Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

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As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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Not really Japanese, but Undertale has a Collector's Edition up for pre-order. It's $64 without shipping for PS4, Vita & PC CE. Shipping is likely free in most cases here, but some locations may require a fee. I figure it's in one of the CE threads, but it's a popular niche game that lightly fits this thread.

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I keep telling myself I should buy Tekken 7 but I got too many games to play right now. Maybe I will just CAG it when it hits $30 somewhere.

Kinda surprised over the Blazblue crossover game but, since it's Arc, I couldn't imagine it not being good. Although I never knew RBWY was that popular to be in an Arc game.
rwby's pretty popular so I'm surprised you think it wasn't. It went from a small free anime series on youtube to a main stream one they charge for.

Yeah, I still don't know what RWBY is.
Animated series that is about 8-11 minutes long and focuses on a school setting in the first-3rd seasons. the guy who created it monty oum (now passed sadly as of season 2) did other free videos first with amazingly well done fight scenes for characters from series like ff dead or alive kh and tekken. You should check out his dead fantasy series its unfinished but whats there is very much worth a watch.

I've never seen it, but it's super popular in Japan
Didn't know it was popular in japan neat.

oh crap, today is the LAST DAY to buy attack on titan dlc for Dead or Alive before it gets DELISTED!

unfortunately they didn't put anything on sale
: (
Drive Girls Gets New Trailer and New North American Release Date

Just when I think the Japanese can't come up with another off the wall idea and gaming concept........I'm proving wrong again, and again. LOL

This actually looks pretty interesting if nothing else. I'll for sure be buying it a cart is offered(or I'll import). Did they mention a physical release anywhere in that trailer? If so I missed it. If they don't say digital only, is that code for both will be offered? As I'm used to seeing "physical & digital" on said date, so this one is still an unknown.

"We at Nintendo have heard your complaints regarding the need to use cumbersome third party applications to communicate with your friends through voice chat. We have decided to solve this problem by creating our own cumbersome first party app that is the only official way to use voice chat in our games."
-Nintendo (probably :p)
Did they mention a physical release anywhere in that trailer? If so I missed it.
YouTube video description: "Aksys Games proudly announced that the super-charged Drive Girls will be driving into action on the PlayStation®Vita with both physical retail and digital release in North America on August 11th."

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YouTube video description: "Aksys Games proudly announced that the super-charged Drive Girls will be driving into action on the PlayStation®Vita with both physical retail and digital release in North America on August 11th."

I guess that's why I missed it then. They do know these videos are linked to websites right, so the details aren't always read on YT, hence that banner would have been better stated within the actual video. But that's splitting hairs I guess, good to see a US physical offering, so one less game to import.

The free Shantae character pack for Blaster Master Zero ends in a few hours, is there anyway to download Switch DLC without owning a Switch yet similar to how we can access the Playstation Store through our web browser?

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The free Shantae character pack for Blaster Master Zero ends in a few hours, is there anyway to download Switch DLC without owning a Switch yet similar to how we can access the Playstation Store through our web browser?
I think I remember reading awhile back, that "N" finally started allowing that for the Wii U/3DS I believe. So you could buy stuff online in the e-shop, and then download it for that specific system at some later date.

I don't know that I've seen any mention of that feature for the NS, but I'm not really following the system that closely.

The free Shantae character pack for Blaster Master Zero ends in a few hours, is there anyway to download Switch DLC without owning a Switch yet similar to how we can access the Playstation Store through our web browser?
Thanks for the heads up. I downloaded it even though I don't actually own the game yet.

Got this today from a Gamestop that for the last three months has shown they had a pre owned copy, but they could never find it. Figured I'd try one last time and got a competent employee who is also the new store manager, and lo and behold it was a sku conversion that was sitting in the back room. I mean somebody was obviously scanning this thing on a category count for months and nobody ever knew it was there when I asked for it I guess lol. Makes me wonder how many other harder to find games are just sitting in the back rooms of Gamestops.[attachment=27306:20170719_130404.jpg]
Got this today from a Gamestop that for the last three months has shown they had a pre owned copy, but they could never find it. Figured I'd try one last time and got a competent employee who is also the new store manager, and lo and behold it was a sku conversion that was sitting in the back room. I mean somebody was obviously scanning this thing on a category count for months and nobody ever knew it was there when I asked for it I guess lol. Makes me wonder how many other harder to find games are just sitting in the back rooms of Gamestops.

Makes me wonder how many other harder to find games are just sitting in the back rooms of Gamestops.
Those back rooms at GS are a treasure trove of all things. They have such a huge turnover of staff and managers, those back rooms have all kinds of goodies, just waiting to be found.

When Mario Maker came out, GS was giving out a cool little rectangular poster as a preorder bonus, so I stopped at a GS one day to ask if they had any extra's, and the manager hadn't never even opened the package. He gave me like 4 or 5, as I guess the customers who had it preordered, never asked about it, so it was in the back just sitting there.

A friend of mine was a manager for years, and he was at 4-6 locations over his run, and each back room just had piles of stuff from who knows how many people. We all know how unorganized the fronts of the stores can be, and the back rooms are 10x worse. So not surprising something like this was back there, as GS inventory system is garbage, and when stuff can't be found, it an "oh well" moment.

It was voted on by readers though, not Famitsu itself tbf
But they published it though :rofl:

Just seeing FFXV getting ranked higher than FF6 & FF9 should tell them their readers

are idiots & this should not be made public :whistle2:

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But they published it though :rofl:

Just seeing FFXV getting ranked higher than FF6 & FF9 should tell them their readers

are idiots & this should not be made public :whistle2:
Honestly, FF XV being Ranked AT ALL is a disgrace.

That game is a half complete/snore fest (In difficulty & Story).

With an underutilized open-world, that has no relation to the story other than being used to drive around for the first half of the game from town to town.

If you do not do any hunts/fetch quests the open world is basically pointless to the actual story progression.

Sad part is, you know the open world took the majority of their development time, leaving them with little time to shoe horn in a half baked story.

The fact they dont even let you explore the open world during the final chapter says enough.

They gave us corridor runner #15 with the second half of the game.

But lets :applause: for them having the decency to piece meal the rest of the game's completion almost a year from release (*SARCASM).

- End Rant-

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This is not even a joke, I genuinely feel this is the case. Lightning Returns imo is the best of the trilogy, and the battle system was miles ahead. Even XIII-2, which I actually felt was the weakest of the 3, I thought was better than XV.

It doesn't help that FFXV has probably the worst side quests ever made in video games, nothing of importance or consequence, and you are stuck with errands like spotting frogs, which have no deeper story. The customization options is little to none, a joke compared to how amazing Lightning Return's was.

Battle system is just mashing O, the partner techniques rarely come into play, spells became items which take up a weapon slot, so it makes it a hassle to use them, the parries are basically quick time events, and I still don't exactly know how the summon system works. I will say that the movement options are pretty cool, and the teleports and stuff, but you rarely have to use them given that if you mash O, most weapons just track the enemy and carry you to them.

The story is a mess.

Chapter 13 becomes a B-rated horror game with cheap jump scares, where they strip everything you previously had, and now make you run away from enemies with clunky controls. You also can't run, I don't know why, but Noctis walks so slow here, I just had to mash roll the entire time.

The open world seems cool at first, but becomes pretty barren once you realize how similar the forests regions are, and how little variety and major landmarks they have. There's really only 1 major town/city in the game, the rest stops are a joke, and I don't count Altissa since that feels more like a story region to me.

It wasn't all bad, the soundtrack was pretty good, especially the FFXIII tracks they had. And the dungeons were pretty cool. Character designs were decent.

Edit: I also don't know if I'd consider Persona 5 the best RPG of all time, but I've also never played much of the older RPGs to compare. I would say it's tied with The Witcher 3 and Fallout 3 (and maybe Skyrim) as the best modern RPG, everything from PS3 on wards.

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Battle system is just mashing O, the partner techniques rarely come into play, spells became items which take up a weapon slot, so it makes it a hassle to use them, the parries are basically quick time events, and I still don't exactly know how the summon system works. I will say that the movement options are pretty cool, and the teleports and stuff, but you rarely have to use them given that if you mash O, most weapons just track the enemy and carry you to them.
This reminded me of Nier. :lol:

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Sad to say i have to agree, story wise definitely.

I was atleast invested in seeing what happened with lightning trying to save serah and sazh saving his son.

The FFXV story is...

Your home and family is lost on your way to your wedding. ( More on that later)

Look, one cutscene of the leaders of the invading empire.

Oh but you wont get to fight them or ever see them again.

Btw's one of their generals is brother to your fiancee you're about to marry..o but you wont ever get to fight him either.

Speaking of your fiancee, well lets just say she is shoehorned in for the Feels because she's gone before she's even fleshed out and developed. (But the WEDDING?!?!)

Oh and the leader of the empire that desecrated your family and home...well he's already dead/demonfied by time you see him. (which itself is barely told to the player)

Oh and again you wont really get to fight him, but you can play hide n seek with him for 2-3 hours (Thats fun in a Final Fantasy game right?)

But atleast we got a good ol' fashioned "Stand by Me" (With the Music to match) story of four bros.

Hold on though because when actual plot development happens to them, it'll happen off screen....unless you pay us an extra $25 to see ofcourse.

I could add more to criticize but i think you get it. :whistle2: :beer:

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Have to admit, I liked FFXIII. Actually, it was one of the few FF games, outside of FFVII, that I had any interest in. I wasn't in love with the game, but it had interesting characters, a decent story, and the music was good. 

I played a few hours of FFXV at a friend's house and it was enough to know that I'd never want to play it again. That "horror" chapter sounds awful (we didn't get to that part), but It was really the characters that ruined it for me. I tried, but couldn't find anything in it that resonated with me.

I don't know about you guys, but I find even classifying FFXV as an RPG absurd.

Feels like there's just 5 or 6 weapons per category, ultima blade is able to be received by like chapter 4, and every new weapon you find is literally just an upgraded version of the previous one. There's no choice, cept the one where you chose which weapon you bash things to death with. I can't spec into being a pure mage, just being able to kill things a bit faster by whacking them to death. Oh cool! I can use magic AKA throw elemental grenades every once in a while. By that logic, I'll claim Far Cry 4 is an RPG. Least there I can either shoot things OR whack things till they die efficiently. Its got the open world and "crafting" system as this game as well, with a sprinkle of optional "Kill X of this monster for reward" bullshit. Not to mention stealth kills and a lackluster story. 

Tldr: FFXV is Far Cry with tig ol bitties. 

Dang people are salty about that list. I think nostalgia is clouding a lot of people's minds.. some of the games on the list may not be your type but most of them are great, even if you didn't enjoy them.
Yeah, that list is a bit ridiculous. Some of those games don't belong on a list like that, and some major ones got omitted.

I will say that I'm surprised to see Witcher 3 actually make it, though (even if it's in last place and the only WRPG on the list).
Y'all also have to account for the headline vs. the text of the article. Headline says "best", but the text says "favorite". To me, that means two different things. Going back to the Star Wars analogy, it's pretty well settled that "Empire" is the better movie of the 1st trilogy (nay, of the series), but it's not *my* "favorite", that belongs to "Jedi". Favorite can start to encompass a whole lot of outside factors other than just the story and mechanics. It can be influenced by where you are in life, were you caught in the zeitgeist,

I don't get too caught up in "favorite" lists, as I know my personal favorite list is fluid. Ask me my favorite game and I'm liable to say LoZ (original), SF2 (Turbo), or Tetris depending on which day you ask me. It's a little easier with RPGs as I've played so few (unless you consider Zelda an RPG - a topic for another day). I'd have likely responded P4G or Kingdom Hearts (one; though I think KH2 is mechanically "better" - see what I did there ;)).

There's one fairly large spoiler in that 15 second Cold Steel III commercial. So you've been warned, kinda. Unfortunately the spoiler is the main embed image too. One thing I did notice was [customspoiler=that] Tita is playable in battle with her Orbal Gear. It has a designation number of 003, so I guess it's her MK3 version since Trails in the Sky the 3rd?[/customspoiler]

Also noticed that there were multiple screenshots in the trailer that has shown above 200 CP. I believe I only saw 202 at the highest, but it means you can go above 200 now at least. Also [customspoiler=the] Hunter of Love[/customspoiler] is back, which I think I knew before but it's great to see screenshots of him.

The more they show, the more it looks like they may go with a similar amount of playable characters to Trails in the Sky the 3rd. Though not all likely available at the same time like that game was.

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One Piece Gold Pack PS4/Vita is on sale from $25 to $6.24 during the flash sale.


Characters: Garp,Ceasar, Rob Lucci, Gildo

Alternate Versions (Play differently than their originals): Shanks, Sabo, Law, Zoro, Ace, Donflamingo, Luffy (x3)

Costumes: Multiples for Most Characters

Customizable Huds.

bread's done