Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

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You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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I was tempted to buy Root Letter from VGP, but game.co.uk has the superior limited edition without a ridiculous price (but still higher than VGP). I think I'll just wait until the standard edition is discounted though.
I just looked theirs up, the only difference is the box right? How did it arrive, was the packaging good?

I think I would still go with VGP, as all I want is the art book, and a box is no big deal to me, especially if there is a chance it arrives damaged from overseas.

. VGP has been good to me and Root Letter has free shipping as well.
VGP has been great to me as well. Very pleased with the few transactions I have done with them. Too bad I don't import often as they would definitely get more of my business.

Compile Heart launches ‘Guns X Beautiful Girls’ new title countdown website
Come on Compile Heart give us more Waifu Shooters.

>tfw this used to be a joke but has become more of a reality year by year.


Sorry, kind of late but had to pay homage to the Titty Master.

But that's not Christian.


Meh, my Valkyrie Drive Liberator's Edition showed up in the mail. Rice Digital doesn't understand how to make collectors editions, the "Liberator's Edition" is a sealed box of random extras, with a normal retail copy of the game tossed on top of it. Maybe I'm OCD, but if the extras and the game aren't packaged together, it isn't any sort of edition. It's just bonus stuff, no better than preorder freebies, which have no relevance to the completeness of the game.

I'm done with Rice Digital now. They're way overpriced, and reliably deliver crap.
I agree with this sentiment. "packaged along with normal retail copy of game" is a lousy way to get a special edition of something and a horrible practice. This may have started way before but the earliest example of this in recent memory is the Natural Doctrine LE, which was just a a messenger bag that came alongside the retail copy.


I agree with this sentiment. "packaged along with normal retail copy of game" is a lousy way to get a special edition of something and a horrible practice. This may have started way before but the earliest example of this in recent memory is the Natural Doctrine LE, which was just a a messenger bag that came alongside the retail copy.

Thank you! I was thinking the same thing when I got it. I either want the game in a Limited Edition Box or just the game, not a "goodies" box with the regular game. That's a Limited Edition extras box, not a Limited Edition game.

Any word on Wild Guns for PS4? I'd rather not order this from PlayAsia, but I can't seem to get a straight answer as to whether or not it's an exclusive.

Meh, my Valkyrie Drive Liberator's Edition showed up in the mail. Rice Digital doesn't understand how to make collectors editions, the "Liberator's Edition" is a sealed box of random extras, with a normal retail copy of the game tossed on top of it. Maybe I'm OCD, but if the extras and the game aren't packaged together, it isn't any sort of edition. It's just bonus stuff, no better than preorder freebies, which have no relevance to the completeness of the game.

I'm done with Rice Digital now. They're way overpriced, and reliably deliver crap.
Yea I was a bit disappointed in that.

Is the Gal Gun Mr. Happiness edition the same way? Or is the game packed in?

example of this in recent memory is the Natural Doctrine LE, which was just a a messenger bag that came alongside the retail copy.

I got that, lame. However IIRC my game was tucked inside the messenger bag, and I left the simple taped closed plastic bag on the messenger bag unopened so I have a sealed LE...

If my memory is faulty and the game wasn't in the messenger bag, the Vita game has parted from it and is lost in my backlog, never to be found again

Yea I was a bit disappointed in that.

Is the Gal Gun Mr. Happiness edition the same way? Or is the game packed in?
I skipped that, but complaints about the Mr. Happiness edition might be why they're packaging differently now? Everything was tossed in a beyond oversized box, taller/wider than many console boxes, probably the biggest game box aside from Steel Battalion. Everything was just tossed in the box with an inadequate amount of loose brown paper crumpled up and tossed in to try and prevent movement. Then the oversized flimsy artbox was shipped out without padding in a form fitting flimsy cardboard box. Most copies would've arrived damaged. Look up some unboxing videos and be glad you didn't order it.

Know I'm like a year late, but holy crap  Xenoverse 1 one of the grindiest games I have played this year.....

Just need 2 more skills and like 10 Dragon Balls for the platinum. Was always wondering why the 100% completion rate was so low for it

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Know I'm like a year late, but holy crap Xenoverse 1 one of the grindiest games I have played this year.....

Just need 2 more skills and like 10 Dragon Balls for the platinum. Was always wondering why the 100% completion rate was so low for it
I thought it would be a fun diversion since I'm 80% of the way to the plat in DS3 and yes you are right it is absurd. I'm just playing through it and dumping it.

I thought it would be a fun diversion since I'm 80% of the way to the plat in DS3 and yes you are right it is absurd. I'm just playing through it and dumping it.
Still need those exact 2 same skills 2 hours later lol. I'm not exactly sure how the drop rates/rng works in this game, but its fucking bullshit.....20+ runs of the same mission and neither have dropped yet.

This is Monster Hunter/God Eater/Toukiden level grinding, in a fucking DBZ fighting game......I want to know who decided this was a smart feature and slap them

EDIT: Figures right as I post this I get one of the 2 skills. Watch the last one take the rest of the night to earn.....then the Dragon Balls take a whole extra day

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Sombra Officially Revealed in Overwatch: Animated Short & Origin Story.
I think the more interesting news is that they're making Quick Play have a 1-Hero Limit. Then they're turning Brawl into Arcade which gives you:


Plus you get a loot box for winning three times in arcade, up to three times a week. Not entirely sure if it's any mode or just specific ones that changes weekly. Hopefully for any so I can just use Mystery Heroes. Also new map in December and a new Arcade-only map coming in next weeks PTR with Sombra and the Arcade change.

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I haven't cared about Overwatch in so long but quick play 1 hero limit might bring me back. Think I haven't played since....August or something. Was right after the summer games loot box thing.

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I haven't cared about Overwatch lately either but I go nuts for it every time they have a seasonal event and release new skins.   The 3k price tag on the last ones were BS.  They responded to people saying they were told that "all skins were going to be available for purchase" and then they just made everything 3x as expensive.  The worst part is that I am actually spending money on microtransactions for the second time in my life, when philosophically I believe that to be a huge no-no. 

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Know I'm like a year late, but holy crap Xenoverse 1 one of the grindiest games I have played this year.....
I was so disappointed with Xenoverse and the grinding was one of the reasons (among many). Had a heck of a time with the online servers for that game too...though I'd assume they fixed that by now.

I think the more interesting news is that they're making Quick Play have a 1-Hero Limit. Then they're turning Brawl into Arcade which gives you:


Plus you get a loot box for winning three times in arcade, up to three times a week. Not entirely sure if it's any mode or just specific ones that changes weekly. Hopefully for any so I can just use Mystery Heroes. Also new map in December and a new Arcade-only map coming in next weeks PTR with Sombra and the Arcade change.
Guess I'll be exiting matches when someone claims D.Va or Tracer since they're all I practically use. Thanks Obama Blizzard!

I already got the Witch Mercy skin, but they couldn't have had this for the Halloween event could they...?
I heard they're changing the leveling up system so that after you pass Level 99 you can no longer go through Levels 1 - 23 during the reset process as quickly as before thus resulting in no quick Loot Boxes.

I heard they're changing the leveling up system so that after you pass Level 99 you can no longer go through Levels 1 - 23 during the reset process as quickly as before thus resulting in no quick Loot Boxes.
That really is bullshit. I'm already at lvl 250ish, but it's still such a greedy scumbag of a move.

I hope Trump vetoes this on Wednesday

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I'm completely fine with Overwatch's DLC model. I didn't spend a single penny during the Halloween event and got all but 2 or 3 skins that I didn't really care about.

I understand why event stuff is 3 times more expensive. I mean, you can really just save up all your gold until these special events so you have plenty to spare when they come around. In the end, they do need to make SOME money off DLC.

Waiting for Reindeer D.Va and Ms. Clause Mercy.

I remember winning a game with a 5 man Zenyatta team on offense. It was incredibly funny, esp when we won. 5 team Lucio was also funny.

I'm completely fine with Overwatch's DLC model. I didn't spend a single penny during the Halloween event and got all but 2 or 3 skins that I didn't really care about.

I understand why event stuff is 3 times more expensive. I mean, you can really just save up all your gold until these special events so you have plenty to spare when they come around. In the end, they do need to make SOME money off DLC.
Still its a bit screwed they are talking about changing the leveling system like the previous person said.

I think I spent like 120$ on the Summer game boxes and still ended up missing out on Mercy's spray and like 2 icons. I'm not planning on doing that again. And this Halloween set took me like 10k Gold ontop of all the lootboxes I earned to get everything (Aside from some Profile Icons, because fuck buying loot boxes again)

I'm completely fine with Overwatch's DLC model. I didn't spend a single penny during the Halloween event and got all but 2 or 3 skins that I didn't really care about.

I understand why event stuff is 3 times more expensive. I mean, you can really just save up all your gold until these special events so you have plenty to spare when they come around. In the end, they do need to make SOME money off DLC.
I think the Fall/Winter events will be the worst for this if they actually have all of them. You have Halloween -> Thanksgiving -> Hanukkah/Christmas -> New Years (Maybe?) that are literally almost back-to-back. If you spend 3k on one costume for an earlier one, it can potentially really hurt you in the future ones unless you play a good amount before it. Otherwise the only people getting screwed on the 3k cost are those who can't play much and those who spend money to buy up all the normal stuff.

From my own experiences, I'd guess that I opened around 50 boxes each for the Olympic event and the Halloween event. I got pretty much everything I wanted, but one thing in each. Those would be Eidgenossin Mercy (Olympic Red Skin) and Junkenstein (Halloween). I also have 6k credits so I could have bought Junkenstein, however I don't really use him all that much so I figured I'd better hold off because of the amount of events that can potentially crop up around this time of year. On the other hand if I could've purchased that Mercy skin for the Summer games at 3x the price I would have because Mercy is one of my most used characters and it's a very appealing skin (Plus it wasn't even a Legendary skin). Now I just get angry every time I don't pick Mercy and see one in my game wearing it because I couldn't do shit to get it unless I bought into the boxes.

I doubt it would be so bad if duplicates weren't a thing though. For event items at the very least. Pretty sure I got the same Lucio skin 3 or 4 times in the Olympic event. I also got Witch Mercy like 3 or 4 times in the 50'ish boxes for the Halloween event. That really annoys me as well.

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I had no issue getting all the Halloween costumes with just playing normally. I think I used 8 pumpkin pales.
And ya, i normally only play now if there's a seasonal event thing going on.
I had no issue getting all the Halloween costumes with just playing normally. I think I used 8 pumpkin pales.
And ya, i normally only play now if there's a seasonal event thing going on.
Do you mean you got all the costumes you wanted from 8 boxes or all 4 legendaries? If it's the latter, you have some crazy luck, it took me at least 30 boxes to get 2. The duplicates of legendaries also don't give 3x the coins, which is understandable but irked me.

Can't wait for Santa's sexy little helper Mercy though.
Ya i got most Halloween legendary costumes from like 8 pumpkins , usually 2 costumes in one shot or nothing. I didn't get mercy or the dynamite guy thou because i decided to save some crates for what Christmas might have.
My favorite being the Frankenstein roadhog & pumpkin grim reaper dude. Also
It's pretty amazing that most of our thread here plays Overwatch.  Glad to see that I'm not the only one that is hooked on acquiring these skins.   I would be ashamed to admit how much money I have spent buying loot boxes though.  I simply had to have all of the Olympics costumes and I bought boxes again until I had Junkenstein's monster.  What will be truly sad is if these same skins pop up again next Halloween.  With the Olympics I knew they'd never be coming back so it was an easy decision.  Some of those skins are just fantastic:  Korean D.Va, Swiss Mercy,  JP Genji,  American McCree, Brazilian Lucio, UK Tracer were all must-haves!  I bought so many damned boxes during this event that I got Mercy and Lucio skins 10-12x before finally getting McCree.   Huge financial mistake.  Then I went back to the well again last month.  Like I said, should be totally ashamed of myself.  My two IRL friends stopped playing though so I haven't had anyone to group with on PC.

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It's pretty amazing that most of our thread here plays Overwatch. Glad to see that I'm not the only one that is hooked on acquiring these skins. I would be ashamed to admit how much money I have spent buying loot boxes though. I simply had to have all of the Olympics costumes and I bought boxes again until I had Junkenstein's monster. What will be truly sad is if these same skins pop up again next Halloween. With the Olympics I knew they'd never be coming back so it was an easy decision. Some of those skins are just fantastic: Korean D.Va, Swiss Mercy, JP Genji, American McCree, Brazilian Lucio, UK Tracer were all must-haves! I bought so many damned boxes during this event that I got Mercy and Lucio skins 10-12x before finally getting McCree. Huge financial mistake. Then I went back to the well again last month. Like I said, should be totally ashamed of myself. My two IRL friends stopped playing though so I haven't had anyone to group with on PC.
Sorry to continue to add to the OW heat, but this thread is cursed to go off track.

Just want to mention that you are right, I actually think almost all the regulars here play Overwatch. There's an OW Ps4 community with Thatguy, Olengie, Draco, Edjericho, Midori, and a few others. I know for sure, you, Pheria, Draekon, Nitrosmob, Neomonk, Vic, Wiggles, Texan, and August play on PC. I'm gonna guess Snake, Lakers, Davey, Supplice and Whoknows have tried it at one point. Am I missing anyone? Sorry if I did.

I wouldn't want the previous exclusive items to reappear, but I guess I wouldn't mind if others who missed them had another chance. There's gonna be a ton though if they do this every big holiday, so I don't know how I'm gonna manage getting all the Mercy ones. 2 for 2 though.

I don't play overwatch. :0
Then again I'm also that weirdo niche Japanese game fan that plays mainly on Xbox and thinks the Wii U has a decent library of games.
I stopped playing Overwatch to play Battlefield 1. Lul

I want Chinese New Years skins tbh
Shuumatsu no Izetta has really been making me want to get Battlefield 1 sooner rather than later. Now if only it were possible to play a Mahou Shoujo in that game and do all of this, hell she could even be one of the Behemoth that turns the tide for the losing team.



Been playing OW since Beta quite religiously & I've spent $0 on loot boxes. 

Sure there's a ton of skins I WISH I had, but it doesn't stop me from constantly reminding you It's High Noon!

Shuumatsu no Izetta has really been making me want to get Battlefield 1 sooner rather than later. Now if only it were possible to play a Mahou Shoujo in that game and do all of this, hell she could even be one of the Behemoth that turns the tide for the losing team.
What if I were to say that I just bought Battlefield 1? Would that entice you to buy it too? Only $34 at Target.


bread's done