Is there any reason to get excited for Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner 2?


10 (100%)
Don't get me wrong. I'm a huge Megaten fan, including the persona titles, and both Digital Devil sagas. So to put it simply, i'm not a Megaten hater. However... Wasn't the first Devil Summoner the "black sheep" of the series? I own and played it myself, and I didn't get too far because I quite honestly thought it was a piece of shit. SMT III, Persona 1, Persona 2, Persona 3, Persona 4, DDS1, and DDS2 were all, in my opinion, much higher quality titles in both storyline and gameplay. So what's the hype for DS2? Are they revamping the shitty gameplay of the first one? I mean it had a cool concept with the summons and the elemental bullets and all, but it was executed, as what I see to be, very very poorly. Of course, it's hard to argue with the awesome plushie that comes with it. But seriously. What's the hype for? I'm not being sarcastic, I really want to know.
Devil Summoner 1 was fucking bad, but yeah, this sequel supposedly made a ton of improvements... it's a completely different experience now, apparently.

I hope.
I think everyone got it pretty it well. Reviews in Japan are favorable. Atlus has a good reputation even though the first one screwed the pooch. The idea behind the first one was good but the execution stunk to high hell. And pre-order toys get people everywhere frenzied like an ADD-addled school kid blazing through his Happy Meal to get the toy.
I see. I'll watch a gameplay video sometime or something then..if there are any. The first didn't seem to be too story heavy, so I could just wiki that/read a game script if the second is worth buying.
Meh. I liked where they were going with the first Devil Summoner game and I loved the art style, but its presentation was really dated even at the time and it just wasn't all that fun to play. However I own every single Megaten game released in America so the OCD completionist in me made me pre-order it.

Plus this Prinny plushie on my computer desk is sitting all by himself. He needs a friend.
nope any game that starts with SMT is pure shit. A lot of people get deluded into liking it by the anime veneer.
Well, I went ahead and preordered this since it showed up in my Amazon Quick Picks for $2 off, plus Amazon's likely to discount it another $3 or so before release, plus I can hopefully resell that stupid-looking plushie to recoup a little more. I'm not terribly excited about the game, but import reviews have indicated that it's a lot better than the first one, so. Once previews start showing up, I'll decide whether to keep or cancel the preorder.
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