is Red Dead Redemption worth it (and is $43 a good price)??

I say do it. I kinda regret paying $60 for it, as I don't really enjoy the multiplayer, but the single player was amazing. Well worth $43 in my opinion.
You can get it used at GS for $36 shipped before tax with edge and coupon 20pre, granted you don't mind going the used route. I did this with the PS3 version and got a special edition copy in mint condition.. Luck of the draw though of course. But yeah. I'd highly reccomend the game at that price.
[quote name='Costly Chaos']I say do it. I kinda regret paying $60 for it, as I don't really enjoy the multiplayer, but the single player was amazing. Well worth $43 in my opinion.[/QUOTE]
I definitely agree with Costly Chaos on this one. Don't buy this game if you're planning on playing mostly multiplayer only. The multiplayer is not that great. The singleplayer on the other hand is amazing and well worth 43 bucks.
I have a thread a few down asking about a gamestop in store a quick reply to poster who mentioned them for $36 shipped + tax..unfortunate they are not available for ps3 used online right now at their website..which was a bummer.. I finally got lucky to find a craigslist seller who sold me a LE version mint complete including the xtra code for $45.. and to the OP ...I have been wanting the game for awhile now and I am playing the single player campaign and it's just so bad @ss! You get so swept into the character and this point for the $45 I paid...multiplayer could suck and I wouldn't care.. It's just that good IMO....get it if you can... I would have paid full price but being a CAG on a budget...well you know.. good luck OP..tell us how it turns out and what you think of for run on paragraphs on my mobile phone and return line break ain't happenin.
I got my copy day one for $45 from Gamestop with some promos, but I gladly would have paid $60 for it even. As other have said the multiplayer is nothing amazing, though it is still entertaining now and again with a few friends. The single player however is purely amazing. I could go on and on about how much the game does right, but what I found most interesting, is that my girlfriend loves to WATCH it.

There have been countless times when we have nothing to do and she asks me, in an almost ashamed voice, '...can you play Red Dead Redemption again...?' This is because the game looks, sounds and plays great, so much that my girl would ask to sit and watch it for over an hour because it is so entertaining.

I say, get it.
Only get it if you like open-world (sandbox games) like GTA San Andreas and IV. I am having a blast with the game right now.

$43 new for a potential Game of the Year is well worth it.
game is worth way more than any other current gen game out at the moment.

and if you dont like the multiplayer, try taking auto aim off,scrub.
is it worth buying though if you hate westerns? I loved the GTA game and episodes, but I just can't get interested in a western game.
[quote name='praxus07']is it worth buying though if you hate westerns? I loved the GTA game and episodes, but I just can't get interested in a western game.[/QUOTE]

I am not a fan of western MOVIES at all, and I love it. Games to me are just games, and this is a great one.
[quote name='Jut']I would rent it and see if you liked the MP. I didn't like it at all. The SP is bad ass tho.[/QUOTE]

Multiplayer doesn't matter as I never really use that aspect of games.

I dunno, just the thought of it being in the old west really soured me on it. Can't rent it though, don't own a blockbuster membership...LOL. I'll probably never buy it, just wanted to see what people thought if you hated westerns coming into the game.
Why, specifically, do you "hate" westerns? I wasn't sure about Gun when it first came out, but I loved that one. Red Dead is really just GTA set in the Old West. If you like those types of sandbox games, then you should at least try this one.
[quote name='praxus07']Multiplayer doesn't matter as I never really use that aspect of games.

I dunno, just the thought of it being in the old west really soured me on it. Can't rent it though, don't own a blockbuster membership...LOL. I'll probably never buy it, just wanted to see what people thought if you hated westerns coming into the game.[/QUOTE]

If you hate westerns then I'd wait for the price to come down. It's probably the best single player game I have played this year tho.
I found RDR to be one of the best gaming experiences I've had in a VERY long time. However, I LOVE westerns and that entire historical era and I also love most open world games made by Rockstar.... so this was sort of a dream game. As far as I'm concerned, it lived up to the hype, if not exceeded it. I spent 60+ hours getting 100% and I fully intend on playing through it again in a few weeks. I'd definitely recommend buying it.
[quote name='shieryda']Why, specifically, do you "hate" westerns? I wasn't sure about Gun when it first came out, but I loved that one. Red Dead is really just GTA set in the Old West. If you like those types of sandbox games, then you should at least try this one.[/QUOTE]

Honestly I find the old west, at least in books, movies, and tv, to be incredibly boring. I have no real interest in horses (even in Oblivion I never use them), find cowboys really lame, and while my father's stepfather was some type of native american (he died before I was even born) I just have zero attraction to the whole cowboys & indians thing. I'm really not sure when the aversion to the old west started, but if I'm stuck somewhere and there's a western on and I can't change the channel it's like torture for me to have to sit there and watch it. There's even a series of books, sword & magic type thing, where some of the heroes get mystically transported to the american old west, and every time I read the series I end up skipping those chapters that deal with it.

Though I absolutely am a big gta fan, and love open world games like oblivion, fallout3, and gta4. I'm still betting I'd hate this game based soley on it's old west setting.
I heard about the game around 4 years ago.I paid the full $60 for it in February and waited...and waited.... and then they pushed the release date back...Then I finally got to play it. and it was well worth the $60 and the 4 year wait. $43 and no wait? Do it.
How's $17 shipped for it? Gamestop has is for $49.99, I had a $25 gift card, plus $5 on my Edge card, and with the CAG16 code it brought it down to nearly nothing. So if I end up hating it I'm not really out all that much.
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I just got it used off Gamestop... $49.99 - $9 (20PRE) - $5 (EDGE) + tax + shipping ($2.99). Came to $42. Hope I get one in nice condition...
RDR is a fantastic game, I highly recommend it. I bought mine for the PS3 but also thinking of buying it for my brother on the Xbox 360. I loved the single player campaign and won the game. Now, I am loving the multiplayer. Too me it is the best mulitplayer I played beside Uncharted 2. I typically dont play multiplayer but something about shoot outs in the old west is more appealing than the modern war games. $42 is a very good price. Plus today free Co-op dlc was just released. average rating 95%
My order came from Gamestop in the mail yesterday morning, I guess I got lucky. Red Dead came complete with all materials, map, manual, and insert for the co-op pack, plus the disk was spotless, and the case was unbroken. Not bad, now to find time to actually try it out...
I may be alone in this, but I got tired of doing the same thing over and over in this game. With auto aim assisting there is little to no skill in shooting people (the majority of what you do when you aren't picking flowers) and when you turn auto aim off it is next to impossible to play. Graphics are great, voice acting is pretty good (a bit chatty during the mindlessly following people to other places to shoot other people sections, though) I just stopped having fun. Enjoy!
[quote name='shieryda']Is your avatar from "Repo: The Genetic Opera"? I loved that movie.

Hope you like Red Dead.[/QUOTE]

LOL...Yes, it's Blind Mag from Repo.

And I hope I like it too. If not I'll be kicking myself ;)
[quote name='praxus07']My order came from Gamestop in the mail yesterday morning, I guess I got lucky. Red Dead came complete with all materials, map, manual, and insert for the co-op pack, plus the disk was spotless, and the case was unbroken. Not bad, now to find time to actually try it out...[/QUOTE]

Yep, I got the same setup. Everything is in tact and complete.

Problem is, I really don't like the game. I'm too spoiled by FPS on the PC. $42 is what I paid shipped. Doubt I can get that back for it...
[quote name='wutangonyamind']I can get this game for 43$ brand is it worth it?[/QUOTE]
Absolutely. GOTY material.
[quote name='fldash']Yep, I got the same setup. Everything is in tact and complete.

Problem is, I really don't like the game. I'm too spoiled by FPS on the PC. $42 is what I paid shipped. Doubt I can get that back for it...[/QUOTE]

Still haven't played it yet, but the intro cutscene was interesting. Maybe you can return it or trade it for something else?
[quote name='praxus07']Still haven't played it yet, but the intro cutscene was interesting. Maybe you can return it or trade it for something else?[/QUOTE]

I didn't think about that, doesn't Gamestop have 7 day no questions asked return policy on used games? Does it count if I bought it online, can I return it to the store?

And don't let my negativity get you down, the story seems great, as do the character interactions, I just suck with aiming on the right stick and it's really not fun for me even to try anymore.
[quote name='SoulReaver']You should be able to return it to the store no problem[/QUOTE]

Will I just be out shipping then or will even that get refunded?
[quote name='SoulReaver']Shipping won't get refunded. You should have used the SAVER code when ordering online.[/QUOTE]

Yea, I forgot to use it... :(
bread's done