Its OVER Frequent Shopper has shut down customer support is dead

Of course, this means that there will be a lot of 2000 ticket prizes getting ordered since a lot of people who just ordered big ticket items will not be able to reach 5000.
Actually if they've lifted the 1 per 6 months, I may still have a chance, if I remember to do it EVERY DAY. Although if people have been ordering since November and still haven't gotten Rock Band, I don't know if I'll bite anyway. :/

As an existing member of Frequent Shopper, we would like to inform you that the Frequent Shopper program will end as of February 24th, 2009.
The Frequent Shopper site will remain available until February 24th, 2009. Between now and February 24th , 2009 you will be able to redeem any credits you've accrued consistent with our terms and conditions. On February 25th, 2009 at 12:00 AM PST the program will no longer be available.
Please note we have updated our terms and conditions to allow you to redeem your credits until February 24th, 2009 for as many as ten prizes total per household during the life of the program, provided that the prizes received in a calendar year may not exceed US $500.00.
For contact information, please refer to the Frequent Shopper help page.
Thank you for your support!
This just appeared in my inbox. Damn.
Sad, I heard about this too late and won't be able to accrue enough points before the end date to get a copy of Rock Band. Wish I'd read about this before I redeemed my Live Search club tickets on a wireless controller. I guess having another one never hurts though.
[quote name='Cybore']Can you get the same items 2-3 times then?[/quote]
I took a quick look and it doesn't seem to be against the new ToS.
Crap I just did something on probably shouldn't have done. I ordered something on a different account I have to the same address I have been ordering everything else, but the continue button didn't work so I keep clicking it until I went through. I just checked my email and I have 6 confirmations for 6 laptop sleeves all with different confirmation numbers. Maybe I will get them all :bouncy::bouncy:.
Well, crap. I'll have 9,500 when the program ends.

I was actually worried this was going to happen when Microsoft started layoffs. If they axed the head of Games for Windows Live, something like this didn't seem very safe.
[quote name='Cheatmaster8']^What about the glitch?[/quote]

Haven't done it yet. Have people been getting their high ticket prizes by doing it? I'd rather get the 7,500 camera than no camera.
^I did it towards the end and got my Ipod Nano today. Its only about a +40 points bonus, but it will help you get it if you keep doing it. The only thing is that its kinda time consuming, at least for me.
[quote name='XxPCFxX']Wow, I'm going to end with 9,945 points[/quote]
Lmfao that sucks... and to think if you hadn't been lazy that one day you could get a prize at the last day.

Btw what glitch are you guys talking about?
[quote name='Cheatmaster8']You get 95 points, without using Keyword Island. After you get 95 points, you sign out and play keyword island for 50 points. Then you sign in and viola![/quote]

I just tried it, it didn't work.
Well, I wanted the mixer, but since that doesn't look like it's going to happen I just ordered a 360 controller while they've got them in stock. I've got another 1000 points, so if I can somehow manage another 860 points in the next month and they let me order another one, I'm going to do that. Too bad I didn't start sooner... :(
Ouch. I wanted a GPS and wasn't really too set on the 10,000 or 7500 one, wouldve liked the 10k one.

Figured out i'd end with 7415 points! OUUUCH!

Good thing is you can seemingly get more than 1 prize immediately. I ordered 2, no confirmation but we'll see!

EDIT: ordered 2 360 controllers, 500 points left over :)
I just ordered 2 controllers , but I figure with enough time I'm gonna just use the credits I'll accumulate to get the rubber dog chew toy and another water bottle
well i can order rock band now at least, was gonna go for mixer, but at least im getting something decent. I want to order something else too but dont want to risk rockband
Did they change it so we can order 10 prizes per household now? So that means I can get 4 xbox controllers to my house on 2 different accounts?
Thats a bummer. Well, atleast they are letting us order something even if it hasn't been 180 days since the last purchase. Get a final mixer and maybe a few 500 point or a 2000 point prize.
[quote name='jayrama81']Did they change it so we can order 10 prizes per household now? So that means I can get 4 xbox controllers to my house on 2 different accounts?[/quote]
This is what I would like to know too. I have several accounts and I'm wondering if I can just send them all to my address instead of my friends'.
im interested to see if i should take this as good or bad...still 2 weeks past the ship date for the rock band but they say they will still be shipping so hopefully maybe this will be a good sign...anytime they dont respond though in a week makes me worried
Bummer, but I sorta figured this would come. After your first shipment, you got 180 days to accumulate 18000 pts for a 10000 prize. It just wasn't thought through by MS.

I'm on 4800 on my account, so I should be able to get a 5k and 2k prize.

Oh, and still get a 360 controller for my friend.
i was aiming for 7,500, but with the program shutting down, i redeemed my points for the waffle iron. a few more weeks and i should have enough for the xbox controller.
[quote name='VioletArrows']I didn't see it here, and it just popped up on my front page. SHIIIIT. I was working towards Rock Band!

MSN Shopping will end the Frequent Shopper Program as of February 24th, 2009.
Heh. We should be careful what we wish for, guys. They finally got rid of that 180-day limit on redeeming prizes that everyone was whinging about. ;) Too bad it comes at such a high cost.

I was holding out for Rockband, but the best I can do now is 6,503 pts. I would need at least 39 days to score a RB. Not sure what to order now 'cept for controllers. Too bad I can't give my leftover points to a fellow CAG like I did with the pepsi points.
I think the biggest prize teir to be raided between now and then will be the 5000 and the 2000 tiers. That seems to be what people who started early, then ordered a 10,000 ticket prize will be able to achieve.

Also, notice that you can't din up for any more accounts. So if anyone has plans on getting a whole mess of candles, or laptop sleeves, or socks or whatver, you can't. Fortuantely, I have TEN extra accounts already formed, in addition to the 6 that I play regularly. I should have two reach 7500 in 2-3 weeks, another 2 that will reach 5000 in 2 weeks and a couple that are just at or under 2000. The rest will probably be socks to various address. I heard those are nice socks. I wanted to get my girlfriend the 10,000 point GPs instead of the 7500 siunce her phone has bluetooth, but now she will have to setlle for the 7500 one. (well, she broke up with me on Saturday so I guess I shouldn't feel too guilty.)

On the plus side, I hope this new TOS applies to previous orders. I am still worred that I screwed myself out of my 10,000 point GPS by trying to fake my address with mis-spellings and different ways to representing my apartment. Maybe now they will just say it is fine. Or at least if they give my points back I can reorder it to my address without any problems.

To make a long post even are we supposed to know the value of the prizes when it comes to the $500 limit?

Funknjunk...when did you order the GPS...and which one? I orderd the 10,000 ticket on on Christmas Eve. Still nothing. The estiamted ship date is 2/17 so I am not too upset yet. But the one guy who got his on this board got it after about a month. Then again, he may have been one of the first to order that since he was using the Key Word Island trick. By the time I got to 10,000 the first wave of players had already reached 10,00 and there may have been a backlog.
[quote name='Shafted']are they going to shut down live search club also?[/quote]

I think this site has the double whammy of the bad economy. More than Club Live. After all, the companies supplying the prizes are less likely to pay for the advertising (usually in the form of reduced price for Microsoft) while fewer and fewer people are doing online shopping these days (or any shopping) and therefore the benefit of Frequent Shopper itself is descreasing.
F beans. Hope I can remember to do this enough that I can hit the 7500 tier. At about 5500 right now and I was hoping to earn all the way up to the mixer, but whatever.
Oh, that sucks. Hopefully I'll have enough to get rock band by the time this ends.


Screw rock band, I just order 2 controllers. Hopefully I can get an additional controller in a few days.
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