It's funny people think road side bombs are a cowardly tactic........


Shit it's war.

Air strikes that destroy cities and infastructure arent that heroic either. War is a dirty business and no one should be bitching about how unfair one tactic is as long as they arent using NUKES or Biological Weapons.

The more building that are destroyed in Iraq, the more Haliburton stock goes up. It's a fucking beast right now.
[quote name='BodyShot213']Shit it's war.

Air strikes that destroy cities and infastructure arent that heroic either. War is a dirty business and no one should be bitching about how unfair one tactic is as long as they arent using NUKES or Biological Weapons.

The more building that are destroyed in Iraq, the more Haliburton stock goes up. It's a fucking beast right now.[/quote]

Funny how you start of saying " shit it's war " then go on to say " as long as they arent using NUKES or Biological Weapons. " Really, make up your mind or just shut up.
[quote name='BodyShot213']Shit it's war.

Air strikes that destroy cities and infastructure arent that heroic either. War is a dirty business and no one should be bitching about how unfair one tactic is as long as they arent using NUKES or Biological Weapons.

The more building that are destroyed in Iraq, the more Haliburton stock goes up. It's a fucking beast right now.[/quote]

The part where I think it's cowardly is the insurgents don't care who is near an IED when it's set off. I've seen plenty of videos while I was in Iraq of IEDs exploding near children and killing them.

The Air Force uses guided missiles that has as minimal blast radius as possible. This is to reduce colatteral damage and keep civilian deaths as low as possible.

Will innocent people die in war? Of course, but we take a real effort in trying to reduce it while the enemy does not and often kills innocent people and tries to blame it on us.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']The part where I think it's cowardly is the insurgents don't care who is near an IED when it's set off. I've seen plenty of videos while I was in Iraq of IEDs exploding near children and killing them.

The Air Force uses guided missiles that has as minimal blast radius as possible. This is to reduce colatteral damage and keep civilian deaths as low as possible.

Will innocent people die in war? Of course, but we take a real effort in trying to reduce it while the enemy does not and often kills innocent people and tries to blame it on us.[/QUOTE]

you more then entitled to you 2 cents but these (in yellow) points i just find hard to swallow.

personal bias on my behalf? probably, but still hard to swallow.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']The part where I think it's cowardly is the insurgents don't care who is near an IED when it's set off. I've seen plenty of videos while I was in Iraq of IEDs exploding near children and killing them.

The Air Force uses guided missiles that has as minimal blast radius as possible. This is to reduce colatteral damage and keep civilian deaths as low as possible.

Will innocent people die in war? Of course, but we take a real effort in trying to reduce it while the enemy does not and often kills innocent people and tries to blame it on us.[/QUOTE]

You may be a bit naive, my friend.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']The part where I think it's cowardly is the insurgents don't care who is near an IED when it's set off. I've seen plenty of videos while I was in Iraq of IEDs exploding near children and killing them.

The Air Force uses guided missiles that has as minimal blast radius as possible. This is to reduce colatteral damage and keep civilian deaths as low as possible.

Will innocent people die in war? Of course, but we take a real effort in trying to reduce it while the enemy does not and often kills innocent people and tries to blame it on us.[/QUOTE]

Not being snarky, but I don't actually know: don't we still use landmines and cluster bombs? Both of which are pretty darn indiscriminate about who's around when it goes off, no?
[quote name='niceguyshawne']You may be a bit naive, my friend.[/quote]

Look friend, I was there. I know what's going on on the ground and haven't been just been reading stories on the internet like many of you.

Think about this for a second. Even if we really didn't care if we killed a civilian, it's going to hurt our public support the more it happens, and I can guarantee you that's the most key factor in this war.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']Think about this for a second. Even if we really didn't care if we killed a civilian, it's going to hurt our public support the more it happens, and I can guarantee you that's the most key factor in this war.[/quote]

I believe that. I don't think much of America (citizens or politicians) care about the life of an Iraqi citizen, however this is an unusual war in that any atrocity committed by either side can be easily recorded and spread instantly via the (free-for-now) internet. It's an Arabic world PR thing.

However America goes about this war the wrong way. Look at the areas under English control - relatively quiet until they transferred command to the Americans.

The English know that to set up a stable colony you must cater to the vast middle of the populace, if you can get them food and electricity shortly after a brief period of wartime then they won't care who is in charge. However the Americans attempt to forge alliances with the fringe Iraqis whose values align with those of western democracies, and force freedom on those who don't want it. If the point was to eradicate WMDs, I can't figure out why we should care who runs Iraq as long as they play nice with the US and Israel.
[quote name='camoor']I believe that. I don't think much of America (citizens or politicians) care about the life of an Iraqi citizen, however this is an unusual war in that any atrocity committed by either side can be easily recorded and spread instantly via the (free-for-now) internet. It's an Arabic world PR thing.

However America goes about this war the wrong way. Look at the areas under English control - relatively quiet until they transferred command to the Americans.

The English know that to set up a stable colony you must cater to the vast middle of the populace, if you can get them food and electricity shortly after a brief period of wartime then they won't care who is in charge. However the Americans attempt to forge alliances with the fringe Iraqis whose values align with those of western democracies, and force freedom on those who don't want it. If the point was to eradicate WMDs, I can't figure out why we should care who runs Iraq as long as they play nice with the US and Israel.[/quote]
here are the quite brits @ work

[quote name='AYATOLA']here are the quite brits @ work



There are British troops that act in a manner unbefitting a soldier.
There are American troops that act in a manner unbefitting a soldier.
In any military there are troops that act in a manner unbefitting a soldier.

They don't call it "war" for nothing.

It doesn't change anything about my point.
[quote name='camoor']I believe that. I don't think much of America (citizens or politicians) care about the life of an Iraqi citizen, however this is an unusual war in that any atrocity committed by either side can be easily recorded and spread instantly via the (free-for-now) internet. It's an Arabic world PR thing.

However America goes about this war the wrong way. Look at the areas under English control - relatively quiet until they transferred command to the Americans.

The English know that to set up a stable colony you must cater to the vast middle of the populace, if you can get them food and electricity shortly after a brief period of wartime then they won't care who is in charge. However the Americans attempt to forge alliances with the fringe Iraqis whose values align with those of western democracies, and force freedom on those who don't want it. If the point was to eradicate WMDs, I can't figure out why we should care who runs Iraq as long as they play nice with the US and Israel.[/quote]

Well, I think that's a big reason why we care so much who runs Iraq, because there are a lot of Sunni political groups with political and religious ties to Iran. And I don't think there's any need for explanation on why that's a bad thing.
Well, it is cowardly when they have civilians pressing the button.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']Well, I think that's a big reason why we care so much who runs Iraq, because there are a lot of Sunni political groups with political and religious ties to Iran. And I don't think there's any need for explanation on why that's a bad thing.[/QUOTE]

It's going to happen sooner or later. Either America dumps $250,000,000,000 a year from now until 2100 into that quaqmire (minus inflation), or you cut your loses, and let the Sunnis reestablish ties with Iran. The bush administration refused to listen to those with reason and logic before the war started, and failed to do any sensible planning and committ enough troops, now this is what we have to deal with.
I honestly don't think we're ever going to leave Iraq. I think we're going to set up permanent bases there so we can use Iraqi airspace for wars with other countries, like Iran.

If you guys realized how much money we pay countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar just to fly missions out of there, you'd go crazy. My thoughts are we could use Iraqi airspace to do whatever we want without having to pay them a dime.
I'm sure the muslim world would love that, just as they already love "infidels" in their holy land of Saudi Arabia. Besides that, though, expect America to continue to pump trillions of dollars into this quaqmire for at least the next 10 to 20 years. I hope your kids and grandkids will be excited to pay off this debt.
[quote name='E-Z-B']I'm sure the muslim world would love that, just as they already love "infidels" in their holy land...[/quote]
Bingo - well said...was wondering if this point would be made.

My $.02:

It's sad that much of the ethno-centric American public doesn't realize the gravity of our being over there really means to them religiously speaking. The non-political types, or those uninterested in foreign policy or world religions, don't understand that we're just throwing rocks at the beehive by merely being in the region. With the way things are now, this is a zero sum game...barring the miracle of the followers of Christianty and Islam both becoming purely moderate, which doesn't look like it's going to happen in the immediate future.

I guess the government is willing to deal with this to maintain our interests in the region, but it's causing confusion to an uninformed public by dressing it up as a fight for freedom/democracy. They've been there for thousands of years as Muslims, and they're not going to change because we ousted Saddam. What does this mean? They're going to rise against us as long as 1) the fundamentalists remain true believers in Islam (probable) or 2) we get the heck out of their holy land (not probable).

Here's a snippet from the Qur'an...and while you could say that I'm picking out a "bad part," remember that fundamentalists (of any religion) believe all or nothing. Anyone who says otherwise is a moderate (which is just as bad, but that's for another thread...):

48.16 : Say to those of the dwellers of the desert who were left behind: You shall soon be invited (to fight) against a people possessing mighty prowess; you will fight against them until they submit; then if you obey, Allah will grant you a good reward; and if you turn back as you turned back before, He will punish you with a painful punishment.

48.16 : Say to those of the dwellers of the desert who were left behind: You shall soon be invited (to fight) against a people possessing mighty prowess; you will fight against them until they submit; then if you obey, Allah will grant you a good reward; and if you turn back as you turned back before, He will punish you with a painful punishment.

Hmmm ... It must suck to follow a religion who's God blackmales you.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']Well, I think that's a big reason why we care so much who runs Iraq, because there are a lot of Sunni political groups with political and religious ties to Iran. And I don't think there's any need for explanation on why that's a bad thing.[/quote]

I hope you meant Shite, Iran is the only Shite ran islamic nation in the mid-east so I would doubt they are rooting for another sunni regime. (another because saddam had a sunni regime)
[quote name='camoor']

They don't call it "war" for nothing.

It doesn't change anything about my point.[/quote]

I'm no expert on war, but what's in that video is far from an act of war.

Maybe I'm mistaken but the vibe I'm getting from people (no just you) who say "it's a part of war" or something along those lines carry themselves as if the action committed was not intentional. That is my main gripe the idea that the beating those kids recieved was an "accident" or that it was some latent function of war just pisses me off. Not to say that's what you meant but its how I see the majority of those who make that arguement.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']Hmmm ... It must suck to follow a religion who's God blackmales you.[/quote]

Are you meaning chrisitanity? the "follow my teachings or burn in hell religion"?
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']Hmmm ... It must suck to follow a religion who's God blackmales you.[/quote]

And those black males have really big wangs too - ouch.
Guerilla warfare is the best type of tactic. Head to head is usually a big loss. I play starcraft, i know this stuff. As for Iraq, if your going to take over someone's country, expect shit to hit hard. America is lucky its Iraq and not some bigger and powerful asia country, (korea, china)

But i still have no clue wtf they doing in Iraq, NO CLUE.
[quote name='xeverex18']Guerilla warfare is the best type of tactic. Head to head is usually a big loss. I play starcraft, i know this stuff. As for Iraq, if your going to take over someone's country, expect shit to hit hard. America is lucky its Iraq and not some bigger and powerful asia country, (korea, china)

But i still have no clue wtf they doing in Iraq, NO CLUE.[/QUOTE]

Well that settles it, ladies and gentlemen: what we're doing in Iraq is a mistake because doing it that way in StarCraft is a mistake! Now I've heard everything. Only on CAG I suppose. I guess we should have just sent the guys in from Contra to take out Saddam Hussein; obviously that was a better strategy. Damn the president for not listening to us gamers!

And FYI Iraq is bigger than North Korea both in terms of area and population.
bread's done