Is KillZone worth buying or should i wait for it to be cheap?

I pre-ordered it because I fell in to the trap of believing the hype. I only paid $35 for it when I pre-ordered it though. In my opinion, it was worth it just to see if it was really a "halo killer". Halo killer it is not, but it is a decent game. It can be a little slow and choppy at times. You might as well wait until they drop the price though.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Does it play like Halo or more like Rainbow Six?[/quote]

Boy, that's tuff. I'd have to say, more like Rainbow Six, only a little slower.
It's no "Halo killer". It's not even close to being a "Halo equivalent". They were trying so hard to cash in on this Halo craze that they made a crappy game.

The thing about Halo that drew me in was the presentation and storyline. After you land on Halo you have a feeling like "Oh shit. What do I do now? I'm fucked." You feel like you have to kill the aliens and it's really fun. You feel like you're part of the human resistance or something.

In Killzone it's like : "You see these guys? Kill them!" That's pretty much it. They should use the beginning of a game to grab you, but this one just starts you off with a gun. You don't really care about the humans in Killzone. There's nothing to keep you playing this game unless you HAVE to have a PS2 FPS.

ALso the game moves SOOO SLOOOW! The tried to give the game so much detail that the PS2 can't handle it. I would have rather had less detailed graphics for smoother play.

Wait until it's $19.99
[quote name='hutno']whats the online play like?[/quote]

I haven't played it online too much. It's a little slow, but it's put a little bug in the back of my head where I want to go back. I'm gonna get into it more when I get time, but it has a lot of potential with the online aspect.
I lost intrest in this game when Nam 67 came out running on the same engine as killzone, I might look into getting it when it hits $30
[quote name='hutno']I lost intrest in this game when Nam 67 came out running on the same engine as killzone, I might look into getting it when it hits $30[/quote]

I would recommend it for $30 bucks.
[quote name='gdw3877'][quote name='hutno']I lost intrest in this game when Nam 67 came out running on the same engine as killzone, I might look into getting it when it hits $30[/quote]

I would recommend it for $30 bucks.[/quote]

I agree. It's a $30 game.
I rented it and like it a lot. Seems slightly more reallstic than Halo. I like the grainy effects in it over the multicolored troops of Halo. I've never understood why they would make them purple to stand out. It's pretty fun but slightly linear. I'm going to wait till its 29.99 or 19.99 or so and then get it. The trench scenes int he game are awesome.
I think the online portion of the game is stronger than the offline. I have only gotten through the first couple of levels of the campaign, but I've spent way too much time playing it online. Assault on Park Terminal is intense. I only wish more people played with spawn limits. I can't say if it's worth $50 with so many decent games out or on the horizon, but it's definitely worth picking up for the online part of the game. Especially if you are into Enemy Territory for the PC.
I payed full for it on the first day...don't regret it. Online is a blast. It has a few modes such as the usual deathmatch/team deathmatch. It also has a mode called domination where you go around the map and touch beacons or something like that and try to get them all for your team...dont know if what I just said made sense...Also there is Supply Drop where you have to go to the opposite teams base and grab this bag thing from them and bring it back to your base and to win you have to have them all at your base theres like 6 or something. Another mode is Defend and Destroy where you have 2 generators and the other team has 2 generators and you simply have to destroy the other teams....not as easy as it sounds. And then there is Assault mode where only one team has the generators so you're either protecting or attempting to destroy. It supports voice chat and I really haven't encountered any serious lag. A game can support 16 players (8 on each team). I love the online and played it for a long time before I actually played the single player campaign which has a story with some depth unlike halo (dont tell me to read the books).
Never mind what I said earlier, I would pick this up for $50 if I had the money. Definently a great game. Far better story that halo's (I recenlty finished Hale 2) and easier to understand as well, some parts in Halo make absolutely no sense (lots of plot holes). I'm starting to enjoy Killzone more than Halo 2. can't talk about the online multiplayer since I don't have it but in terms of offline well Woohooo! it's GGRRRReaat!!! Time for a line dance. \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ It is a little choppy at times and a little slow down (you can truly barely tell until you go up to the maximum number of bots which is 14 but still it isn't very bother ssome) but A) they've implemented bots so that you don't need to have a ton of friends or a LAN party to get any blast this and blast that action and B) it's just stellar. The graphics are great, some of the best I've seen on PS2, The tactics and A.I. of the enemy are highly realistic, very lifelike if you've read book, etc. on the topic. I just recenlty figured out that in the game they use a special loading scheme in which the closer you get to a building, etc. it loads it up to the sharp resolution and to the top of how the graphics can handle. Sometimes it can cause a little slow down but this has only happened to me maybe once (I almost can't even say that). The game could use a little bump mapping and some of the techniques that are graphically capable on the Xbox (due io its being slightly moer powerful than the PS2 and that it came out later this gen).
In my honest opinion I totally think it is worth the 50. I have yet to play the online mode yet (no time). But, while there are a few snags in graphics, I have not experienced almost any slow down at all and the feel of it is just so great. It reminds me of the way I felt when I first poped in halo.

I don't know about the online modes of halo 2 yet ( haven't played it) but I enjoyed the single player of killzone so much more. Halo 2 just pissed me off with the plot holes and how they brought in elements that just make no sense and how everything feels so much slower than the 1st...

I definetly prefer halo 1 over halo 2. And killzone is about even with halo in my opinion. Halo is still a more solid game though.
It's a really good game. Far different than Halo. More realistic, grittier, and straight forward. Great story, great sound, great gameplay. Not very polished but the feel of the guns and character movement work very well. Some of the best weapons available in a sci-fi type games, without the cheezy lazers (besides the lazer designators) and plasma weaponry. The online play is great, but again, not very polished with some balancing issues and minor glitches, but the team is active in feedback and patching and the game's are competitive with, at times, more than 800 players online simultaineously. I spent $33 on my copy, using the B2G1 free deal at Toys R Us, but I wouldn't have regretted spending the $40-$50. Your actions are your call.
I got about an hour into the game and it started feeling familiar, like i've played this game before. I then realized it's medal of honor with better graphics. However, it's far more realistic than MOH. The ambient sound, textures, realistic movement and animations make it superior. They could have mixed up some of the voiceovers, though. kaji7p56 is right, "keep firing" does get pretty annoying after about 10 minutes. Isn't there enough space on that DVD for 4-5 more one liners?
[quote name='kaji7p56']"Keep firing!" -every shaq-fuing Hegalst in the game.

Can't they say anything else? It gets irritating...[/quote]

Yeah, they actually say quite a few other things. For instance, "out of ammo", "reloading", "covering fire", "they're here". "grenade", and a slew of other things. It's been a while since I beat the single player game, however. Next time I'm going to get at it on the hard setting.
[quote name='specialk']supply drop = ctf?[/quote]

Yeah think of supply drop as capture the flag except you have to capture 5 or 6 flags and keep them at your base without them being stolen back...Online is Awesome!!!!!! I haved played so much. If anyone gets online feel free to pm me and I will meet you online.
[quote name='bmulligan']I got about an hour into the game and it started feeling familiar, like i've played this game before. I then realized it's medal of honor with better graphics. However, it's far more realistic than MOH. The ambient sound, textures, realistic movement and animations make it superior. They could have mixed up some of the voiceovers, though. kaji7p56 is right, "keep firing" does get pretty annoying after about 10 minutes. Isn't there enough space on that DVD for 4-5 more one liners?[/quote]

Ding, ding, ding!! YOu hit the nail on the head -- MOH in the future -- it totally feels like MOH.
bread's done