Is this wrong (immoral)?


OK, so here's the situation. This girl in my school started liking me, and everyone, obviously, knows about it. You might think that's good--but it isn't. This girl is literally the bottom of the bucket. Like, if you ever get into one of those back-and-forth's where you and someone else say you go with someone really ugly, she'd be the best person to use. She's not THAT bad-looking, but she's also really annoying. Anyway, all her girlfriends keep on trieing to persuade me to go out with her. They'd usually not even try to convince whoever she likes, but since I haven't had many girlfriends, I guess they think I'm really desperate. Hell no (at least not THAT desperate). Well, one of her best friends is really hot, and today after school, she had a proposal for me. She said she'd give me a lap dance if I went out with that girl. I know that's not very big or whatever to you older CAG'ers, but c'mon, play along with me this time. Now, what I'm thinking about doing is saying yes and recieving the lap dance--and then just turn around and say "psyche". Or maybe breaking up with that girl the next day. I know the hot girl meant for at least a week or two--but I'm not sure if that'd be worth it. So, would it be that wrong if I recieved the lap dance and didn't go out with that girl? I didn't hesitate to make that my plan earlier today, but when I thought about it more, it didn't seem like such a good plan. One; I really try to be the farthest thing from an asshole in front or towards girls. Two; I like that hot girl as a friend and I wouldn't really wanna screw that up. Three; I'm sure a lot of girls would think I'm an asshole for doing it. So, after that overly long post, what do you think I should do?

NOTE: Sorry for the long wait for the conclusion. I drag on a lot. :D
Morally very very wrong. But there are ways around it. Try paying the ugly girl off to pretend that you too went out and then get the lap dance from the hot girl. Just don't forget to videotape the lap dance for black mail purposes later on.
dude dont be a child, a lapdance is nothing, wait till you get too college people you dont even know will do stripteases for you, seriously ive seen at least 5 live or 6 i lost count, plus the ugly girl could fine out, etc, dont dude DONT
take the hot girl's offer, but follow through and go on a date with the ugly girl. who cares? make her pay for dinner and the movie. you win in every aspect. just have fun. oh, and stay in school.
That is wrong. And unless I'm mistaken there should be a big difference between boyfriend and girlfriend and a girl you go on a date with. I've dated many people, but I have had only a handful of girlfriends.
Just go on the damn date and if it goes horribly, like it probably will, then move on. A date is no big deal.
I dunno its kind of jacked up for that girl to offer you that to go out with her friend. Maybe she likes you a little bit and wants to use getting you to go out with her friend as an excuse to rub up on you. Is the girl offering the lap dance a nice girl? If she is I wouldn't take advantage of her if she is a real bitch I would have to consider it.
Although this reminds me of one of my main tactics with women when I was young and single. I would date one girl out of a group of friends and treat her like an absolute goddess she would brag me up to her friends and after we would break up I would usually end up dating 2 or 3 of her friends on the down low. Id give the chick a shot she just may be annoying because she gets nervous around people she may end up being a decent girlfriend
[quote name='Nirvanaguy777']dude dont be a child, a lapdance is nothing, wait till you get too college people you dont even know will do stripteases for you, seriously ive seen at least 5 live or 6 i lost count, plus the ugly girl could fine out, etc, dont dude DONT[/quote]

"I know that's not very big or whatever to you older CAG'ers, but c'mon, play along with me this time."
[quote name='jlarlee']I dunno its kind of jacked up for that girl to offer you that to go out with her friend. Maybe she likes you a little bit and wants to use getting you to go out with her friend. Is the girl offering the lap dance a nice girl? If she is I wouldn't take advantage of her if she is a real bitch I would have to consider it.
Although this reminds me of one of my main tactics with women when I was young and single. I would date one girl out of a group of friends and treat her like an absolute goddess she would brag me up to her friends and after we would break up I would usually end up dating 2 or 3 of her friends on the down low. Id give the chick a shot she just may be annoying because she gets nervous around people she may end up being a decent girlfriend[/quote]

Yeah, one of her girlfriends say she's just annoying around a lot of people. But still, I don't think I can do it. Trust me, I'm barely shallow. I went out with a girl last year because I thought it might work out, although she definitely wasn't the best looking girl and I took alot of verbal hits for doing so. But there's a point where you really gotta say no. Oh my God, I don't even wanna think of the verbal abuse I'd probably recieve if I went out with her.
[quote name='XboxMaster'][quote name='Nirvanaguy777']dude dont be a child, a lapdance is nothing, wait till you get too college people you dont even know will do stripteases for you, seriously ive seen at least 5 live or 6 i lost count, plus the ugly girl could fine out, etc, dont dude DONT[/quote]

"I know that's not very big or whatever to you older CAG'ers, but c'mon, play along with me this time."[/quote]

i know i read it, perhaps i was too harsh, too put it lighter for you, just wait till college and take anything and i mean ANYTHING that happens in Highschool with a grain of salt
Don't do it, you will get much more than a lousy lapdance in the coming years if you arent a douchebag.
[quote name='Nirvanaguy777'][quote name='XboxMaster'][quote name='Nirvanaguy777']dude dont be a child, a lapdance is nothing, wait till you get too college people you dont even know will do stripteases for you, seriously ive seen at least 5 live or 6 i lost count, plus the ugly girl could fine out, etc, dont dude DONT[/quote]

"I know that's not very big or whatever to you older CAG'ers, but c'mon, play along with me this time."[/quote]

i know i read it, perhaps i was too harsh, too put it lighter for you, just wait till college and take anything and i mean ANYTHING that happens in Highschool with a grain of salt[/quote]

Yeah, I know more opportunities will open up to me later in life--but I don't know about you, but this is usually a pretty bright opportunity in middle school.
I'm not going to read any of the shit you posted, I lost interest 2 sentences in, so I'm going to have to say that no matter what the problem is you should at least let her suck your dick. No such thing as an ugly blow job.
[quote name='ex0']Don't do it, you will get much more than a lousy lapdance in the coming years if you arent a douchebag.[/quote]


Not if things keep going like they are right now. I can honestly not remember anytime I haven't tried to be the best gentlement I can be in front of girls in middle school, and ain't shit happened to me. But I don't do it for the ass, I just do it 'cause it's right. And no, I don't have a third arm growing from my head.
[quote name='XboxMaster'][quote name='jlarlee']I dunno its kind of jacked up for that girl to offer you that to go out with her friend. Maybe she likes you a little bit and wants to use getting you to go out with her friend. Is the girl offering the lap dance a nice girl? If she is I wouldn't take advantage of her if she is a real bitch I would have to consider it.
Although this reminds me of one of my main tactics with women when I was young and single. I would date one girl out of a group of friends and treat her like an absolute goddess she would brag me up to her friends and after we would break up I would usually end up dating 2 or 3 of her friends on the down low. Id give the chick a shot she just may be annoying because she gets nervous around people she may end up being a decent girlfriend[/quote]

Yeah, one of her girlfriends say she's just annoying around a lot of people. But still, I don't think I can do it. Trust me, I'm barely shallow. I went out with a girl last year because I thought it might work out, although she definitely wasn't the best looking girl and I took alot of verbal hits for doing so. But there's a point where you really gotta say no. Oh my God, I don't even wanna think of the verbal abuse I'd probably recieve if I went out with her.[/quote]

I know you are in highschool so you actually care about what people think of you, but at some point you need to get over it. If you actually liked the other girl, you don't have to give a fuck about what other people think. Just go on the fucking date, and don't pay attention to what other people say. I also agree that the hot girl that would lap dance probably has something of a thing for you. So don't take the lap dance. I doubt it would improve your odds with her. Just be mature.
[quote name='XboxMaster'][quote name='Nirvanaguy777'][quote name='XboxMaster'][quote name='Nirvanaguy777']dude dont be a child, a lapdance is nothing, wait till you get too college people you dont even know will do stripteases for you, seriously ive seen at least 5 live or 6 i lost count, plus the ugly girl could fine out, etc, dont dude DONT[/quote]

"I know that's not very big or whatever to you older CAG'ers, but c'mon, play along with me this time."[/quote]

i know i read it, perhaps i was too harsh, too put it lighter for you, just wait till college and take anything and i mean ANYTHING that happens in Highschool with a grain of salt[/quote]

Yeah, I know more opportunities will open up to me later in life--but I don't know about you, but this is usually a pretty bright opportunity in middle school.[/quote]

I got around in highschool myself, lost my virginity at a highschool party, i still didnt take it seriously, most people are narrow minded and childish in HS, honestly what kind of girl offers too give you a lap dance to date her friend
You really should have just made this a poll. I'd personally think that "wrong" would be a common sense answer.
[quote name='moiety']Christ, girls are offering lap dances in middle school now? Another example of society at its finest. :roll:[/quote]

the megaman master approves highly of your sig, blue bomber representin
[quote name='XboxMaster'][quote name='jlarlee']I dunno its kind of jacked up for that girl to offer you that to go out with her friend. Maybe she likes you a little bit and wants to use getting you to go out with her friend. Is the girl offering the lap dance a nice girl? If she is I wouldn't take advantage of her if she is a real bitch I would have to consider it.
Although this reminds me of one of my main tactics with women when I was young and single. I would date one girl out of a group of friends and treat her like an absolute goddess she would brag me up to her friends and after we would break up I would usually end up dating 2 or 3 of her friends on the down low. Id give the chick a shot she just may be annoying because she gets nervous around people she may end up being a decent girlfriend[/quote]

Yeah, one of her girlfriends say she's just annoying around a lot of people. But still, I don't think I can do it. Trust me, I'm barely shallow. I went out with a girl last year because I thought it might work out, although she definitely wasn't the best looking girl and I took alot of verbal hits for doing so. But there's a point where you really gotta say no. Oh my God, I don't even wanna think of the verbal abuse I'd probably recieve if I went out with her.[/quote]

The sooner you figure out it don't mean shit what people think of you the sooner you will be happy. I used to really care about what people thought about me than when I was 15 I got with the wrong crowd and did some illegal shit got caught and pretty much had a mini nervous breakdown. i ended up changing high schools and I changed my attitude. I said whatever I wanted dated whoever I wanted and didn't give a damn what people thought about me. And guess what? I was a hell of a lot more popular at the new school and a lot more happier. you will get verbal jabs but its mostly because they are jealous because they don't have the courage to be their own man and not be in the flock of conformist sheep
[quote name='"jlarlee"'][quote name='XboxMaster'][quote name='jlarlee']I dunno its kind of jacked up for that girl to offer you that to go out with her friend. Maybe she likes you a little bit and wants to use getting you to go out with her friend. Is the girl offering the lap dance a nice girl? If she is I wouldn't take advantage of her if she is a real bitch I would have to consider it.
Although this reminds me of one of my main tactics with women when I was young and single. I would date one girl out of a group of friends and treat her like an absolute goddess she would brag me up to her friends and after we would break up I would usually end up dating 2 or 3 of her friends on the down low. Id give the chick a shot she just may be annoying because she gets nervous around people she may end up being a decent girlfriend[/quote]

because they don't have the courage to be their own man and not be in the flock of conformist sheep[/quote]

Butters- No thanks Id rather be a whiney pussy than a faggy goth anyday
Look, XboxMaster, it sounds like you really don't like this girl that much and the relationship would not last. This would not only break her heart but you would be viewed as a genuine asswhore by the rest of the girls for hurting someone like that (and why would they want to be hurt the same way?)
[quote name='"Nirvanaguy777"'][quote name='jlarlee'][quote name='XboxMaster'][quote name='jlarlee']I dunno its kind of jacked up for that girl to offer you that to go out with her friend. Maybe she likes you a little bit and wants to use getting you to go out with her friend. Is the girl offering the lap dance a nice girl? If she is I wouldn't take advantage of her if she is a real bitch I would have to consider it.
Although this reminds me of one of my main tactics with women when I was young and single. I would date one girl out of a group of friends and treat her like an absolute goddess she would brag me up to her friends and after we would break up I would usually end up dating 2 or 3 of her friends on the down low. Id give the chick a shot she just may be annoying because she gets nervous around people she may end up being a decent girlfriend[/quote]

because they don't have the courage to be their own man and not be in the flock of conformist sheep[/quote]

Butters- No thanks Id rather be a whiney pussy than a faggy goth anyday[/quote]

Ok why the hell would you assume I was a goth from that quote. And no I wasn't I wore pretty much normal clothes and played sports and didn't hate society. What i meant when I said what i wanted is if someone pissed me off or was irritating I would tell them that directly popularity be damned. You know what they say about the word assume dont ya?
[quote name='Nirvanaguy777']
the megaman master approves highly of your sig, blue bomber representin[/quote]

Thanks. You can tell Megaman II is my favorite. 8)
[quote name='ex0']Look, XboxMaster, it sounds like you really don't like this girl that much and the relationship would not last. This would not only break her heart but you would be viewed as a genuine asswhore by the rest of the girls for hurting someone like that (and why would they want to be hurt the same way?)[/quote]


Wow, what choices.
[quote name='ex0']Look, XboxMaster, it sounds like you really don't like this girl that much and the relationship would not last. This would not only break her heart but you would be viewed as a genuine asswhore by the rest of the girls for hurting someone like that (and why would they want to be hurt the same way?)[/quote]

You know the sad thing about a lot of women that age that being viewed as an ass whore probably would get him more dates. A lot of women look for the bad guy because they think they can change him and its a big ego boost for them. the fair number of women don't grow put of that until their mid 20's. I had a friend who was pretty average looking and everythign who would say the most demaning ugly shit to women and that guy got more ass than a toilet seat.
Well if your really evil, get the lap dance, then tell the girl your suppose to go out with that your only doing it because you got a lap dance.

I'm not normally this evil but Fable is just so much fun!!!
How old are you XboxMaster? I mean, if you're in middel school, there can't be anyhting too exciting to look at. Holy shit, I mean, is there even any hair on the field yet? I....GAH. I'm not Mr. Lucky when it comes to women, but I'll tell you that being able to look at yourself in the mirror in the morning is something you will want to be able to do.
Well, as a middle school teacher, I just have to say how proud I am of kids today.

Here's a boy offered a lap dance by a fellow adolescent and he doesn't immediately jump at the chance, so at least there is some moral compass there.

Don't do it. Be a good guy. Believe me, as you get older you will have lots of chances for debauched behavior. I was a real geek in elementary and middle school, buy suddenly in high school and college I had girls throwing themselves at the crap out of me how that happened, and it makes my friends nuts because they know what a dork I am...

Be will have lots of chances for such things.
Reality's Fringe said:
How old are you XboxMaster? I mean, if you're in middel school, there can't be anyhting too exciting to look at. Holy shit, I mean, is there even any hair on the field yet? I....GAH. I'm not Mr. Lucky when it comes to women, but I'll tell you that being able to look at yourself in the mirror in the morning is something you will want to be able to do.

You probably won't take this statement with any importance, but trust me, trust me, the girls in my grade developed fast. Trust me.
[quote name='"jlarlee"'][quote name='Nirvanaguy777'][quote name='jlarlee'][quote name='XboxMaster'][quote name='jlarlee']I dunno its kind of jacked up for that girl to offer you that to go out with her friend. Maybe she likes you a little bit and wants to use getting you to go out with her friend. Is the girl offering the lap dance a nice girl? If she is I wouldn't take advantage of her if she is a real bitch I would have to consider it.
Although this reminds me of one of my main tactics with women when I was young and single. I would date one girl out of a group of friends and treat her like an absolute goddess she would brag me up to her friends and after we would break up I would usually end up dating 2 or 3 of her friends on the down low. Id give the chick a shot she just may be annoying because she gets nervous around people she may end up being a decent girlfriend[/quote]

because they don't have the courage to be their own man and not be in the flock of conformist sheep[/quote]

Butters- No thanks Id rather be a whiney pussy than a faggy goth anyday[/quote]

Ok why the hell would you assume I was a goth from that quote. And no I wasn't I wore pretty much normal clothes and played sports and didn't hate society. What i meant when I said what i wanted is if someone pissed me off or was irritating I would tell them that directly popularity be damned. You know what they say about the word assume dont ya?[/quote]

didnt say you were a goth, your conformist statement reminded me of the goths on south park, that was a hysterical episode, you misread me
my bad i will now read my assume quip and apply it to myself lol. Although Goth are really conformist when you come to it they just conform to a different set of rules
[quote name='XboxMaster'][quote name='jlarlee']I dunno its kind of jacked up for that girl to offer you that to go out with her friend. Maybe she likes you a little bit and wants to use getting you to go out with her friend. Is the girl offering the lap dance a nice girl? If she is I wouldn't take advantage of her if she is a real bitch I would have to consider it.
Although this reminds me of one of my main tactics with women when I was young and single. I would date one girl out of a group of friends and treat her like an absolute goddess she would brag me up to her friends and after we would break up I would usually end up dating 2 or 3 of her friends on the down low. Id give the chick a shot she just may be annoying because she gets nervous around people she may end up being a decent girlfriend[/quote]

Yeah, one of her girlfriends say she's just annoying around a lot of people. But still, I don't think I can do it. Trust me, I'm barely shallow. I went out with a girl last year because I thought it might work out, although she definitely wasn't the best looking girl and I took alot of verbal hits for doing so. But there's a point where you really gotta say no. Oh my God, I don't even wanna think of the verbal abuse I'd probably recieve if I went out with her.[/quote]

I was kind of thinking along the same lines as jlarlee. The girl is really not that good of a friend if she's trying to get someone to fake liking her "friend". That just leads to worse hurt feelings in the end. But on the other hand, if all she wants you to do is go on a date with her friend (i.e. not fake being her boyfriend) then either she is willing to do a lot for her friend, or she is a slut. And if the latter, you really shouldn't want to be with her anyway. But if she is willing to go through that for her friend to simply have a date and she is not a dirty whore, in a strange way that could be viewed as admireable (kind of, if you discount the whole lap dance part... hmm... you know what I mean). And he's right. Just be cool with all the girls. Don't be selective. That's the way you get hooked up in the long run. Be patient.

Oh, and as far as your comment:
I can honestly not remember anytime I haven't tried to be the best gentlement I can be in front of girls in middle school, and ain't **** happened to me. But I don't do it for the ass, I just do it 'cause it's right.

That there comment is contradicting. You say you have always been good to girls. You say you do it only because it is right. But in the middle you slip in that nothing has "happened to you."

Like I said, be patient. Be a good friend and just have fun being young. I know your hormones are going crazy now. But just try and be a good friend.
[quote name='MorPhiend'][quote name='XboxMaster'][quote name='jlarlee']I dunno its kind of jacked up for that girl to offer you that to go out with her friend. Maybe she likes you a little bit and wants to use getting you to go out with her friend. Is the girl offering the lap dance a nice girl? If she is I wouldn't take advantage of her if she is a real bitch I would have to consider it.
Although this reminds me of one of my main tactics with women when I was young and single. I would date one girl out of a group of friends and treat her like an absolute goddess she would brag me up to her friends and after we would break up I would usually end up dating 2 or 3 of her friends on the down low. Id give the chick a shot she just may be annoying because she gets nervous around people she may end up being a decent girlfriend[/quote]

Yeah, one of her girlfriends say she's just annoying around a lot of people. But still, I don't think I can do it. Trust me, I'm barely shallow. I went out with a girl last year because I thought it might work out, although she definitely wasn't the best looking girl and I took alot of verbal hits for doing so. But there's a point where you really gotta say no. Oh my God, I don't even wanna think of the verbal abuse I'd probably recieve if I went out with her.[/quote]

I was kind of thinking along the same lines as jlarlee. The girl is really not that good of a friend if she's trying to get someone to fake liking her "friend". That just leads to worse hurt feelings in the end. But on the other hand, if all she wants you to do is go on a date with her friend (i.e. not fake being her boyfriend) then either she is willing to do a lot for her friend, or she is a slut. And if the latter, you really shouldn't want to be with her anyway. But if she is willing to go through that for her friend to simply have a date and she is not a dirty whore, in a strange way that could be viewed as admireable (kind of, if you discount the whole lap dance part... hmm... you know what I mean). And he's right. Just be cool with all the girls. Don't be selective. That's the way you get hooked up in the long run. Be patient.

Oh, and as far as your comment:
I can honestly not remember anytime I haven't tried to be the best gentlement I can be in front of girls in middle school, and ain't **** happened to me. But I don't do it for the ass, I just do it 'cause it's right.

That there comment is contradicting. You say you have always been good to girls. You say you do it only because it is right. But in the middle you slip in that nothing has "happened to you."

Like I said, be patient. Be a good friend and just have fun being young. I know your hormones are going crazy now. But just try and be a good friend.[/quote]

I didn't under your little paragraph on my quote, please expand. Also, I usually don't say this about girls, but if you were in my grade and keyed in with society, you'd be saying the same.
Morals are something you have to decide for yourself, either you think it's right to do or wrong to do. Don't listen to other people that push their morals on you, make up your own mind.
That there comment is contradicting. You say you have always been good to girls. You say you do it only because it is right. But in the middle you slip in that nothing has "happened to you."

You didn't say what part of my response was unclear. I'm assuming this is it. If it is, what your comment sounded like is that you treat girls right, only because it is the right thing to do. Yet, you complain that you haven't gotten any action, to put it bluntly. I was just saying that that is contradictory.
get the lap dance, then go out with the other chick and force her to give you a BJ. if she refuses then be like "I Love You". that will totally work. then make her your personal sex slave. trust me, after lapdance girl hears of your sexual prowess i wouldnt be surprised if you are banging her soon as well.

or you could kill the annoying girl - problem solved!
[quote name='MorPhiend']
That there comment is contradicting. You say you have always been good to girls. You say you do it only because it is right. But in the middle you slip in that nothing has "happened to you."

You didn't say what part of my response was unclear. I'm assuming this is it. If it is, what your comment sounded like is that you treat girls right, only because it is the right thing to do. Yet, you complain that you haven't gotten any action, to put it bluntly. I was just saying that that is contradictory.[/quote]

I meant like I do it 'cause it's right, but now that I think about it, it's never done anything for me.
[quote name='jimbodan']Morals are something you have to decide for yourself, either you think it's right to do or wrong to do. Don't listen to other people that push their morals on you, make up your own mind.[/quote]

jimbodan, that is bull. The guy is confused and he came asking for ideas. That's why a "simple poll" as someone stated earlier is not appropriate. He never asked for someone to tell him what to do. He was looking for guidance from those who might have more knowledge than himself. That is why some are explaining the reasoning behind any choices. It is his to consider. He still has to make the choice in the end. It is given to every man to choose good or evil. No one can make him do anything. You said that he has to decide for himself. That is what he is trying to do, only informedly and not blindly.
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']What you need is a little bit of good ol' Sam Jackson![/quote]

I'm getting some Hawaiin Caramel Brandie (is brandie spelled right?) tommorow, so I think that'll suffice.
[quote name='XboxMaster']OK, so here's the situation. This girl in my school started liking me, and everyone, obviously, knows about it. You might think that's good--but it isn't. This girl is literally the bottom of the bucket. Like, if you ever get into one of those back-and-forth's where you and someone else say you go with someone really ugly, she'd be the best person to use. She's not THAT bad-looking, but she's also really annoying. Anyway, all her girlfriends keep on trieing to persuade me to go out with her. They'd usually not even try to convince whoever she likes, but since I haven't had many girlfriends, I guess they think I'm really desperate. Hell no (at least not THAT desperate). Well, one of her best friends is really hot, and today after school, she had a proposal for me. She said she'd give me a lap dance if I went out with that girl. I know that's not very big or whatever to you older CAG'ers, but c'mon, play along with me this time. Now, what I'm thinking about doing is saying yes and recieving the lap dance--and then just turn around and say "psyche". Or maybe breaking up with that girl the next day. I know the hot girl meant for at least a week or two--but I'm not sure if that'd be worth it. So, would it be that wrong if I recieved the lap dance and didn't go out with that girl? I didn't hesitate to make that my plan earlier today, but when I thought about it more, it didn't seem like such a good plan. One; I really try to be the farthest thing from an asshole in front or towards girls. Two; I like that hot girl as a friend and I wouldn't really wanna screw that up. Three; I'm sure a lot of girls would think I'm an asshole for doing it. So, after that overly long post, what do you think I should do?

NOTE: Sorry for the long wait for the conclusion. I drag on a lot. :D[/quote]

the whole get the lapdance and the PSYCHE! would be funny as hell...but dont go out witht he girl for a day and dump her, she has feelings and hopefully an older brother that will break your face if you do that.
[quote name='JimmieMac']I'm not going to read any of the shit you posted, I lost interest 2 sentences in, so I'm going to have to say that no matter what the problem is you should at least let her suck your dick. No such thing as an ugly blow job.[/quote]


jimmiemac: still the man
put yourself in her postion... how would you feel if some girl you liked went out with you for a week cuz your friend hooked up with her or somthing ???

Golden rule.
do onto others as what you would do onto you.
[quote name='moiety'][quote name='Nirvanaguy777']
the megaman master approves highly of your sig, blue bomber representin[/quote]

Thanks. You can tell Megaman II is my favorite. 8)[/quote]

mega man 1 is the best Xop
2-8 have too many bosses i cant remember the orders!!
bread's done