Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

You can basically friend any of our members, or any moderator, and you will be able to request to join the community under "Communities friends are in" tab, and a mod will approve your request.

You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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Galak-Z: Variant S launches June 28

Final Fantasy XIV x Monster Hunter World Debuts at Square Enix’s E3 2018 Showcase, Coming Summer 2018


Square Enix and Platinum Games announce Babylon’s Fall for PS4, PC


Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age Edition of Lost time pre-order (Exclusive)


Dragon Quest XI Gets New Trailer During Square Enix Video Showcase


Kingdom Hearts III Square Enix E3 2018 showcase trailer


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Awww yusss.  Got an order in for the DQ11 collector's edition.   It looks really sweet too.  Love the steelbook + (full?) cd soundtrack + hardcover book + cloth map combo.  That's almost an ideal assortment.  

It looks like SE might have re-evaluated their CE pricing strategy too, which pleases me. 

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So one poor choice of VA and you guys completely write off a game? Look past the one voice actor and bad faces - we're going back to the great cuhrazy gameplay and awesome story of the originals.
Mmm, yea? People were put off by Borderlands by Tiny Tina, Bayonetta by Bayonetta, Enslaved by that chick, etc. Those were all aesthetics too.

That was just a lackluster showcase period. I literally kind of stopped watching multiple times during it. Hopefully some more surprises in other conferences/showcases.

Also I didn't mind the accent of the DMC V girl. That's just me...and I was like I'm OK with this.

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Awww yusss. Got an order in for the DQ11 collector's edition. It looks really sweet too. Love the steelbook + (full?) cd soundtrack + hardcover book + cloth map combo. That's almost an ideal assortment.

It looks like SE might have re-evaluated their CE pricing strategy too, which pleases me.
Hmm, I dunno. Seems a tad overpriced to me. I suppose it can be justified if you use some premium pricing for the extras. I'm never a fan of steelbooks, though. It's like GOTY editions... I want all my shit to match, so I just prefer regular cases.

That said... PREORDERED.

Edit: So I did preorder this, but I didn't get an email confirmation. Is that normal? The order shows as open in my account.

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Mmm, yea? People were put off by Borderlands by Tiny Tina, Bayonetta by Bayonetta, Enslaved by that chick, etc. Those were all aesthetics too.
Wait, wut?! I dont recall people complaing about Bayonetta's VA. Guess I was too busy loving the game. Or is this dealing with the second game (no WiiU so didnt play it).

Wait, wut?! I dont recall people complaing about Bayonetta's VA. Guess I was too busy loving the game. Or is this dealing with the second game (no WiiU so didnt play it).
I didn't mean her VA. I meant her style in general. It's still fundamentally, aestetics, like voice is.

Oh okay, I get it. I was just thinking out of all the things people were 'pout-raged' about with Bayonetta, I didnt think voice was included in that. I understand your point now. Thank you.

So glad to be wrong about vesperia remaster.  Amazed they finally went all in and did multiplat for every system outside japan.  They will easily quadruple their sales just via pc alone and now with switch added in to the mix I wouldn't be surprised if every game going forward breaks a million world wide and 750k for na/eu.

Shame that they seem to use Denuvo, but I'll probably grab them at some point anyways. Now they just need to start bringing over Atlus games.

Damn Yakuza on PC, that's wild. I already own them all on PS4 so I'll probably skip them for now but if there are mods or anything cool I may end up picking it up too
Ghost of Tsushima Finally Reveals its Epic Gameplay and Awesome Graphics


Resident Evil 2 Remake Unveiled at PlayStation’s E3 Showcase - launches January 25, 2019


Kingdom Hearts III E3 2018 Pirates of the Caribbean trailer, PS4 Pro limited edition and series All-In-One Package announced


Death Stranding Gets New Trailer Showing First Fantastic Gameplay and Cinematics


Nioh 2 announced for PS4


Sony and From Software announce Deracine for PlayStation VR


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RE2 being over the shoulder killed the hype for me. 

Don't even know what there is to do in Death Stranding going by the trailer they showed today. 

I gotta give it to Sony, so far. So many jaw dropping, absolutely beautiful games.

My only gripe is that I feel like we're not seeing enough AAA titles that have more dynamic art-styles. Just seems like too many titles are focused on realism. I can't deny that these games are downright fucking gorgeous, but I just feel like there's a lack of graphical variety in big budget titles, as of late. I wanna more stuff like Okami.

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I try to not fanboy, but Sony killed it again.  The way they tie music and atmosphere to their exclusives' spotlights does it for me.   That's what makes things memorable.  I really liked the sound design in Death Stranding and Ghosts of Tsushima. 

IDK how I feel about that RE2 trailer. It's one of my favorite games of all time, so I've been patiently waiting for an update and now my response is mixed. On the one hand it certainly looks great visually, but why do Claire and Leon look completely different? Minor character redesigns are fine, but this is pretty drastic. Claire looks to have changed race. Also, not sure, but it also did not sound like Paul Mercier or Alyson Court doing the voices. Over the shoulder camera is fine by me, though.

I went to the E3 experience thing for the Sony press conference, and have to say that Sony definitely drowned out all the noise from the others.

Gave the fans what they wanted and surprised with everything else. It was great. Except for that little CoD map trailer, like wtf--literally no one cared or wanted to hear about it.
Gave the fans what they wanted and surprised with everything else. It was great.
Do fans who go to these things really want to wait around for 20 minutes because the Last of Us banjo presentation needed its own change of venue?

I don't even know why Sony does these things. I appreciated there weren't any 15 minute talking points by some random dev or executive speaking in sales numbers, but the emphasis on presentation is just fucking lame.

Hey guys, here's our new game based in feudal Japan, have a ten minute wooden flute solo by some white guy in cosplay.

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Do fans who go to these things really want to wait around for 20 minutes because the Last of Us banjo presentation needed its own change of venue?

I don't even know why Sony does these things. I appreciated there weren't any 15 minute talking points by some random dev or executive speaking in sales numbers, but the emphasis on presentation is just fucking lame.

Hey guys, here's our new game based in feudal Japan, have a ten minute wooden flute solo by some white guy in cosplay.
The church tent presentation matched the church tent theme in the TLOU2 trailer.

I went to the E3 experience thing for the Sony press conference, and have to say that Sony definitely drowned out all the noise from the others.

Gave the fans what they wanted and surprised with everything else. It was great. Except for that little CoD map trailer, like wtf--literally no one cared or wanted to hear about it.
I went too and yeah, our crowd in NYC was super loud and had like mixed feelings. Every time the music performance came on, and during the intermission, people were booing like crazy. But once there was a cool announcement, the whole crowd was completely silent for the gameplay trailers, and cheered super loudly at the end.


Awww yusss. Got an order in for the DQ11 collector's edition. It looks really sweet too. Love the steelbook + (full?) cd soundtrack + hardcover book + cloth map combo. That's almost an ideal assortment.

It looks like SE might have re-evaluated their CE pricing strategy too, which pleases me.

I usually don't buy collector's editions but I'm pretty tempted by this to show full support for the series.

Nioh 2 is a nice surprise since Nioh was only behind Breath of the Wild for my GOTY last year. Fist of the North Star from the Yakuza devs? Count me in.

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Do fans who go to these things really want to wait around for 20 minutes because the Last of Us banjo presentation needed its own change of venue?

I don't even know why Sony does these things. I appreciated there weren't any 15 minute talking points by some random dev or executive speaking in sales numbers, but the emphasis on presentation is just fucking lame.

Hey guys, here's our new game based in feudal Japan, have a ten minute wooden flute solo by some white guy in cosplay.
Spot on review^

Yeah, I didn't care for Sony's show at all this year, those music interludes sucked for me and seemed very pointless, outside of killing time of course. LOL I liked how MS trimmed the fat this year, and just showed mostly games back to back. While Sony seemed to opt for more or less giving outside stimulus that for me really didn't enhance the games being shown, and just made me want to stop watching their showcase.

Normally my son is all things E3, as this is all pretty new to him. I've been going to trade shows since the early 90's at Winter CES, all the way up to my last E3 in 2005. So I've seen it it all over the years, and even my son was like WTF is this? I pointed out to him how the Last of Us matched the scene in the game, and while it was a "ahh" moment, he didn't care about it anymore or less because of that.

Sadly I have to be at court today for a traffic ticket, so I'll be missing "N" show, but based on what has been shown this year, I probably won't be missing much(but I hope they offer some surprises).

bread's done