Jade Empire : SE PC

[quote name='danh920']is this graphically any better than on the box?[/quote]

From Wikipedia:
The PC version of Jade Empire is known as the Special Edition. It is based on the Xbox Limited Edition", and also includes the Monk Zeng character but not the Tien's Justice weapon style (both of which are available in the Limited Edition described above). Changes from the Xbox version includes increased resolutions up to 1600x1200 (1920x1200 in Widescreen), new special effects and redrawn textures, two new martial styles named iron palm and viper, a new rhino demon transformation, new monsters, new high level weapons, an improved AI, with enemies able to take cover more often; a new "Jade Master" difficulty level, with ability to import save games; a new world map interface; and keyboard and hotkey support. It also contains a bonus art book and poster.
Never played the Xbox version but I did play through this PC version a few months ago. It was very fun and didn't encounter any problems.
[quote name='danh920']is this graphically any better than on the box?[/quote]It's mostly the texture work that's been improved graphics-wise (though I haven't really given JE on Xbox much time).
[quote name='mrelusive']It's mostly the texture work that's been improved graphics-wise (though I haven't really given JE on Xbox much time).[/quote]

And widescreen, I'm pretty sure the Xbox version was 4:3 only.
Good deal. I played this on my comp last summer and didn't notice any problems. This isn't the first time I've seen someone selling the PC version for around $10. Hope we see similar deals for Mass Effect PC (another BioWare game).
The Graphics are much improved just by looking at the cutscenes. The cutscenes are (somewhat lazily) ripped straight from the Xbox version, and on my machine, the in-game graphics are a whole lot cleaner. I've always preferred BioWare's games on PC too.

Although Mass Effect was incredibly awesome on 360, and I think I'll pass on the PC version, even though I'm sure that'll be awesome too.
Looks a lot better on the PC, although the loading screen pictures look worst then the Xbox version (?) and the combat is still broken when u jump over people they become dumb founded. Otherwise the game is pure genius and one of Bioware's best (like you didn't see that coming!).
I tried playing it after having beat Mass Effect, and my mind couldn't accept it. I know it's a great game, but I'm ruined.
[quote name='Richard Longfellow']And widescreen, I'm pretty sure the Xbox version was 4:3 only.[/QUOTE]

Yea I just checked myself there was 2 widescreen options.
GoGamer has it for $12.90, although I don't know how the shipping might differ. I need to order some stuff from Newegg soon anyway though

EDIT: Yeah, the Newegg one has free shipping, and it's UPS!
I can vouch that you can play this at 3840x1024 spead across three monitors, and it is awesome.

Also, everything Bioware makes will eventually come out on PC and be better. Bioware guys are PC gamers at heart.
[quote name='Sideswiper']I can vouch that you can play this at 3840x1024 spead across three monitors, and it is awesome.

Also, everything Bioware makes will eventually come out on PC and be better. Bioware guys are PC gamers at heart.[/QUOTE]

Yikes, that's awesome! What kind of hardware do you run? And are you using one of those Matrox triple head things?

I just spent an insane amount of money on an XPS 1730...not sure, maybe I should just stick to desktops, but I kind of feel like a laptop will be more secure (don't have to leave it at work), plus I don't have to own two copies of programs, maintain two systems, etc...
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