 along with all my games before I bought my PS2 several years ago, and I've always regretted it, due to some of the awesome titles I had (Link to the Past, Mario RPG, DKC series, just to name a few). Things like the Virtual Console/PSN/XBLA have mitigated the need to hold on to old titles/systems from a practical standpoint, yet I think there is something inherently special about owning the original incarnation of the game in a physical form if it is truly an exceptional game.
I'll add another thing that killed collecting for me is that I move reasonably often--so I got rid of a ton of books, all my old games etc. over the last couple of moves. Moving again next week. :bomb:

Only thing I've held onto is DVDs/Blu Rays and CDs as those do get repeat use over time. Though I did get rid of about 60 DVDs the past year between goozex, giving some to friends/family and donating to Goodwill. Had a bunch of crap I bought back in 1999-2002 or so in college when I first got into DVDs and bought pretty much everything I remotely liked.

So I had a good chunck of movies I hadn't watched 5-10 years--and also a good 10-15 of those were things I'd already upgraded to blu ray. All were things I'd tried to ditch on Goozex but just weren't moving.
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Yeah I tried the "collecting" thing for awile. Mostly high school and shortly after.

OP is absolutely right. Once I get rid of the last of my systems I'll pretty much only have maybe 20 games at most at a time for 360. And I'm happy with that.
In the NES/Genesis/PS1 days i used to keep all my games that i bought...

Now, games just dont have any replay value anymore. I dont care about doing a second go around in a different costume or a harder difficulty level. Maybe its because games are too complex to just pick a random game and play it for short bursts of time.
As far as the classics, there's always emulators which i still dab in from time to time. And if you know someone with "skillz" you can even play them on your tv depending on which system you prefer.

Nowadays, i just play the game and get rid of it though.
When I was much younger (maybe 13 or 14?) I used to trade in my games just so I could get new ones since I didn't have much money. Then later I sometimes wanted to play some of the ones I traded (like years later) and I really regretted trading them.

Now that I have plenty of money (for this type of thing, at least), I never trade/sell games just in case I want to play them again so I don't experience that regret. Unfortunately, I don't have nearly enough time to even play 10% of new games that I think look good, so the chances of playing the old games is really low. But I'm still kind of hopeful my kids might want to play them one day, though I kind of doubt that (one kid is 3 and the next is due to be born this fall, so it'll be awhile).

I do have a 32" CRT with my 2600, NES, SNES, N64, and GCN hooked up ready to go when the mood does strike, though.
[quote name='Puffa469']Input lag on my HDtv makes Fire Prowrestling unplayable, and thats the main PS2 game that I would still play regularly.

I've noticed input lag on several 2D fighters I've tried to play as well, but I can't recall if any Guilty Gear games were among them.

Do you not have lag with GG? Pixelly graphics I can deal with, but the input lag kills it for me.

For reference, my TV is a 1080p Samsung 48" 120 hz LCD and my PS2 was hooked up with the official Sony component cables.[/QUOTE]

Hard to say. I was playing GG on my PS3, and I didn't notice any lag. Also, the lines were sharp and clean. Better looking (though not as fluidly animated) than KOF-whatever-the-latest-game-is,-the-one-that-was-roundly-criticized.
I have held on to all my RPGs for my systems. Other than that, I have kept games that I really enjoyed and will actually replay like Wind Waker or games that can be played in small chunks like Dynasty Warriors. That isn't to say that I don't have a sickeningly large backlog, but those games tend to be cheaper that I will try to get to at some point. I think it is perfectly fine to hold on to older games, but you can consolidate systems. The PS2 can play PS1 games, so that gets rid of one system and the Wii plays GC games.
There are a lot of games I'd like to replay (PS2 and GC), and I just might since I'm buying fewer these days. In fact, I'm looking forward to spending more time with some of my favorites.

Will I keep all of them? I don't know. Space will become an issue eventually, so I've considered ripping everything to a large hdd and using emulation to get my gaming fix in the future.
Being only 21, my viewpoint on this may change eventually (moving out, getting a family, etc), but for now, I prefer to keep my games. I remember selling / trading some of my N64 / PS1 games and I've regretted some of that. Heck, I've actually bought most of those back on the cheap, just because my collection felt bare missing those few titles. So sure, I may never play [insert game here] again, I can't convince myself to get rid of it. And other games [like decade old sports games] I can't convice others to get rid of for me.
I got rid of all my Genesis stuff about 2 years ago. Donated N64 and GC stuff. Most games I probably will keep, even though I won't play some of them.

I find it fun to re-play RPGs, so I will probably keep most of them.
Part of the reason I had a lowball was because there were games in my collection I didn't care to have. I went through last night, and I think the first thing that fit that category is about 50 games down the list, King of Fighters on ps2.

So who knows, I may just host another lowball if there's enough stuff =P
Im part of the play it get rid of it crowd. The only games I still own are old sports titles that wouldnt be worth it to sell because they arent worth anything, but I dont buy these at retail so it is no big deal anyways. I mostly play storyline games and sports titles. I never really want to replay a story I beat so no use keeping it.
[quote name='AceSXE']Im part of the play it get rid of it crowd. The only games I still own are old sports titles that wouldnt be worth it to sell because they arent worth anything, but I dont buy these at retail so it is no big deal anyways. I mostly play storyline games and sports titles. I never really want to replay a story I beat so no use keeping it.[/QUOTE]

I guess it really does depend on what type of games. People tend to keep RPGs because they haven't really evolved. So an RPG from 1990 is as fun as an RPG from 2010. That, and they usually have smaller print runs.

Sports games are something people don't keep when the new one comes out. They devalue, and the new ones usually have more features. I guess. At least an updated roster. Same with fighting games. Who still plays Tekken 3 or 4, or Street Fighter Alpha?

Platforming games probably go both ways
(that's what she said!)
. On one hand, it can be replayed, but on the other, they don't maintain value either.

Action games like God of War... I could picture people keeping them because they're so good, but don't play them because the newer ones are better. Have you played DMC in recent days? The controls are horrible in todays standards.

IDK, that's just my 2 cents.
The oldest game I have is fire emblem for GameCube. I'm totally going to play it some time. I think I'll sell it soon. Unless you plan on only playing a few games for a very long time (like you have no money or for multiplayer) then it's completely pointless to hold onto them. I get rid of everything after I beat it now, my only problem is when I get more games than I can beat. Some puzzle games for DS I keep as well as games that don't really have a story to beat and I'll play every so often.
I only keep true classics, games that I really enjoyed. I know I'll get the craving for one of them eventually, be it a nostalgia rush or whatever. Any other game can expect a good stint on my shelf and plenty of playtime, but eventually I'll find a guy who enjoys it as I enjoy my classics. Then it's time for that game to go... Usually you can expect a good price from them. Heh.
If you're not playing them, I don't see why you should keep them. Games are meant to be enjoyed, and if you're done with them, someone else will enjoy them.
I replay my old games more and more now lately. Most of the stuff in the genres I like has been total crap this gen, so I've been replaying the classics. I find myself reselling like 90% of the new games I buy from this gen because either they completely suck or I could never see myself replaying them.
For those that keep your games do you guys keep them in original cases or put them in white sleeve cd/dvd cases with the clear window that you can buy at office depot or amazon? im debating if i should do that to all my ps1 ps2 xbox and game cube games. im starting to hate them being on the shelves taking up space. i rather have the whole collection in one box in the closet or under the bed and just take them out when i want to play them.
I keep the PS1 and the N64 close to my heart. Perfect Dark is a livingroom staple, Suikoden 1 + 11, Twisted Metal, Crash games... really a lot of PS games and there are definitley 64 games I keep around as well and would buy in a heartbeat if I saw them reasonably priced. That generation was just filled with great memories and great games that were worth keeping.
It depends, typically I'll keep them. A lot of them I really have enjoyed in the past and there's a number of old school games (especially RPGs and anything from Nintendo and old-school SEGA) that I would never get rid of. I may consolidate some of my stuff down the road (I have a lot of shitty PS2 games I could care less for) but if I loved the game, I'm sure as hell keeping it. :D
I have a small 'collection' of Genesis and PS1 games. Everything newer though is subject to being shipped out at any moment. Hell, if I find some people on Goozex who want these PS1 games, many of them will leave too. Of course, that would mean I'd have to find the box they are in. I dont know if I'll ever give up my Genesis Street Fighter games though.

Pretty much all of this generations games are put in a revolving door. There's always something new I want to play so it'd have to be exceptional for me to want to go back to a game. About the only ones I can think of are Rock Band 1, 2 Civ Rev, and Guitar Hero 2. I'd rather have the free space and new games than just a gang of older titles. But I prefer puzzle and story driven games and those dont lend themselves to much replay.
For me, yes. Every single player game I'll only play once. So I just try to sell them once I'm done, get a new game and repeat.
Pointless? Not a all.

When Fallout 3 was announced, I replayed Fallout 1 and 2, and finally finished Tactics. I even replayed Wasteland.

When Starcraft 2 beta shutdown between beta phase 1 and 2, I replayed Starcraft 1.

I still occasionally replay Xcom 1 and 3, MOO2, at least once every other year. Ditto for Arcanum. When Command & Conquer Gold went freeware, I replayed my copy just for nostalgia.

When I go to the relatives for extended vacation (i.e. Christmas), I grab an old old game, that even their PC can handle. I got dad addict to the computer version of the Axis & Allies board game that way (not the RTS game of the same name, which had nothing to do with the board game).

But is it pointless to keep games there were dogs, full of bugs and with poor gameplay? Of course it is. They were not even worth the money to begin with (even at clearance prices of $2 to $5).

edit: the dry spells between excellent games in the last year or three have gotten SO long, that without the old classics to replay, I would only be playing trash and hoping for a quick death.
I keep almost all of my games... I've sold back a few.. but not very many. One thing about me, I know that 95% of the time I'm absolutely NOT going to replay a game once I finish it... but by the time I finish a game the trade in value is like 2-3 dollars. FOr that amount I always feel like it's better just to keep the game. Also, in the future you never know what game you'd like to try out again... so I keep em' Hell if anything keep them and show them to your children.. "hey this is what daddy used to play back when he was a kid" Most of my collection consists of 100-200 PS2 games.. most of which are in bins. I keep all PS3 games on a bookshelf and a couple of PS2, PSX, Xbox, Xbox 360, DC, GC, and one SNES Cart - Chrono Trigger.
I still have a collection of nes games and a top loader. Also have my original snes system that I will keep. Nothing that far back will get a remake that is how I remember it and roms don't really work for me either. For current gen stuff I buy it, finish, slap it on ebay. Nothing worth keeping at this point. Everything ps1 or newer seems to get a remake. My fav 2 ps1 games are on psn now, mgs and ff9.
I usually sell my games, unless I really enjoyed it. If I know I'm going to play it again within a year, I don't sell it. But if I beat it once and don't want to do it again any time soon, I just sell it. If I had a game that I didn't like, was awful or full of glitches, or was just too easy, I sometimes sell it before I beat it.
[quote name='Thomas96']I keep almost all of my games... I've sold back a few.. but not very many. One thing about me, I know that 95% of the time I'm absolutely NOT going to replay a game once I finish it... but by the time I finish a game the trade in value is like 2-3 dollars. FOr that amount I always feel like it's better just to keep the game. Also, in the future you never know what game you'd like to try out again... so I keep em' Hell if anything keep them and show them to your children.. "hey this is what daddy used to play back when he was a kid" [/QUOTE]

This, for me.
Just depends on your style.

Whether I can play it in 20 years or not I dont care, Ill just download a emulator on whatever is a pc then and play them as emulators will probablly never go away.

Keeping older games for me is a pleasure at just having them, kind of like snapshots of my childhood before the weight of the world crushed my spirits.
I get rid of most of the games I finish but I still collect RPGs and fighting games.

Thomas96 and Backlash, you guys should really check out Goozex if you're tired of getting 2-3 dollars back after you're done.
bread's done