Is True Blood worth watching?


5 (100%)
I have a crapton of Moviestop credit and have no clue how to burn it, so I thought of True Blood. I've heard it's supposedly really good, but I don't want to sit down and find out that I bought the TV version of Twilight (which IMO is the most horrendous thing to happen to film). So, as someone who hates Twilight, is TB worth picking up?
I know I will be in the minority but I personally hate it. I am an avid fan of HBO shows, but I could just not get into this show. I gave it about 7 episodes and I couldn't stand to watch another minute.
Whenever I've been shown episodes by my family in an effort to convert me, I've thought it looked like a massive soap opera + vampires. From the little I've seen, I say pass on it.
They're apples and oranges. If you have a cable provider with Video on Demand equipment and capabilities, ask the provider for a free month of HBO. With VOD and free HBO, you should be able to view several episodes to give it a good try. As far as credit to something, sell it or give it away.
I watched the first couple of episodes, and I thought it was pretty terrible myself, but it's definitely better then Twilight. I would say find a place where you can watch a few episodes before you commit to buying it.
Well, True Blood is certainly better than Twilight, but I'd still hesitate to call it quality entertainment. True Blood still prominently features criminally retarded characters making criminally retarded decisions, but the violence and sex have been amped up to HBO-levels. The pacing is questionable, and the script is fairly weak. I've nearly sat through three seasons of it now, but definitely not something I'd ever rewatch.
I watched the first season, then moved out of campus so no HBO. The first season was great and it got me hooked. People have told me it went downhill after the first season.
I watch it sometimes with my roomate. It turns her on and then leads to some role playing at night.

I myself, wouldn't watch it alone do.
[quote name='munch']You're on the internet. Why on earth would you spend money/credit on a TV show?[/QUOTE]

Under that same logic why the hell would you spend any money on games? Seriously... don't try to push piracy here.
[quote name='georox']Under that same logic why the hell would you spend any money on games? Seriously... don't try to push piracy here.[/QUOTE]

That's a great question too! Let's go there!
I watched 2 episodes of it with my gf and her aunt who had been following the show for a while apparently. Every other second something retarded would happen or be said and I would find myself looking at my gf and saying "wtf seriously?". Her aunt seemed to be into it, but I couldn't figure out why anyone would or could
[quote name='munch']You're on the internet. Why on earth would you spend money/credit on a TV show?[/QUOTE]

If you really like a show, I can understand wanting to own a hard copy. And it's easier to pop in a dvd player than it is to mess with streaming and stuff.
we watched the first 10 episodes or so and enjoyed it, but then we fell behind a week, then a few weeks, then the first season ended. the 2nd season started and we didnt bother. its on season 3 and we dont miss it. so, it wasnt bad, but it definitely didnt hook me like other dramas (breaking bad for example).
I don't see the purpose of asking a question like this. All you're going to get are people's ridiculously biased opinions. Somebody could tell you that they hate the show and it's "terrible", but then you look at the other stuff they like and you think they're a complete idiot. Are you a fan of science-fiction? Do you like any vampire themed entertainment? If so, do you like the notion of other monsters/beings existing in the realm of vampires as well? Can you understand or do you appreciate when writing and acting is satirical and often intentionally ironic and/or "hokey"? Does putting R-rated, potentially hot-button issues in your face make you uncomfortable?

Nobody on this forum is going to be able to tell you whether or not these things should appeal to you. Different people enjoy different things. To even generalize whether a show is "bad" or not is incredibly narrow-minded. If it had poor production values (ie. visible boom mics, bad editing, etc.), sure, you could say it's not put together very well. But on matters of personal preference, how could anybody possibly judge that for someone else?
If you are into a show about how a small white trash town full of hillbillies dealing with living with Vampires this show is for you. I would have rather seen a setting in a city personally. The first season is watchable if you turn your brain off and tell it that you will be seeing allot of titty. Season 2 is complete shit because some hippie writer seemed to head that season (listen to the commentary to see why the show sucks so much) and if you live as a hippie you may enjoy the second season. They spanned a whole season on one very lame villian that was not entertaining at all to watch. Honestly I was hoping that...
The Church of Light was being run by Werewolves instead of some crazy Christians
I have not seen any of season 3 but will probably watch it when it comes out on Blu-Ray next year since my wife is a fan. I would recommend renting the seasons, there are not that many episodes in a season (seems to be a theme with HBO and Showtime shows not having more than 12 episodes in a season)
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