Is there absolutely ANY way to un-purchase a game on the Marketplace?


1 (100%)

I was searching for game demos out of complete boredom right now, and when checking out the description for Deadliest Warriors: Legends, I accidentally bought the game. I hit Buy Game instead of Get Trial, figured I'd read the description anyway, and when I decided it wasn't worth my time of course I hit A for Confirm Purchase instead of B to cancel out. I spammed B IMMEDIATELY and went right to my account management to check, and it drained the 800 points.

Of all games to accidentally purchase, I just HAD to check out that demo...fuck.

Is there anything I do or is this just a tough-luck situation? It just blows that I had those points for Rock Band 3 DLC and I have 0% interest in playing Deadliest Warrior.

"No Refunds" is going to screw me on this one.
happened to me with a map pack for a dead game, i accidentally had the button on buy wen i thought it was on cancel. i wish they had a confirm popup
[quote name='timesplitt']happened to me with a map pack for a dead game, i accidentally had the button on buy wen i thought it was on cancel. i wish they had a confirm popup[/QUOTE]

Uhhh, they do.
[quote name='HydroX']Uhhh, they do.[/QUOTE]
EDIT: i checked, there is no confirm popup

it says confirm download and below it it says cancel. when you click Confirm download, it doesn't ask "ARE YOU SURE?" for example. it just straight downloads it

EDIT: it was still my mistake
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Any time I have ever bought anything there was always a confirm screen, if not several screens to get to it. Ive almost bought crap I didn't want several times late at night while extremely tired after work, but those several confirmation screens have saved me from situations like this.
Sadly your SOL. I was charged for a map pack on a game I don't even own when browsing and my console froze. After two months of arguing with MS they still didn't do shit despite it being a fault with their system and not a mistake on my part.
I was just tired and had a bad lapse of judgement by staying on the Buy Game screen to read the description. Wish there'd be a couple minute period after a purchase where you could retract the buy, in case stuff like that happened.

Deadliest Warriors: Legends is unfortunately really...not good, but I guess it could be worse.
[quote name='whisky pete']they have it set up this way on purpose. you will notice that the only time that the cancel button is not highlighted by default is when you are making a purchase.

you only get a confirmation if you pay by credit card.

want to delete a game? cancel is highlighted by default.

want to buy something? purchase/confirm is highlighted by default. it is deliberate and sneaky.

its weird that they want to trick you into buying shit, but it makes sense to couple that with a no refund policy.

imagine all of the extra cash they get from "mistaken" purchases that they basically tricked people into buying by making the process asymmetrical.[/QUOTE]

That is the craziest conspiracy theory I have ever read in my life, and I read a lot of Cracked articles. Wow,
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You people are the reason I have to click "agree", "ok", "yes, I'm sure", and "confirm" 9 times before using any digital product. Try paying attention. You'll find that life is a lot easier that way.
That sounds a bit more than ridiculous there, Whisky Pete. I didn't mean for this thread to start turning into a Microsoft hate machine.

Your friend grabbed a Rock Band guitar plugged into your Xbox and spammed the A button? I mean, if your Xbox is on, and the guitar is connected and synched, of course if you start hitting buttons something is going to happen. Hitting A for times is your manual confirmation, you're the one hitting the buttons.

It's like when you sign up for a contest/company website, the ticker for "Allow (x) to email me about future contests, great deals, blah blah" is marked off automatically. Or when you install a program and that program's company has a toolbar, "Yes I'd like to install (x) toolbar" is checked off unless you un-click it. Of course it is, it's a business. It's trickery if you're not paying attention, but it's not just Microsoft doing it. It's not a glitch or an issue, that's just how it works.

I had a crappy lapse of judgement and hit the wrong button, it was a mistake, it happens. Everybody makes mistakes, but I don't think that me having hit A instead of B is a conspiracy from Microsoft. I should have been paying more attention, granted it could happen to anyone if you're tired like I was.

N8rocker, I understand what you're saying and I agree that I should have been more aware, but don't act like you've never made a mistake or mis-clicked something. Shit happens, it happens to everybody.
i never expressed any "hate" towards ms.

i obviously have an xbox and purchase things from the marketplace.

i like playing games without having to protect my wallet.
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No, this really sounds like a conspiracy theory from you whisky pete. I'm literally blown away by your posts in here so far that I just have a blank stare on my face. Hell, there isnt even a smiley for this crazyness. Maybe this? :fridge: I have no idea or clue.

I just.....I dont, Im at a loss for words. Your posts make me seem like this is bigger than the JFK conspiracy.
i had this problem with an avatar item which actually said 0 ms points (not FREE), i clicked heck charged 240 ms. called MS, they said we're sorry your SOL in their most customer service way despite my purchase history and behavior. 800 stings a bitmore but hopefully you'll enjoy it enough to get your money's worth.
I wish I had accidentally bought something like Rock Of Ages, I'm really attempting to enjoy Deadliest Warrior but it's just not that good at all. Amazingly boring. The combat's definitely different but it's just clunky and unenjoyable. I'm more interested in playing the Challenge Modes the game has to offer, but to do those I have to go through Arcade Mode with every single character which is just mindnumbing. Bleh.

Anyways, regardless, I'm an idiot and it's unfortunate there's nothing I can do about it. I appreciate the feedback, everybody.
[quote name='whisky pete']once, i gave a friend a rock band guitar and turned on my xbox. when i switched my t.v. over to the xbox, there was a message saying, "thanks for buying limbo."

they have the spotlight set up to where you can basically just hit the "a" button 4 times, and buy whatever is featured under that channel (granted you have ms points in your account - which i often do).

no manual confirmation is necessary, just hammer that "a" button. it is not possible to perform any other action other than a purchase without manually moving the cursor from cancel/no to confirm/yes.

it cost me fifteen bucks to find out that you DO NOT let your friend rock out on a rock band guitar with your xbox on and your t.v. off.

by the way, limbo sucks balls.[/QUOTE]
I had something similar happen to me. A couple months ago I noticed 1200 points were gone from my account, and I had a new purchase for a COD map pack. I have never owned a COD game on the Xbox. I thought my account had been hacked, so I started trying to gather evidence before I called in to Xbox support. I noticed when I turned on the xbox that the first window was advertising that same map pack. I thought I probably had my answer at that point, so I tried pressing A several times, and sure enough it walks you straight through the purchasing if you do that.

My in-laws were staying with us that week, so I asked them if they had been having any trouble with the xbox (we don't have cable, so they use it for Netflix). They had turned on the xbox at one point but nothing was happening, so they tried fiddling with the controller for a while before they realized the TV source was on the DVD player. They unknowingly button mashed their way into buying that map pack and back out before they had switched the source to the xbox.

I told them to be more careful, and I don't keep points in my account anymore if I can help it.
[quote name='whisky pete']once, i gave a friend a rock band guitar and turned on my xbox. When i switched my t.v. Over to the xbox, there was a message saying, "thanks for buying limbo."

they have the spotlight set up to where you can basically just hit the "a" button 4 times, and buy whatever is featured under that channel (granted you have ms points in your account - which i often do).

No manual confirmation is necessary, just hammer that "a" button. It is not possible to perform any other action other than a purchase without manually moving the cursor from cancel/no to confirm/yes.

It cost me fifteen bucks to find out that you do not let your friend rock out on a rock band guitar with your xbox on and your t.v. Off.

By the way, limbo sucks balls.[/quote]

limbo is awesome! Deadlist warrior sucks balls
[quote name='AlphaPanda']N8rocker, I understand what you're saying and I agree that I should have been more aware, but don't act like you've never made a mistake or mis-clicked something. Shit happens, it happens to everybody.[/QUOTE]

No, I agree. Shit happens. My statement was more directed toward whiskey pete and the sentiment that Microsoft is to blame. Because people don't want to be responsible for their actions, we have things like multiple confirmation screens and endless ToA's. That's like getting angry at the car that hit you because you just walked out into the road without looking. Clearly, they were conspiring against you!
[quote name='AlphaPanda']
Deadliest Warriors: Legends is unfortunately really...not good, but I guess it could be worse.[/QUOTE]

Get really drunk and yell at your tv about how shitty the game is while you play it. That should be an enjoyable experience at least.
thats no price actually happened to me once, i was looking at mass effect 2 stuff and the outfits came up as


i thought hey these arent a map pack or single player adventure, must be free. as soon as i clicked buy i quickly came to the realization that they just charged me 240 for 3 alternate outfits.
[quote name='whisky pete']you keep trying to bash my opinion, but you don't offer any explanation for the system being set up the way it is. damn you are naive. it must be nice.[/QUOTE]

It's already been explained to you. OF COURSE they want you to buy shit. Others have already pointed out how when you install many programs, they'll come with additional toolbars/add-ons/etc that already have the "install" box ticked. None of this prevents you from being intelligent and actually paying attention to what you're doing. Why is it necessary for these companies to hold your hand? damn you're not responsible for any of your actions. it must be nice.
if you don't see the difference between voluntarily installing some software and being deceived into making a monetary transaction, then there is no hope in trying to explain the problem here.

judging from the posts from people who have fallen for this crap, it is a fairly common problem.

i am amazed that any consumer would defend this garbage system. wow, just... wow. you guys are the reason they know that they can get away with it.

seems like the OP has decided he is an idiot. no point in trying to offer any advice at this point.

my work is done here.
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No, he man'd the fuck up and said it was his mistake. Kudos to him and I give him credit for owning up to it.

Yet, for the people who saw free stuff and got charged, yes thats shitty. How ever, it seems as if everybody but your self blames themselves and not Microsoft, or just for you Pete, M$ for accidental downloads. (Minus the one posters parents. Not his fault but he knows now heh) On a side note, your going to hate the new dash if you buy stuff out of accident. Maybe your more suited for a PS2 with no dlc options? I can imagine your one of the people from the South Park human CentIpad episode.

Your the one that started in this thread about some crazy conspiracy theory. I just couldnt help but reply to it because of its insane ness. You must complain on the PS board as well about this.
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I use to love Bushido Blade 2. Even if Deadliest Warrior sucks it still gives me some fun for a while. OP if your into the whole achievements, It gives you some extra to add to your gamerscore, at least its a positive way to look at it
[quote name='whisky pete']is this ms ballwashers or cheapassgamer?[/QUOTE]

Even if you CAN press the A button 4 times and buy something, YOU still have to press the A button 4 times. Jesus tap dancing Christ, who is it that's pressing the A button? Is it not you? This has nothing to do with defending Microsoft. Even if they are the scum of the Earth and are trying to scam you out of your money, why are you dumb enough to fall for it? Of course, everybody makes mistakes and shit happens, but blaming somebody else for it is like admitting that you're incapable of avoiding the situation to begin with.
bread's done