Is Kingdom Hearts 358/2 nessisary/any good?


Don't sue me if this is the wrong forum...I was thinking DS, and then though "well really it's a Kingdom Hearts question"...and anyway...

The reviews were iffy, and I'm already pretty iffy on the apparently much better Kingdom Hearts 2...I had fun, but it was complete schlock like Gary Witta said, and I didn't think much of the grindy combat. A DS version of that, with the same environments, and apparently unnecessary story, no analog stick... very questionable... I had thought Birth by Sleep or whatever would be my next Kingdom Hearts (supposed to be a legitimate entry in the series).

But, I ordered a copy of 358/2 for $15 on Gamestop a month ago. It never came, stuck in the mail apparently.

I've been given the option of a refund (that I'm worried won't even work since they'd have to be recrediting gift cards and my Edge card) or they'll send a new copy. I kind of don't want it now, but I'm thinking I might not actually get the refund, and probably couldn't maybe I should just get another copy and hope it's decent?

In terms of gameplay, my favorite is actually the GBA one...IMO it played better than KH 2, but the story wasn't as good. But this seems like the worst of all worlds, and Final Fantasy 3 is the only DS Square/Enix game I've managed to struggle through so far...
I'm a big KH fan, but I was genuinely disappointed with 358/2 days. The missions and environments are VERY repetitive, and the combat is boring and grindy... you do a lot less damage initially than in the other KH games and the enemies' have larger HP bars, so even normal shadows seem to take quite a few hits to take down. Also, the lock-on/camera is enough to drive you CRAZY.

Don't get me wrong; there is a good story to be uncovered, but it's given to you in such tiny portions spread thoughout the game, and the story seems needlessly convoluted at times and definitely requires a strong familiarity and understanding of the events of KH:CoM and KH2.

On the plus side, the panel system does allow for some pretty deep customization, and there's a lot of variety to spells/keyblades/playable characters, etc. It's just hard to get past playing through the same worlds over and over and OVER again, fighting enemies that seem to take forever to die, only to have tiny bits of story trickle in every 20 missions or so.

My opinion: skip it.
[quote name='OtakuFerret']I'm a big KH fan, but I was genuinely disappointed with 358/2 days. The missions and environments are VERY repetitive, and the combat is boring and grindy... you do a lot less damage initially than in the other KH games and the enemies' have larger HP bars, so even normal shadows seem to take quite a few hits to take down. Also, the lock-on/camera is enough to drive you CRAZY.

Don't get me wrong; there is a good story to be uncovered, but it's given to you in such tiny portions spread thoughout the game, and the story seems needlessly convoluted at times and definitely requires a strong familiarity and understanding of the events of KH:CoM and KH2.

On the plus side, the panel system does allow for some pretty deep customization, and there's a lot of variety to spells/keyblades/playable characters, etc. It's just hard to get past playing through the same worlds over and over and OVER again, fighting enemies that seem to take forever to die, only to have tiny bits of story trickle in every 20 missions or so.

My opinion: skip it.[/QUOTE]

This. I have played every single KH game, and I am eagerly awaiting Birth By Sleep with the hopes it's a closer entry than 358/2 days was. I couldn't even bring myself to finish the game because I was so bored, so I ended up looking up the storyline on wikipedia. Unless your a DS collector I say skip it and get Birth By Sleep instead.
Thanks guys! I really appreciate it. I'm almost certain I wouldn't like it...I'll hopefully be able to get my money back :)

(And I must preorder birth by sleep! :whistle2:D )
[quote name='OtakuFerret']I'm a big KH fan, but I was genuinely disappointed with 358/2 days. The missions and environments are VERY repetitive, and the combat is boring and grindy... you do a lot less damage initially than in the other KH games and the enemies' have larger HP bars, so even normal shadows seem to take quite a few hits to take down. Also, the lock-on/camera is enough to drive you CRAZY.

Don't get me wrong; there is a good story to be uncovered, but it's given to you in such tiny portions spread thoughout the game, and the story seems needlessly convoluted at times and definitely requires a strong familiarity and understanding of the events of KH:CoM and KH2.

On the plus side, the panel system does allow for some pretty deep customization, and there's a lot of variety to spells/keyblades/playable characters, etc. It's just hard to get past playing through the same worlds over and over and OVER again, fighting enemies that seem to take forever to die, only to have tiny bits of story trickle in every 20 missions or so.

My opinion: skip it.[/QUOTE] As a KH fan, I wholeheartedly agree.
Yeah, I played through the game and overall had fun with it, but it was fairly dissapointing most of the way through. Many of the missions were repetitive, the only new place is Neverland (not Hook's ship) which is a bunch of bland islands. The last 6 or so hours the game does get really compelling as it wraps up. I would say its worth $15 unless there's some other game you'd really rather put that $ towards, and I can't think of much that's out for the DS the rest of the year.
It does put a lot of perspective to Roxas' story (as does Chain of Memories) but it's such an awfully game (also like CoM). The first ~18 hours are completely meaningless in terms of story but the final ~2 hours will really pour it on in an incredible fashion.

The game is a pain to play.. bad camera (yes, I did try both options) and annoying enemies who move out of perspective every second make the gameplay more of a nuisance than a challenge.

If you have a lot of patience, I say go for it.
Did you try it? It's not a card battling system like Card Fighter's Clash (which was a great game IMO, but...) the cards are really more a's "here's the next action" basically...I don't know how to describe it, but it's not a card game at all. (Similar situation with Metal Gear Acid, though they're completely different games other than using a similar "deck" and "cards" to control action in what's otherwise an action RPG or strategy/stealth game respectively.)
I hated Kingdom Hearts 1/2, but with what I've played of 358/2 Days, it was actually pretty good. Probably because they cut out most of the Disney shit.

Of course, if you dress up like Simba and head to Disney sex parties to grind on Jasmine and Belle like in nearly every Disney fanfic, you may want to move on.
[quote name='Wolfpup']Did you try it? It's not a card battling system like Card Fighter's Clash (which was a great game IMO, but...) the cards are really more a's "here's the next action" basically...I don't know how to describe it, but it's not a card game at all. (Similar situation with Metal Gear Acid, though they're completely different games other than using a similar "deck" and "cards" to control action in what's otherwise an action RPG or strategy/stealth game respectively.)[/QUOTE]

Yeah I got several hours in before I gave up on it.
They've said they're giving me my money back, which is cool, except they also said something about it taking a few days or whatever for my credit card provider...and I bought it with possibly an Edge + Gift I'm super iffy about whether I'll ever see that money again, but how well.
I reviewed the game for my college's newspaper. It was a good experience, even if I wasn't able to finish it for reasons not related to the game itself.

If you are interested in knowing the story of Organization XIII and how everything went down before Kingdom Hearts 2, then by all means this is a pretty decent game.

Game play was very enjoyable and is like Kingdom Hearts on the Playstation 2. The controls were decent for a device without thumb sticks.

How ever, it does feel like the levels were rehashed from Kingdom Hearts 2 and there is not a lot of variety in terms of environment. Only different location is Organization XIII's pad.
bread's done