Is Nintendo Marketing To The Hardcore Gamer Enough?

Do you think Nintendo doing enough to market these games to the “hardcore gamer”?

What is there to market, most of these games that Nintendo is pushing are for casual gamers anyway. Look at the recent press conference.. Wii Fit was the main attraction.

What do you think are/have been the effects of Nintendo’s marketing to gamers?

Its not about marketing, its about what products are available. Nintendo knows that they don't need to market to the "hardcore" audience because they are going to consume their products no matter what. Right now its all about the new customers, the casual gamers. So far, their marketing has been effective. I've seen Mall Kiosks with Wii games on demo.
I have to agree with javeryh.

Nintendo is making its billions from the casual gamer. I'm just grateful they make any titles at all for the hardcore crowd.

So, thank you, Nintendo, for Metroid and SSMB, and to lesser extent Zelda and Galaxy.

I think the only future Nintendo releases I'll be excited about will be on the Virtual console.

I would love to be proven wrong.
Personally I lined up to get a wii on launch date. But that's only because I grew up with every single nintendo console in my house, and nintendo's all i've ever known.

down the line i did buy a 360.

like somebody on this thread said (sorry if i dont remember your name), nintendo doesnt really HAVE to advertise to the so-called "hardcore" gamer. cause gamers know that nintendo isnt the same as the x-box or the ps3. nintendo is in a league all of its own...we're looking at a long history of nintendo consoles for one, compared to the other two, and nintendo's been all about just wholesome fun. (for the most part). i think most of the gamers who've been gaming long enough will understand that nintendo has a more nostalgic purpose compared to the other two consoles. so taking this into account i dont think it's possible for the nintendo to ever market the wii to the "hardcores" and have it have the same effect as the 360 or the ps3. then again i could be wrong.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']I wouldn't consider Zelda and Metroid hardcore. Most of the copies sold of those are to the non-hardcore. They are more "hardcore" than Wii Fit or Wii Sports, but pretty much anything is.

And now we're just arguing semantics.[/QUOTE]

Man, I don't want to find out that either

A) someone hijacked your account, or

B) you're really Chacrana,

but I'm willing to bet one of those things is true.
I too am looking forward to SSMB. I can't get enough of those Super Smash Melee Brothers and their wacky antics. I'm getting really tired of playing Rouge Galaxy.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']I wouldn't consider Zelda and Metroid hardcore. Most of the copies sold of those are to the non-hardcore. They are more "hardcore" than Wii Fit or Wii Sports, but pretty much anything is.

And now we're just arguing semantics.[/quote]Looks to me like you're defining the term into non-existence. Does a game have to sell negative copies to be "hardcore"?
[quote name='javeryh']yeah, well... I'm kind of disappointed in general with my Wii. It started out with a lot of potential but after 3 or 4 masterstrokes it just lost its juice. I'm hoping that after a reasonable period of time I can start playing with it again but who knows when something else will come along that I want to get involved with.[/quote]
This. I'll cop to NMH, smash brothers and Disaster but the rest of the year's lineup is a big yawn. I had high high hopes for the Wii and was willing to sit in line for hours to get one but it's just a piece of shit. Sold it for a PS3 and I'm glad I did. 360 is coming next.

Nintendo is like the Disney of games. I can't get behind that. The end product is uninteresting but they sell mountains. Good for them.
Gee, a thread about marketing turns into another Wii State of the Union address. Imagine that. :roll:

I will say this: if we can't agree on the definition of "hardcore," how can anyone expect to even answer this question? Everybody is only going to use the definition that suits their argument. For many here, "hardcore" is generally the Madden/GTA/Halo crowd. Personally, I define that group as the "casuals," because they're quite content to let hype determine what they should be playing, and they're not into gaming enough to have developed particularly critical faculties. Somebody made 50 Cent: Bulletproof a hit and kept Lara Croft alive for five games too long -- and it sure as hell wasn't soccer moms.

So, other than the apolitical and obvious "No, because Nintendo doesn't market anything to anyone, ever" answer ... well, it depends, doesn't it?
[quote name='mykevermin']Nintendo does everything perfectly, so to answer your question: of course, and how dare you to suggest otherwise![/QUOTE]

Ding Ding.. /thread!
[quote name='mykevermin']Nintendo does everything perfectly, so to answer your question: of course, and how dare you to suggest otherwise![/QUOTE]

Oh please.

Like a week doesn't go by where there's another "omfg the Wii is shit and the fans of it are stupid" thread.

Give me a break. You sit there and purport that Nintendo fans are evangelical assholes, when the other side of the fence is equally asinine.
[quote name='mykevermin']Nintendo does everything perfectly, so to answer your question: of course, and how dare you to suggest otherwise![/quote]Quickly, Myke! Get me the largest pole you can find, for we must string these hooligans from the top of it!
[quote name='The Crotch']
Looks to me like you're defining the term into non-existence. Does a game have to sell negative copies to be "hardcore"?[/QUOTE]

It should be defined into non-existence IMO.

Better terms are: Traditional Games and Casual Games.

Those are more clear. Traditional games are just games in the genre's we've been playing over the years. Casual games are games aimed at non-gamers that are very simple and easy to play relative to traditional games.
would the hardcore gamer need any marketing? They probably know about gaming than people working at gamestop
Nintendo has been the same since N64...

I don't understand why they have to market to everyone, their core games are very good to great.

Buy a 360, PS2 or PS3 if you want to enjoy all the nooks and crannies of the gaming world.
I think that it is important for nintendo to keep the hardcore base alive. They could do this by having a balance between hardcore gaming and casual gaming. Since casual gaming is such a growing market, it would be in the best interest of Nintendo to try and take advantage of this market but not at the expense of the dedicated hardcore market.

One reason is that this is the demographic that is more likely to buy the most games. It has been shown that Wii software sales and down and I think this is because the casual gamer is not going to go out and buy 4 or 5 different party titles. Most casual gamers are happy with having only having Wii Sports.

Secondly, I believe that the casual gaming market has turned the Wii into less of a gaming consel and more of a party toy. I believe that companies are not sure what type of games that casual gamers are interested in. This is why we see the development of such awful games. I think with time, there will be better casual games for the Wii. Right now, software sales and down and the traditional hardcore market is getting angry. Not a good idea.

I believe that if Nintendo continues to persue this path of allowing crappy games on their system and alienating the hardcore gamer, the Wii will cease to be a viable consel. A video game company cannot rely on hardware sales alone.
[quote name='dmaul1114']It should be defined into non-existence IMO.

Better terms are: Traditional Games and Casual Games.

Those are more clear. Traditional games are just games in the genre's we've been playing over the years. Casual games are games aimed at non-gamers that are very simple and easy to play relative to traditional games.[/QUOTE]

That doesn't work, either -- there's a huge swath of "Other" games like Katamari, Zack & Wiki, Guitar Hero, Elebits, whatever -- that are neither simple/easy or "just the games you've been playing for years." The "either/or" thing doesn't work here. There aren't two kinds of movies. There aren't two kinds of music. There aren't two kinds of games, and there are more people gaming than just Grandma and loud-mouth lil' Timmy who has never played a FPS outside of Halo 3.
[quote name='willardhaven']Nintendo has been the same since N64...

I don't understand why they have to market to everyone, their core games are very good to great.

Buy a 360, PS2 or PS3 if you want to enjoy all the nooks and crannies of the gaming world.[/quote]

Nintendo has been the same ever since the NES. The nooks and crannies of the gaming world have always been, and will always be available primarily on the consoles with the greatest marketshare.
[quote name='trq']That doesn't work, either -- there's a huge swath of "Other" games like Katamari, Zack & Wiki, Guitar Hero, Elebits, whatever -- that are neither simple/easy or "just the games you've been playing for years." The "either/or" thing doesn't work here. There aren't two kinds of movies. There aren't two kinds of music. There aren't two kinds of games, and there are more people gaming than just Grandma and loud-mouth lil' Timmy who has never played a FPS outside of Halo 3.[/QUOTE]

Those are simply different genres. They still fit the mold of for the most part not being as easy to pick up and play as Brain Age or Wii Sports. So they're closer to traditional games.

But you're right in that there is no way two terms will every work perfectly. But I think using traditional and casual gets closer to it than hardcore as hardcore is such a loaded word.

Just think of traditional as not only the types of games we've always been playing, but also including new genres aimed squarely at segments of the traditional gamer crowd, rather than new casual genres designed to reel in non-gamers.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Nintendo has been the same ever since the NES. The nooks and crannies of the gaming world have always been, and will always be available primarily on the consoles with the greatest marketshare.[/QUOTE]

That's contradictory. In the NES and SNES era they had greatest marketshare and filled in all the nooks and crannies.

For N64 on they haven't and have been more niche machines for Nintendo fans.

So they haven't been the same since the NES, as they had a total shift in this regard with the N64 on.
[quote name='mykevermin']Nintendo does everything perfectly, so to answer your question: of course, and how dare you to suggest otherwise![/QUOTE]

Myke, Myke, Myke ... considering what a force to be reckoned with you can be over in "Vs", you're really not bringing your A-game here.

[quote name='mykevermin']Nintendo doesn't need to do anything to change. They're flawless.[/QUOTE]

That was from the "CVGs list of Five Things Nintendo needs to do in 2008" thread, wasn’t it? Ah well. No matter. I’d just like to hop into the Way Back Machine (to October ’07!) and revisit the ancient Gabe Newell PS3 thread, so that I may close with some quotes from a wise man.

[quote name='???']But this post has the usual gang of folks who THRIVE on bad news about the PS3. Like most threads on the system itself.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='???']But let's face facts. If this post was "your grandma ethel thinks developing for the PS3 was difficult," the same usual gang of schmucks would show up and reiterate the very same things you've said in this thread.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='???']Leave well enough alone. I get it. … do you really have to post in what feels like EVERY thread on the PS3, rattling off the same talking points with an almost obsessive fervor? You lay it on WAY TOO THICK. That's all I'm saying.[/QUOTE]

Oh, pardon my oversight; I seem to have forgotten to replace “PS3” with “Wii.” ;)
I think that's up to 3rd parties more. They make those games.

NIntendo is more all ages/global/Disney/Japanese. There strength isn't making games with macho images which is what mostly fuels the hardcore gamer in the west.

I don't think advertising Zelda on ESPN is going to win over alot of customers. Metroid Prime probably will look weak in a commerical on that station too.

PLus I think hardcore gamers know about the Wii. Many of them own the Wii even if they own a 360 or pc or PS3. I'm not sure you really have to market to them for most of the big Nintendo games.
bread's done