Is this the most offensive t-shirt ever?


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Wow what a great site.
I'm a really terrible person for laughing at that. I had an equally offensive T-shirt I was going to wear when I did JET (to Japan), but I thought better of it. Yeah, it's really tasteless, but it's for shock humor.
Unless you were actually native american, it would take some serious balls to wear that.

If I was a native american though, I'd wear it in a second.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Unless you were actually native american, it would take some serious balls to wear that.

If I was a native american though, I'd wear it in a second.[/QUOTE]

I would love to wear the shirt around my campus, not sure what the reaction would be. It would be nice to be at least 25% native american so you could have somewhat of a flame shield.
[quote name='weimerwanger']I would love to wear the shirt around my campus, not sure what the reaction would be. It would be nice to be at least 25% native american so you could have somewhat of a flame shield.[/QUOTE]

Too bad you'd need a body shield to block the fists coming at your face.
tshirt hell did something cool, someone got kicked off a plane for not taking off her shirt and so they said if you wear the shirt and they ask u to switch it or leave Tshirt hell will pay for u to travel to your destination.
[quote name='weimerwanger']from


Wow what a great site.[/QUOTE]

I would consider this shirt offensive personally. Ironically, I am a Cleveland Indians fan and many people consider Chief Wahoo to be offensive though. To each their own.
Poor taste, wouldn't wear it. If you are going to wear it around your house fine, or bachelor party, or private thing fine. BUt I would confront you about wearing it in public wear my kids can read it. (The whole shirt but especially the vulgar language)
Man those are some serious, kick-my-ass-tshirts. They come in 5xl, cause you know the people that wear these are some huge-ass jabba-the-hut-looking mofo. I hope my brown ass never runs into someone wearing this shirt cause they are obviously fucking crazy.
Man those are some serious, kick-my-ass-tshirts. They come in 5xl, cause you know the people that wear these are some huge-ass jabba-the-hut-looking mofo. I hope my brown ass never runs into someone wearing this shirt cause they are obviously fucking crazy.
Poor taste, wouldn't wear it. If you are going to wear it around your house fine, or bachelor party, or private thing fine. BUt I would confront you about wearing it in public wear my kids can read it. (The whole shirt but especially the vulgar language)
Man those are some serious, kick-my-ass-tshirts. They come in 5xl, cause you know the people that wear these are some huge-ass jabba-the-hut-looking mofo. I hope my brown ass never runs into someone wearing this shirt cause they are obviously fucking crazy.
I have a very perverse, sick, twisted and demented sense of humor, so I end up laughing my ass off at these shirts. Hell, my bloodline has Cherokee, German AND Irish all funneled right into me so you know I'll pretty much laugh at anything...
my gf and i were contemplating buying a few of them from there a few months back...specifically the black babies one, just to wear under a sweatshirt while hanging out with my friend (bestfriend, he's black)...then out of nowhere, take the sweatshirt off to reveal the shirt and see what he says...he'd laugh his ass off because we bust each other's balls all of the time...but i definetly wouldn't wear it in public, it's just rude....though i would laugh and/or say "oh shit, that motherfucker is crazy" if i saw someone else wearing it
My friend has that "Native Americans" shirt. He's worn it from time to time. The worst thing is, we go to Central Michigan University. Our college nickname is "The Chippewas". There is quite a bit of reservation land out here, as well as the biggest casino outside of Vegas. Every time my friend wears the shirt, I assure him that he has some serious balls, but should really consider not wearing it ever again.
I think it's hilarious. i don't have the balls to wear much from there, but that doesn't stop me from finding it funny that I have the option if I ever became less of a pussy.
Some online vendor (I think it might be T-shirt Hell) has a infant and toddler section with a delightful child-size shirt that says "All daddy wanted was a blowjob." I think that about sums it up.
[quote name='itspaidgasterblaster']that shirt its so funny. I feel bad for saying that since i'm a mexican and also my ancestors had the same fate as the native americans.[/QUOTE]

Not really... Mexicans were more or less raped into submission by the Spanish. Indians were just killed out right.
Oh my God, those guys must be thinking up ideas 24/7 for that Mardi Gras shirt! With every tragedy comes a new design. I find it pretty damn funny though.
[quote name='punqsux']now THERE is a shirt i would wear :lol:[/QUOTE]
I've seen that cradle of filth shirt in a underground record store in philly a couple times. I am pretty sure there's a Marilyn Manson shirt with the same back quote also.
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