Is there a controller with a GOOD d-pad for 360?


69 (99%)
Like the title says, Im looking for a controller (or adapter from ps2/ps3/snes) to work on the 360.

This one here looks to be the best one so far but a bit pricey ($60 and its part of another bundle). Just checking to see if there's anything new out there.

I dont need shoulder buttons as im only going to use it for retro games on the 360 like mega man 9/10, pac man ce and such.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']^^^
I actually bought it just so I could have a good d-pad for use with Mega Man.[/QUOTE]

and I also bought one ($20) so I could have a fair shot at beating the AI in those fighters.
The 360 controllers with black d-pads are alot better than the ones with gray d-pads. The Halo controller that comes with the special edition Halo 360 has a black d-pad. The ODST ones as well. And the red 360 controller. Still might not be that great for retro games. I agree that the SF4 pad would probably be best.
this one!
no im sorry i lied i dont know if a 360 controller you want even exists.
[quote name='Swift900']The Street Fighter 4 Fightpad is the best you will find.[/QUOTE]

I've played with almost every gamepad this generation and I have yet to find a better directional pad than this. I would highly recommend it for any game that requires precision, it's a great investment.

If it helps any, I bought two from ebay a few months ago for under $20 each new, so you may want to peruse the site.
[quote name='bs000']The 360 controllers with black d-pads are alot better than the ones with gray d-pads. The Halo controller that comes with the special edition Halo 360 has a black d-pad. The ODST ones as well. And the red 360 controller. Still might not be that great for retro games. I agree that the SF4 pad would probably be best.[/QUOTE]

I have that Halo 3 Xbox, and use that controller as my main, and I can say that the d-pad on it is just as shit as any other official 360 controller d-pad.
That SFIV pad sure is ugly. I guess if you are into SFIV it isn't, but if you just want a good d-pad. Still, I might consider one if I end up buying some retro games on XBLA.
[quote name='UjnHunter']Man if only Microsoft would let Madcatz make those SFIV pads wireless...[/QUOTE]

I prefer precision/specialty controllers to be wired. Less chance of a signal hiccup from my experience and you don't have to worry about your battery crapping out during a match. Some games you just want that extra assurance.
And if you used a Hori D pad (such as the GameCube Digital Controller) you know they don't mess around
[quote name='limelight022']Now thats what im talking about. The d-pad looks fantastic.[/QUOTE]

Yeah looks really promising except that it's wired. No more wires for me, ever. If they make a wireless one I am all over it. YMMV
The Hori controller looks pretty nice, but if what you want is a d-pad, then it ought to be smaller and just be a d-pad controller, no analog. On the other hand the analog sticks are adjustable and that might be useful, though I'm not sure. Either way, I would prefer this to be wireless. So Microsoft doesn't let 3rd party's make wireless controllers, or is there high licensing fees in order to make one? Either way that sucks.
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