Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

You can basically friend any of our members, or any moderator, and you will be able to request to join the community under "Communities friends are in" tab, and a mod will approve your request.

You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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Well, well, well...


Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone Coming West January 10

When the game launches, players can find Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone on the PlayStation Store as a free download that contains two songs. Within the game’s user interface, players will be able to purchase the ‘Colorful Tone’ and/or ‘Future Sound’ packages individually for $29.99 or as a bundle for $53.99.
Looks like I'll be making the most expensive single-item digital purchase of my life in January...or I'll wait for a discount some random week.

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Very happy about Cladun Sengoku being localized but why is there not a physical Vita version? That game is made for portables....ugg very disappointed! Just shows NISA moving on to PS4 as the main niche machine.

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How much more expensive?

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Nice to hear about Future Tone being brought over. I already bought both song packs on the JPN store, so I don't think I'll be getting the English one. Plus, there's likely not much of a change between versions that would convince me to buy again (besides the translation, of course).

$54 damn... That's a steal!

You cheap asses have no excuses now, get it!

Dunno if I'll double dip though, maybe if it's on sale someday  :whistle2:

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Did TOCS III get announced for PS3/PS4/Vita in Japan?

I caught a glimpse of it but couldn't read Japanese, waiting on you Supplice :lol:
As far as I remember the only thing that's been said is that they're leaning towards PS4 only, but haven't made the final decision yet. I hope we get a Vita version.

As far as I remember the only thing that's been said is that they're leaning towards PS4 only, but haven't made the final decision yet. I hope we get a Vita version.
Here's my source from other forums, my Japanese is limited so I cannot fully validate the legitimacy of the post


Looks like a TOCS II article (a new official calendar?) with some mention of TOCS III.

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EDIT: I suppose I should mention there's no weekly free PSN junk related to this thread. Just some Watchdogs 2 stuff.

Here's my source from other forums, my Japanese is limited so I cannot fully validate the legitimacy of the post

Looks like a TOCS II article (a new official calendar?) with some mention of TOCS III.
It's just a Falcom themed calendar for 2017 featuring background images from their PS3, PS4 & Vita releases as far as I can tell. The bottom half of the text only talks about what games are featured in the calendar.

There would be news elsewhere about this if it were announcing more platforms. I didn't see anything on Falcom's site or Famitsu. Also nobody in the Neogaf Trails thread(s) have mentioned it and they're pretty quick to post new info.

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It's just a Falcom themed calendar for 2017 featuring background images from their PS3, PS4 & Vita releases as far as I can tell. The bottom half of the text only talks about what games are featured in the calendar.

There would be news elsewhere about this if it were announcing the platforms. I didn't see anything on Falcom's site or Famitsu. Also nobody in the Neogaf Trails thread(s) have mentioned it and they're pretty quick to post new info.
Yeah, I always come to this thread for this kind of news. Back to waiting and hoping for Vita release then.

I see the light at the end of the tunnel for Criminal Girls 2. I feel i'm close to the regular ending at least. These boss fights are hard but not crazy hard...and then all of a sudden bam some monster that can take out my whole team in 2 hits. I'm so getting tired of this. I keep coming up to these roadblock monsters and know I can't really grind well and that I finished up at the current motivations so I can't even try for new skills. This is torture and I hope I can finish soon. These hard bosses they put up are getting annoying. I think I need redemption myself after killing myself with this game.
Lol... what happened? You went from "so excited!" to "this is torture..."

It's been 485 days on this island, I am running out of food and water... The ladies are still gorgeous but I am starting to think they are a fabrication of my own mind... my only friend Wilson had not said a word since we were stranded here... if you receive this message, please send help, this is my last bottle...

Reminds me of when I watched the 4 hours extended LOTR: Return of the King.

In other news, I think Sombra got released for PSN/XBL. I made a Multiplayer Meetups thread for CAGs, but it didn't really get anywhere. I know a lot of us deviate from the Niche games once in a while, and with so many big MP Fall releases coming out (BF1, TF2, CoD) and Black Friday as well, I thought I would try and bring back the concept. Thanks!

I'm out of the loop on the status of Fatal Frame, so it wouldn't surprise me. If so, that baffles me even more...doesn't seem like a series that fits into Nintendo's typical fare.
They do own fatal frame so no sony fatal frame ever. As far As the digital release i past on it because i want a physical copy so bought the jap version
Not going to lie, I think this looks pretty cool.  As long as it's mostly realistic looking and not all obvious CGI crap.


what do you guys think? (besides obvious whitewashing comments)

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Not going to lie, I think this looks pretty cool. As long as it's mostly realistic looking and not all obvious CGI crap.


what do you guys think? (besides obvious whitewashing comments)
Well Japan is doing Japan washing with Full Metal Alchemist, so it's all fair.

Except made in Japan live action anime adaptions are usually awful while Hollywood made GitS looks great.

Not going to lie, I think this looks pretty cool. As long as it's mostly realistic looking and not all obvious CGI crap.


what do you guys think? (besides obvious whitewashing comments)
I love Scar Jo so I'll be biased for it even if it sucks, I do understand the arguments made against it though. I feel like it's got a heavy Matrix feel to it. Looks pretty neat.

Admittedly I know nothing about Ghost in the Shell but 


is where I draw the line :speaktothehand: 

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Why we talking bout movies when this is the JP Niche games topic, lol. Anyways, excited for Future Tone's localization, that being a miracle to come out. Though that's nice that it is coming, I still have PDF, F2nd, and X all on backlog, so...yeah.

Also, for what's to probably come this Friday on the 18th, here are 2 things. (Note: May subject to change.)

1. Phantom Breaker: BattleGrounds gets 2 new pieces of DLC, Frau Kojiro from Robotics;Notes and a BGM Add-on.

2. Trouble Witches Origin to possibly come on Steam on said date on this delay message, though this message is in moonrunes. (Though it was originally scheduled for last week, hence the delay.)


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Not going to lie, I think this looks pretty cool. As long as it's mostly realistic looking and not all obvious CGI crap.

what do you guys think? (besides obvious whitewashing comments)
I've been against this from day one when I found out about the Scarlett Johansson casting but, I have to admit, that trailer looked really good. It feels like they made the effort to stay true to GitS and, for that, I'll go see this one in the theater.

I still would have preferred Rinko Kikuchi (from Pacific Rim) as the Major, but after this trailer I'll give the film a chance.


Oops I meant...


Yay, laziness pays off for not creating a Japan SEN account!

While on this topic...it's time for : Sov's Sov-stories of FAIL!


Yup, I just am that terrible at rhythm games. Even with my cheating with the XIM4 and my Logitech keyboard. Although that IS cheaper than buying the arcade controller.

Oh, what's this?


I guess it's fun and listening it to Hi-res is great...although it does feel like throwing GUMI bears on your cheese and wine. Don't ask me; I never tried that before. Wonder if it'll help loosen up my fingers a bit...

Yeah, I always come to this thread for this kind of news. Back to waiting and hoping for Vita release then.
They were leaning towards PF4 on Sen III but no one knows yet. Not to be a jerk or anything like that but I'd take it on PS4 just to have the whole game voiced (sans NPCs not in cutscenes).

Oh and Kiseki fans shouldn't miss out on: https://www.amazon.com/We-Love-Sora-No-Kiseki/dp/B01M8IHJ34/ref=sr_1_1?s=dmusic&ie=UTF8&qid=1479310074&sr=1-1-mp3-albums-bar-strip-0&keywords=we+love+sora+no+kiseki

Not bad but I wish they'd do FALCOM SYMPHONY 2017 and everything will be awesome.

Peace out peoples...gonna try to work and finish up Cold Steel II. I'm not even halfway through :cry:

I'd take every game on the PS4. PS3 and PS Vita dual/triple releases are holding back the niche games. I'd rather they use the PS4 architecture to their fullest potential. Glad to see games like FFXV only releasing on this generation of consoles.

Also can officially say I think i'm almost at the end of Criminal Girls 2. Course the boss mops the floor with my team and has a boatload of HP(sadly this isn't new). I can see why some people  turn the difficulty to easy. I believe the bosses aren't that much easier but have a heck of a lot less HP. I will finish this game as intended and achieve redemption. The story is OK for the most part and the girls are less interesting than the first.  
These crimes were more teenage angst than anything. I remember reading some somewhat disturbing backstories in the first such as the girl who hangs around with older men to earn money to buy nice things.
I really hope today is the day to finally beat it. I need to grind maybe an hour to an hour and a half to fully complete the motivation. I'm used to it by now and hopefully I can kick the bosses' butt and get my endings and move on to something else than doesn't push me to insanity and masochism.

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Good price. I wonder if it'll be better to wait since they tend to have Plus versions? Especially since I won't get to this for a while.
There is no plus versions anymore going on from this trillogy. Hence why there was a Vita/PS4 double release.

Shallie is the last of the Dusk series and those already had plus versions

There is no plus versions anymore going on from this trillogy. Hence why there was a Vita/PS4 double release.

Shallie is the last of the Dusk series and those already had plus versions
Ohhh, that's good to know. Thanks for the info!

I am Prime member and when I tried to add Sophie it came up an error, before then putting it in my cart for $50.  

I'd take every game on the PS4. PS3 and PS Vita dual/triple releases are holding back the niche games. I'd rather they use the PS4 architecture to their fullest potential. Glad to see games like FFXV only releasing on this generation of consoles.
You're not very experienced with the genre if you think releasing on one system or another is holding them back. As in the majority of cases that's not true. Outside some console to handheld ports anyway though part of that is compatibility issues and them just being lazy in general. Like the newest atelier ps4-vita dual release you cannot tell me that they didn't half ass that.

Most niche games don't use the systems they are on to their advantage. Only rpgs that I can think of that even use the ps3/360 to the max was tales of vesperia and ff13-1. You could tell during end game/new game plus in vesperia that it could barely keep up with all the spells and actions you could do at one time. Rita alone could really cause some slow down after insta casting meteorstorm and tidalwave. Game wasn't built to run both and holy rain and tempest at the same time. ff13- 3 could of but it was such a lazy cash in title even if it had a very good unique combat engine (which i would love to see used in more games but that will never happen). the poor dogs alone "shakes head"

Tales of zestiria would of been crappy regardless whether if it was a ps4 exclusive.

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I know niche games don't take full advantage of the systems (other than blockbuster non-niche games like FFXV), but really the PS3 and Vita are just lacking a bit in power period. We are starting to see poorer and poorer Vita ports such as I Am Setsuna and the new SAO game. I'd much prefer Vita games like Mary Skelter specifically made for the system. I've been playing these games forever so I just would like to see them try harder to get the better technology involved. Disgaea 5 really amped up some things by moving to PS4, and it would be nice to see other games do this too. I can only imagine what the Tales games would be like if the same engine used for the bunch of PS3 games was put aside a bit. Of course those games coming out annually makes them reuse so many assets, so there is an issue there. I enjoy niche games a lot more than the fancier AAA games and at one time they really pushed the genre such as how beautiful Chrono Trigger was at the time or such. Just hoping for a better, less cashed in future is all.

I am Prime member and when I tried to add Sophie it came up an error, before then putting it in my cart for $50.
Think it's because it changed price and you were unfortunate enough to be on the precise moment when it did.
I checked 2 hours ago or 3 and it was $20 but now the prime "promo" is gone and it's just listed at the regular $50.

Oh well, I'll grab it used on 2018.

EDIT: Nevermind. Think the current price is for 3rd party, it's gone from Amazon directly they just ran out of stock.
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bread's done