Is the Wii dead?


76 (100%)
So for the month of April there are only 2 Wii games being release in Japan, and there is 0 game in May. Outside of Zelda and Dragon Quest X there is basically nothing. In the US/Europe the Fitness and Dance games are selling like hotcake, so it will stick around. But what if you dont care about music/dance/fitness games/license games? The Wii is basically depended on Nintendo support, and with Nintendo giving their full attention to 3DS the 2011 is the last run for the Wii.
I love the Wii, but I think its safe to say that up until and after LoZ:SS it's dead.

Nintendo better make a big announcement at E3 or else...
The Wii isn't dead. I'm not going to elaborate on my reasoning because this topic has been overused around the net for the past year. I'll just say that all gaming is turning out this way thanks to casual gamers and motion controls.
Yeah I think it's dead. You can only play motion control games with no substance for so long. Nintendo has their money and people are bored of the system now. It's been getting nothing but shovel-ware for a while now.
The Wii is probably still kicking everyone else's butt in unit sales. Their software lineup for the next year...I'll say that there are significantly more games on PS3 or 360 that I'm interested in than on Wii, and leave it at that. I'm fully expecting Nintendo to get their new generation console out much sooner than Sony or Microsoft does.
The Wii, Move, and Kinect are all experiencing a very strange lack of new titles. IIRC Nintendo admitted that the Wii has suffered due to their focus on the 3DS (which itself is lacking in titles till summer at the earliest).

Hopefully E3 will show things that are surprisingly near completion and ready for a holiday release, and not just things that are 1-2 years off.
I don't think so. Is nearing the end of it's cycle? Maybe. Both Fils-Aime and Iwata and stated that they have games completed and coming. Plus there's Skyward Sword. They are just allowing some space for the 3DS and Pokemon. Wait till E3.
I think it depends on who you are. Nintendo has this kind of duality when it comes to games that much of their sales strength comes from casual games and product geared for more family and children but they still have to manage to put out games their fanbase will buy in droves.

If all you want is a mario kart or a wii fit game, then the Wii is already as successful than both the Gamecube and N64 for first party releases. The difference in this case is third party support. Third party support for games is more difficult because the hardware requires a different or pared down product - see Dead Rising for example. In fairness Nintendo knew this going in and they made a ton of money most of it from parents and casual gamers.

They want to come out with games they know the loyal hardcore fanbase will enjoy, but having hardware a generation behind makes that nearly impossible to compete for that audience all the time because Nintendo can only make so many first party games. In the same sense Sony and Microsoft don't have first party releases all the time either. There will always be a Mario, Metroid or Zelda product on the horizon. That being the case I think the Wii is no more dead than it was when it launched.
Dragon Quest X is coming for Wii? That's enough for me to let my Wii sit on the shelf for as long as it takes for us (North America) to get it.
[quote name='Salamando3000']The Wii is probably still kicking everyone else's butt in unit sales. Their software lineup for the next year...I'll say that there are significantly more games on PS3 or 360 that I'm interested in than on Wii, and leave it at that. I'm fully expecting Nintendo to get their new generation console out much sooner than Sony or Microsoft does.[/QUOTE]

Except in Japan (speaking on sales in the last few weeks) where handhelds are dominating and the PSP and PS3 reign supreme with little to no competition outside of the 3DS which is barely beating out the PSP.

But what good is being the leader when no one is playing your system?

[quote name='bdb2m']I think it depends on who you are. Nintendo has this kind of duality when it comes to games that much of their sales strength comes from casual games and product geared for more family and children but they still have to manage to put out games their fanbase will buy in droves.

If all you want is a mario kart or a wii fit game, then the Wii is already as successful than both the Gamecube and N64 for first party releases. The difference in this case is third party support. Third party support for games is more difficult because the hardware requires a different or pared down product - see Dead Rising for example. In fairness Nintendo knew this going in and they made a ton of money most of it from parents and casual gamers.

They want to come out with games they know the loyal hardcore fanbase will enjoy, but having hardware a generation behind makes that nearly impossible to compete for that audience all the time because Nintendo can only make so many first party games. In the same sense Sony and Microsoft don't have first party releases all the time either. There will always be a Mario, Metroid or Zelda product on the horizon. That being the case I think the Wii is no more dead than it was when it launched.[/QUOTE]

And that's just the problem for the last two generations Nintendo has had major problems retaining 3rd party support for the entirety of a consoles lifecyle, heck they even abandon their own systems themselves earlier than they should, I can only say that Sony does a good job of releasing new 1st party content well after a newer generation has been released and continues said support for years after (see PS2 support of the last few years). Nintendo does not do this, they all but abandoned the N64 after Conker bombed, the GC saw Zelda TP, then almost every project they had for the GC still got converted to Wii (Super Paper Mario) and now the Wii is starting to feel the same way.

One thing though, I respectfully disagree with your statement near the end of what you wrote, I think people are feeling franchise burnout, because there are too many Mario themed games, Metroid isn't a strong enough franchise to lean on anymore, that has gone to the other part of their Big 3, Pokemon, with Zelda being the last piece. However, Pokemon does the same thing over and over with only small revisions and not much change (they could make an awesome Pokemon game with motion control, but never have, why?) Almost everything they have done with those franchises is stale and is the same thing they've been doing since 1996 via the N64 era, the only things they bring new to the table is new graphics and interface, but the games themselves remain the same.

What happened to the originality of switching up Zelda (Zelda 2 or Majora's Mask for instance) why does Nintendo feel the need to play it so safe and insist on 500k sales for every 1st party title? That breeds sameness, not originality or innovation as far as I've seen it from them this generation.

I remember at E3 last year everyone was oohing and ahhing when Reggie announced their big Wii titles, DKC, Golden Eye, Kirby and Zelda. Well after all the fanboys cleared out only of the them that has been released have been dismissed as all flash and no substance (Donkey Kong), and when people talk about Wii this year, all I keep hearing is Zelda and Dragon Quest and nothing else.

The only thing that will save face for Nintendo is for them to release their high profile RPG's Xenoblade and The Last Story. While they don't have as much "star power" as say a Zelda, it will go a long way for those who supported Nintendo while everyone else has been abandoning it since there is virtually no 3rd party support to speak of. If you don't have some gimmick game or dance thing that people can latch onto then 3rd party sales blow to be frank about it.

Nintendo needs to get back to making innovative games and not rehashing franchises over and over (See Super Mario All Stars rehash aka the Cheap Cash In game), where's this generations Luigi's Mansion, where's Eternal Darkness or even a decent Star Fox game, or even Pikmin sure they're not massive money makers, but they show the fanbase you still care enough to take chances and put out quality product and don't care if it sales bundles as long as people see you care about innovation and fun (which I thought WERE Nintendo's hallmarks).

But they need to get back to treating their 3rd party studios with respect and give them hardware that people want to use and enjoy, no gimmick or inexpensive rehash of prior hardware revision. While the Wii has sold the best with core and casuals because of that cheaper price, it hasn't stood the test of time over these 4 1/2 years because it doesn't have anything under the hood to make people WANT to play it because the novelty has worn off and everyone has flocked to MS or Sony to play "real" games (not a slam on Wii, just a general prevailing feeling I've seen). While 1st party can get you so far, without 3rd party support you're doomed to failure no matter if you've sold the most systems in a generation or not...and that's what really matters mindshare, not marketshare. (but it helps)

I think the OP has a valid concern, otherwise why would this board on CAG and other Wii boards elsewhere (except on Nintendo fansites) be literally dead compared to the Xbox and PS3 boards where they are fairly active comparatively).

Nintendo doesn't have anybody to blame but themselves, I think unless they take a chance next cycle they're going to remain in this self-fulfilling prophecy they've been in since the Nintendo 64 was released and doomed to repeat the same thing over and over (a fairly successful system with virtually no 3rd party support, then abandon it at the end) as they've done for the last 2 generations and are on course to do a third time as well.

[quote name='Zmonkay']The Wii, Move, and Kinect are all experiencing a very strange lack of new titles. IIRC Nintendo admitted that the Wii has suffered due to their focus on the 3DS (which itself is lacking in titles till summer at the earliest).

Hopefully E3 will show things that are surprisingly near completion and ready for a holiday release, and not just things that are 1-2 years off.[/QUOTE]

I'd suggest that's because no one has any idea of how to create that killer app everyone wants and knows how to make a game with the new controls in a innovative and fun way that will make people say "wow...that's the way things should be" and not look at it like a gimmick, which is what all three items have experienced and continue to do so, the technology and the ideas/innovations have not converged to make the ideal situation and product that everyone HAS to play and evolve the way people play things, that's what has got everything in a rut with these motion control systems, everyone is adapting old technology and gameplay to the newer ways of playing them, and it isn't working how they've envisioned, maybe the games are there or the technology isn't enough to support the ideals that are out there waiting to be done...
[quote name='uncle5555'](they could make an awesome Pokemon game with motion control, but never have, why?)[/quote]

Has there been a home console Pokemon game that has been worth anything?

What happened to the originality of switching up Zelda (Zelda 2 or Majora's Mask for instance) why does Nintendo feel the need to play it so safe and insist on 500k sales for every 1st party title? That breeds sameness, not originality or innovation as far as I've seen it from them this generation.

Well, I'd hardly say that "Metroid: Other M" was playing it safe in any way. Course, it was a failure, so I don't expect more risks like that.

Considering what has sold is the tried and true, how do you expect Nintendo to take risks?

The only thing that will save face for Nintendo is for them to release their high profile RPG's Xenoblade and The Last Story.

With such a slim plate, I can't see why they couldn't. I don't expect either to be a great seller, but I'd love to see them. The only potential problem is if they envision that it could eat into Skyward Sword.

But they need to get back to treating their 3rd party studios with respect and give them hardware that people want to use and enjoy, no gimmick or inexpensive rehash of prior hardware revision.

Personally, I don't think it would have changed all that much. Both Microsoft and Sony have shown that they were willing to take financial hits on the cost of hardware. Even tho the Wii was a success for Nintendo, they still took their first loss in years. I have a feeling it would have been worse with a more "full featured" console. It also doesn't help that most of the "gamers games" that did come out for the Wii met with disappointing sales.

I don't know if Nintendo's consoles will ever be accepted as the "gamers game" machine again, considering that Nintendo has cultivated the image of the "family friendly" console. Certainly, in that niche, Nintendo is unrivaled. At the same time, it seems to urk the gamers who want more beef. Fact is, Sony ran away with the gamers and the gulf has opened up wider with Microsoft in the market. You can argue that Nintendo needs to change their image, but I think that's a losing proposition for them.

I think the OP has a valid concern, otherwise why would this board on CAG and other Wii boards elsewhere (except on Nintendo fansites) be literally dead compared to the Xbox and PS3 boards where they are fairly active comparatively).

Because the casual gaming crowd doesn't hang out on message boards?

I'd suggest that's because no one has any idea of how to create that killer app everyone wants and knows how to make a game with the new controls in a innovative and fun way that will make people say "wow...that's the way things should be" and not look at it like a gimmick, which is what all three items have experienced and continue to do so, the technology and the ideas/innovations have not converged to make the ideal situation and product that everyone HAS to play and evolve the way people play things, that's what has got everything in a rut with these motion control systems, everyone is adapting old technology and gameplay to the newer ways of playing them, and it isn't working how they've envisioned, maybe the games are there or the technology isn't enough to support the ideals that are out there waiting to be done...

I don't know. The "gimmick" sold a lot of Wiis and got the other two companies' attention so much that they came up with their own versions. That being said, a new kind of controller that doesn't come with the system is always going to be a hard sell without a killer app to go with it.

Personally, I partially blame the hard core gamers who are mostly set in their ways and call new control schemes they aren't used to "gimmicks". :cool:
[quote name='uncle5555']What happened to the originality of switching up Zelda (Zelda 2 or Majora's Mask for instance) why does Nintendo feel the need to play it so safe and insist on 500k sales for every 1st party title? That breeds sameness, not originality or innovation as far as I've seen it from them this generation. [/QUOTE]

See, though, not one of the "core" gamers has room to lambaste Nintendo on the Originality scale. They like to bring up the fact that Nintendo's been milking franchises for 20+ years, and Sony and MS haven't done that. They of course conveniently overlook the fact that neither Sony nor Microsoft have a 20-year history in console gaming, yet. :)

Have you ever looked at the Top 20 games played on Live for any particular week? MajorNelson puts those out every Tuesday or so on his blog. Usually 18-19 of them are rehashes. In some weeks, all 20 are from established franchises, and usually 2-3 are called "Call of Duty," and at least one is called "Halo." 11 of the top 12 best-selling 360 games of all time are sequels, and the one that isn't is Gears of War -- whose sequel is in the top 5. :)

The 10 best-selling PS3 games of all time include:
Gran Turismo 5
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (yes, listed separately)
Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6?)
Uncharted 2
Black Ops (Call of Duty 7? 8?)
Metal Gear Solid 4
Final Fantasy XIII (yes, 13)
Grand Theft Auto 4

So yeah, 8 of their top 10 of all time.

Those Core Gamers are the ones telling publishers and devs they want more of the same. Not the Nintendo Casuals.

Oh, but back on topic: Is the Wii dead? Well, it's come in 2nd in the NPDs for pretty much the last 13 months or so. Is that dead, and if so, what does that do to the 3rd place console (which is usually the PS3)?
Blah blah, hardcore gamers are clearly the captain of the ship in this industry, blah blah discussion boards like this clearly have a connection to real-world economics, etc etc.

To be very honest, I don't think Nintendo gives a fuck. They have been given the "doomsday treatment" since 1989. 22 years later and they are still here, actually making more money now than they did in the last two generations by far. Nintendo's core audience is still here, casual audience is present, etc. is all there to ensure their success. As long as they are making money, they are fine.

I could go into a long rant but I honestly have better things to do. The bottom line is that all three companies are very successful in their own rights, and I firmly believe they could give a crap less about each-other in the marketplace or "hardcore gamers" who want to wage a petty war over BS. :D
I think the problem is that most Wii owners are satisfied with the Wii as is and some of them are probably satisfied with Wii Sports or Wii Sports Resort and that is it. If there is a lack of people purchasing new software then why make more? Kinect and move have the same problem, when was the last Kinect game, and I haven't heard much about the PS move at all. Are there any games for these even on the horizon, developers were supposed to integrate Kinect and Move into most games, and they have not done that the same way the Wii has not introduced motion plus into more than a handful of titles which is a real shame.

I think these companies are starting to make peripherals that are nothing but cheap holiday cash in's. The item comes out during the holidays and everyone rushes out to buy one as a gift then when they have your money and the hype is gone they quit making software for the devices they produced, rendering them dead or just leaving you with a handful of software choices.

I have to admit the idea behind the Kinect is really good especially since you don't need a controller for each player which removes any barrier to gameplay, with the Wii and Move, you need a controller for each player, and the cost of that adds up really fast. The Kinect is expensive but at least you don't have to purchase more controllers. Though you need a pretty big room for Kinect, which is something I do not have access to. Honestly the Kinect displays at retail stores this past holiday were super fun because people would just jump in and out or take turns, plenty of room and people to play with and no controllers to mess with.

Another issue is people are buying shovelware just as much as the good games for the Wii, if a game is 19.99 or $10 then it is sure to make it under some kid's Christmas tree from an unsuspecting buyer. Basically if you can get a Wii title onto the shelves of Walmart for the holiday season you are golden for sales. There have been holiday seasons here when almost every Wii game out of every store was sold out even if it was a terrible game rated 3.0 out of 10 or less. If people are already buying all the crap games out there then why have a huge budget to make a good game that takes a year or 2 to develop when a game that sells just as much can be made on a smaller budget and in less time?? Americans have learned to buy crap games and live with them for the Wii at least. Hardcore gamers just move to another system when the Wii doesn't put out anything, there are choices in the game console marketplace.

Pokemon XD was probably the definitive Pokemon experience on the Gamecube, and Pokemon Colloseum was also very good, the RPG parts that is. The Colloseum part was rather lacking but both these games contained more than enough of a RPG to make them worth purchasing. Pokemon is very good on the DS right now, but its severely lacking for the Wii. Though I actually liked Pokemon Battle revolution its a rather dead and old game.

Portable is clearly the way to go if you are looking to purchase Nintendo consoles, I can count umpteen good DS games, probably at least 100 or more very enjoyable games. I play the crap out of my DS, it gets played at least once a day or more, sometimes I don't play but those stretches are usually in the summer and I resume play shortly after. Smartphones are good for gaming however the batteries on them die too fast to really make them a true gaming machine, then if the battery dies you don't have any for a phone call which is the real purpose of having a cell phone. You can only get an hour or 2 of gaming out of the iPod touch, maybe more out of the iPhone 4 but then if you want to actually use it for phone calls and communications you have to limit your gaming on it so the battery doesn't die.
I understand disagreement with what I wrote above, but I'm only stating that Nintendo can do better (and they have) I base this solely on the history of what they have done, not what they haven't done.

I just love when people come in pissing and moaning (and dismissive) over strong debate over well they are still here, so why are you making a long winded debate on it, again let me spell out my main point to those who can't see the forest through the trees.


And that's where Nintendo is having a hard time with, regardless of the money flowing in like water.

I don't understand why everybody loves their labels in this PC-centric society in which we live, but I guess when they run out of valid debate fodder they got to resort to something huh?

[quote name='TheLongshot']Has there been a home console Pokemon game that has been worth anything?[/QUOTE]

Exactly the point I was making, because they haven't done it right, they could make an awesome console Pokemon, but they've not gotten it right, nor have had the proper vision for the game.

Well, I'd hardly say that "Metroid: Other M" was playing it safe in any way. Course, it was a failure, so I don't expect more risks like that.
Not going to argue semantics, I think many people didn't like it because of the story, and that kept the sales from happening, plus I wasn't debating what didn't work only what they keep rehashing.

Considering what has sold is the tried and true, how do you expect Nintendo to take risks?
They used to so why stop, not like they have to worry about loosing money, since their Number 1 and have more money right now than they know what to do with, so they can afford those risks, without hurting the bottom line, they've gotten soft. Reggie is playing it too safe, where's the Nintendo who's willing to make the Virtual Boy, Zelda 2, Pikmin, Custom Robo. (some of these might have been failures in most people's eyes but they were innovative, fresh and new, just like Nintendo is suppose to be)

They took more chances in the GC era, why the 180 degree change in course now?

The only potential problem is if they envision that it could eat into Skyward Sword.
That shouldn't be a concern as neither game is like Zelda in that respect, it's the mindshare thing at work again, Nintendo NEEDS to release both to appease long time fans who feel abandoned and sold out by their courting casuals and occasionally throwing them a bone, now and again.

I have a feeling it would have been worse with a more "full featured" console. It also doesn't help that most of the "gamers games" that did come out for the Wii met with disappointing sales.
And is exactly my point, they didn't support these games or companies who made them. Because the people who the games were made for ignored them because they had already moved onto a PS3/X360. That's why Nintendo is in the same situation it finds itself in at the (what we're debating here) close of another console life cycle by making the same ill informed choices they've made since the N64 (and you could argue SNES too) no 3rd party support and 1st party drying up slowly until the ship is not worth saving then abandoned in favor of the new model.

...considering that Nintendo has cultivated the image of the "family friendly" console. Certainly, in that niche, Nintendo is unrivaled.

At the same time, it seems to irk the gamers who want more beef. Fact is, Sony ran away with the gamers and the gulf has opened up wider with Microsoft in the market. You can argue that Nintendo needs to change their image, but I think that's a losing proposition for them.
See what I wrote below, when the casuals and families who buy maybe a dozen (and that's optimistic) games a year, they NEED the support of the main gaming community since all profit is done through software not hardware (in this case its slightly different though since they profit on systems sold)

You said the magic word NICHE you don't make money supporting the niche (ask any SHMUP developer) that's why we get games like SMB All Stars that are a quick cash in. Nintendo has dug their own hole and has one foot in as far as image is concerned, they need to support the hardware they make, and have not gone to great lengths to do this in 3rd party support for the entirety of the systems life cycle and not leaving before the dance has finished with both the N64 and GC. (and looks to be the same with Wii at the moment)

Why would people keep writing them off asking when the successor to the Wii is coming (on this very board multiple times for instance, and all over the net) for the past 2 years now, that doesn't inspire much confidence in them or their system, I would greatly contend, regardless of what place in the hardware wars they are in.

Because the casual gaming crowd doesn't hang out on message boards?
Not as much as you seem to think, unless there's something I've not seen in these past few years with my own eyes. A secret community where they all hang out? (facebook farmville fans???) If nothing else you could say they are transitioning from casual gamers to regular gamers and taking more interest, thereby not being a casual anymore.

I don't know. The "gimmick" sold a lot of Wiis and got the other two companies' attention so much that they came up with their own versions. That being said, a new kind of controller that doesn't come with the system is always going to be a hard sell without a killer app to go with it.
And you see how much that paid off for both of them, I don't see people gushing to play Move or Kinect, (I'm not playing any side against the other, I don't think motion control where it is at is the next stage of gaming based on what we've seen for over 4 years now) Just like I don't believe MS and Sony were overly smart to play copy cat.

Like you say and I wholeheartedly agree, they need a killer app, Nintendo hasn't had one (Wii Sports is what most casuals play and still play today, sad huh) and Sony and MS are still searching for the one that people flock too, right now they still are gimmicks in most (gamers) people's eyes because there isn't a game with those motion controls that everyone HAS to OWN, shouldn't Nintendo be leading the pack here since they were the originators of this tech?

Personally, I partially blame the hard core gamers who are mostly set in their ways and call new control schemes they aren't used to "gimmicks". :cool:
And I call this as proof is in the pudding, there hasn't been anything to back up their claims, so as they say Nintendo (Sony and MS) need to put up or shut up otherwise they're all talk and nothing to show for it. Doesn't matter what you label your self in the end you're still a gamer and want to have fun.

[quote name='Iron Clad Burrito']See, though, not one of the "core" gamers has room to lambaste Nintendo on the Originality scale. They like to bring up the fact that Nintendo's been milking franchises for 20+ years, and Sony and MS haven't done that. They of course conveniently overlook the fact that neither Sony nor Microsoft have a 20-year history in console gaming, yet. :)[/QUOTE]

But that wasn't the point I was trying to make only that Nintendo prides itself on innovation and has become a me-too company with countless rehashes, and it's probably easier to see this sameness because of the 25 year history they have with most of their big named titles.

Have you ever looked at the Top 20 games played on Live for any particular week? MajorNelson puts those out every Tuesday or so on his blog. Usually 18-19 of them are rehashes. In some weeks, all 20 are from established franchises, and usually 2-3 are called "Call of Duty," and at least one is called "Halo." 11 of the top 12 best-selling 360 games of all time are sequels, and the one that isn't is Gears of War -- whose sequel is in the top 5. :)
Don't own an Xbox sorry, plus I don't care what the Sheeple buy, their mentality doesn't equate quality in general.

Those Core Gamers are the ones telling publishers and devs they want more of the same. Not the Nintendo Casuals.
Again I wasn't debating what the other guys are doing, as we all know that more gamers have moved to Xbox/PS3. Casuals on the other hand on Wii play Zumba, Dance Central, Wii Party, or 1st party Nintendo stuff that's been around for a long time aka nostalgia gamers, how else does it explain how SMB All Stars sold so well, it's not because it was new, no it was a safe Mario game that casuals and gamers both latched onto and a rom on a disc to boot, plus I'd argue too much speculation with people trying to make a buck since it was "limited edition".

Oh, but back on topic: Is the Wii dead? Well, it's come in 2nd in the NPDs for pretty much the last 13 months or so. Is that dead, and if so, what does that do to the 3rd place console (which is usually the PS3)?
And I bring back my original comment...

But what good is being the leader when no one is playing your system?

Edit: SaraAB, thank you for the well thought out and logical post, it's nice to see other people see the overall big picture of things instead of seeing things under a microscopic view. At least Nintendo does something right with one of their product lines.
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Yes, Wii is near the end of it's console lifecycle. That's not a bad thing. Hopefully there will be a new console announced before long with better tech and improved potential. Until then, the many great games that have been released on Wii are still worth playing - and being a "dead" console won't change that. If you've played all the good games on the system already, then consider getting a life outside of video games because you are wasting a hell of a lot of time in front of the TV screen.

As for the other questions and "discussion": same old trolls.
No problem, I see the big picture just fine.

The only problem with the DS is that the good games don't make it to the store shelves, unless you are shopping gamestop within the first 2 weeks of release of the game when they actually might have new copies of your desired game. The shelves here are littered with crap games, further reinforcing my point that the american public will buy anything that is a video game as long as its on the shelf during the holidays. The good games are out there, but they don't make it to Walmart, Sams Club or Target, most make it to Gamestop and since I don't live within reasonable driving distance of a Best Buy that isn't an option for me most of the time (not that I want it to be). But I think we all know how to shop on amazon or ebay so that is not a problem because Amazon and ebay have the largest selection of DS games available.

If someone makes a smartphone with a 10 hour battery life while playing games then its all good, but until then its not good for more than 30 min of gaming. You can plug it in to the while playing but then it gets really hot and almost too hot to handle. The Nintendo DSi doesn't get hot when you plug it in and play. Nintendo will be in trouble in the handheld department when a smart phone or iPod touch like device with 10 hours of gaming battery life comes out. So yeah but that isn't happening until some new battery technology comes along, which is desperately needed IMO. Touch and tilt controls work most of the time at least for me but I would expect improvement in that area if the mythical device that I described ever comes out.

I would only define a rehash as a game that has been previously released that is being released again in order to sell it to a new audience. Definitely not a new game in a series or even an update like Pokemon HG/SS which I think had enough new content to justify them being an entirely new release. But if people keep buying rehashes then yup, Nintendo will keep making them, its easy money for the company. If they didn't make rehashes then the price of original games would be very high since people would want to play the original games after getting their hands on the new games. So a kid buys a new mario game and wonders where the series started so they go look it up on the internet and suddenly they want to play the originals as well so they go out and buy the Mario Wii collection and Nintendo gets another sale. If that didn't exist they would have to buy a used NES or Super NES and Nintendo wouldn't be making any on that since the kid is buying the product used. But that doesn't mean people who already played the games have to buy every rehash, they really aren't intended for that audience but intended for the new audience that comes with each generation.
The Wii, as far as I can recall, has to be plugged in to function at all. ;^)

The Wii is on the tail end of it's career. Or at least I certainly hope so because I'm definitely ready for the sequel whether Nintendo is or not.
It's certainly starting to sputter, but no more than it's competitors. Shame, really. So much potential but so many unimaginative publishers.

I think the biggest disappointment, by far, was that Japan got all the hottest shit once again and Americans got the leftovers. No Disaster? No Captain Rainbow? No Reginleiv? No Xenoblade? No Last Story? Puh. We also got weaker Club Nintendo prizes (YAJ corrects this), contests, worse [IMO] packaging and the short end of the stick on New Play Control titles.

I think what frustrates me the most with Nintendo overall is how Japan-centric it's efforts are. I understand why but it's still annoying that I want to give the company my money so very badly yet it won't let me.
I don't really want to thread jack, but a friend of mine mentioned that was supposed to be a high definition version of the Nintendo Wii system, coming out this year. What ever happened to that idea/rumor?
At least netflix makes the Wii useful (especially if you don't have another device to stream netflix), for those that have netflix. I don't have netflix.

I am pretty sure Nintendo is gonna concentrate their efforts on the 3DS this holiday season, so I would doubt another Wii is coming at the same time.
[quote name='anotherpoorgamer']I don't really want to thread jack, but a friend of mine mentioned that was supposed to be a high definition version of the Nintendo Wii system, coming out this year. What ever happened to that idea/rumor?[/QUOTE]

It was never anything but a rumor, or perhaps just wishful thinking.
[quote name='cochesecochese']It's certainly starting to sputter, but no more than it's competitors.[/QUOTE]

Wii is certainly "dying" faster than the competition. That is to be expected because it was designed (and priced) with a shorter lifecycle in mind.

I do wonder how the other consoles expect to push those 10 year lifecycles that were touted though... things do seem to have slowed down for both the PS3 and 360, unless you are a real sequel whore. With their motion control reboots both looking uninspired and Sony having security issues exposed, I'm started to question if the last 3-4 years of that cycle will be playing backup to a newer console (similar to what PS2 has been doing this generation).
It's what Nintendo console owners should be familiar with. It's called a drought.
Usually the first place console gets great third party support, but no third party thought Nintendo had it in them this gen. This creates a drought. Not even Nintendo can sustain two platforms all on their lonesome (though they've tried). While studios close and companies merge, Nintendo laughs its way to the bank. Oh well.
[quote name='SuperPhillip']It's what Nintendo console owners should be familiar with. It's called a drought.
Usually the first place console gets great third party support, but no third party thought Nintendo had it in them this gen. This creates a drought. Not even Nintendo can sustain two platforms all on their lonesome (though they've tried). While studios close and companies merge, Nintendo laughs its way to the bank. Oh well.[/QUOTE]

I think Nintendo would be the only company that can sustain it's consoles with no third party support.

Also, here is a link stating that there is much in store for for the Wii this E3.
The Wii is dead to core gamers until they decide to provide a functional online system without FCs.

I think the Wii will continue to sell with the casual audience with Just Dance, Wii Fit, Wii Sports knockoffs, etc.
I was thinking this the other day. I'm gonna finish up my backlog of wii games but there really is nothing i'm looking forward to. That and the fact that the wii sucks with online means it's pretty much dead to me.

I can't think of a single game that's coming out for the wii that i'm gonna buy this year.

I'll get my old school virtual gaming on my 3ds store.
Was just looking at Amazon release list and Gamestops and only saw The Conduit 2 and the new zelda as the "big names" for the rest of the year. Depending on what they show this year for the Wii it could be a very dry year.

However, the Wii would be officially dead if they announced the Wii 2 at E3.
I guess the answer is: Wait for E3.
Wii has been dead for a long, long time. Nintendos blue ocean strategy turned out to a blue pond, the Wii is all but dead in japan selling 10k systems or so a week, with no real major releases outside of zelda (which is not very popular in japan) and DQX which honestly should go back to the DS or for the first time, go multiplat with Wii/PS3. And the week DQX comes out, it will pass ps3 for that week and thats that. Its done and over.

When it comes to dancing games and workout games tailored for overweight american women, yes, the Wii still has an audience in the US. Otherwise, its got nothing. Titles like Zumba Fitness and Just Dance are barely keeping the wii selling here. Worst part? Nintendo doesnt give a crap about the consumers who grew up playing core games on their platforms. Thats the biggest insult.

In a few years we'll have this same thread but about the 3DS instead. That thing is a huge failure worldwide, people are flooding craigslist with a 3ds + games for 200 or less now, and no buyers. My android phone is more powerful then the 3ds, which just came out. Its sad. Nintendo is out of their minds if they think i'd purchase a 3ds for 250 + 40 per game when i can get as good if not better gaming on a phone for free to 5 bucks.

So yes, Wii is dead. 3DS will soon follow. Then maybe we'll finally get some HD games out of nintendo, but who knows, maybe they'll make their new system the wii with a new glowing hockey stick for their controller and rename it the Wii Too?
3DS has been out worldwide for less than 2 weeks and it's a failure.... :rofl:

I love the blind Nintendo-hatred people follow. Launch system easy to find? Its a failure. Launch system hard to find? Nintendo purposely shorting the market.
Wii isn't dead, and I still use my Wii occasionally. In fact I just bought sonic colors.

With that said Nintendo needs to make a real pokemon for the Wii. Actually wait, they should just make it a MMO type game where it's the same pokemon were used to, just that there is live players running around to battle/trade with.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']3DS has been out worldwide for less than 2 weeks and it's a failure.... :rofl:

I love the blind Nintendo-hatred people follow. Launch system easy to find? Its a failure. Launch system hard to find? Nintendo purposely shorting the market.[/QUOTE]

The person who posted that is a butthurt Nintendo troll-- a pathetic loser who you should put on your ignore list.
[quote name='SuperPhillip']The person who posted that is a butthurt Nintendo troll-- a pathetic loser who you should put on your ignore list.[/QUOTE]

i figured he was a moron.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']I guess the answer is: Wait for E3.[/QUOTE]

Pretty much. Last year was actually a pretty good year for Wii games, but with Nintendo's focus on the 3DS, the Wii seems to be a pretty lonely place right now. Course, it all could change in the fall.

I can't really believe that they'd announce a replacement for the Wii this close to their 3DS launch. Maybe next year, but I don't think it will be this year.
I agree about wait for E3, I don't know why this pops up almost every year, but this is how nintendo works, they don't release a crapton of games right before the end of the fiscal year to please investors, they usually wait til e3, then pop a HUGE surprise on everyone, and a game is suddenly coming out in the next three months that everyone and their dog will want to play.
[quote name='Gden']I agree about wait for E3, I don't know why this pops up almost every year, but this is how nintendo works, they don't release a crapton of games right before the end of the fiscal year to please investors, they usually wait til e3, then pop a HUGE surprise on everyone, and a game is suddenly coming out in the next three months that everyone and their dog will want to play.[/QUOTE]

That won't work for me. I don't have a dog.
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good question, to be honest, i think they just steered to a different audience.

i havent seen most first party nintendo games as much as the last generation.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Wii isn't dead, and I still use my Wii occasionally. In fact I just bought sonic colors.

With that said Nintendo needs to make a real pokemon for the Wii. Actually wait, they should just make it a MMO type game where it's the same pokemon were used to, just that there is live players running around to battle/trade with.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, Nintendo could do so much more with the Wii. I haven't turned it on in 2 years due to lack of interest/good games. An online pokemon game would be awesome, but Nintendo never makes pokemon adventure, rpg games on consoles. They need to break that tradition.
The Wii has been dead to me for about 2 years now. It never lived up to it's potential. I was so excited for this system at it's launch. I waited in line with my cousin over night at Target to be one of the first to buy it. I picked it up with Zelda. Even from day one I was unimpressed... with full hype-goggles on I knew something wasn't so hot about this system.

I booted it up, and bought the competent cables so I could play in 480P... I knew it wasn't going to look as good as the 360, but I didn't care I just cared about the games. Much to my surprise when I hooked everything up just to come to the realization of how cheap it all felt. The sensor bar(which I didn't even know it needed at first), the look and feel of the menu's & hardware. The Wii-mote with this tacky wired dongle attached to it.

Then I played Zelda for about 8 hours straight the next day. The whole time I wonder when it was gonna start getting good, at the time Zelda was by far and away my favorite franchise so I knew it couldn't be this dull. I kept playing, then I bought some Virtual Console games, then a few other "AAA" titles eventually came out and I bought them all... never quite feeling satisfied with them. They all felt very uninspired, and were missing that magic Nintendo of old had in their games.

Then I started realizing that the whole system experience was like this for me; dull, uninspired, cheap, a side-step instead of a leap forward. So I sold it, and with the exception of Mario Kart, I haven't missed it at all. I watched as my idea of what I would want from Nintendo was constantly beaten with the truth of what Nintendo had become. They sold Wii Fits, and Wii Motion Plus', and Wii plastic shotguns, and put out Wii condoms, and added more warning screens, but they never seemed to stop all the non-sense and put the focus back into creating a new classic Nintendo master piece.

I've been more than happy with my PS3/DS set-up. I get my serious gaming on my PS3, and my Nintendo fix on the DS. I also have a 360, but I'm becoming increasingly more displeased with that system after having 2 break on me, and now all this Kinect BS being pushed, but that's for another thread..

What's left for the Wii... Skyward Sword? A game which everything I've seen from it looks like a poor excuse for what the Zelda franchise used to be. It's look like a full on waggle-fest, puzzle game. Not the great action adventure with light RPG & puzzle elements of old.

Nintendo use to design controllers for games to make them work better(Super Mario 64), now they design games around their gimmicky controllers to sell more copies to the curious casuals(Skyward Sword).

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[quote name='Chris in Cali']

I've been more than happy with my PS3/DS set-up. I get my serious gaming on my PS3, and my Nintendo fix on the DS. I also have a 360, but I'm becoming increasingly more displeased with that system after having 2 break on me, and now all this Kinect BS being pushed, but that's for another thread..

well put. I like the honesty.
european sales charts are out, not a single 3ds game charted, not even in the UK top 40. Wii is dead there as well other then fitness/dance games with Zumba Fitness wii being the top seller of the entire week.
[quote name='Chris in Cali']The Wii has been dead to me for about 2 years now. It never lived up to it's potential. I was so excited for this system at it's launch. I waited in line with my cousin over night at Target to be one of the first to buy it. I picked it up with Zelda. Even from day one I was unimpressed... with full hype-goggles on I knew something wasn't so hot about this system.

I booted it up, and bought the competent cables so I could play in 480P... I knew it wasn't going to look as good as the 360, but I didn't care I just cared about the games. Much to my surprise when I hooked everything up just to come to the realization of how cheap it all felt. The sensor bar(which I didn't even know it needed at first), the look and feel of the menu's & hardware. The Wii-mote with this tacky wired dongle attached to it.

Then I played Zelda for about 8 hours straight the next day. The whole time I wonder when it was gonna start getting good, at the time Zelda was by far and away my favorite franchise so I knew it couldn't be this dull. I kept playing, then I bought some Virtual Console games, then a few other "AAA" titles eventually came out and I bought them all... never quite feeling satisfied with them. They all felt very uninspired, and were missing that magic Nintendo of old had in their games.

Then I started realizing that the whole system experience was like this for me; dull, uninspired, cheap, a side-step instead of a leap forward. So I sold it, and with the exception of Mario Kart, I haven't missed it at all. I watched as my idea of what I would want from Nintendo was constantly beaten with the truth of what Nintendo had become. They sold Wii Fits, and Wii Motion Plus', and Wii plastic shotguns, and put out Wii condoms, and added more warning screens, but they never seemed to stop all the non-sense and put the focus back into creating a new classic Nintendo master piece.

I've been more than happy with my PS3/DS set-up. I get my serious gaming on my PS3, and my Nintendo fix on the DS. I also have a 360, but I'm becoming increasingly more displeased with that system after having 2 break on me, and now all this Kinect BS being pushed, but that's for another thread..

What's left for the Wii... Skyward Sword? A game which everything I've seen from it looks like a poor excuse for what the Zelda franchise used to be. It's look like a full on waggle-fest, puzzle game. Not the great action adventure with light RPG & puzzle elements of old.

Nintendo use to design controllers for games to make them work better(Super Mario 64), now they design games around their gimmicky controllers to sell more copies to the curious casuals(Skyward Sword).


I'm in 100% agreement with this response, couldn't have said it better myself - I'm just not a Zelda fan to begin with. The Kinect is a joke, but that belongs in the Microsoft gaming subforum. I'm also liking my ps3/HDTV/ds gaming setup.
[quote name='blitz6speed']european sales charts are out, not a single 3ds game charted, not even in the UK top 40. Wii is dead there as well other then fitness/dance games with Zumba Fitness wii being the top seller of the entire week.[/QUOTE]

what does the lack of 3DS games on a european chart have to do with the wii.

[quote name='Vader582']It is dead, at least to a good chunk of core gamers.
This is the same path MS is slowly heading down, imo.[/QUOTE]

The Microsoft thing popped in my head too while reading the OP. Obviously the Xbox has tons of multiplatform games hitting it, but it's only got two exclusives this year I'm aware of (Forza 4 and Gears 3) and one exclusive next year (I can't remember...X-Com? I have no idea why that would be an exclusive, but...)

And the Wii, same deal. Although hopefully Sakaguchi's game is still upcoming in the U.S. (is there actually a chance we won't get it?!?)

Maybe we'll see more stuff at E3, but right now it's weird, because it feels like the Playstation is just cranking along, but the other two are wrapping up.

Maybe we'll get a current or next gen console announcement from Nintendo this year? Maybe an Xbox 3 from Microsoft? Heck, if Nintendo ends up just doing a current gen console, I could even see them announcing and launching within a year. I'm actually potentially excited about that, since I had all these ideas in my head about a Nintendo system with current gen tech back in 2004, 2005...was just drooling over that, and then... So heck, I'm STILL excited about that! It could pretty easily be more powerful and have more RAM than the other two at a reasonable price now.

Or heck, they could be first out of the gate with a next gen console! :bouncy:

Not sure what's up with Microsoft almost feels like they're giving up on the game market. Windows is an awesome OS, and Direct X seems more awesome than ever, but they haven't published a game in years, and have all this DRM/activation garbage (used to be one of the biggest publishers there was). And on the Xbox, they've only got two upcoming games, and nothing at all known for next year... maybe we'll find out more at E3, but this is weird.

I'm leaning more towards they've put all their resources on the Xbox 3, at this point.
bread's done