Is the graphics war over?! My PS3 says YES!

[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Yeah. I finally went HD after saying 'it's hype, it's garbage' for so long. I even admitted I was wrong about that.:D;) A rarity for me. :lol:

But for it's size, I do wish the display I picked up was a bit bigger with better sound, though I couldn't beat the price for it.

However, it seems like far too many companies are making games with smaller text custom made for larger HDtv's.:roll: That's still my ONLY gripe with games this gen is that devs seem to think everyone has the 40"+ tv's and they can make the text teeny tiny and people will be able to see it just fine.[/QUOTE]

I guess they assume that if a person has the money to spend 300 on a PS3 and 200 plus on a decent Xbox and 60 bucks a game that they are going to spend just as much on a TV that was made in the last 3 years and not play on a dinosaur from the 90's.
I remember buying a 27" JVC CRT in 1998 and thinking "damn... that's a big tv in my room." Now my 46" LCD is starting to seem small. Btw... I still have that 27" JVC CRT in the closet. Anyone interested?
[quote name='wildcpac']I guess they assume that if a person has the money to spend 300 on a PS3 and 200 plus on a decent Xbox and 60 bucks a game that they are going to spend just as much on a TV that was made in the last 3 years and not play on a dinosaur from the 90's.[/QUOTE]

Except that rule goes out the window with me, since I refused to pay $400+ for a fuckin' tv. I figured that since SDtv's have all but been phased out now(WalMart still sells a 27" Sansui SDtv for $188)that LCD and plasma prices would've been dropping to comparable SDtv prices by now.

However, that has not been the case as it still costs $400+ to get a 20" LCD tv unless it's some no name bottom of the barrel brand.

As for spending $60 on a game, I've only done that a handful of times since joining CAG(LBP, Mercs 2, which was a big mistake, God Of War 3 and Just Cause 2). Otherwise, I wait till games hit the clearance shelf before I buy anymore.
[quote name='Feeding the Abscess']Demon's Souls, anybody?[/QUOTE]

I had it back when I was only playing on my 20" SDtv and I found myself squinting to see the first boss(Phalanx). I wanna try it on my HD display, but it appears I'm going to have to wait since I'm almost out of GS credit and I don't wanna spend real money on a game.;)
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Except that rule goes out the window with me, since I refused to pay $400+ for a fuckin' tv. I figured that since SDtv's have all but been phased out now(WalMart still sells a 27" Sansui SDtv for $188)that LCD and plasma prices would've been dropping to comparable SDtv prices by now.

However, that has not been the case as it still costs $400+ to get a 20" LCD tv unless it's some no name bottom of the barrel brand.

As for spending $60 on a game, I've only done that a handful of times since joining CAG(LBP, Mercs 2, which was a big mistake, God Of War 3 and Just Cause 2). Otherwise, I wait till games hit the clearance shelf before I buy anymore.

I had it back when I was only playing on my 20" SDtv and I found myself squinting to see the first boss(Phalanx). I wanna try it on my HD display, but it appears I'm going to have to wait since I'm almost out of GS credit and I don't wanna spend real money on a game.;)[/QUOTE]

Walmart has 19 inch 720p HDTV LCD Vizios and Sharps for 170-180 bucks. Vizio and Sharp are far from being a no name brand. The average reader review for Vizio online on Walmart, Best Buy and another other site is a 4.5ish out of 5 stars. They are well worth the money and a great bang for the buck. Get your head out of your butt.
[quote name='wildcpac']Walmart has 19 inch 720p HDTV LCD Vizios and Sharps for 170-180 bucks. Vizio and Sharp are far from being a no name brand. The average reader review for Vizio online on Walmart, Best Buy and another other site is a 4.5ish out of 5 stars. They are well worth the money and a great bang for the buck. Get your head out of your butt.[/QUOTE]

Vizio is still considered a 'no name' to me, but a Sharp tv I would buy, though my thing is I want the items and I want them for as cheap as I can get them.

So $170-180 would still be too damn expensive for me, as I even groaned at paying the $160 for the monitor I'm using. But since it was previously opened and returned and looked it, I was able to haggle a bit and got a 10% shopworn discount and got it for $150.

I know I'm probably being unrealistic, but I definitely like a certain size and price range. Under $200(closer to the $150 I paid for my last SDtv and the LCD monitor) and at least 20" for a screen is where I'm at right now.
Lol at Rock for keeping tabs on me here. Great TV even if it's not my own pic.

[quote name='tenma']If you think films in general have been terrible for decades it's honestly just because you haven't been paying attention or are nostalgic for a time period you probably never were even a part of. Transformers 2 isn't representative of the contemporary film market as a whole.

Part of me is still hoping you're just a joke character trying to get a rise out of CAGs who've perhaps spent too much on technology and that you don't really believe the garbage you're writing. Currently it just reminds me of the words of the same type of person who would say they don't like water, sunlight or air in a crowd of strangers just to show how counter-culture they are.[/QUOTE]

Although off the topic, I do. The last two movies I've seen were the Simpsons movie (on DVD, it was a gift), and Matrix in theaters. I'm not kidding. My 'movie' collection doesn't even contain any real movies, just animated shows in box sets. Unless you count the Futurama, Simpsons, and Famliy Guy Star Wars 'movies'. To me they're each more of a long episode.

I'm no joke, why would I be? There's no reason to be a sheep and follow this crap because other people do. They're wrong, fell for the marketing hype and it's no big deal. So, moving back to the topic now...
[quote name='jh6269']@Cheapest

Yeah, because you limited yourself to the $200 range. You could have got a pretty decent TV for around $400ish around the black Friday time frame.

But anyway, at least you took the HD plunge, I'm proud of you for that LOL[/QUOTE]

Hey give the poor guy credit. Like myself he doesn't see enough value in HD to spend $400. I mean what's the point? I'd also need something in that size and price range but I'm also not willing to accept an off-brand. If we're lucky this 3D gimmick will drop the price of HD to a fair range and companies will produce more reasonable sizes, 15-20 inches like NORMAL people want. Bigger than 30 just earns you a flurry of ridicule.
[quote name='DPsx7']If we're lucky this 3D gimmick will drop the price of HD to a fair range and companies will produce more reasonable sizes, 15-20 inches like NORMAL people want. Bigger than 30 just earns you a flurry of ridicule.[/QUOTE]

A fair range is whatever the market will bear, and since HDTVs seem to be selling pretty well, I'd say we're about at the right spot.

HDTVs have dropped to prices comparable to those of SDTVs from few years ago. Maybe there were some great deals with vendors clearing out SDTVs, but other than that, when could you have bought a good 20"+ SDTV for $150-$200? I paid something like $800 for a 32" tube-TV 15 years ago; the year-old 32" HDTV I have was $450, and it's a name brand.

Now, just so I can get my full flurry of ridicule, the TV I game on is 58", and you don't want to know what I paid for it. Probably shouldn't ask about the 550W subwoofer sitting near it either...

As long as you (anyone) are happy with what you have, great. Don't go into debt to buy a TV. But don't fault those of us who choose to spend our money on this stuff either.

[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']And where does one get a 'cheap but effective' HDtv in the 20" range for $200? I looked and looked and the cheapest alternative I found was what I ended up purchasing(21" LCD monitor).

Thing is, I'm too cheap in that I want a 20" HDtv with tuner for UNDER $200. But even the cheapo brands are sitting above that price most times.[/QUOTE]

My little brother got a 32" TV last Black Friday for $220. Not too shabby, at all, considering the price. Can actually do 1080i as well
[quote name='Endaar']A fair range is whatever the market will bear, and since HDTVs seem to be selling pretty well, I'd say we're about at the right spot.

HDTVs have dropped to prices comparable to those of SDTVs from few years ago. Maybe there were some great deals with vendors clearing out SDTVs, but other than that, when could you have bought a good 20"+ SDTV for $150-$200? I paid something like $800 for a 32" tube-TV 15 years ago; the year-old 32" HDTV I have was $450, and it's a name brand.

Now, just so I can get my full flurry of ridicule, the TV I game on is 58", and you don't want to know what I paid for it. Probably shouldn't ask about the 550W subwoofer sitting near it either...

As long as you (anyone) are happy with what you have, great. Don't go into debt to buy a TV. But don't fault those of us who choose to spend our money on this stuff either.

In the words of Lyle the intern, "Everything you say, man. It's gold."
[quote name='DPsx7']Hey give the poor guy credit. Like myself he doesn't see enough value in HD to spend $400. I mean what's the point? I'd also need something in that size and price range but I'm also not willing to accept an off-brand. If we're lucky this 3D gimmick will drop the price of HD to a fair range and companies will produce more reasonable sizes, 15-20 inches like NORMAL people want. Bigger than 30 just earns you a flurry of ridicule.[/QUOTE]

I don't think $400 is too much for a TV that will probably last you at least 5 years, if not 10. Plus, relatively speaking, $400 is a steal (I shelled out $2300 at the time for my 46" 1080p Samsung). Hell, just 3-5 years ago, a 19" LCD monitor (non HD) was just over $200.

HD is not that great for watching TV, since most channels are just 720P or 1080i. However, HD is great for games and watching Blu-rays.

Anyway, I don't know why I'm even responding to you--we had this very argument so many times, and you still won't take my advice. Go to Rent-a-center and rent a 1080p TV, 35" or higher, buy a $5 HDMI cable (or maybe get one from the rental place if it comes with it), hook it up to your PS3. Then, come back and let us know if you still think it's a gimmick.
no gimmick HD is here to stay....

In reality get a few sets of good programing and or gaming in and you wont want to go back. Does that mean that it has to be HD to be great, no. What it does mean is if a great game is in HD, why watch or play it in SD?
[quote name='kurrptsenate']My little brother got a 32" TV last Black Friday for $220. Not too shabby, at all, considering the price. Can actually do 1080i as well[/QUOTE]

My 21" monitor can do 1080p. :razz: I know, I know, full HD doesn't matter on a screen this size. Yet the difference to me is quite apparent.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Except that rule goes out the window with me, since I refused to pay $400+ for a fuckin' tv. I figured that since SDtv's have all but been phased out now(WalMart still sells a 27" Sansui SDtv for $188)that LCD and plasma prices would've been dropping to comparable SDtv prices by now.

However, that has not been the case as it still costs $400+ to get a 20" LCD tv unless it's some no name bottom of the barrel brand.

As for spending $60 on a game, I've only done that a handful of times since joining CAG(LBP, Mercs 2, which was a big mistake, God Of War 3 and Just Cause 2). Otherwise, I wait till games hit the clearance shelf before I buy anymore.

I had it back when I was only playing on my 20" SDtv and I found myself squinting to see the first boss(Phalanx). I wanna try it on my HD display, but it appears I'm going to have to wait since I'm almost out of GS credit and I don't wanna spend real money on a game.;)[/QUOTE]

Turning up the brightness a little is required on SD (I'm still on SD), it makes everything visible. I've taken it to a friend's house with HD, and the standard brightness works fine. The game is much more detailed than I knew, too. There's details and designs on the clothing that I didn't realize was there before.

In short, I think you'll appreciate the visual boost the game gets in HD.
[quote name='jh6269']I don't think $400 is too much for a TV that will probably last you at least 5 years, if not 10. Plus, relatively speaking, $400 is a steal (I shelled out $2300 at the time for my 46" 1080p Samsung). Hell, just 3-5 years ago, a 19" LCD monitor (non HD) was just over $200.

HD is not that great for watching TV, since most channels are just 720P or 1080i. However, HD is great for games and watching Blu-rays.

Anyway, I don't know why I'm even responding to you--we had this very argument so many times, and you still won't take my advice. Go to Rent-a-center and rent a 1080p TV, 35" or higher, buy a $5 HDMI cable (or maybe get one from the rental place if it comes with it), hook it up to your PS3. Then, come back and let us know if you still think it's a gimmick.[/QUOTE]

I spent maybe $250 and my TV is going on at least 15 years. That's why I like Samsung. Don't watch much TV and never any movies.

Have we? And yet you still think I'm wrong... Where the hell do I put a TV that big? I don't watch to watch it in the yard. So yeah it's a gimmick.
[quote name='Feeding the Abscess']Turning up the brightness a little is required on SD (I'm still on SD), it makes everything visible. I've taken it to a friend's house with HD, and the standard brightness works fine. The game is much more detailed than I knew, too. There's details and designs on the clothing that I didn't realize was there before.

In short, I think you'll appreciate the visual boost the game gets in HD.[/QUOTE]

But unless I can find someone willing to let DS go for cheaper than a newer release game on here or the price suddenly drops, the chances of me actually wanting to pay any kind of real cash for the game again are slim to nil.

But I am enjoying Just Cause 2 in HD and I may go back through God Of War 3 on one of the much higher difficulties for the hell of it.

Oh and jh, DPsx7 seems to be like me and doesn't watch very many movies nowadays. The way it is I still have about 4-10 dvd movies from when the one Blockbuster around here was closing. I picked them up for $1.99 each during the last week or two in business.

That's about my price range for most movies anymore with $5 being the MAX I'd pay for ANY movie anymore(just about). The only exceptions to that rule that I picked up for more were as follows: 1986 Transformers movie, Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie, The Crow and Goodfellas.

Otherwise, I'd rather go to the local drive-in movie theater, see two movies for $6-7 and be done with them after I see them there.:D I'm not a 'collector' anymore, so once I'm done with most media(except some games like GTA and GTA clones usually)I trade/sell it quickly.
I gotta find some sales on Just cause 2... its starting to sound interesting. You know I tend to have love for games where the main character has a special weapon... like Dark Sector (glave), Star wars (lightsabre / force), Heavenly Sword, etc.
I can't believe how many of you have stated that God of War III has the most impressive graphics ever, are you kidding me? This is fanboyism at it's worst... Don't get me wrong now, GOW III is a pretty great game, and I love Sony with all of my gaming heart, but really? You're confusing great acale with great graphics... Did you guys even play Uncharted 2? Final Fantasy XIII? Assassin's Creed II? All three of those games had better graphics . Say what you will about Uncharted having no art direction, but the visuals were by far the best I've ever seen in a game to date. Although I'll probably get flamed for this as well, GOW is NOT game of the year. It's just GOW II with minor tweaks and upgrades in HD. It's too much of a rehash to be considered remarkably great, we've seen it all already. And as much as I hate to say, it's become a bit outdated.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Oh and jh, DPsx7 seems to be like me and doesn't watch very many movies nowadays. The way it is I still have about 4-10 dvd movies from when the one Blockbuster around here was closing. I picked them up for $1.99 each during the last week or two in business.[/QUOTE]

I just want him to form an opinion based on first-hand knowledge. He's told us that he's seen HD in the store and at his friend's, but it was hooked up not using HDMI.

I don't watch many movies myself, but when Red Box finally gets Blu-rays for $1 - $2, I will probably rent a lot more.

[quote name='DPsx7']Where the hell do I put a TV that big?[/QUOTE]

Anywhere you can... it's only temporary if you rent one. Don't knock it until you try it yourself.
[quote name='Mixer236']I can't believe how many of you have stated that God of War III has the most impressive graphics ever, are you kidding me? This is fanboyism at it's worst... Don't get me wrong now, GOW III is a pretty great game, and I love Sony with all of my gaming heart, but really? You're confusing great acale with great graphics... Did you guys even play Uncharted 2? Final Fantasy XIII? Assassin's Creed II? All three of those games had better graphics . Say what you will about Uncharted having no art direction, but the visuals were by far the best I've ever seen in a game to date. Although I'll probably get flamed for this as well, GOW is NOT game of the year. It's just GOW II with minor tweaks and upgrades in HD. It's too much of a rehash to be considered remarkably great, we've seen it all already. And as much as I hate to say, it's become a bit outdated.[/QUOTE]

I haven't played the game yet. I created a save file and played up until the 1st save spot, then quit to play Yakuza 3. However, I did notice that the graphics/art style in this game are a tiny bit more on the cartoony side, instead of the polygonal side. I'll have to wait until I play the game, I'm hearing that it's a good game, but I'm hearing some hesitation when calling it a great game.

But I don't understand what your beef is about it--why would you expect it to be a drastic change from God of War 2? I want it to be more like God of War 2 w/better graphics. I just played the GOW Collection and thoroughly loved them (played them like 3 times each and got the platinums). I want an encore--that's what I want from GoW3.

Also, all of the demos and footage showed exactly what the game seems to be--so I don't get all this confusion.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']But unless I can find someone willing to let DS go for cheaper than a newer release game on here or the price suddenly drops, the chances of me actually wanting to pay any kind of real cash for the game again are slim to nil.[/QUOTE]

C'mon, man! Mid 30s on FleaBay. I know you don't like PayPal, but pay somebody you know who has an EBay account and you'll get it for a good price.
[quote name='Mixer236']I can't believe how many of you have stated that God of War III has the most impressive graphics ever, are you kidding me? This is fanboyism at it's worst... Don't get me wrong now, GOW III is a pretty great game, and I love Sony with all of my gaming heart, but really? You're confusing great acale with great graphics... Did you guys even play Uncharted 2? Final Fantasy XIII? Assassin's Creed II? All three of those games had better graphics . Say what you will about Uncharted having no art direction, but the visuals were by far the best I've ever seen in a game to date. Although I'll probably get flamed for this as well, GOW is NOT game of the year. It's just GOW II with minor tweaks and upgrades in HD. It's too much of a rehash to be considered remarkably great, we've seen it all already. And as much as I hate to say, it's become a bit outdated.[/QUOTE]

God of War 3 had the greatest graphics of any game this generation. I think that the problem is that the team did use the same GOW3 formula, but to me its still a good formula that works and the game is still fun. One thing I don't like in GOW3 is that there aren't enough new type of enemies in the game. But the game is great overall, I enjoyed it. I'll give it game of the year credit. Even the greatest games had flaws.... no game is perfect. I think that people sometimes forget that.
[quote name='Feeding the Abscess']C'mon, man! Mid 30s on FleaBay. I know you don't like PayPal, but pay somebody you know who has an EBay account and you'll get it for a good price.[/QUOTE]

Aside from buying the games I have bought from Gamestop for actual MSRP as of late, my buy price for games I may only have a real passing interest in playing at any time again is $10-15.

Anything over that and I'll play the waiting game. Then again, I wanted Afrika for a while and I just found that the other day for $10 at the local shop, so I have a feeling they'll get in a copy of Demon's Souls and I can talk the clerk into thinking it's a '$15 game'.:D

And I have an Ebay account which I've never used.
We get it. You're the cheapest gamer. It isn't necessary for you to mention the most you'll pay for any particular item in all of your posts.
Oh I have no problem with the game itself, I enjoyed the first two as well, and even the third one. It's still a pretty good game. My beef is with the hype and slightly undeserved praise.[quote name='jh6269']I haven't played the game yet. I created a save file and played up until the 1st save spot, then quit to play Yakuza 3. However, I did notice that the graphics/art style in this game are a tiny bit more on the cartoony side, instead of the polygonal side. I'll have to wait until I play the game, I'm hearing that it's a good game, but I'm hearing some hesitation when calling it a great game.

But I don't understand what your beef is about it--why would you expect it to be a drastic change from God of War 2? I want it to be more like God of War 2 w/better graphics. I just played the GOW Collection and thoroughly loved them (played them like 3 times each and got the platinums). I want an encore--that's what I want from GoW3.

Also, all of the demos and footage showed exactly what the game seems to be--so I don't get all this confusion.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Thomas96']God of War 3 had the greatest graphics of any game this generation. I think that the problem is that the team did use the same GOW3 formula, but to me its still a good formula that works and the game is still fun. One thing I don't like in GOW3 is that there aren't enough new type of enemies in the game. But the game is great overall, I enjoyed it. I'll give it game of the year credit. Even the greatest games had flaws.... no game is perfect. I think that people sometimes forget that.[/QUOTE]

We'll have to agree to disagree then, as I wouldn't even put it in the top 5 of my list of best games graphically in this generation... I don't mean they look bad by any means, I just didn't think they looked *great* like everyone has and is saying. The lighting wasn't that great to me, and the shadows didn't even look like shadows... They were too rough and unrefined or something. Just a few things I noticed.
[quote name='Mixer236']We'll have to agree to disagree then, as I wouldn't even put it in the top 5 of my list of best games graphically in this generation... I don't mean they look bad by any means, I just didn't think they looked *great* like everyone has and is saying. The lighting wasn't that great to me, and the shadows didn't even look like shadows... They were too rough and unrefined or something. Just a few things I noticed.[/QUOTE]

Happy I'm not the only one who thinks this. GOW 3 is a pretty game, but like I said in my post a couple of pages ago, Uncharted 2 and Crysis beat it on a *graphics* level. You can argue art direction til the cows come home, but even in GOW's less fantasy/unrealistic scenes it doesn't look as comparable to real life as other games this gen.
[quote name='Mixer236']We'll have to agree to disagree then, as I wouldn't even put it in the top 5 of my list of best games graphically in this generation... I don't mean they look bad by any means, I just didn't think they looked *great* like everyone has and is saying. The lighting wasn't that great to me, and the shadows didn't even look like shadows... They were too rough and unrefined or something. Just a few things I noticed.[/QUOTE]

Uncharted did have some damn good lighting. If they could make Alan Wake using that Lighting that Uncharted 1&2 had, it's be an awesome game. You definitely got an argument with Uncharted 2, but the other games you named, I'm not sure. I'm going to buy Assassin's Creed 2 tomorrow.
[quote name='Thomas96']Uncharted did have some damn good lighting. If they could make Alan Wake using that Lighting that Uncharted 1&2 had, it's be an awesome game. You definitely got an argument with Uncharted 2, but the other games you named, I'm not sure. I'm going to buy Assassin's Creed 2 tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

I really got hooked on ACII, I didn't even care much for the first. That game has some excellent lighting as well.
[quote name='lmz00']We get it. You're the cheapest gamer. It isn't necessary for you to mention the most you'll pay for any particular item in all of your posts.[/QUOTE]

I only mentioned it cuz Feeding the Abscess said that Demon's Souls was 'mid 30's' on Ebay and that's above my price range. Excuse me for not wanting to pay alot for my entertainment.:roll:
I read one time that the reason developers are able to get more out of the PS3 is because Microsoft requires all the graphics to be done through DirectX calls. PS3 developers aren't required to use a graphics API so they are able to code closer to the hardware and get that extra visual boost that you see. Of course I could be passing on nonsense and hearsay though, so don't quote me on this.
New here...Just got my PS3 on Sunday along with COD MW2, after having my 360 for about 4 years and playing MW2 a lot the last few weeks.

As soon as the game started the first thing I thought was "Man this looks a lot better than the 360 did" Maybe it was my giddieness of having something new, I dont know. But a few minutes later my wife walked through the room and said the same thing.

I have a 42" plasma that I play on that was a gift. I love the HD because I really appreciate the detail, as it adds to the immersion of the game. And as someone else mentioned, sound is a big thing to me as well. It IS Audio/Visual not Visual/Audio having great sound makes the experience so much better. I only have a $150 home theater in a box, but it suits my needs just fine. We all have our budgets and tastes and all of this stuff is purely entertainment. I never have more than a couple games in my possession because I just cant afford to buy new games all the time. When I get to the point I know I probably wont play a game anymore, its gone so I can get the most I can for it.

Who cares what someone else is willing to pay for a game? Thats how they feel and what they believe. And just because someone isnt willing to spend the same kind of money you are doesnt make them poor. I have cousins who have more money than they know what to do with and they dont spend very much on entertainment, but then I have others with that same kind of money who own huge TVs and all the consoles and buy all their games brand new and never do the trading thing. Its all personal preference, why does it have to get so ugly sometimes?

Damn, sorry this was so long, and sorry for the rant. Please excuse the new guy. :)
bread's done