Is Wind Waker worth finishing?


39 (100%)
I bought this game at its launch, and to date, I have never finished it. I've gotten all the way to the point where I just got sick of sailing around the oceans picking up maps. I was just thinking about Wind Waker after seeing the new Zelda in motion again, and I was wondering if it was worth finishing. After you go around the world picking up the various map pieces or whatever it was, is there anything worth playing at that point? Was it worthwhile, a memorable Zelda experience?
i never finished it. sailing is boring even when i got that teleport song. im pretty sure i was close to the end though.
I finished Wind Waker recently with the help of a guide. I think it's worth it to finish it. Once you find all 8 triforce maps and assemble all the triforce pieces, the game pick up again and you have to fight several 'incarnations' of Ganon. The ending is very satisfying.

Also, once you finish the game once, the game will create a new game file so if you ever play the game again, you get the Deluxe Picto Box at the beginning of the game. It's useful to have Deluxe Picto Box at the beginning of the game if you want to get all the statues in the Nintendo Gallery.
If you're a die-hard Zelda fan, like myself, it's definitely worth putting up with the sailing and Tingle's sick and twisted fetch quests to see the ending. If you're just a casual Zelda guy, though, you could skip out on it and not miss anything.
I didn't make it far.

I went to the part with the big tree, the part after that I think.

Looks amazing just not any fun most the time.
I always thought most people did not agree with me on this game, but I must be wrong. I was bored out of my mind playing this game. I was just sailing around all the time!!! It looks great, but it just doesn't stand up to the fun factor of earlier Zelda games IMO.

Maybe I'll finish it one day. I'll keep it laying around and maybe I will. But I may not either.
sailing was not that big of a deal, especially after you are able to warp. the ending is worth it. the final boss battle is frustrating, but graphically awesome and well thought out. it is realy cool seeing zelda help you out with the fight. i say go for it and beat it.
How vegetated or starved for attention do you have to be to ask a message board how much you should play a given game?

Seriously. . . if you are enjoying it, go on, if not, stop.

Thinking, it's fundamental.
This one totally ruined Zelda for me to the point that I'm not even considering Twilight Princess anymore. I guess I just miss the days when it was based more on explanation than just platforming. Now Zelda Link to the Past on the other hand, that's an amazing game!
[quote name='Shion']How vegetated or starved for attention do you have to be to ask a message board how much you should play a given game?

Seriously. . . if you are enjoying it, go on, if not, stop.

Thinking, it's fundamental.[/QUOTE]

Actually there's plenty of times I haven't enjoyed a game very much but kept on playing because a friend recommended that it got better and they were usually right. Had I just gone with my instinct, I would have never known that.
I actually picked this up at launch to get the free Master Quest disc, and I still haven't gone back to try the actual game itself yet. I can imagine there's a special place in gaming hell for folks like me. :D
If you ask me it's kinda like metriod prime. The last two bosses were sweet. Ridley and Metriod prime. One of the best boss fights ever. I thought the same of the fight with Ganon.

The last fight when Zelda is shooting light arrows and you have to sword fight Ganon was amazing. Easily the best boss battle of any Zelda game. Suffer through the mad fetching, or use an action replay or something to get the triforce imediatly. Because the last fights and ending are more then worth it.
When I first played the game I got stuck at the castle place at the beginning and stopped playing the game for like a year. Eventually I played it again with a game guide, but slowly but surely I beat the game. It was worth it, even though sailing got to be a pain sometimes. I was surprise that I beat the final boss without dying though. Every other boss I died on lol. That was the first Zelda game that I beat. Personally I thought the dungeons were boring and I loved doing anything that didn't have to deal with the dungeons.
Thanks for all of the constructive advice. I really appreciate it. I probably would have trudged through it eventually, but you all have given me some more incentive to see this one through. It moves somewhat up my pile of games.
I thought this game was fantastic and totally worth playing to the end. The weird thing is I didn't finish ocarnia of time I got to the water temple got bored and now I just fish. It was funny when I played SSBM I was like why is princess zelda turning into that ninja dude?? :lol:
[quote name='whoknows']I stopped at the triforce piece collecting part and never looked back.[/QUOTE]

that's where i'm at, too! i've got 2 more pieces left.

i just finished RE4 about 2 weeks ago, now just have to decide if i'll go back and wrap up Wind Waker or Echoes. choices...choices.....
I tried playing this game 4-5 times alredy... 1 of the few games I didn't complete.

As much as I love Zelda series... Wind Waker was a step down... it just didn't feel or look as epic as TOOT... which suck me in from beginning to end.

The new Zelda is wat I'm waiting for... :)
Spoon_si, I don't know it's got a lot of boring parts but like I said get past them and it's worth it. Have a computer in the room, a stereo. The final parts of the game were great.


The water crashing in on Hyrule, the great battle with ganon, the sword getting stuch in him, etc. . . If you're a Zelda fan you have to finish this game.
I'm with j.elles on this one. The Triforce piece fetch-quest was horrible, but the final dungeon sequence was just amazing. Probably the best ending in the Zelda series, IMO.
Triforce hunt can get tedious, but it's still kind of fun. Final Dungeon/Bosses are AWESOME. Not really too difficult (well...really not difficult at all), but really really fun.
You all suck, I have enough games to play. :) I may get back to this one sooner than later myself because of what I hear of the last dungeon. I think I will finish it now, whereas before I didn't think I would.
Well, wow. Thanks for all of the enthusiasm of the past few posts. This game moves up to number 2 on my list of games to beat. Once I make my way through enough of GT 4 to satisfy myself, then it's onto the the Triforce fetch quest. Yuck.
The game doesnt get better. The only thing worse then the sailing was the constant cut screens for using ur windwaker and for picking up treasure. And I got stuck on unimportant things as well. Like it took me forever to figure out how to knock the kid out of the tree in the windmill town. I would jump in front of him, hit the tree, run into but could never get the cut screen until i read how to gamefaqs. It was things like this that made the game drag. All the dungeons, which should be the majority of the game, are easy and can be beat without much effort.
[quote name='j.elles']If you ask me it's kinda like metriod prime. The last two bosses were sweet. Ridley and Metriod prime. One of the best boss fights ever. I thought the same of the fight with Ganon.

The last fight when Zelda is shooting light arrows and you have to sword fight Ganon was amazing. Easily the best boss battle of any Zelda game. Suffer through the mad fetching, or use an action replay or something to get the triforce imediatly. Because the last fights and ending are more then worth it.[/QUOTE]

this makes me feel bad for quitting right after I got all the pieces of the Tri Force.

I really need to pick this game up again
For those people who complained about the game too slow due to too much sailing, you should've learn 'Ballad of Gales' as soon as possible. This will let you warp very quickly from one island to another.
Man is this game really that bad? I was thinking of getting it soon, Im not so sure now. How did this game get a 40/40 from Famitsu if its not worth finishing?
[quote name='RandomNPC']Man is this game really that bad? I was thinking of getting it soon, Im not so sure now. How did this game get a 40/40 from Famitsu if its not worth finishing?[/QUOTE]

No, it isn't. People like to seem cool and say CEL-da sucks. However, the game is probably one of the greatest games of all time (besides a big fetch quest at the 7/8 marker in the game that takes a little while).
I really enjoyed the game. I will admit it dragged for a little bit, and I didn't touch it for months at one point. But I was able to get back into it, and finished it out. I really liked the ocean theme, and screw the nay-sayers, I liked the cel-shading too.
Don't remember how long. I remember playing a straight shot until that level where you through that girl all the time to get around. That was a day or two of long play times. And then a couple months later I finished it off over a day or two.
I've really enjoyed this game so far, as I'm at the Temple of the Gods at the Boss Battle at the top. This is one of the most beautiful games ever made as the cel shading is just so well done here. I've enjoyed the sailing, as I'm never in a hurry to get to where I'm going. I can't wait to keep going along and get to the end of the game and see how it ends.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I've really enjoyed this game so far, as I'm at the Temple of the Gods at the Boss Battle at the top. This is one of the most beautiful games ever made as the cel shading is just so well done here. I've enjoyed the sailing, as I'm never in a hurry to get to where I'm going. I can't wait to keep going along and get to the end of the game and see how it ends.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, you enjoy the sailing NOW, but wait until you have to gather the Triforce shards...
I would have to agree with those that say it is a good game, though I am not nearly as interested in replaying it as I have been with other zelda games (I've been through OoT many many times, as well as quite a few through OoA + OoS, and LA DX). In that respect I think it is kind of similar to MM in my opinion (very enjoyable, but many things I would not want to go through again), though overall I liked MM better (I liked how dark MM was in contrast with how cheery and happy the art style makes WW - though the story was still good; also, MM was tedious at times, but never as tedious as WW)...
This, for me, is one of those "every other month" games. I will play this one for about 4 hours, then set it aside for about 2 months then come back to it. I, too, am at the point of the Triforce Map Hunt and just can't bring myself to play anymore.

What sucks is that I get the same feeling when I thnk about laying my tile floor or rebuilding my deck ..... I don't want to do it but it's gotta be done. Bah, I'm gonna go finish GTA:SA.
bread's done