Jack Thompson Goes After Wendy's for Promoting Manhunt 2...what?


36 (100%)

Not content to sue (so far this year) the Florida Bar, the Florida Supreme Court, GTA publisher Take-Two Interactive and leading gaming blog Kotaku, game-hatin’ barrister Jack Thompson has turned to a new target, burger franchise Wendy’s.

In the latest issuance from his nonstop e-mail machine, Thompson turns his attention to Wendy’s CEO Kerri Anderson. What’s Thompson’s gripe? Obestity? Cholesterol? That the Frostys are too thick to suck through the straw?

Nah. It’s Rockstar’s upcoming Manhunt 2. So just what is Wendy’s connection with Manhunt 2? There isn’t one, unless you connect the dots the way Jack Thompson connects the dots.

With essentially no one left to sue, Thompson has latched on a Wendy’s promotional tie-in with Nintendo Wii toys. The issue seems to be that:
a.) Manhunt 2 is what Thompson calls a “murder simulator”
b.) Manhunt 2 will appear on the Wii (among other systems)
c.) Wendy’s is promoting the Wii, therefore;
d.) Wendy’s is promoting Manhunt 2, which promotes murder
Thompson also claims to have the inside track on what deceased Wendy’ founder Dave Thomas would have wanted in this regard:
A dear friend of mine worked for Wendy’s and with Dave Thomas closely for years. From that I know that Dave Thomas never would have tolerated the use of Wendy’s good name to promote Nintendo’s Wii, not with this game available on the Wii platform.
So, second hand, friend-of-a-friend info on the inner thoughts of a dead guy. Is that what passes for evidence in Thompson’s world these days?

Funny, though. None of the toys depicted on the Wendy’s site seem to be from Manhunt 2. In fact, they all look rather E-rated.

Just to be clear here, Thompson has neither sued nor has he threatened to sue Wendy’s. However, he has been making noises of late about an international movement to block the publication of Manhunt 2, with details coming next week. Sounds to GP as though Thompson and British Parliamentarian Keith Vaz, another Manhunt critic, will be teaming up.
:rofl: This is just too good.
I thought he was forbidden from messing around with Rockstar anymore. Or is that why the key phrase "international movement" is included, since it was a US court decision?
[quote name='botticus']I thought he was forbidden from messing around with Rockstar anymore. Or is that why the key phrase "international movement" is included, since it was a US court decision?[/quote]
He's not messing with Rockstar though, just Wendy's for "promoting" it. He can't stop it from coming out, but I guess he's trying to stop it from being "promoted" like this. I'm sure Nintendo will be happy about this.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']He's not messing with Rockstar though, just Wendy's for "promoting" it. He can't stop it from coming out, but I guess he's trying to stop it from being "promoted" like this. I'm sure Nintendo will be happy about this.[/quote]But this part:
However, he has been making noises of late about an international movement to block the publication of Manhunt 2, with details coming next week. Sounds to GP as though Thompson and British Parliamentarian Keith Vaz, another Manhunt critic, will be teaming up.
Let's hope that one day when he's going through the drive-thru, the guy 'dressing' his Wendy's Double, who just happens to be an avid gamer, spies him at the window and...gives him a real reason to file a suit against the real-world "Freckle Bitch's".
the guys a freakin nutter and its past time for him to be disbarred so that we dont have to keep hearing about his frivilous lawsuits anymore. whats he going to do next sue stayfree maxipads or maybe cialis for making him feel bad he cant get it up anymore?
This is really funny stuff. The guy used to piss me off but now I actually look forward to what his next moves will be. It's too bad that he will eventually end up disbarred if he continues down this path. Why Wendy's though? There are thousands of companies you can link back to Manhunt 2 (and Rockstar) using his crazy logic. It's just facinating.
Relax...sooner or later he will sue himself due to having the 'epiphany' that 'any pub is good pub' for games (particularly the 'naughty' kind), and then he'll either jump out a window or start to smoke from the ears, violently shake, and then have his head explode, a la an over-mojoed Fembot. Sorry for the disturbing comparison there.
[quote name='botticus']But this part:[/quote]
That doesn't have much to do with what this news is about. It's a separate issue that I guess will come to light later on.
[quote name='62t']Wait there are wii toys at wendy's? I need to go there now[/QUOTE]
Wii toys aren't in yet.

On topic, this seems like a very convoluted way for jerkoff Thompson to go after Manhunt 2 without directly breaking his settlement with Take Two Entertainment.
Remember guys, Jack isn’t insane or stupid, he’s just really good at playing “6 Degrees of Rockstar”
[quote name='jollydwarf']... the real-world "Freckle Bitch's".[/QUOTE]

Holy Crap, I just got that. I kept thinking to myself, "What a stupid name for a burger joint. That's not clever at all."
He must be losing one marble at a time.

Gives me an idea though. Create a puzzle game where you have to keep his marbles in his head. Each time you lose one, he says/ does something more idiotic than the last. Just don't make it easy. :p
I didn't even know Wendy's was going to have Wii toys and probably wouldn't have unless I read this so he is giving free publicity for Wendy's. I want that baseball game.
At this point, it's obvious that Jack Thompson just has a vendetta against Take-Two. He's been on the losing side for so long all he wants to do is get even with them, any means neccesary.
Exactly. Jack Thompson used to be piss me off as well, but now his lawsuits are a dime a dozen and are often very humorous.

What's on the list next, Jack? Entertain us!
It seems weird he chose to go against a company affiliated with NINTENDO ... which is easily the most family-oriented console of them all.
[quote name='62t']Wait there are wii toys at wendy's? I need to go there now[/QUOTE]

[quote name='YoshiFan1']
I didn't even know Wendy's was going to have Wii toys and probably wouldn't have unless I read this so he is giving free publicity for Wendy's. I want that baseball game.[/quote]

Yeah, that's the most interesting part of this "news" item, so thanks Jack (and Frisky for bringing it to our attention ;)). When are they gonna have these? I don't go to fast food burger joints unless there is some cool toy for the kids (so, maybe once or twice a year). I don't even know where there's a Wendy's near me (may not be - I used to go to one when I was a kid though). Seems like I never see them any more. In any case, as soon as these toys hit we'll be taking a family trip to one.
[quote name='Kuros']Remember guys, Jack isn’t insane or stupid, he’s just really good at playing “6 Degrees of Rockstar”[/quote]

I don't think he's stupid. But he is insane...
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Can we sue him for his frivolous lawsuits?[/quote]If you can sue McDonalds when you dump coffee on yourself or because they "made" you get fat, I don't see why not.
[quote name='AlbinoNinja']Well, if he leaves, someone else will just take his place; and maybe they won't be a total nutjob.[/quote]

That's what I was thinking - I wish he'd tone it down just a little so that we don't get a replacement christian fear-monger that does a better job playing on the puritan sympathies of the modern-day theocrats.
You know all these lawsuits he keeps filing or threatening to file, is actually publicity for the video game. I think plenty of people buy the game just because he said it was a "murder simulator". This may sound crazy but maybe the game companies are paying him to advertise for their games by publicly denouncing the game. Its like a reverse psychology mentality where people will want to buy the game, because either they disagree and want to show it by buying or buyers want to feel like rebels. Granted there are some soccer mom types that will only by games that have SpongeBob Esque violence. But in truth i think his actions do quite a bit to promote the games he denounces.
bread's done