Is there a "proper" way to turn off a slim PS2?


I was wondering if there was a "proper" way to turn off a slim PS2. I've been doing it the way it's listed below. I didn't think much of it at first, and there's been no problems so far. I just thought I'd ask just in case.

Would it be okay to just put the system in standby while the game is still playing? I usually open the disc cover while the game is playing. I then take the disc out after it stops spinning.

How I usually turn off my silver slim PS2:

1. open the disc cover
2. wait for disc to stop spinning
3. remove disc
4. hold down power button for standy mode
5. close disc cover
6. unplug if not being used for a while
So it can work either way with no problems? I thought I was saving wear & tear on the disc drive since opening the disc cover instantly stops the game from spinning. I just went by what the manual said, but turning it off while the game is playing seems more convenient.

Oh yeah, I usually leave my memory cards in their slots. No problems so far. It seems pointless to constantly remove them from the system. Anyone else to the same thing?
[quote name='PenguinMaster']Why would someone remove the memory cards?[/quote]I remember doing that a lot 10 years ago when I had my PS1. I forgot why though. I used to put them in a zip lock bag for safe keeping. For freshness I guess; who knows. I just noticed that I keep the memory cards in my PS2. Never thought much of it until I started this thread. It's different from what I did before, that's all. :)
I usually throw a shoe at my slim from across the room, if that doesnt turn it off I have a broom with a really long handle.
[quote name='Puffa469']I usually throw a shoe at my slim from across the room, if that doesnt turn it off I have a broom with a really long handle.[/quote] Does the shoe harm the system in any way? Do you have to throw it hard, or can a gentle toss do the job?

I never thought of a broom handle before. Sometimes, I'm too lazy to get off my butt & walk to my PS2. Are the broom bristles required, or can I just use the handle?
[quote name='Peanut932']Does the shoe harm the system in any way? Do you have to throw it hard, or can a gentle toss do the job?

I never thought of a broom handle before. Sometimes, I'm too lazy to get off my butt & walk to my PS2. Are the broom bristles required, or can I just use the handle?[/quote]

lol. i'm hoping this is a joke post
[quote name='wildnuts02']lol. i'm hoping this is a joke post[/quote]This is no laughing matter. I really like what Puffa said about the broom.

I was thinking, removing the broom bristles would sacrifice some length, but more balance would be gained. There would be an even weight distribution, which would make for easier handling. Is this correct, or do the bristles have very little effect on the broom's equilibrium?
[quote name='beane316']This is making my brain hurt[/quote]No doubt; I never knew there were so many ways to turn off a slim PS2. I find out about the shoe & broom methods, and it just makes my head spin. I was fine with just using my hands, but the info I've received has really opened up my eyes.
LOL You know, back when I was in HS still, they had an alarm clock shaped like a baseball, which you threw to shut off. I wonder what genius came up with that idea.

Anyway, my one buddy had one of them......and about 10 holes in his wall from where the alarm clock got thrown too hard and went through the wall.

I think he eventually lost it in one of those holes in the wall and they just resealed the holes and forgot about it back there.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']LOL You know, back when I was in HS still, they had an alarm clock shaped like a baseball, which you threw to shut off. I wonder what genius came up with that idea.

Anyway, my one buddy had one of them......and about 10 holes in his wall from where the alarm clock got thrown too hard and went through the wall.

I think he eventually lost it in one of those holes in the wall and they just resealed the holes and forgot about it back there.[/quote]

That's fine until the next morning when the alarm starts going off from behind the wall.
My PS2 slim is always plugged in via a surge protector. It's on standby if I don't play it. Same with my Wii too.
I hate the way it turns off. I understand why they did it that way but you have to hold too long and the button doesn't depress very far. Feels very awkward to depress. I can't tell you how many times I've woken up the next day or after leaving for three days and seeing the green light still on. I really hate that button.
[quote name='coltyhuxx']I hate the way it turns off. I understand why they did it that way but you have to hold too long and the button doesn't depress very far. Feels very awkward to depress. I can't tell you how many times I've woken up the next day or after leaving for three days and seeing the green light still on. I really hate that button.[/quote]When I first got my slim PS2, I was looking for that switch on the back. I figured it out shortly though. When I put it in standby, I just hold down the power button until the light turns red.

I usually unplug the system after I'm finished playing. The socket's right next to the system, so it isn't a hassle for me. Others may keep it plugged in because the sockets are behind their TV stand, which would make it a real chore to unplug constantly.
Honestly, the slim doesn't take any more time than the fat model to shut off, if you ask me. But, you know, it does take at least 2 seconds tops to shut it off right. That's not an eternity, you know.
[quote name='coltyhuxx']I hate the way it turns off. I understand why they did it that way but you have to hold too long and the button doesn't depress very far. Feels very awkward to depress. I can't tell you how many times I've woken up the next day or after leaving for three days and seeing the green light still on. I really hate that button.[/quote]

I agree. When its late at night, and Im dead tired, and finally decide to stop playing, I will sometime hold the button too long or not long enough, and reset the damn thing instead of powering it down. Thats when the shoe comes out.
The slim PS2 has what has to be the stupidest power button (and eject) button design of all time. Not only does it not have a simple power on/off button, but the button (as well as the eject button) are difficult to see as they blend into the case. Whoever designed it should be shot (or at least fired.)
[quote name='Peanut932']This is no laughing matter. I really like what Puffa said about the broom.

I was thinking, removing the broom bristles would sacrifice some length, but more balance would be gained. There would be an even weight distribution, which would make for easier handling. Is this correct, or do the bristles have very little effect on the broom's equilibrium?[/quote]

I am a little late to this discussion, but just want to point out that if you hold the bristles end, the "broom's equilibrium" would be colser to you and actually provide more easy of control.

In my case, I always have to unplug all my consoles because I have a naughty 18 month old who just have to press all those buttons constaintly... in fact, I have to lock all my consoles in a cupboard.. it's a pain in the ass to have to reset the clock everytime I turn on my xbox.
i don't understand why this is so difficult. You only need to press the button for a second or two, then it goes into stand by on its own. You don't need to hold the button down until it goes off. It's better for the system to keep it warmed up in stand by instead of cold booting it every time...just like a pc.
[quote name='Asgardian']I am a little late to this discussion, but just want to point out that if you hold the bristles end, the "broom's equilibrium" would be colser to you and actually provide more easy of control.[/quote]I'm thinking that the bristles wouldn't be as rigid as the handle. The bristles may not be able to support the weight of the handle, which would make it flop around like a wet noodle. I could be wrong though.

Oh, maybe you have to have grab onto all the bristles, which would make the surface area more rigid? You know, like bunch them all up with a tight grip? Grabbing onto just a few bristles would definitely make the handle flop around.
[quote name='crunchewy']The slim PS2 has what has to be the stupidest power button (and eject) button design of all time. Not only does it not have a simple power on/off button, but the button (as well as the eject button) are difficult to see as they blend into the case. Whoever designed it should be shot (or at least fired.)[/quote]Yeah, I got the eject and power buttons confused at first. I know which is which now; eject on the left, power on the right. The two buttons were hard for me to see at first, but I got used to it.
My slim PS2 has been ghetto rigged ever since I put on flip top on it :(

I use a paper clip to poke the button that turns the system on, I keep intending to glue the button back on but it always gets lost until I move again when stuff reappears briefly.

Works though :) Plus I'm only using it to play imports now since I have a PS3. Kinda wish I never screwed with it cause I would've just sold it and bought a JP PS2...oh well.
When I stop playing, usually I just reset the game then press and hold for standby because I didn't like how the screen scrambled whenever I tried to put it on standby while teh game was still running.

I got a fliptop lid for my slim and all my buttons still work just fine. Of course, I dont use the eject button anymore, but the power/reset button still works just fine.

[quote name='freshzen']My slim PS2 has been ghetto rigged ever since I put on flip top on it :(

I use a paper clip to poke the button that turns the system on, I keep intending to glue the button back on but it always gets lost until I move again when stuff reappears briefly.

Works though :) Plus I'm only using it to play imports now since I have a PS3. Kinda wish I never screwed with it cause I would've just sold it and bought a JP PS2...oh well.[/quote]
bread's done