Its OVER Frequent Shopper has shut down customer support is dead

[quote name='test.type']my camera required a signature as well, by the way, how do u tell if the cameras are new or refurb?[/QUOTE]

Apparently the new cameras come in a retail box, like you'd see on a shelf at Best Buy. The refurbs come in plain white boxes.
[quote name='louiedog']Apparently the new cameras come in a retail box, like you'd see on a shelf at Best Buy. The refurbs come in plain white boxes.[/QUOTE]

Yes. Refurbs come in generic looking boxes with a sticker on the outside telling what model camera is inside. A retail box generally has a product image, description, specs and model information printed on the cardboard instead of on a sticker.
[quote name='test.type']guess it's a refurb, but still very nice. I'm happy with it.
Oh btw, no sd memory card included[/QUOTE]

That's not exactly a big deal. I got my camera in a retail box. They include a whopping 32mb sd card.
I got my blue spice jar yesterday. It is really nice. Now I just need to wait for the other spice jar to come in and then I am all done.
Omg all of you people getting your cams are making my pants moist ...ahhh ..ahhh... lol j/k.
But seriously. that means mine should be here soon too and it's about freaking time.... waiting soo long for the thing.
[quote name='Corporate King']i got a canon sd790 instead of the sd1000 and it was refurbished what a total lost[/QUOTE]

Wait isn't the SD790 Better than the SD1000? So I don't get the complaint at all.
And since when is refurbished bad? I mean It's either a used or returned slight/non used item.
But either way the factory takes it and restores it be to almost if not New again.
Better than just straight up used.
I say you made out big.
Actually, the 1000 is slightly better. the only thing the 790 has going for it is the MEgapixel. But Megapixels is the buzzword for the ignorant. Unless you are planning on making 2 by 3 foot images or cropping 90% of the photo down, 10 Megapixels is useless.

But as for refurbished versus new, with electronics these days, there is absolutely NO differnecve. You are equally likely to have a new one break within a year than a refurbished one. And with some electronic devices, you are probably better off with a refurbished one since it gets so thoroughly checked individually, as opposed to a new one that just has a few samples checked out of a batch of 1000 or so.

[quote name='killer9']sweet they sent me a canon sd790is 10 megapixels over the usual sd1000 7.1 woot sexier camera to be honest[/QUOTE]
I got 2 white spice jars and 1 red one on Friday......they were from accounts that i'd e-mailed them complaining about not getting stuff. Still waiting on 1 red jar and 1 blue one. If that doesn't prove that they're only shipping to those who complain, then it's one hell of a coincidence!

Time to write some complaint emails and get them to shipping my stuff.....bastards!
Today I got the 7500 point Camera in the mail, it was a Cannon Powershot SD790 and it is pretty nice. The package was missing the 32mb memory card, but thats not a big deal.

Thank you Frequent Shopper! Rest in Peace
Found out that 1 of my cameras got shipped. My parents didnt' notify it came, i just found out today it came last week. Also had one supposedly shipped to my apt. Found out today they gave it away to another person. The apt address was wrong on file. You think i can get reimbursed by the aparment for it? Cuz for sure they didnt' check id to release it. Now just waiting on 5 spice jars. Than letting FSP go to rest!:cry:
[quote name='beatmania666']I got 2 white spice jars and 1 red one on Friday......they were from accounts that i'd e-mailed them complaining about not getting stuff. Still waiting on 1 red jar and 1 blue one. If that doesn't prove that they're only shipping to those who complain, then it's one hell of a coincidence!

Time to write some complaint emails and get them to shipping my stuff.....bastards![/QUOTE]

Except that other people, including me, also just got their spice jars. You people and all your complaints and BBB garbage need to chill out.
I'm still waiting on 2 spice jars.
I haven't complained yet and probably don't care enough to complain down the line.

But it would've been nice little gifts for my mother.
Got the remaining spice jars, and with that I've got everything from Frequent Shopper. RIP great program, was a hell of a fun time while it lasted!!
I got the Le Creuset Jar today, and the aquarium like a week ago.

And please note that I have NOT sent a single email or complaint to anyone.
[quote name='PhrostByte']I don't think they ever even guaranteed that the items would actually ship. I doubt all your BBB complaints are scaring MS.. it's probably just taking a long time to ship everything out. I never complained but ended up getting my stuff about a month and a half after my ship date.[/QUOTE]

They have personally responded to all of my BBB complaints, and two of them they responded directly to me, mentioning the BBB complaint. So yes, they do care.
[quote name='killer9']insulting now lakawak fuck you[/QUOTE]

How was I insulting? All I said is that people ignorant of how cameras actually work get all mesmorized by the Megapixel number when once you get about 5 or 6 Megapixel, unless you are making posters, it means absolutely nothing.

You see dumb people buying 12 Megapixel cameras with crappy lenses or terrible features thinking they got a great deal. And later wondering why their pictures look all washed out or not sharp, or whatever.
Question for anyone who got the KitchenAid Mixer in hopes of selling it. Did you guys have any luck? I've been trying to sell mine on Craigslist since I got it but have only gotten a few response that didn't get very far. Any better ideas?
[quote name='PenguinoMF']Question for anyone who got the KitchenAid Mixer in hopes of selling it. Did you guys have any luck? I've been trying to sell mine on Craigslist since I got it but have only gotten a few response that didn't get very far. Any better ideas?[/QUOTE]

I suggest using it. :)
Meh. Giving up on the thought that maybe FS would send me another dog bowl to fulfill the set they originally promised, which means that I'm finally done. Sayonara folks, it's been fun.
[quote name='PenguinoMF']Question for anyone who got the KitchenAid Mixer in hopes of selling it. Did you guys have any luck? I've been trying to sell mine on Craigslist since I got it but have only gotten a few response that didn't get very far. Any better ideas?[/QUOTE]

I sold mine on craigslist here in St. Louis. I sold it for about $175-185. After posting it with pictures I took, I got a response the next day and sold it the morning after.

How much are you trying to get for yours and are you posting pictures you took or just ones from from off the net?

Anyone try selling the 7500 pt GPS? I gave my first one to my brother and just got my second one last week, will probably put it up on craigslist this week.
[quote name='Mad Scientist']I suggest using it. :)

We have one that we have been using. Hasn't gotten much use yet. Hopefully the bigger apartment we are moving to will mean more treats.

[quote name='spartan200x']I sold mine on craigslist here in St. Louis. I sold it for about $175-185. After posting it with pictures I took, I got a response the next day and sold it the morning after.

How much are you trying to get for yours and are you posting pictures you took or just ones from from off the net?[/QUOTE]

I've listed it between $225-250 because I expect people to haggle. I hope to get at least $200. I haven't posted pictures. Maybe I will take some tonight and post them.
I got my last spice jar yesterday. :) And that is it for me.
Total: 1 Aquarium 2 spice jars 1 set of votive candles.
I just got both of my 7500pt cameras from two different addresses. Both are refurb sd790 IS.

Also again, I did NOT send any complaint letters to MSN, FSP, or BBB.
So to those people that did not sent any bitch and whining letters, rest assure that you will still probably get your items if you havent already.
I hope you realize how stupid you make YOURSELF sound. Maybe you do't value YOUR time very highly. (And I can see why) but people who spent hours playing games with the promise of goods have every right to ask where those prizes are.

Your post made YOU become the little bitch. Not the people complaining about not getting their prizes.

[quote name='supraazn']I just got both of my 7500pt cameras from two different addresses. Both are refurb sd790 IS.

Also again, I did NOT send any complaint letters to MSN, FSP, or BBB.
So to those people that did not sent any bitch and whining letters, rest assure that you will still probably get your items if you havent already.[/QUOTE]
I hope you realize how stupid you make YOURSELF sound. Maybe you do't value YOUR time very highly.
No, if whenever I thought I will or have said something stupid I would either not have said it at all or rescind that comment. Since I did neither in this case I obviously did not think that it made me sound stupid. But then again stupid is a relative term so to others, notably you sir, might see it as stupid. Both possibility could very much be true.

And the part about if i value my time highly or not, let me think, having time means being about to do things as well as breathing and just basically living. Since I do think that I quite enjoy living, death seems like a drag, I'm going to have to say that I do value my time. How highly tho is a more difficult question to answer because high is such a vague unit of measurement for that specific scenario.

(And I can see why)
Hmmm, you're going to have to elaborate on this one. Do you know me personally enough to know my life schedule and daily routines? I live in San Diego btw. Maybe we met in cafe or something and you saw me playing WoW the whole time while my lazy non groomed looking ass was complaining that I only get 15 hours of sleep a day. If you indeed did see me do that than yes you definitely have sufficient proof to make that statement about me.

but people who spent hours playing games with the promise of goods have every right to ask where those prizes are.
Yes, we have just established that time should be valued. So "time" in this case would be as good as cash. Since they traded something of value to a company in promise for a specific item in return they do have a right to question about it in a reasonable manner. You are quite correct again sir.

Your post made YOU become the little bitch. Not the people complaining about not getting their prizes.
Again that is opinionated. I don't believe that a post can make me universally become a certain term all in of itself. I mean that post of mine can certainly make me become a little bitch in your specific mind. But not universally. I'm certain I can find a few people that don't think I'm a little bitch.

I don't ever recall calling any of those people that complained were bitches at all. Yes I believe I never did, please reread my post. I called the letter in which they send were bitching and whining. My derogatory terms were directed to a item belonging to a person or persons, not the person itself. But your post though sir, the derogatory term was directed to a person, me specifically. That is the difference. I mean my comments can indeed insinuate that the person that owns the item is a bitch as well, but then that is just speculation.

Ok, I think we just had a little miss communication going on here.
So do I hope that this post will clear that up.
I mean I respect your comment and opinion and i don't expect this post of mine to change the way you think of me as a "little bitch".
That is not my intention.
My intentions are merely to clarify my original thoughts as perceived in my words.
Finally got my Nuvi360...ordered on Christmas Eve. And no, I would NOT have gotten it without the BBB getting involved. They claimed they couldn't find my order or any correspondence to prove that I had earned one, even though I had sent them an e-mail wioth 4 different e-mail threads rearding them acknowledging my order, and claiming that I would receive one from the next shipment (this was back in February...several Nuvi 360 shipments ago)
I"m still waiting on a water bottle to get delivered to a relatives house I ordered for them X_X I don't expect it anyways now since it's been soo long ago and it was only 500 tickets so it isn't anything to gripe about
bread's done