is zelda:twilight princess ever...


gonna drop in price? i mean i've been waiting forever. The last time this game was on sale was for 39.99 at tru. Almost ever store near me has at least 10 copies in stock.

Is it going to be like the n64 when after holding out forever, i finally paid 60dollars for tactics ogre, only to have it eventually clearanced out?

Most Nintendo developed titles never drop in price until they become Player's Choice, which can take years.... Especially if they're still selling well.
i dunno with all the hype going on about gamestops and other game retailers sellling off last gen games super cheap black friday and the rest of the holiday season who knows. i got mine for 30 something at cc before the release date. not worth really playing again but im keeping it. seems like this is one of those games people are holding onto i guess due to the wii's bnackward compatibility.

but like the above poster said nintendo games ( their 1st party stuff) take forever to drop in price. look how old super smash bros is and how much it still costs new or used. the only games that dropped quick were mario sunshine and the star fox games.
bread's done