Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

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^ yeah I've beaten lunatic classic with no deaths playing most of the maps with just chrom and female robin. The beginning levels you need a team and a plan but once you get to the more spread out levels you can steam roll the smaller groups of enemies. You have to use some stat boosting items at the end though to be able to reliably kill the final boss.
Chrom and Robin are basically always required. (so naturally get boosted quite a bit) I don't know if it's different for everyone else, but in my playthrough Fredrich is a straight-up beast, and is pretty much always my point-man. (at the front of every formation, constantly used for scouting ahead) I lost the princess-healer about six main story missions in, which was a considerable blow, but I hadn't really figured out how to use healing items properly until afterward. So I suppose some good came of that.

I like that some additional characters show up later in the game, so that you can fill out your party a bit more even if you've lost people earlier. After the king-killing mission, I'm thinking I'll go ahead and start a do-over. The constant attrition-barrage in that mission did for several of my more useful characters. With some of what I've learned I'm thinking I can do a lot better.

Check this out as a point of comparison. There is a huge difference in power between a 4* and a 5*. Here's my 4* Tiki:

Yeah, I was reading elsewhere and saw screenshots of the same 5* hero and one had like 6 less attack, but like 8 more defense than the other. The RNG difference potential between the same hero seems to be pretty crazy. I hope you spent some SP on skills though, otherwise you seem pretty gimped in that area.

I think from 4* -> 5* it costs either 20 Greater Badges or 20,000 Hero Feathers. Max level is 40 (30 I think via leveling? Higher requires merging I think?), but you can promote at 20. I wonder if skills learned carry over during promotion, which could mean leveling up some characters. Alternatively merging (the same) characters gives you more SP too. However promoting removes any merges that you've done.

EDIT: It also seems the total amount of stats you get by the time you hit level 40 will be the same. However the distribution of those stats will more than likely be different between the same two heroes.

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Chrom and Robin are basically always required. (so naturally get boosted quite a bit) I don't know if it's different for everyone else, but in my playthrough Fredrich is a straight-up beast, and is pretty much always my point-man. (at the front of every formation, constantly used for scouting ahead) I lost the princess-healer about six main story missions in, which was a considerable blow, but I hadn't really figured out how to use healing items properly until afterward. So I suppose some good came of that.

I like that some additional characters show up later in the game, so that you can fill out your party a bit more even if you've lost people earlier. After the king-killing mission, I'm thinking I'll go ahead and start a do-over. The constant attrition-barrage in that mission did for several of my more useful characters. With some of what I've learned I'm thinking I can do a lot better.
You're probably already far in the game, but I would avoid using Frederick unless you really have no other units. Since he's already pre-promoted he hogs all the exp that could be used for other units. Also you're going to want to keep your units alive if you want to do the side chapters.

Stardew Valley is getting a physical "Collector's Edition" on April 11th on PS4 & Xbox One. It will include the game, a town map of Pelican, a mini-guidebook and a code to download the soundtrack. No word on the price, but I'm surprised that a physical edition is coming so soon. Since the game is $15 digitally, I'd guess that it will cost $30.

EDIT: They are $30 MSRP.

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You're probably already far in the game, but I would avoid using Frederick unless you really have no other units.
This is good advice for my do-over. He does hog a lot of the experience, which is a finite resource in a game like this. I might use him for pairing in some of the early chapters, where the stat boosts he would provide would come in handy. But it would be a good idea to use him less and focus on building up some of the other characters.

The key to every Fire Emblem game I think is a balanced (esp in levels) team. They can tackle pretty much anything. Course a few OP characters here and there (Donnel!) and the Myrmidon class is a fave along with pegasus knights which get Gale Force are a fave. 

7 hours how many rerolls is that? I got tired at 5 and lucky 5 was my lucky pull. Also added.
Thanks. Added you. I don't even know since I just started going through the motions. I'm also on ios with a non-rooted phone, so there's no easy way to just delete the profile settings file. So the painful thing was to delete and redownload the whole app and that big update all over again. But I'd say at least 30+ times. My best roll was a Roy before I got Camilla.

PS4's new update 4.50 is adding a "Boost Mode" for ps4 pro.

Seems like most games are going to run at smoother (higher*) frame rates natively, without needing specific patches from devs.  (Games tested with improvements so far: Bloodborne, Just Cause 3, Evil Within, Witcher 3).


Some Comparison Videos:



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The only thing making me hesitate is having to constantly change discs to play whenever i want, since its a game i like to play a few rounds of and be done with.

Not something i see keeping in my drive for extended periods.
if you have no intention of ever selling it, get the digital copy. it's more convenient just to play a couple of matches then switch to your main game you have on disc. i have sfv, bb, gg, tekken 7 deluxe (have it on preorder) and overwatch in digital, so i could swap over without switching disc. the disc in my ps4 are usually single player games like rpgs, action, etc...

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Yeah the stat difference between top tier characters really starts showing up around chapter 6.   Which is like 1-2 real world days based on Stamina.  I highly recommend anyone who hasn't started Fire Emblem Heroes yet to reroll until you get a solid 5* melee type.

The healer I use is named Wrys.  He's an bald, ugly old man but he has a cool heal named Reconcile that heals both himself and his target for 7 HP each. For the early stages it was much better healing throughput than the two single target 10hp/cast healers.  The one really annoying thing was most of the early maps put him in the very front, even though he's fourth on the team lineup.

Another thing I've noticed is that having two of your three offense as range-2 attackers is not good.  I'm still looking for a green axes or blue spear 5star melee dps to replace one of my guys.  Double caster is not good; maybe if their stats were 5star high enough.

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This is good advice for my do-over. He does hog a lot of the experience, which is a finite resource in a game like this. I might use him for pairing in some of the early chapters, where the stat boosts he would provide would come in handy. But it would be a good idea to use him less and focus on building up some of the other characters.
Frederick is just a point-man tank. Don't use him to kill units. Use him to draw enemies in and then give the kill exp to your other guys.


Pick up UMVC3 on sale now for under $20 on PSN & pick up n play whenever.


Wait till next month for the $30+ physical release?
always physical.

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Frederick is just a point-man tank. Don't use him to kill units. Use him to draw enemies in and then give the kill exp to your other guys.
This is good advice. I would either give Frederick a crappy weapon or just unequip whatever he has on him to maximize exp for characters with better growth rates. Frederick's growth rates are so bad that odds are, unless you overuse him, he will be one of your worst units by end game.
Frederick sucks....he can tank...i would almost recommend the no weapons, but if you're playing on a harder difficulty he can be used to soften the units for a killing blow.

Also I agree with Nothing's Fire Emblem Heroes sentiment. 2 range is not great....I had an archer and tarja cause of a mission for the stone (a hard one) and it sucked. I do hope I can roll a healer or it's going to be a 3 attack team (one each type) and Tharja. Later missions are getting harder even with a 5 star unit. I'm just about to start Chapter 7.

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Pick up UMVC3 on sale now for under $20 on PSN & pick up n play whenever.


Wait till next month for the $30+ physical release?
I'd wait for the physical disc, though the digital is tempting.

As for swapping a disc out of the console, doesn't that take all of .02 seconds?

Im still butthurt i brought digital only for physical to get announced the next day or two.

I dont care enough about possible rarity to double dip.
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The more I read about FEH the less I want to download it... sounds like a huge time sink. :speaktothehand:
It's actually really fun for a stupid phone game, and I hate phone gaming with a passion. If you enjoy Fire Emblem then you'll love the characters in Heroes. It's fan service-y. If you never played FE before though, it's probably a pass.

You can play this for a few minutes a day and have fun.

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The more I read about FEH the less I want to download it... sounds like a huge time sink. :speaktothehand:
It seems like it. The missions are grindy and the energy system is not great (5 minutes for 1 point)...don't think you can increase said pool without paying i'm sure. The battles aren't that bad but later on the AI seems to get better and gang up on your low HP units. 4 units is likely not enough...should have been 6 with a slightly bigger field. It has Fire Emblem heroes (haha), and that's why anyone would play it. I may quit after I kill the story (which is laughable....it's the same story repeated every chapter).

For a very fair to play f2p I recommend Dandy Dungeon. It does get repetitive but their is a lot of character and it's decently challenging and lots of stuff to unlock and such.

The more I read about FEH the less I want to download it... sounds like a huge time sink. :speaktothehand:
Ya, they are time and money sinks if you get into it. I tend to avoid them like the plague. The only one I would consider playing would be F/GO if they ever localize it.

Stardew Valley is getting a physical "Collector's Edition" on April 11th on PS4 & Xbox One. It will include the game, a town map of Pelican, a mini-guidebook and a code to download the soundtrack. No word on the price, but I'm surprised that a physical edition is coming so soon. Since the game is $15 digitally, I'd guess that it will cost $30.

EDIT: They are $30 MSRP.
Wow this is awesome news! I already bought this digital when it came out, but I'm going to 100% get this too.

PS4's new update 4.50 is adding a "Boost Mode" for ps4 pro.

Seems like most games are going to run at smoother (higher*) frame rates natively, without needing specific patches from devs. (Games tested with improvements so far: Bloodborne, Just Cause 3, Evil Within, Witcher 3).
Nice! I'm updating to the beta now. I can't wait to check it out. I'm curious if I will notice anything in FF XIV.

Ugh, playing both FEH and F/GO is definitely going to destroy my already limited free time (and MONEY).

Guess my backlog of console games is going to get infinitely longer....

Got 3 of 4 stars kinda happy, my buddy rerolled for a whole day, got 5 star Marth and Sakura and a 4 star tharja.

Stupid auto correct on these names
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On chapter 9 of story mode in FEH and its starting to lose its appeal which is fine with me. A solid day is the most a mobile app has ever gotten from me.  :lol:

On chapter 9 of story mode in FEH and its starting to lose its appeal which is fine with me. A solid day is the most a mobile app has ever gotten from me. :lol:
I'm at chapter 8-5 or 8-6 so i'm close. It's losing its appeal with me too. The thing to promote units is ridiculous and the units you have that are lower than 4 get wrecked in later stages even with high levels. Pure bull honestly.

The key to every Fire Emblem game I think is a balanced (esp in levels) team. They can tackle pretty much anything. Course a few OP characters here and there (Donnel!) and the Myrmidon class is a fave along with pegasus knights which get Gale Force are a fave.
another thing to remember is there are tons of dlc cameo characters from the other games along with all the free weapons and such.

This is good advice for my do-over. He does hog a lot of the experience, which is a finite resource in a game like this. I might use him for pairing in some of the early chapters, where the stat boosts he would provide would come in handy. But it would be a good idea to use him less and focus on building up some of the other characters.
other tips are to put promoted units like frederick on the field with weak or no equipment and let him draw aggro for enemies. Since enemy ai is prone to attacking units without equipment first. Then you can have your other units go in for the kills. Since awakening has infinite grinding maps its very easy to become over leveled.

it may be persona bias but the usually best units in fire emblem titles are pegs/flying units in general and cavs. Most other units have minimal use. armored knights are especially worthless outside enclosed maps since their movement and stats are crap outside hp and def which doesn't do much if a mage or armor piercing weapons users come knockin. If you want you can promote one to a different hybrid class where they get a mount so they have increased movement. But generally its better to just take a cav and promote them to the armored horse back unit that way they are easier to level.

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The key to every Fire Emblem game I think is a balanced (esp in levels) team. They can tackle pretty much anything. Course a few OP characters here and there (Donnel!) and the Myrmidon class is a fave along with pegasus knights which get Gale Force are a fave.
Not every FE games, in conquest lunatic u can't afford to spread a blalanced level team, get your most OP shit like Xander and what not or the game will crap on you. And how is donnel OP in a game with infinite grinding? His cap is pretty bad
Not every FE games, in conquest lunatic u can't afford to spread a blalanced level team, get your most OP shit like Xander and what not or the game will crap on you. And how is donnel OP in a game with infinite grinding? His cap is pretty bad
Well there's a difficulty mode where you can't grind in the game(i.e. Lunatic mode). I wouldn't know though. By the time I got him, the earliest possible time, he was already too far behind to be of any use to me.
Well, it happened.  Last night it finally appears I've hit the wall in FE: Heroes main story missions.  I can tell that this must be happening to most everyone else who didn't get god rolls of multiple 5 star characters too.  I was able to beat both 9-1 and 9-2 on the very first try, but only with some really tricky multi-turn juggling of Lucina + healer.  I won't be able to progress any further without some serious leveling or some stronger characters.  Everything hits way hard now, often one-shotting both my 4* guys, plus the levels are filled with knights that have really high defense. 

My team is levels 23, 21, 20, 20 and it's going to be a long slog to 25.  I guess from here on you play the story missions on hard for exp, and hope to beat training tower stratum 5. My second and third 20 orb character attempts gave only 3 and 4 star dudes that are useless.  Still enjoying this little game.

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Yeah I'm stuck on chapter 5 of world 8. My two four star heroes can't carry my 3 and 2 star heroes any further it seems. Imma try and grind some orbs and hopefully roll a 5 star hero.
I've restarted a couple times and have two 4 star heroes...I guess I should keep retrying until I get at least one five star?
definitely. The 5*s make all the difference.

you could roll with whoever, but then after you play the game for two days you'll just get stuck. and even contemplate deleting everything and restarting at that point.

You should try to get a good healer too, like Clarine or Wrys. They have 'Reconcile' which heals 7 to self + 7 to ally at once, and charge their Imbue ability every other turn (1 action to charge, +10 to heal). The self healing seems pretty important so far.

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definitely. The 5*s make all the difference.

you could roll with whoever, but then after you play the game for two days you'll just get stuck. and even contemplate deleting everything and restarting at that point.
Guess I'll keep trying.

Any easier way to do it then uninstalling and redownloading every time?

Guess I'll keep trying.

Any easier way to do it then uninstalling and redownloading every time?
If you're using Android, you can go to the App under Settings on Android and Clear Data rather than deleting and re-downloading. If you've linked a Nintendo account, you need to unlink it in the game before hand Misc -> Account Management -> Unlink or something along those lines before clearing data. You'll always have to re-download the two data packs after launching the game though. So make sure you're on wi-fi.

iOS? No idea if they have an option to just delete the app data without uninstalling.

Though if you want to go at re-rolling more hardcore and are on Android, [customspoiler='use an emulator,']
[/customspoiler] but you may need a semi-decent PC for it. Then when you find something, pick that one, link your Nintendo account and switch to your phone/tablet/whatever if you want. Simply signing into your Nintendo account on launch will load up all your saved data. I don't believe there's any cross-data between Android and iOS though.

Out of curiosity and boredom I experimented with the Android VMs above. Best so far was two 5* being Tiki and Nowi. I apparently have the shittiest luck when it comes to healers though. Very rarely get them. Though I've had 8 12 in a row (two three sets of the 4VMs) give me absolutely shit as seen above.

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bread's done