Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

You can basically friend any of our members, or any moderator, and you will be able to request to join the community under "Communities friends are in" tab, and a mod will approve your request.

You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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So when do we get this scene with Marie Rose and Honoka?

Wow, these guys have faces of steel. I skimmed through it and they didn't smirk, or laugh, or blush, or pinch a tent once. I don't know if they are desensitized to anime boobies flailing in their faces or they are really good actors.

He watched Love Live though, so he watches important anime at least.
Not gonna lie, I loved it!

Also, new Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax Ignition game announced! For mobile devices. And only for the Chinese Market. Only released in China, Hong Kong, and Macau. Yeah...

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I used to watch anime a lot more often, but nowadays I don't do it as much. (The same could be said about video games)

I've also gotten into the bad habit of starting an anime and then never finishing it, I know I've done that for a few series last season.

Only if the series is one of my favorites will I actually make sure to keep up with it. Like right now I'm making sure to keep up with Fate/Apocrypha.

I miss when I used to have much more free time.... :(

Was really bummed out when IKEA stopped selling those media sized bookcases that are only six inches deep.
Yeah, a lot of the furniture places have started phasing out media storage. I blame the rise of digital media streaming. These days a lot of people are content to make do with streaming subscriptions. But I'll always be a physical collector.

One of my big problems is just lack of space. I got a lot of those media shelves you're talking about when they were still available, and covered one of the walls of my condo with them. But now I've basically run out of walls. My place is not very big to begin with. In order to consolidate my collection, as well as sock away repeat content, I started storing a lot of my older discs in 3-ring binders. When you "break-down" a DVD, it is possible to squeeze it into a much smaller space. The paper inserts and keep-case covers go in a plastic storage tub, and when removed from the keep-case they can squeeze down real tight. The discs go in 8-disc storage pages in a large 3-ring-binder. I can squeeze 200+ discs in one of those things. The old keep-cases go in boxes in the garage. They're quite hardy, and can endure such an environment once the paper elements have been removed. Using this method I basically mothballed all of my old DVDs, most of which were made obsolete by Blu-Rays. A lot of anime got squirreled away this way. Alphabetizing it was quite the chore.

Etrian Odussey stories are all stand alone. EO is a great franchise. Tough but fair and smart combat that expects you to use every single skill point smartly without expecting grind or you to be some autistic total minmaxer.

Breath of fresh air considering the average JRPG barely asks you to think
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Re: Anime

I watch a couple of shows a season at best. Last season I watched Eromanga Sensei and Saekano s2, and this season I'm watching New Game s2 and Aho Girl. I don't watch or care about shounen shit anymore. It was fine when I was 14 and watching new episodes of DBZ every day, but waiting a week for what will obviously be a filler episode of a 100+ episode arc can fuck right off. As for buying anime, I only buy Japanese releases. I hate the presentation and dubs of localized stuff. I don't actually play any of the physical media anyway. I just stick to fansubs and buy the releases for a series I actually care about and want to support. 

Etrian Odussey stories are all stand alone. EO is a great franchise. Tough but fair and smart combat that expects you to use every single skill point smartly without expecting grind or you to be some autistic total minmaxer.
You can grind skill points in EO2. Max, retire, raise level cap by 1, rinse and repeat....... Oh god.

Also, I guess it's pointless to ask if anyone else is enjoying Gamers! then.
It's one of the series I'm looking forward to watching once it's over.

That's kind of my setup now since I binge watch a series in a day or so when I have time after they're finished.

Can't do the weekly thing anymore like Dead Texan mentioned, I lose interest.

Still making my way thru last seasons shows. Just finished watching the Danmachi spinoff & Lefiya can burn in hell for all eternity. :whistle2:

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Super, super quick Wagamama High Spec Impressions:

Wacky, weird, lots of flirting, so many dirty jokes and not really sure what to think of the story. It's alright so far. I'm guessing the Steam version is pretty racy, but i'll see what the 18+ version has later. Got a different route than expected for choices in Wagamama so must have gotten default path i'm guessing. Will give more impressions after my first route down.

:ps4: Superbeat: XONiC $28.74

:ps4: Dragon Quest Heroes II Explorer's Edition $31.92

Yeah, for some reason I never have the patience to sit through anime and just stare at a screen, while text heavy games like Neptunia or visual novels, I can at least fast forward/skip by pressing X. Even for cutscene heavy games like Final Fantasy, I feel like I'm making up "lost time" by playing through it. It's not just anime, I never really watch television shows either, though I love movies. Honestly, if Castlevania wasn't only 4 episodes, I probably wouldn't have watched it either. Most people I think are the other way around, I guess I just lack the patience or have ADD or something. It also doesn't help most anime are subbed, so I can't even do something else while listening to it, and have to pay full attention.

Thanks! I'll definitely look at Hellsing! I've heard it mentioned a lot before, but for some reason I always confuse this with Trigun, I haven't seen either though.

Also, it's possible Castlevania seems so amazing to me since I rarely watch anime, and I tend to have a blast being exposed to things for the 1st time. I watched Love Live like a week ago and thought that was the best thing ever. I also watched the Phantom Menace when I was like 7 years old, before the original Star Wars trilogy, and thought that was the greatest movie ever made. It's only years later I realized what an utter fool I was.

Sadly I have it on PS4, but I do have you added on PS4 though. I've seen you playing No More Heroes, and I remember really loving the art for that game. I gotta try playing it again soon.
Yeah I knew we were PSN pals but wasn't sure if you had an XB1 as well. If I remember correctly you also live fairly close. We gotta organize a NYC cag barcade funtime at some point....

But also yeah, I decided after years of waiting for it it was time for me to play through No More Heroes recently. I'm enjoying it, but I definitely don't find it as good as Lollipop Chainsaw or Killer Is Dead. I like the characters and feel of the world of NMH more than KiD but KiD just had more entertaining gameplay. Lollipop is still my absolute favorite Suda title. Still worth playing, since I know you like those kinds of games.

I have it on XB1, have the season pass, and would be down for playing. My username is draco259, go ahead and add me if you want.
I definitely will add you! I'll pop on Xbox this weekend and add you. I'm Miker525

For those who didn't know, the Persona Super Live 2017 concert event is August 2nd


And we've known at least one new product announcement will be made (Shoji Meguro said as much back in April). A lot of people are thinking an entire P5 anime, which I agree is probably gonna be announced at this event.

Anways, Atlus has had tons of Persona domains registered, like P5A.jp, P5D.jp, PQ2.jp, etc. related to Persona 5 Arena, Persona 5 Dancing, Persona Q 2 and so on, for a few months now.

Well, it ends up they just moved PQ2 to their active websites list, which is what they did a week before Persona 5 was originally announced all those years ago. So I'd say there's a 90% chance PQ2 gets announced also

Source: https://twitter.com/mysticdistance/status/890476680338448385

It makes sense considering Persona 5 Arena is unlikely to come out this year because of that Blazblue Crossover with P4A, UnderNightinBirth, and RWBY. I liked Persona Q because it's based on Etrian Odyssey which, like iPayMSRP mentioned earlier, is challenging with unique combat.

Wut? It takes 6 years to go through elementary school.

Japan, Taiwan, South Korea etc is elementary grades 1-6, middle school 7-9, high school 10-12.

Also, I don't watch that much anime, despite buying a ton. I used to, 15 years ago. Thinking about it, it might have had to do with playing MMOs. Nowadays, I watch 2-3 a year, it seems. The most recent ones I watched was Gate and One Punch Man. Like 3 episodes of Parasyte and 1 episode of AoT S2. That's basically the last 2 years.
even more years for the show then ;) Does preschool and kindergarten not count there or are they separate? granted he's long since out of those.

Happy 10th anniversary (Japanese release) to The World Ends With You, Square Enix's best game imo and one of the best DS games around!

Even though Square Enix and Nomura don't really care about the game one of the lead artists, Gen Kobayashi, cared enough to draw this to celebrate:


Also here's a brand new TWEWY Twister remix for the KH mobile game: https://youtu.be/aI9CCAVJn2g
ooh nice of him to do that. thanks for sharing ^_^

I buy a lot of anime too. Was really bummed out when IKEA stopped selling those media sized bookcases that are only six inches deep. I have limited space and can't find anything with the proper dimensions anymore. So you're stuck using regular bookcases and only get six shelves instead of nine and have to double stack things.
If you have a big lots they sell the 9. I can fit 36 ps2 games on one shelf if I do 2 rows. 20 ds/3ds/psp games. not sure about vita since own 3 physical vita games. they aren't six inches though but I suppose you could always saw it in half and have 2 6 inch book cases if you were crazy enough.

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Is there something wrong with me that I play a lot of JRPGs and such....

And hardly watch any anime?



Make of the dub however you will.

And because of boredom, some random stuff to get you ready for Tokyo Xanadu eX+:



I watch anime, several shows a season. I knew this was going to be a weak season from awhile ago. I watch a bit of every genre, except sports [unless keijo counts].

my interest in video games didn't get me into anime though. I got into it by just stumbling into it on tv one day.
Wagama High Spec impression after 1 route:

First of all thank you game for having the other characters around in a route even if they're not the main characters. You of course get less of them, but they're still around. Also one or two secondary characters is actually important for the route, so that's a nice touch. The story I got was somewhat simple, but it was pretty good for a high school romance. The route took believable twists and turns and sounded like well...school kids in that sometimes they needed to focus on studies, or getting into college or such. I'd think i'd give the story so far maybe a fair 7/10. Nothing special, but not stupid either. Drama came late in the route, and made it super cliche though (I'd seen this twist before at least 2-3 times in novels...). It was a decent route before that happened though.

The graphics are good and the characters are all really cute. The scenes are drawn well and looked pretty high budget for a VN. The skip function is actually pretty slow because the characters change their faces/locations many times as they are talking. The voices are very good and the music is pretty good for the most part. I didn't find either of them grating.

Overall so far it's looking like an average 7/10 VN. Also there are 5 18+ scenes per character with one I think having 6. I honestly don't know how the Steam version handles this, but the route would have felt more shallow without the eroge scenes. They generally were well written and as I said before illustrated well. I'd recommend the 18+ version if you can get it.

I will be purchasing Princess Evangile W later on and give some impressions as well. I'll give my Wagama High Spec final impressions as well when i'm done with all 4 routes.

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Also, I guess it's pointless to ask if anyone else is enjoying Gamers! then.
I typically don't watch much anime but almost exclusively play Japanese games. I've been watching WAY more this season though since I've been more tired/stressed and haven't felt like games when I do finally get home.

personal life ranting explosion in spoiler like it's LiveJournal in here

My roof leak fiasco has escalated far worse than I ever could've imagined.. A $2,000 repair with several callbacks on the workmanship that did nothing finally turned into "fuck this, I'll just replace it for $5,500".

Oh I wish that were the end of it. We can't pull the permit for the work, because turns out this room isn't up to code and shouldn't have counted as square footage (even though it did when I bought the home) and my inspector, nor appraiser thought to mention it.

I'm also in a weird position where I've been taxed on the square footage, but it isn't legal to count it at the same time because the county appraiser and building inspector offices are separate.

Apparently legal action would (most likely) hinge on proving the seller knew what she was doing, and since she bought it as-is from a bank that wasn't required to disclose any code violation she probably didn't and that leaves me as the fucked one since I discovered the problem.

So now I need like 20-30K suddenly to tear it down and rebuild as a proper addition. I can't just leave it because I can't ever sell the home knowing there's a violation.

The money I had saved was meant to be enough to fix all my house and car issues, but now it's not even 1/3 of what I need for one problem. And since we're stuck with only one working car I'm stuck with ~11-12 hour workdays while sharing.


So I'm dead inside for now and anime is my savior to zone out the world while exhausted.

Gamers! is great, I'm really loving it. Fastest Finger First is fun as well.

I'm also finally watching Robotics;Notes, as Crunchyroll just picked it up.

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Just to chime in on the anime discussion, I also barely watch anime.  About 1 show a year, I only keep up on the scene to see if anything comes out I might like and because I enjoy pointless fandom drama.  Really, I just enjoy the tropes of JRPGs more than I enjoy the tropes of anime.  Climbing a big tower, fighting God, and murdering him with a chainsaw; that's what gets me hyped.  Friendship, powerlevels, and Japanese highschool just doesn't do it for me.

Though it might be that every time I get recommended a show I might like I end up disappointed.  Oh you have to watch Soul Eater, oh you have to watch Hunter X Hunter.  And I watch them, and they're great, and then at some point they turn to shit and I'm stuck with 30 more episodes of a show I'm not enjoying anymore because "I gotta see how it ends", but half the time it doesn't end because they're adapting a manga that's still ongoing so I'm doubly disappointed.  At this point, half the shows I do end up watching are adapting from manga I've already read so I know I'll like.

I try to keep hype at a minimum and not tell people that they have to watch anything,. Usually, the show just winds up disappointing them if you do.

I think that people in general should give a little more thought to the shows that they suggest when trying to get somebody else interested in anime.  For example, I would never suggest someone's initial series be something with 50+ episodes like Soul Eater or HxH.  I find that shows around the 26 episode mark are generally the way to go.  The majority of shorter shows throw too much out too fast, and longer shows drag on too long to maintain their interest. 

I think content occasionally gets overlooked too.  Sometimes people lump all of it together into a single genre because that's just how it's been labelled since the days of the "Special Interest" VHS section at Captain Video.  Higurashi, Planetes, Genshiken, and Guin Saga are no more similar than American Horror Story, The Expanse, Big Bang Theory, and Game of Thrones.

Megaman Starforce 4, Legends 3 hype

I wish

Climbing a big tower, fighting God, and murdering him with a chainsaw; that's what gets me hyped.
Oh hey like Persona 3

Friendship, powerlevels, and Japanese highschool just doesn't do it for me.
...also Persona 3 :p

Speaking of which, now a Persona Dancing game is also suspected to get announced, and they had recently asked in a survey if people wanted a Persona 3 rhythm game so that's good

personal life ranting explosion in spoiler like it's LiveJournal in here

My roof leak fiasco has escalated far worse than I ever could've imagined.. A $2,000 repair with several callbacks on the workmanship that did nothing finally turned into "fuck this, I'll just replace it for $5,500".

Oh I wish that were the end of it. We can't pull the permit for the work, because turns out this room isn't up to code and shouldn't have counted as square footage (even though it did when I bought the home) and my inspector, nor appraiser thought to mention it.

I'm also in a weird position where I've been taxed on the square footage, but it isn't legal to count it at the same time because the county appraiser and building inspector offices are separate.

Apparently legal action would (most likely) hinge on proving the seller knew what she was doing, and since she bought it as-is from a bank that wasn't required to disclose any code violation she probably didn't and that leaves me as the fucked one since I discovered the problem.

So now I need like 20-30K suddenly to tear it down and rebuild as a proper addition. I can't just leave it because I can't ever sell the home knowing there's a violation.

The money I had saved was meant to be enough to fix all my house and car issues, but now it's not even 1/3 of what I need for one problem. And since we're stuck with only one working car I'm stuck with ~11-12 hour workdays while sharing.


So I'm dead inside for now and anime is my savior to zone out the world while exhausted.
Sorry to hear, hope things turn around for you, as I know what home repair cost can and will become, as I have a few repairs needed currently, that I'm waiting to get fixed(due to time, money, or both).

I do have a question though, I'm not familiar with with your early roof leak issues, but shouldn't any kind of damage or repair fall under your home owners insurance?

I currently have a leak from a window that needs repair, and the only reason I haven't had it fixed by my insurance, is that the deductible would be more than the repair cost, so not worth it, but if the repair was more the deductible, I would for sure have my home insurance cover the issue.

Didn't know we were opening the can of worms of house repairs. Just spent four k on replacing my broken fence. So fence is no longer broke, I am.
Megaman Starforce 4, Legends 3 hype
I wish

Oh hey like Persona 3

...also Persona 3 :p
I never did finish Persona 3. I appreciated the big tower, but every time I tried to get my climb on my party would get tired and I'd have to take the rest of the week off, or the game would decide that I'd climbed enough before fighting the next boss and I'd have to take the rest of the MONTH off. That's no way to run a dungeon.


Also, still holding out hope for Battle Network Transmission 2.

I never did finish Persona 3. I appreciated the big tower, but every time I tried to get my climb on my party would get tired and I'd have to take the rest of the week off, or the game would decide that I'd climbed enough before fighting the next boss and I'd have to take the rest of the MONTH off. That's no way to run a dungeon.


Also, still holding out hope for Battle Network Transmission 2.
Sounds like someone was neglecting their social life and being the best high school student they could be

Am I really in the minority when it comes to watching anime? I usually watch around 8 - 12 anime a season and always felt it wasn't enough as I usually still had about 10 or so I would put in the back burner that I would wait once it's over and or wait for the Blu-Ray releases.


Wow, these guys have faces of steel. I skimmed through it and they didn't smirk, or laugh, or blush, or pinch a tent once. I don't know if they are desensitized to anime boobies flailing in their faces or they are really good actors.
I watched the video and the guy on the left is a father and jokingly said when his son asks him what game does he work on he replies with Story of Seasons.

Re: Anime

I watch a couple of shows a season at best. Last season I watched Eromanga Sensei and Saekano s2, and this season I'm watching New Game s2 and Aho Girl. I don't watch or care about shounen shit anymore. It was fine when I was 14 and watching new episodes of DBZ every day, but waiting a week for what will obviously be a filler episode of a 100+ episode arc can fuck right off. As for buying anime, I only buy Japanese releases. I hate the presentation and dubs of localized stuff. I don't actually play any of the physical media anyway. I just stick to fansubs and buy the releases for a series I actually care about and want to support.
I still watch some shounen anime but I'm very careful not to deal with a series that will keep being ongoing and never end. I've only ever dropped 2 anime series ever and those were Naruto (quit after the Pain arc) and Bleach (quit after the Aizen arc) as there was no reason to keep dealing with either when I'm reading the manga anyway and watching them do continuous fillers was annoying. I never picked up One Piece but I would've dropped that too since I heard fillers were just as bad on it. Thankfully now in days it doesn't seem as common for a anime series to do the non stop ongoing rhythm unless the company behind it is the one doing the milking (Toei with Dragon Ball Super or Studio Pierrot with Naruto / Boruto) and instead opt for a seasonal version (such as Attack on Titan or Gintama).

I'm enjoying New Game Season 2 and Aho Girl (fan of Hiroyuki's previous series Doujin Work and Mangaka-san)

It's one of the series I'm looking forward to watching once it's over.

That's kind of my setup now since I binge watch a series in a day or so when I have time after they're finished.

Can't do the weekly thing anymore like Dead Texan mentioned, I lose interest.

Still making my way thru last seasons shows. Just finished watching the Danmachi spinoff & Lefiya can burn in hell for all eternity. :whistle2:

I honestly feel this way for this anime season. I haven't been this uninterested in a season for years, but the Fall season looks very promising.

Am I really in the minority when it comes to watching anime? I usually watch around 8 - 12 anime a season and always felt it wasn't enough as I usually still had about 10 or so I would put in the back burner that I would wait once it's over and or wait for the Blu-Ray releases.

I still watch some shounen anime but I'm very careful not to deal with a series that will keep being ongoing and never end. I've only ever dropped 2 anime series ever and those were Naruto (quit after the Pain arc).

Yeah, I thought I was in the minority for not watching much anime, but now I think it's the opposite. In fact, I think I actually watch more anime than most of the other CAGs here. And I've only been watching more now due to the new Digimon series. You, Vic, Squarehard, and Neomonk seem to be the few that actually keep up to date with the new stuff.

I've actually stopped reading Naruto a bit after the pain arc as well. A little bit further though, it was when Kisame got bodied by Guy, and I got pissed off since he was one of my favorite characters, and I just dropped it after that.

Also, I actually agree with that image. I guess when he mentions foreign, it's Western games to us. And the only noticeable, cute female characters are like Aloy, Miranda from Mass Effect 2, the sniper from Killzone, Catwoman, Overwatch waifus, Chloe from Uncharted, Morrigan from Dragon Age, Red from Transistor, and Yennifer/Triss from The Witcher 3. And I guess maybe like Carmella from WWE 2K17 if that counts.

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