Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

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You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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I am having so much fun with Horizon Zero Dawn.

I just got the shadow bow and I am loving it. When ever I see a monster besides the T-rex type ones I take down and it's a lot of fun when random monsters join the fray.

I like setting traps so in case the battle does not go my way I have a back up plan and its so fun luring them into the traps.

Question: Is any of the pre order codes and bonuses worth it if you are like 20% through the game? Wondering if they are worth buying are not. Kinda wish I would have ordered the CE

I feel like there is enough store to carry me over till Mass Effect Andromeda. I am ordering the digital deluxe edition, the steelbook from best buy, the CE guie ( though i wish i could afford the book bag version) and the male figure on amazon.

PS How hard was it to Plat the game?

I recently got my first with Watch Dogs 2 and wondering how hard this one might be.

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Question: Is any of the pre order codes and bonuses worth it if you are like 20% through the game? Wondering if they are worth buying are not. Kinda wish I would have ordered the CE
No, they're pretty basic level stuff but have a couple elements that you likely don't have at the beginning. Once you leave the starting lands you can buy better stuff so long as you have the items/currency. If you're at the point where you can access Thunderjaws though, you have access to the best stuff that isn't the lodge challenge rewards which are only slightly better than purple gear.

PS How hard was it to Plat the game?
I literally had everything done when I beat the game except for one trophy. That one was to take down all 23 target dummies throughout the game. I had most, so I just watched a video and spent 10 minutes finishing it up. I don't really go for platinum trophies unless I like the game and it doesn't really require me to go out of my way much. Technically this was my third platinum (I think?) with Nioh being another recent one.

If you skip all challenge stuff and the items on the world map (marked by huge circles) or skip most of the sidequests, then it will take a bit of effort to get.

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PS How hard was it to Plat the game?

I recently got my first with Watch Dogs 2 and wondering how hard this one might be.
It's not difficult at all even on very hard and it's similar to Watch Dogs 2 with getting collectibles. The game is really enjoyable.

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I guess this will be my second Plat.

I have already started getting the collectibles with those four maps make it a lot easier.

Ya I have seen the thunderjaws but I have not gone close after I scanned them, but I think I wanna take on those two in the dessert after I set lots of traps.

And I am loving the game too and the story and side missions.

Not just I lost my doll, find it. No girl find your own doll.

I just wish I could hit people that talk back or sass me.

outcast this outcast that. I saved all yall lives that are still alive.

Be greatful

Only 29 more days until Persona 5!   Hopefully I'll have enough time to finish Zelda by then.  

Still got some work to do to max out my +5 character in Nioh; been having fun farming the Smithing Texts for all of the armor sets, and crafting every set.   Nioh was only my second platinum too.  Glad to hear others are on the same page in regards to trophies! I come so close with certain games, but I don't grind multiple timesinks. 

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I still have the crapfest of having to beat a boss 7 more times to platinum criminal girls 2. Story wasn't too great so still haven't done it. I do like platinum trophies that feel like natural progression for sure. 

From all the game images I've seen, she has a pretty good figure already.


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Once you're spoiled by better figures from various companies the pack in figures with games just are on the somewhat meh side. She's becoming too popular a character to have figure companies not release something of her eventually. 

No one ever reported on the Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash live stream that occurred on March 1st so here's the video. Over an hour of gameplay footage. Skip to around 54:30 to watch the start of the live stream.


Once you're spoiled by better figures from various companies the pack in figures with games just are on the somewhat meh side. She's becoming too popular a character to have figure companies not release something of her eventually.

I don't get suckered in to CE with figures anymore lol.

Once you're spoiled by better figures from various companies the pack in figures with games just are on the somewhat meh side. She's becoming too popular a character to have figure companies not release something of her eventually.
A better one was already announced, so one is definitely coming at some point.

well that was pleasantly fast, ordered I Am Setsuna JP from Amazon.JP on saturday, arrived this afternoon w/ my switch pro controller

I still have the crapfest of having to beat a boss 7 more times to platinum criminal girls 2. Story wasn't too great so still haven't done it. I do like platinum trophies that feel like natural progression for sure.
Huzzah! Mary Skelter is supposed to be a pretty neat DRPG so will be an easy buy.
I've passed on starting Criminal Girls 2 because of that. I played too many DRPGs, and similar games like them that I switched to finally playing my Shantae games as a change of pace. I really liked the first game and want to play the second, but I've become weary of those multiple ending games. Especially one that's so similar and repetitive.

Mark Skelter is a game I've had my eye on for some time. I'm sure it'll be a pre-order when it come available.

Once you're spoiled by better figures from various companies the pack in figures with games just are on the somewhat meh side. She's becoming too popular a character to have figure companies not release something of her eventually.
Totally agree. Nowadays when I buy a CE with a figure, it's usually in spite of the statue, never because of it.
Criminal Girls 2 is pretty bad though other than the improved graphics and battle system. The story and characters seem worse and it's quite a bit more repetitive to max out the punishment games. 


Just when I think I'd like to spend more time on Horizon Zero Dawn...in between Cold Steel II of course. Can't believe I still haven't beaten it yet... :whistle2:(

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Speaking of cold steel I remember draekon mentioning that towa was retconned into the events of cross bell.  Anyone care to elaborate on that?

Speaking of cold steel I remember draekon mentioning that towa was retconned into the events of cross bell. Anyone care to elaborate on that?
They made mention that she was present for the Trade Conference during the attack in Cold Steel I, but consensuses of the folks who have played the Crossbell games said she was not actually there. At least wasn't a main character during the events in Azure. My guess is she was added in to build the intensity of the Erebonian story arch; have someone from the school whenever it went down. Who's to say she wasn't some unnamed NPC.

It would be pretty cool to see her added if ever Zero/Azure ever comes to the West.

Thanks! I've been waiting for the preorder to go up. Prime discount not showing yet tho. I checked on the forums and it looks like it is just cover variants. The publisher is pretty well known for doing variants, but this is the first time they are letting people pick which cover they want. Wish I knew what each one looked like. But that is the name of the main characters. Pretty sure Ist is the silver haired guy, Amu is the girl and Raj is the dark haired guy. (If that helps people pick the cover they want) Not sure if the Ist version sold out by the time I clicked it, or it hasn't gone up yet.

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bread's done