It is official. I own a PS3, thus completing my next gen collection. Games?

Well, you could always look at the last remaining PS2 games. Odin Sphere looks pretty hot.

Lair in July, Heavenly Sword in August...
The reason I haven't gotten a PS3 yet is because of the slim game library, so you'll be running into problems, at least for a while.

Sweet deal, by the way. You really did get lucky with it.
Resistance, Motorstorm - Oblivion, if you don't have it for anything else yet. There are some nice downloadables too, such as Blast Factor and Gripshift.

Then Sigma in June, Lair in July and the floodgates open August through the end of the year (Heavenly Sword, Eye of Judgment, Ratchet & Clank Future, Hot Shots Golf 5, Monster Kingdom (or Folks Souls, or whatever they're calling it now), etc.).
I think you got a good deal. Seeing as you already have the best two out of three games (Resistance, Motorstorm) for PS3 pick up Oblivion and you'll be set for awhile. Then Sigma in June, Lair in July, Heavenly Sword in August and more in the fall/winter. Right now there isn't much out for the PS3 but those games and some decent rentals. Besides Oblivion alone will take you awhile if you get addicted to it and want to get 100% completion on it.
That's a pretty good deal, I think. Is that a protection plan sitting next to the PS3 in the picture? If it were me, I'd probably trade in everything but Resistance and Motorstorm, then pick up Oblivion and some Blu-Ray movies. Since you own a 360, you have probably already played Oblivion though.
Yeah, that's a pretty awesome deal.
Get rid of the games you don't want and get Oblivion.
By the time you're finished with all that, and the downloads, some more of the big games will be making their way to shelves.
Thats a great deal, you got like 1000 worth of stuff for 600. I would trade in every game besides Motorstorm and Resistance for NGS when it comes out, or Oblivion if your into that.
Yeah, good deal--just trade all the games except for Motorstorm and Resistance.

Besides Virtua Fighter 5, I can't think of anything else I'd want to play on PS3 right now. As mentioned, all the really cool stuff isn't dropping until later this year at least...
I gotta say, I'd even jump on that for $600 if I had the spare cash. I was about to berate you for taking the plunge on PS3, but at least you did it in a CAG way. (and without directly giving Sony your money ;)

I'd sell all those EA games on ebay, get VF5 and Sigma, then wait for MGS4. Oh, and Warhawk, that looks like a lot of fun. I don't trust lair, though. It really gives me a bad vibe like it could turn out not so good.
[quote name='jer7583']I was about to berate you for taking the plunge on PS3[/quote]

That's why we vilify you.
[quote name='Maynard']well wait did I get a good deal or did I get the shaft here?[/quote]

I would say the shaft because of all those crappy games, but that's my opinion. If you like the games and think they're fun, then you got a good deal.
[quote name='GrimNecroWizard']I would say the shaft because of all those crappy games, but that's my opinion. If you like the games and think they're fun, then you got a good deal.[/quote]

You realize he bought $1000 worth of stuff for $600?
And you realize you are able to sell games right?

He made money.
Personally i would have waited as it seems you want most multi platform titles for 360 for gamerscore.

Ninja Gaiden will be worth getting for the graphic upgrade(you got the ps3 might as well) but i dont know if you beat that on xbox already. If you did its a steep price for graphics.

VF5 will be coming to 360 soon and had screen shots, its identical to the ps3 graphically. gamerscore ftw
well the reason I would have given him shit is if he had gone out and paid retail. I've said many times that the price is the #1 problem with the PS3 and also said that if I had the opportunity to get all that stuff for $600, I'd bite too. Now will you get off your PS3 protection kick and realize I'm not a fanboy?
But it's exactly that, if you're going to just make fun of people, retail or not.
You're acting like a dick.

How many times are you going to say the PS3 is overpriced, i thought I put you in your place in that last thread when you made fun of darkness for (once again) making fun of Wii graphics.

Hehe. No hard feelings. At least on my side.
Nice deal, though the "Games?" question is a little unexpected when the PS3's library doesn't have even much rough to obscure any diamonds, let alone when you get seven games with the console. Why not consider selling what you don't want and playing what's left for a while? Motorstorm and Resistance should hold you, and the prices on anything else out now may drop by then, esp. in cases like Virtua Fighter 5 if the 360 version has plenty of extra content. If so, your money saved only improves over time.
[quote name='Weedy649']
VF5 will be coming to 360 soon and had screen shots, its identical to the ps3 graphically. gamerscore ftw[/QUOTE]

I dunno... the shots I saw looked like they had some significantly shittier textures... all over the place.
[quote name='Chacrana']I dunno... the shots I saw looked like they had some significantly shittier textures... all over the place.[/quote]

truth now for the comparison pictures.

First image is 360 second is PS3

Yeah, if I were you I'd trade in all those other games you got besides Resistance, and Motorstorm for credit towards the other awesome games coming out later this year. Since you have Oblivion for 360 and seems like your getting VF5 for the 360 for the gamerscore, then thats one less game you need for PS3. Download Tekken, Mortal Kombat II, and Blast factor and your set until June for NGS. From there on should be some awesome games coming out for the PS3.
[quote name='Weedy649']Personally i would have waited as it seems you want most multi platform titles for 360 for gamerscore.

Ninja Gaiden will be worth getting for the graphic upgrade(you got the ps3 might as well) but i dont know if you beat that on xbox already. If you did its a steep price for graphics.

VF5 will be coming to 360 soon and had screen shots, its identical to the ps3 graphically. gamerscore ftw[/QUOTE]

I've still never understood making gamerscore the deciding factor in buying a game - but once the Home trophies kick in, will people stop saying this? :whistle2:k

And I beat NG:B last year on the Xbox, but NG:S is still a must-have for me. The demo is incredible, and actually plays significantly better imo. It's not just a graphical improvement (tho there is one hell of a graphical improvement there).
[quote name='argyle']I've still never understood making gamerscore the deciding factor in buying a game - but once the Home trophies kick in, will people stop saying this? :whistle2:k

And I beat NG:B last year on the Xbox, but NG:S is still a must-have for me. The demo is incredible, and actually plays significantly better imo. It's not just a graphical improvement (tho there is one hell of a graphical improvement there).[/QUOTE]

I agree with pretty much everything you just said. NGS is a hell of an upgrade and after I get it I'll probably trade in both NG/NGB for Xbox. It's better graphically and game play wise IMO. Also I don't understand why gamerscore is so important either, I never got a game for 360 over PS3 because of the gamerscore. I mostly went with which game was the better version overall.
[quote name='panasonic']truth now for the comparison pictures.

First image is 360 second is PS3


The first one looks so shitty. I thought you said that was the PS3 version, and I was like, WTF it does not look like that...

then I found that is a 360 one. Ugly. Wonder if it looks that bad.
I thought the 360 picture looked slightly worse (floor, detail of clothes).

Doesn't matter though, fighting is too quick to notice silly things like that. Just enjoy the game.
Gamerscore is just fun. I just like having something to acheive. It is so much more fun playing when you get a reward for doing certain things. I guess until you've really played it and had fun with it it is hard to understand. For instance Guitar Hero 2 on 360 is a blast because I have all these fun things to try to shoot for. I want to beat the game on hard with all five stars because it just is fun to brag to my buddies that I am awesome haha.

I am going to sell everything but Resistance, Motorstorm, and NHL 2K7. Unless I should get 2K7 for 360?
"Put me in my place" he says.. anyone who's going about "putting people in their place" on a message board isn't in an envious place themselves..

Kudos on the deal, Maynard, as I said in my first post, I'm jealous. Keep Resistance, and sell the rest for games coming out soon.

It's not an un-CAG kinda thing to say that if you own a PS3 you paid anywhere near $600 for, you deserve to be given a hard time. Most people got theirs through trade in deals from the year before and such, I understand that too. If my attempt to discourage Sony's attempt at raising hardware prices makes me a dick, then so be it. Why should I stop complaining? Sony hasn't stopped charging absurd prices yet.. if anything, they've only raised the price of entry for PS3 by eliminating the more reasonable 20GB model.

I really don't see the difference in those shots.. the 360 version will be identical, since the two systems are for all intents and purposes identical. I still won't buy it on 360 because $60 for what is essentially not as fully featured as the $20 release of VF4 evo is unacceptable.
NHL 2k7 doesn't have voice chat on PS3, but does on 360. Other than that both versions reviewed really well. I still haven't picked it up yet... I saw it on for $30 last weekend, but I am waiting for $20. (hooke me up?)

BTW: EA didn't make a PS3 NHL this year, so 2k7 is the only nhl game in town.

Nice buy for you, enjoy!

[quote name='jer7583']"Put me in my place" he says.. anyone who's going about "putting people in their place" on a message board isn't in an envious place themselves..

Kudos on the deal, Maynard, as I said in my first post, I'm jealous. Keep Resistance, and sell the rest for games coming out soon.

It's not an un-CAG kinda thing to say that if you own a PS3 you paid anywhere near $600 for, you deserve to be given a hard time. Most people got theirs through trade in deals from the year before and such, I understand that too. If my attempt to discourage Sony's attempt at raising hardware prices makes me a dick, then so be it. Why should I stop complaining? Sony hasn't stopped charging absurd prices yet.. if anything, they've only raised the price of entry for PS3 by eliminating the more reasonable 20GB model.

I really don't see the difference in those shots.. the 360 version will be identical, since the two systems are for all intents and purposes identical. I still won't buy it on 360 because $60 for what is essentially not as fully featured as the $20 release of VF4 evo is unacceptable.[/quote]

I guess you're right, this being Cheap Ass Gamers and all.
(and i didn't seriously think i 'put you in your place', haha)
My PS3 was free, hehe, so my deal was best I suppose.
Well that's what it's all about, isn't it? Getting free shit? Doesn't get any more cheap ass than that!
I don't know why people are ignoring it but Fight Night is awesome.

You should keep it unless you already have it for the 360.

Edit: Ah, looks like you do have it.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']I don't know why people are ignoring it but Fight Night is awesome.

You should keep it unless you already have it for the 360.

Edit: Ah, looks like you do have it.[/quote]

I love Fight Night on ps3 and had it on 360. The boxers look better, and get in the ring mode is great. The ONLINE IS ACTUALLY BETTER than the 360. That is a fact the 360 version constantly disconnects and freezes on EA servers and had more slowdown and didn't let you have the choices the ps3 version has. The blood and wounds and cuts look better. Ali in the 360 version looks fat and shiny doll in the ps3 version he has abs and looks realistic.
Fight Night PS3 is being deservedly ignored because it's a $60 version of a game that can be had for half that on 360. The things EA added are pretty minor.
[quote name='dallow']You realize he bought $1000 worth of stuff for $600?
And you realize you are able to sell games right?

He made money.[/quote]

Do you realize that I said in my opinion, I would not buy things I don't want and I don't need to spend all that time just to make a couple dollars. I also said if he likes them then it's a good deal. Also, I'm pretty sure used stuff isn't the same price as new stuff...
I dont consider the price to be my problem with the PS3 at all..just the games. 600 bucks doesn't mean much to me considering the entertainment I get from my consoles. Just get out the games that make me want the console. But, that time is coming and I may make the PS3 plunge here soon, with Lair on the way and a solid Fall coming up.

Good haul, btw.
[quote name='Maynard']Question?

Can I load video's from my Computer and play them on my PS3 ala media center sorta like the 360?[/QUOTE]

With the new 1.8 update yes.

The update is releasing tomorrow, so it'll be a few days before people fully figure out how to use it, but the answer is yes.
bread's done